unsigned int gMask;
+ int width;
+ int height;
// 14 byte/px
// 14 megabyte @ 1024x1024
GBuffer(int window_width, int window_height) {
+ this->width = window_width;
+ this->height = window_height;
glGenFramebuffers(1, &this->gBuffer);
glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, this->gBuffer);
void Bind() {
+ glViewport(0, 0, this->width, this->height);
glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, this->gBuffer ); //Set as active draw target
static void Unbind() {
+ glViewport(0, 0, 1024, 1024);
glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0); //Revert to default framebuffer
~GBuffer() {
unsigned int gMask;
+ int width;
+ int height;
// 14 byte/px
// 14 megabyte @ 1024x1024
MBuffer(int window_width, int window_height) {
+ this->width = window_width;
+ this->height = window_height;
glGenFramebuffers(1, &this->gBuffer);
glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, this->gBuffer);
void Bind() {
+ glViewport(0, 0, this->width, this->height);
glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, this->gBuffer); //Set as active draw target
static void Unbind() {
+ glViewport(0, 0, 1024, 1024);
glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0); //Revert to default framebuffer
~MBuffer() {
glDeleteFramebuffers(1, &this->gBuffer);
+/* Basic frame buffer for compositing */
+class FBuffer {
+ unsigned int gBuffer;
+ unsigned int rBuffer;
+ unsigned int gColor;
+ int width;
+ int height;
+ // 14 byte/px
+ // 14 megabyte @ 1024x1024
+ FBuffer(int window_width, int window_height) {
+ this->width = window_width;
+ this->height = window_height;
+ glGenFramebuffers(1, &this->gBuffer);
+ glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, this->gBuffer);
+ // Position buffer float16 (48bpp)
+ glGenTextures(1, &this->gColor);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, this->gColor);
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA8, window_width, window_height, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, NULL);
+ glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, this->gColor, 0);
+ // Announce attachments
+ unsigned int attachments[1] = {
+ };
+ glDrawBuffers(1, attachments);
+ // Create and test render buffer
+ glGenRenderbuffers(1, &this->rBuffer);
+ glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, this->rBuffer);
+ glRenderbufferStorage(GL_RENDERBUFFER, GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8, window_width, window_height);
+ glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, 0);
+ if (glCheckFramebufferStatus(GL_FRAMEBUFFER) != GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE)
+ std::cout << "ERROR::FRAMEBUFFER:: Framebuffer is not complete!" << std::endl;
+ }
+ /*
+ void BindRTtoTexSlot(int slot = 0) {
+ glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + slot);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, this->gBuffer);
+ glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0);
+ }*/
+ void BindRTToTexSlot(int slot = 0) {
+ glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + slot);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, this->gColor);
+ glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0);
+ }
+ void Bind() {
+ glViewport(0, 0, this->width, this->height);
+ glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, this->gBuffer); //Set as active draw target
+ }
+ static void Unbind() {
+ glViewport(0, 0, 1024, 1024);
+ glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0); //Revert to default framebuffer
+ }
+ ~FBuffer() {
+ glDeleteFramebuffers(1, &this->gBuffer);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
<None Include="shaders\gBuffer.vs" />
<None Include="shaders\iBuffer.fs" />
<None Include="shaders\ss_comp_main.fso" />
+ <None Include="shaders\ss_comp_multilayer_blend.fs" />
+ <None Include="shaders\ss_comp_multilayer_finalstage.fs" />
+ <None Include="shaders\ss_fxaa.fs" />
+ <None Include="shaders\ss_msaa.fs" />
<None Include="shaders\ss_precomp_objectives.fs" />
<None Include="shaders\ss_precomp_playspace.fs" />
<None Include="shaders\textfont.fs" />
<None Include="shaders\ss_comp_main.fso">
<Filter>OpenGL\Shader Files</Filter>
+ <None Include="shaders\ss_comp_multilayer_blend.fs">
+ <Filter>OpenGL\Shader Files</Filter>
+ </None>
+ <None Include="shaders\ss_comp_multilayer_finalstage.fs">
+ <Filter>OpenGL\Shader Files</Filter>
+ </None>
+ <None Include="shaders\ss_fxaa.fs">
+ <Filter>OpenGL\Shader Files</Filter>
+ </None>
+ <None Include="shaders\ss_msaa.fs">
+ <Filter>OpenGL\Shader Files</Filter>
+ </None>
<Image Include="fonts\dina-r.png">
void setMatrix(const std::string &name, glm::mat4 matrix) const;
void setVec3(const std::string &name, glm::vec3 vector) const;
+ void setVec2(const std::string& name, glm::vec2 vector) const;
void setVec3(const std::string &name, float v1, float v2, float v3) const;
void setVec4(const std::string &name, float v1, float v2, float v3, float v4) const;
void setVec4(const std::string &name, glm::vec4 vector) const;
+void Shader::setVec2(const std::string& name, glm::vec2 vector) const
+ glUniform2fv(glGetUniformLocation(this->programID, name.c_str()),
+ 1,
+ glm::value_ptr(vector));
void Shader::setVec3(const std::string &name, glm::vec3 vector) const
glUniform3fv(glGetUniformLocation(this->programID, name.c_str()),
+#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define __max(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define __min(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
-#pragma once
#pragma pack(push, 1)
#define DDS_MAGICNUM 0x20534444;
imageData: Pointer to image data
compressedSize: Pointer to final data size
- output.write((char*)imageData, final_image_size);
+ for (int row = 0; row < h; row++) {
+ output.write((char*)imageData + (final_image_size - (row * w * 3)), w * 3);
+ }
#include "GradientMap.hpp"
#include "SSAOKernel.hpp"
#include "tar_config.hpp"
+#include "dds.hpp"
-std::string m_game_path = "D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Global Offensive/csgo";
+#include "cxxopts.hpp"
-void render_config(tar_config_layer layer);
+#include "stb_image_write.h"
-glm::mat4 g_mat4_viewm;
-glm::mat4 g_mat4_projm;
+#define TAR_MAX_LAYERS 5
+std::string g_game_path = "D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Global Offensive/csgo";
+std::string g_mapfile_path = "sample_stuff/de_tavr_test";
+std::string g_mapname;
+std::string g_mapfile_name;
+std::string g_folder_overviews;
+std::string g_folder_resources;
+bool g_onlyMasks = false;
+bool g_Masks = false;
+void render_config(tar_config_layer layer, const std::string& layerName, FBuffer* drawTarget = NULL);
+//glm::mat4 g_mat4_viewm;
+//glm::mat4 g_mat4_projm;
Shader* g_shader_gBuffer;
Shader* g_shader_iBuffer;
Shader* g_shader_comp;
+Shader* g_shader_multilayer_blend;
+Shader* g_shader_multilayer_final;
+Shader* g_shader_fxaa;
+Shader* g_shader_msaa;
GBuffer* g_gbuffer;
GBuffer* g_gbuffer_clean;
MBuffer* g_mask_playspace;
MBuffer* g_mask_buyzone;
MBuffer* g_mask_objectives;
+FBuffer* g_fbuffer_generic;
+FBuffer* g_fbuffer_generic1;
vmf* g_vmf_file;
tar_config* g_tar_config;
-BoundingBox g_vmf_info_bounds;
Mesh* g_mesh_screen_quad;
Texture* g_texture_background;
std::vector<glm::vec3> g_ssao_samples;
Texture* g_ssao_rotations;
-int main(){
+uint32_t g_renderWidth = 1024;
+uint32_t g_renderHeight = 1024;
+uint32_t g_msaa_mul = 1;
+void render_to_png(int x, int y, const char* filepath);
+void save_to_dds(int x, int y, const char* filepath, IMG imgmode = IMG::MODE_DXT1);
+#define __DEBUG
+int app(int argc, const char** argv) {
+#ifndef _DEBUG
+#pragma region cxxopts
+ cxxopts::Options options("AutoRadar", "Auto radar");
+ options.add_options()
+ ("v,version", "Shows the software version")
+ ("g,game", "(REQUIRED) Specify game path", cxxopts::value<std::string>()->default_value(""))
+ ("m,mapfile", "(REQUIRED) Specify the map file (vmf)", cxxopts::value<std::string>()->default_value(""))
+ ("d,dumpMasks", "Toggles whether auto radar should output mask images (resources/map_file.resources/)")
+ ("o,onlyMasks", "Specift whether auto radar should only output mask images and do nothing else (resources/map_file.resources)")
+ ("positional", "Positional parameters", cxxopts::value<std::vector<std::string>>());
+ options.parse_positional("positional");
+ auto result = options.parse(argc, argv);
+ /* Check required parameters */
+ if (result.count("game")) g_game_path = sutil::ReplaceAll(result["game"].as<std::string>(), "\n", "");
+ else throw cxxopts::option_required_exception("game");
+ if (result.count("mapfile")) g_mapfile_path = result["mapfile"].as<std::string>();
+ else if (result.count("positional")) {
+ auto& positional = result["positional"].as<std::vector<std::string>>();
+ g_mapfile_path = sutil::ReplaceAll(positional[0], "\n", "");
+ }
+ else throw cxxopts::option_required_exception("mapfile"); // We need a map file
+ //Clean paths to what we can deal with
+ g_mapfile_path = sutil::ReplaceAll(g_mapfile_path, "\\", "/");
+ g_game_path = sutil::ReplaceAll(g_game_path, "\\", "/");
+ /* Check the rest of the flags */
+ g_onlyMasks = result["onlyMasks"].as<bool>();
+ g_Masks = result["dumpMasks"].as<bool>() || g_onlyMasks;
+ /* Render options */
+ //m_renderWidth = result["width"].as<uint32_t>();
+ //m_renderHeight = result["height"].as<uint32_t>();
+#pragma endregion
+ g_mapfile_name = split(g_mapfile_path, '/').back();
+ g_folder_overviews = g_game_path + "/resource/overviews/";
+ g_folder_resources = g_folder_overviews + g_mapfile_name + ".resources/";
#pragma region opengl_setup
- //glfwWindowHint(GLFW_VISIBLE, GL_FALSE);
+ glfwWindowHint(GLFW_VISIBLE, GL_FALSE);
- GLFWwindow* window = glfwCreateWindow(1024, 1024, "Ceci n'est pas une window", NULL, NULL);
+ GLFWwindow* window = glfwCreateWindow(g_renderWidth, g_renderHeight, "Ceci n'est pas une window", NULL, NULL);
if (window == NULL) {
printf("GLFW died\n");
printf("(required: min core 3.3.0) opengl version: %s\n", glver);
#pragma endregion
- vfilesys* filesys = new vfilesys(m_game_path + "/gameinfo.txt");
+ vfilesys* filesys = new vfilesys(g_game_path + "/gameinfo.txt");
- g_vmf_file = vmf::from_file("sample_stuff/de_tavr_test.vmf");
+ g_vmf_file = vmf::from_file(g_mapfile_path + ".vmf");
g_tar_config = new tar_config(g_vmf_file);
- g_vmf_info_bounds = g_vmf_file->getVisgroupBounds(g_tar_config->m_visgroup_layout);
#pragma region opengl_extra
g_mesh_screen_quad = new Mesh(__meshData, MeshMode::SCREEN_SPACE_UV);
// Set up shaders
- g_shader_gBuffer = new Shader("shaders/gBuffer.vs", "shaders/gBuffer.fs");
- g_shader_iBuffer = new Shader("shaders/gBuffer.vs", "shaders/iBuffer.fs");
- g_shader_comp = new Shader("shaders/fullscreenbase.vs", "shaders/fullscreenbase.fs");
+ g_shader_gBuffer = new Shader("shaders/gBuffer.vs", "shaders/gBuffer.fs");
+ g_shader_iBuffer = new Shader("shaders/gBuffer.vs", "shaders/iBuffer.fs");
+ g_shader_comp = new Shader("shaders/fullscreenbase.vs", "shaders/fullscreenbase.fs");
+ g_shader_multilayer_blend = new Shader("shaders/fullscreenbase.vs", "shaders/ss_comp_multilayer_blend.fs");
+ g_shader_multilayer_final = new Shader("shaders/fullscreenbase.vs", "shaders/ss_comp_multilayer_finalstage.fs");
+ g_shader_fxaa = new Shader("shaders/fullscreenbase.vs", "shaders/ss_fxaa.fs");
+ g_shader_msaa = new Shader("shaders/fullscreenbase.vs", "shaders/ss_msaa.fs");
+ if(g_tar_config->m_sampling_mode == sampling_mode::MSAA4x ||
+ g_tar_config->m_sampling_mode == sampling_mode::MSAA16x)
+ g_msaa_mul = g_tar_config->m_sampling_mode;
// Set up draw buffers
- g_mask_playspace = new MBuffer(1024, 1024);
- g_mask_objectives = new MBuffer(1024, 1024);
- g_mask_buyzone = new MBuffer(1024, 1024);
- g_gbuffer = new GBuffer(1024, 1024);
- g_gbuffer_clean = new GBuffer(1024, 1024);
+ g_mask_playspace = new MBuffer(g_renderWidth * g_msaa_mul, g_renderHeight * g_msaa_mul);
+ g_mask_objectives = new MBuffer(g_renderWidth * g_msaa_mul, g_renderHeight * g_msaa_mul);
+ g_mask_buyzone = new MBuffer(g_renderWidth * g_msaa_mul, g_renderHeight * g_msaa_mul);
+ g_gbuffer = new GBuffer(g_renderWidth * g_msaa_mul, g_renderHeight * g_msaa_mul);
+ g_gbuffer_clean = new GBuffer(g_renderWidth * g_msaa_mul, g_renderHeight * g_msaa_mul);
+ g_fbuffer_generic = new FBuffer(g_renderWidth * g_msaa_mul, g_renderHeight * g_msaa_mul);
+ g_fbuffer_generic1 =new FBuffer(g_renderWidth * g_msaa_mul, g_renderHeight * g_msaa_mul);
// Setup camera projection matrices
- g_mat4_projm = glm::ortho(-2000.0f, 2000.0f, -2000.0f, 2000.0f, -1024.0f, 1024.0f);
- g_mat4_viewm = glm::lookAt(glm::vec3(0, 0, 0), glm::vec3(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f), glm::vec3(0, 0, 1));
+ //g_mat4_projm = glm::ortho(-2000.0f, 2000.0f, -2000.0f, 2000.0f, -1024.0f, 1024.0f);
+ //g_mat4_viewm = glm::lookAt(glm::vec3(0, 0, 0), glm::vec3(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f), glm::vec3(0, 0, 1));
// Load textures
g_texture_background = g_tar_config->m_texture_background;//new Texture("textures/grid.png");
- std::vector<entity*> configs = g_vmf_file->get_entities_by_classname("tar_config");
+#pragma endregion
+#pragma region render
+ std::map<tar_config_layer*, FBuffer*> _flayers;
+ // Render all map segments
+ int c = 0;
+ for (auto && layer : g_tar_config->layers){
+ _flayers.insert({ &layer, new FBuffer(g_renderWidth, g_renderHeight) });
+ render_config(layer, "layer" + std::to_string(c++) + ".png", _flayers[&layer]);
+ }
+ // Render out everything so we got acess to G Buffer info in final composite
+ if(g_tar_config->layers.size() > 1) render_config(tar_config_layer(), "layerx.png", NULL);
+ GBuffer::Unbind();
+ glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBlendEquation(GL_FUNC_ADD);
+ ///g_gbuffer->BindPositionBufferToTexSlot(0);
+ ///g_shader_multilayer_blend->setInt("gbuffer_position", 0);
+ int i = 0;
+ for (auto && megalayer : g_tar_config->layers){
+ g_fbuffer_generic->Bind();
+ glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+ g_shader_multilayer_blend->use();
+ g_shader_multilayer_blend->setInt("tex_layer", 1);
+ g_shader_multilayer_blend->setFloat("saturation", 0.1f);
+ g_shader_multilayer_blend->setFloat("value", 0.3f);
+ for(int x = 0; x < g_tar_config->layers.size(); x++)
+ {
+ tar_config_layer* l = &g_tar_config->layers[g_tar_config->layers.size() - x - 1];
+ if (l == &megalayer) continue;
+ _flayers[l]->BindRTToTexSlot(1);
+ g_mesh_screen_quad->Draw();
+ }
+ g_shader_multilayer_blend->setFloat("saturation", 1.0f);
+ g_shader_multilayer_blend->setFloat("value", 1.0f);
+ _flayers[&megalayer]->BindRTToTexSlot(1);
+ g_mesh_screen_quad->Draw();
+ FBuffer::Unbind();
+ g_fbuffer_generic1->Bind();
+ g_shader_multilayer_final->use();
+ g_shader_multilayer_final->setFloat("blend_outline", g_tar_config->m_outline_enable? 1.0f:0.0f);
+ g_shader_multilayer_final->setVec4("color_outline", g_tar_config->m_color_outline);
+ g_shader_multilayer_final->setInt("outline_width", g_tar_config->m_outline_width * g_msaa_mul);
+ g_tar_config->m_texture_background->bindOnSlot(0);
+ g_shader_multilayer_final->setInt("tex_background", 0);
+ g_fbuffer_generic->BindRTToTexSlot(1);
+ g_shader_multilayer_final->setInt("tex_layer", 1);
+ g_mesh_screen_quad->Draw();
+ // Apply FXAA
+ if (g_tar_config->m_sampling_mode == sampling_mode::FXAA) {
+ FBuffer::Unbind();
+ g_shader_fxaa->use();
+ g_shader_fxaa->setInt("sampler0", 0);
+ g_shader_fxaa->setVec2("resolution", glm::vec2(g_renderWidth, g_renderHeight));
+ g_fbuffer_generic1->BindRTToTexSlot(0);
+ g_mesh_screen_quad->Draw();
+ }
+ else if (g_tar_config->m_sampling_mode == sampling_mode::MSAA16x
+ || g_tar_config->m_sampling_mode == sampling_mode::MSAA4x)
+ {
+ FBuffer::Unbind();
+ g_shader_msaa->use();
+ g_shader_msaa->setInt("sampler0", 0);
+ g_fbuffer_generic1->BindRTToTexSlot(0);
+ g_mesh_screen_quad->Draw();
+ }
+ // final composite
+ //render_to_png(1024, 1024, ("comp" + std::to_string(i++) + ".png").c_str());
+ if (i == 0) {
+ save_to_dds(g_renderWidth, g_renderHeight, filesys->create_output_filepath("resource/overviews/" + g_mapfile_name +"_radar.dds", true).c_str(), g_tar_config->m_dds_img_mode);
+ i++;
+ }
+ else {
+ save_to_dds(g_renderWidth, g_renderHeight, filesys->create_output_filepath("resource/overviews/" + g_mapfile_name + "_layer" + std::to_string(i++) + "_radar.dds", true).c_str(), g_tar_config->m_dds_img_mode);
+ }
+ FBuffer::Unbind();
+ }
#pragma endregion
- while (!glfwWindowShouldClose(window)) {
- Sleep(1000);
+ std::cout << "Generating radar .TXT... ";
+ kv::DataBlock node_radar = kv::DataBlock();
+ node_radar.name = "\"" + g_mapfile_name + "\"";
+ node_radar.Values.insert({ "material", "overviews/" + g_mapfile_name });
+ node_radar.Values.insert({ "pos_x", std::to_string(g_tar_config->m_view_origin.x) });
+ node_radar.Values.insert({ "pos_y", std::to_string(g_tar_config->m_view_origin.y) });
+ node_radar.Values.insert({ "scale", std::to_string(g_tar_config->m_render_ortho_scale / g_renderWidth) });
+ if (g_tar_config->layers.size() > 1) {
+ kv::DataBlock node_vsections = kv::DataBlock();
+ node_vsections.name = "\"verticalsections\"";
+ int ln = 0;
+ for (auto && layer : g_tar_config->layers) {
+ kv::DataBlock node_layer = kv::DataBlock();
+ if (ln == 0) {
+ node_layer.name = "\"default\""; ln++;
+ }
+ else node_layer.name = "\"layer" + std::to_string(ln++) + "\"";
+ node_layer.Values.insert({ "AltitudeMin", std::to_string(layer.layer_max) });
+ node_layer.Values.insert({ "AltitudeMax", std::to_string(layer.layer_min) });
+ node_vsections.SubBlocks.push_back(node_layer);
+ }
+ node_radar.SubBlocks.push_back(node_vsections);
+ }
- render_config(tar_config_layer());
+ // Try resolve spawn positions
+ glm::vec3* loc_spawnCT = g_vmf_file->calculateSpawnAVG_PMIN("info_player_counterterrorist");
+ glm::vec3* loc_spawnT = g_vmf_file->calculateSpawnAVG_PMIN("info_player_terrorist");
- glfwSwapBuffers(window);
- glfwPollEvents();
+ if (loc_spawnCT != NULL) {
+ node_radar.Values.insert({ "CTSpawn_x", std::to_string(util::roundf(remap(loc_spawnCT->x, g_tar_config->m_view_origin.x, g_tar_config->m_view_origin.x + g_tar_config->m_render_ortho_scale, 0.0f, 1.0f), 0.01f)) });
+ node_radar.Values.insert({ "CTSpawn_y", std::to_string(util::roundf(remap(loc_spawnCT->y, g_tar_config->m_view_origin.y, g_tar_config->m_view_origin.y - g_tar_config->m_render_ortho_scale, 0.0f, 1.0f), 0.01f)) });
+ }
+ if (loc_spawnT != NULL) {
+ node_radar.Values.insert({ "TSpawn_x", std::to_string(util::roundf(remap(loc_spawnT->x, g_tar_config->m_view_origin.x, g_tar_config->m_view_origin.x + g_tar_config->m_render_ortho_scale, 0.0f, 1.0f), 0.01f)) });
+ node_radar.Values.insert({ "TSpawn_y", std::to_string(util::roundf(remap(loc_spawnT->y, g_tar_config->m_view_origin.y, g_tar_config->m_view_origin.y - g_tar_config->m_render_ortho_scale, 0.0f, 1.0f), 0.01f)) });
+ int hostn = 1;
+ for (auto && hostage : g_vmf_file->get_entities_by_classname("info_hostage_spawn")) {
+ node_radar.Values.insert({ "Hostage" + std::to_string(hostn) + "_x", std::to_string(util::roundf(remap(hostage->m_origin.x, g_tar_config->m_view_origin.x, g_tar_config->m_view_origin.x + g_tar_config->m_render_ortho_scale, 0.0f, 1.0f), 0.01f)) });
+ node_radar.Values.insert({ "Hostage" + std::to_string(hostn++) + "_y", std::to_string(util::roundf(remap(hostage->m_origin.y, g_tar_config->m_view_origin.y, g_tar_config->m_view_origin.y - g_tar_config->m_render_ortho_scale, 0.0f, 1.0f), 0.01f)) });
+ }
+ std::ofstream out(filesys->create_output_filepath("resource/overviews/" + g_mapfile_name + ".txt", true).c_str());
+ out << "// TAVR - AUTO RADAR. v 2.5.0a\n";
+ node_radar.Serialize(out);
+ out.close();
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ system("PAUSE");
return 0;
-void render_config(tar_config_layer layer) {
+#define _RENDERCLIP
+void render_config(tar_config_layer layer, const std::string& layerName, FBuffer* drawTarget) {
// G BUFFER GENERATION ======================================================================================
#pragma region buffer_gen_geo
+ glm::mat4 l_mat4_projm = glm::ortho(
+ g_tar_config->m_view_origin.x, // -X
+ g_tar_config->m_view_origin.x + g_tar_config->m_render_ortho_scale, // +X
+ g_tar_config->m_view_origin.y - g_tar_config->m_render_ortho_scale, // -Y
+ g_tar_config->m_view_origin.y, // +Y
+ 0.0f, //g_tar_config->m_map_bounds.NWU.y, // NEARZ
+ layer.layer_max - layer.layer_min);// g_tar_config->m_map_bounds.SEL.y); // FARZ
+ glm::mat4 l_mat4_viewm = glm::lookAt(
+ glm::vec3(0, layer.layer_max, 0),
+ glm::vec3(0.0f, layer.layer_max -1.0f, 0.0f),
+ glm::vec3(0, 0, 1));
+ glm::mat4 l_mat4_projm = glm::ortho(
+ g_tar_config->m_view_origin.x, // -X
+ g_tar_config->m_view_origin.x + g_tar_config->m_render_ortho_scale, // +X
+ g_tar_config->m_view_origin.y - g_tar_config->m_render_ortho_scale, // -Y
+ g_tar_config->m_view_origin.y, // +Y
+ -10000.0f, //g_tar_config->m_map_bounds.NWU.y, // NEARZ
+ 10000.0f);// g_tar_config->m_map_bounds.SEL.y); // FARZ
+ glm::mat4 l_mat4_viewm = glm::lookAt(
+ glm::vec3(0, 0, 0),
+ glm::vec3(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f),
+ glm::vec3(0, 0, 1));
+ std::cout << "v" << layer.layer_min << "\n";
+ std::cout << "^" << layer.layer_max << "\n";
+ g_vmf_file->SetMinMax(layer.layer_min, layer.layer_max);
- glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
+ glClearColor(-10000.0, -10000.0, -10000.0, 1.0);
- g_shader_gBuffer->setMatrix("projection", g_mat4_projm);
- g_shader_gBuffer->setMatrix("view", g_mat4_viewm);
+ g_shader_gBuffer->setMatrix("projection", l_mat4_projm);
+ g_shader_gBuffer->setMatrix("view", l_mat4_viewm);
glm::mat4 model = glm::mat4();
g_shader_gBuffer->setMatrix("model", model);
- g_shader_iBuffer->setMatrix("projection", g_mat4_projm);
- g_shader_iBuffer->setMatrix("view", g_mat4_viewm);
+ g_shader_iBuffer->setMatrix("projection", l_mat4_projm);
+ g_shader_iBuffer->setMatrix("view", l_mat4_viewm);
// LAYOUT ================================================================
MBuffer::Unbind(); // Release any frame buffer
+ if(drawTarget != NULL)
+ drawTarget->Bind();
glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
g_ssao_rotations->bindOnSlot ( 9 );
g_shader_comp->setInt("ssaoRotations", 9 );
- g_shader_comp->setFloat("ssaoScale", 1000.0f);
- g_shader_comp->setMatrix("projection", g_mat4_projm);
- g_shader_comp->setMatrix("view", g_mat4_viewm);
+ g_shader_comp->setFloat("ssaoScale", g_tar_config->m_ao_scale);
+ g_shader_comp->setMatrix("projection", l_mat4_projm);
+ g_shader_comp->setMatrix("view", l_mat4_viewm);
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
g_shader_comp->setVec3("samples[" + std::to_string(i) + "]", g_ssao_samples[i]);
// Bind uniforms
- g_shader_comp->setVec3("bounds_NWU", g_vmf_info_bounds.NWU);
- g_shader_comp->setVec3("bounds_SEL", g_vmf_info_bounds.SEL);
+ g_shader_comp->setVec3("bounds_NWU", g_tar_config->m_map_bounds.NWU);
+ g_shader_comp->setVec3("bounds_SEL", g_tar_config->m_map_bounds.SEL);
g_shader_comp->setVec4("color_objective", g_tar_config->m_color_objective);
g_shader_comp->setVec4("color_buyzone", g_tar_config->m_color_buyzone);
g_shader_comp->setVec4("color_cover", g_tar_config->m_color_cover);
g_shader_comp->setVec4("color_cover2", g_tar_config->m_color_cover2);
+ g_shader_comp->setVec4("color_ao", g_tar_config->m_color_ao);
+ g_shader_comp->setFloat("blend_objective_stripes", g_tar_config->m_outline_stripes_enable? 0.0f: 1.0f);
+ g_shader_comp->setFloat("blend_ao", g_tar_config->m_ao_enable? 1.0f: 0.0f);
+ g_shader_comp->setInt("mssascale", g_msaa_mul);
+ //render_to_png(g_renderWidth, g_renderHeight, layerName.c_str());
#pragma endregion
+int main(int argc, const char** argv) {
+ try {
+ return app(argc, argv);
+ }
+ catch (cxxopts::OptionException& e) {
+ std::cerr << "Parse error: " << e.what() << "\n";
+ }
+ return 1;
+void render_to_png(int x, int y, const char* filepath){
+ void* data = malloc(4 * x * y);
+ glReadPixels(0, 0, x, y, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data);
+ stbi_flip_vertically_on_write(true);
+ stbi_write_png(filepath, x, y, 4, data, x * 4);
+ free(data);
+void save_to_dds(int x, int y, const char* filepath, IMG imgmode)
+ void* data = malloc(4 * x * y);
+ glReadPixels(0, 0, x, y, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data);
+ dds_write((uint8_t*)data, filepath, x, y, imgmode);
+ free(data);
+NVIDIA optimus systems will default to intel integrated graphics chips.
+This export gets picked up by NVIDIA drivers (v 302+).
+It will force usage of the dedicated video device in the machine, which likely has full coverage of 3.3
+extern "C" {
+ _declspec(dllexport) DWORD NvOptimusEnablement = 0x00000001;
\ No newline at end of file
-4 0 4 (4096 3072 -128 ) (4096 3072 512 ) (3072 3072 512 ) (3072 3072 -128 )
-4 0 1 (3072 3072 -128 ) (3072 3072 512 ) (3072 4096 512 ) (3072 4096 -128 )
-4 1 10 (3072 3072 -128 ) (3072 3072 0 ) (2048 3072 0 ) (2048 3072 -128 )
-4 1 8 (2176 3072 512 ) (2048 3072 512 ) (2048 3072 0 ) (2176 3072 0 )
-4 1 7 (3072 3072 0 ) (3072 3072 512 ) (2176 3072 512 ) (2176 3072 0 )
-4 1 2 (2048 3072 -128 ) (2048 3072 512 ) (2048 4096 512 ) (2048 4096 -128 )
-4 2 13 (2048 3072 -128 ) (2048 3072 0 ) (1024 3072 0 ) (1024 3072 -128 )
-4 2 11 (2048 3072 0 ) (2048 3072 512 ) (1024 3072 512 ) (1024 3072 0 )
-4 2 3 (1024 3072 -128 ) (1024 3072 512 ) (1024 4096 512 ) (1024 4096 -128 )
-4 3 47 (0 3072 -128 ) (0 3072 512 ) (0 4096 512 ) (0 4096 -128 )
-4 3 18 (1024 3072 -128 ) (1024 3072 0 ) (0 3072 0 ) (0 3072 -128 )
-4 3 16 (256 3072 512 ) (0 3072 512 ) (0 3072 0 ) (256 3072 0 )
-4 3 14 (1024 3072 0 ) (1024 3072 512 ) (256 3072 512 ) (256 3072 0 )
-4 4 10 (3072 3072 0 ) (3072 3072 -128 ) (3072 2048 -128 ) (3072 2048 0 )
-4 4 7 (3072 3072 512 ) (3072 3072 0 ) (3072 2048 0 ) (3072 2048 512 )
-4 4 5 (4096 2048 -128 ) (4096 2048 512 ) (3072 2048 512 ) (3072 2048 -128 )
-4 5 22 (3072 1024 -128 ) (3072 1024 0 ) (3072 2048 0 ) (3072 2048 -128 )
-4 5 21 (3072 1024 0 ) (3072 1024 128 ) (3072 1664 128 ) (3072 1664 0 )
-4 5 20 (3072 1664 128 ) (3072 2048 128 ) (3072 2048 0 ) (3072 1664 0 )
-4 5 19 (3072 1024 128 ) (3072 1024 512 ) (3072 2048 512 ) (3072 2048 128 )
-4 5 6 (4096 1024 -128 ) (4096 1024 512 ) (3072 1024 512 ) (3072 1024 -128 )
-4 6 85 (4096 0 -128 ) (4096 0 512 ) (3072 0 512 ) (3072 0 -128 )
-4 6 27 (3072 0 -128 ) (3072 0 0 ) (3072 1024 0 ) (3072 1024 -128 )
-4 6 25 (3072 0 0 ) (3072 0 128 ) (3072 512 128 ) (3072 512 0 )
-4 6 24 (3072 512 128 ) (3072 1024 128 ) (3072 1024 0 ) (3072 512 0 )
-4 6 23 (3072 0 128 ) (3072 0 512 ) (3072 1024 512 ) (3072 1024 128 )
-4 7 20 (3072 2048 0 ) (3072 2048 128 ) (2176 2048 128 ) (2176 2048 0 )
-4 7 19 (3072 2048 128 ) (3072 2048 512 ) (2176 2048 512 ) (2176 2048 128 )
-4 7 10 (2176 3072 0 ) (3072 3072 0 ) (3072 2048 0 ) (2176 2048 0 )
-4 7 9 (2176 2048 128 ) (2176 2048 512 ) (2176 2560 512 ) (2176 2560 128 )
-4 7 8 (2176 3072 0 ) (2176 2560 0 ) (2176 2560 512 ) (2176 3072 512 )
-4 8 11 (2048 3072 512 ) (2048 3072 0 ) (2048 2560 0 ) (2048 2560 512 )
-4 8 10 (2048 2560 0 ) (2048 3072 0 ) (2176 3072 0 ) (2176 2560 0 )
-4 8 9 (2176 2560 128 ) (2176 2560 512 ) (2048 2560 512 ) (2048 2560 128 )
-4 9 19 (2176 2048 512 ) (2048 2048 512 ) (2048 2048 128 ) (2176 2048 128 )
-4 9 12 (2048 2048 128 ) (2048 2048 512 ) (2048 2560 512 ) (2048 2560 128 )
-4 10 22 (3072 2048 -128 ) (3072 2048 0 ) (2048 2048 0 ) (2048 2048 -128 )
-4 10 13 (2048 3072 0 ) (2048 3072 -128 ) (2048 2048 -128 ) (2048 2048 0 )
-4 11 14 (1024 2560 512 ) (1024 3072 512 ) (1024 3072 0 ) (1024 2560 0 )
-4 11 13 (1024 2560 0 ) (1024 3072 0 ) (2048 3072 0 ) (2048 2560 0 )
-4 11 12 (2048 2560 128 ) (2048 2560 512 ) (1024 2560 512 ) (1024 2560 128 )
-4 12 28 (2048 2048 128 ) (2048 2048 512 ) (1024 2048 512 ) (1024 2048 128 )
-4 12 15 (1024 2048 128 ) (1024 2048 512 ) (1024 2560 512 ) (1024 2560 128 )
-4 13 30 (2048 2048 -128 ) (2048 2048 0 ) (1024 2048 0 ) (1024 2048 -128 )
-4 13 18 (1024 2048 -128 ) (1024 2048 0 ) (1024 3072 0 ) (1024 3072 -128 )
-4 14 18 (256 3072 0 ) (1024 3072 0 ) (1024 2560 0 ) (256 2560 0 )
-4 14 16 (256 3072 0 ) (256 2560 0 ) (256 2560 512 ) (256 3072 512 )
-4 14 15 (1024 2560 512 ) (256 2560 512 ) (256 2560 128 ) (1024 2560 128 )
-4 15 31 (1024 2048 128 ) (1024 2048 512 ) (256 2048 512 ) (256 2048 128 )
-4 15 17 (256 2048 128 ) (256 2048 512 ) (256 2432 512 ) (256 2432 128 )
-4 15 16 (256 2432 512 ) (256 2560 512 ) (256 2560 128 ) (256 2432 128 )
-4 16 51 (0 2432 512 ) (0 3072 512 ) (0 3072 0 ) (0 2432 0 )
-4 16 18 (0 2432 0 ) (0 3072 0 ) (256 3072 0 ) (256 2432 0 )
-4 16 17 (256 2432 128 ) (256 2432 512 ) (0 2432 512 ) (0 2432 100 )
-4 17 52 (0 2048 100 ) (0 2048 512 ) (0 2432 512 ) (0 2432 100 )
-4 17 33 (0 2048 512 ) (0 2048 100 ) (256 2048 128 ) (256 2048 512 )
-4 18 55 (0 2048 -128 ) (0 2048 0 ) (0 3072 0 ) (0 3072 -128 )
-4 18 34 (1024 2048 -128 ) (1024 2048 0 ) (0 2048 0 ) (0 2048 -128 )
-4 19 28 (2048 2048 512 ) (2048 2048 128 ) (2048 1024 128 ) (2048 1024 512 )
-4 19 23 (3072 1024 128 ) (3072 1024 512 ) (2048 1024 512 ) (2048 1024 128 )
-4 19 21 (3072 1024 128 ) (2176 1024 128 ) (2176 1664 128 ) (3072 1664 128 )
-4 19 20 (2176 2048 128 ) (3072 2048 128 ) (3072 1664 128 ) (2176 1664 128 )
-4 20 22 (2176 2048 0 ) (3072 2048 0 ) (3072 1664 0 ) (2176 1664 0 )
-4 20 21 (2176 1664 0 ) (3072 1664 0 ) (3072 1664 128 ) (2176 1664 128 )
-4 21 24 (3072 1024 0 ) (3072 1024 128 ) (2176 1024 128 ) (2176 1024 0 )
-4 21 22 (2176 1664 0 ) (3072 1664 0 ) (3072 1024 0 ) (2176 1024 0 )
-4 22 30 (2048 2048 0 ) (2048 2048 -128 ) (2048 1024 -128 ) (2048 1024 0 )
-4 22 27 (3072 1024 -128 ) (3072 1024 0 ) (2048 1024 0 ) (2048 1024 -128 )
-4 23 88 (3072 0 128 ) (3072 0 512 ) (2048 0 512 ) (2048 0 128 )
-4 23 35 (2048 0 128 ) (2048 0 512 ) (2048 1024 512 ) (2048 1024 128 )
-4 23 26 (2432 0 128 ) (2048 0 128 ) (2048 128 128 ) (2432 128 128 )
-4 23 25 (3072 512 128 ) (3072 0 128 ) (2432 0 128 ) (2432 512 128 )
-4 23 24 (3072 1024 128 ) (3072 512 128 ) (2176 512 128 ) (2176 1024 128 )
-4 24 27 (2176 1024 0 ) (3072 1024 0 ) (3072 512 0 ) (2176 512 0 )
-4 24 25 (2432 512 0 ) (3072 512 0 ) (3072 512 128 ) (2432 512 128 )
-4 25 88 (3072 0 0 ) (3072 0 128 ) (2432 0 128 ) (2432 0 0 )
-4 25 27 (3072 0 0 ) (2432 0 0 ) (2432 512 0 ) (3072 512 0 )
-4 25 26 (2432 128 0 ) (2432 0 0 ) (2432 0 128 ) (2432 128 128 )
-4 26 88 (2432 0 128 ) (2048 0 128 ) (2048 0 0 ) (2432 0 0 )
-4 26 37 (2048 0 0 ) (2048 0 128 ) (2048 128 128 ) (2048 128 0 )
-4 26 27 (2432 0 0 ) (2048 0 0 ) (2048 128 0 ) (2432 128 0 )
-4 27 88 (3072 0 -128 ) (3072 0 0 ) (2048 0 0 ) (2048 0 -128 )
-4 27 40 (2048 0 -128 ) (2048 0 0 ) (2048 1024 0 ) (2048 1024 -128 )
-4 28 35 (2048 1024 128 ) (2048 1024 512 ) (1024 1024 512 ) (1024 1024 128 )
-4 28 31 (1024 2048 512 ) (1024 2048 128 ) (1024 1664 128 ) (1024 1664 512 )
-4 28 32 (1024 1664 128 ) (1024 1024 128 ) (1024 1024 512 ) (1024 1664 512 )
-4 28 29 (1024 1024 128 ) (1024 1664 128 ) (1792 1664 128 ) (1792 1024 128 )
-4 29 38 (1408 1024 128 ) (1024 1024 128 ) (1024 1024 0 ) (1408 1024 0 )
-4 29 36 (1792 1024 128 ) (1408 1024 128 ) (1408 1024 0 ) (1792 1024 0 )
-4 29 32 (1024 1664 0 ) (1024 1024 0 ) (1024 1024 128 ) (1024 1664 128 )
-4 29 30 (1792 1024 0 ) (1024 1024 0 ) (1024 1664 0 ) (1792 1664 0 )
-4 30 40 (2048 1024 -128 ) (2048 1024 0 ) (1024 1024 0 ) (1024 1024 -128 )
-4 30 34 (1024 2048 0 ) (1024 2048 -128 ) (1024 1024 -128 ) (1024 1024 0 )
-4 31 32 (256 1664 512 ) (256 1664 128 ) (1024 1664 128 ) (1024 1664 512 )
-4 31 33 (256 1664 128 ) (256 1664 512 ) (256 2048 512 ) (256 2048 128 )
-4 32 45 (1024 1024 0 ) (1024 1024 16 ) (256 1024 16 ) (256 1024 0 )
-4 32 42 (1024 1024 16 ) (1024 1024 64 ) (256 1024 64 ) (256 1024 16 )
-4 32 41 (1024 1024 64 ) (1024 1024 512 ) (256 1024 512 ) (256 1024 64 )
-4 32 34 (1024 1024 0 ) (256 1024 0 ) (256 1664 0 ) (1024 1664 0 )
-4 32 33 (256 1664 0 ) (256 1024 0 ) (256 1024 512 ) (256 1664 512 )
-4 33 61 (0 1024 0 ) (0 1024 512 ) (0 2048 512 ) (0 2048 0 )
-4 33 43 (0 1024 64 ) (0 1024 16 ) (96 1024 16 ) (96 1024 64 )
-4 33 42 (96 1024 16 ) (256 1024 16 ) (256 1024 64 ) (96 1024 64 )
-4 33 41 (256 1024 512 ) (0 1024 512 ) (0 1024 64 ) (256 1024 64 )
-4 33 34 (256 1024 0 ) (0 1024 0 ) (0 2048 0 ) (256 2048 0 )
-4 34 64 (0 1024 -128 ) (0 1024 0 ) (0 2048 0 ) (0 2048 -128 )
-4 34 46 (1024 1024 -128 ) (1024 1024 0 ) (0 1024 0 ) (0 1024 -128 )
-4 35 93 (1408 0 188.500000 ) (1024 0 188.500000 ) (1024 0 128 ) (1408 0 128 )
-4 35 92 (2048 0 128 ) (2048 0 188.500000 ) (1408 0 188.500000 ) (1408 0 128 )
-4 35 90 (1088 0 512 ) (1024 0 512 ) (1024 0 188.500000 ) (1088 0 188.500000 )
-4 35 89 (2048 0 188.500000 ) (2048 0 512 ) (1088 0 512 ) (1088 0 188.500000 )
-4 35 41 (1024 1024 512 ) (1024 1024 128 ) (1024 0 128 ) (1024 0 512 )
-4 35 39 (1408 0 128 ) (1024 0 128 ) (1024 640 128 ) (1408 640 128 )
-4 35 38 (1024 640 128 ) (1024 1024 128 ) (1408 1024 128 ) (1408 640 128 )
-4 35 37 (2048 0 128 ) (1408 0 128 ) (1408 128 128 ) (2048 128 128 )
-4 35 36 (1408 512 128 ) (1408 1024 128 ) (1792 1024 128 ) (1792 512 128 )
-4 36 40 (1408 1024 0 ) (1792 1024 0 ) (1792 512 0 ) (1408 512 0 )
-4 36 39 (1408 512 16 ) (1408 512 128 ) (1408 640 128 ) (1408 640 16 )
-4 36 38 (1408 1024 0 ) (1408 640 0 ) (1408 640 128 ) (1408 1024 128 )
-4 37 92 (2048 0 0 ) (2048 0 128 ) (1408 0 128 ) (1408 0 0 )
-4 37 40 (2048 128 0 ) (2048 0 0 ) (1408 0 0 ) (1408 128 0 )
-4 37 39 (1408 0 16 ) (1408 0 128 ) (1408 128 128 ) (1408 128 16 )
-4 38 45 (1024 1024 16 ) (1024 1024 0 ) (1024 640 0 ) (1024 640 16 )
-4 38 42 (1024 1024 64 ) (1024 1024 16 ) (1024 640 16 ) (1024 640 64 )
-4 38 41 (1024 1024 128 ) (1024 1024 64 ) (1024 640 64 ) (1024 640 128 )
-4 38 40 (1024 1024 0 ) (1408 1024 0 ) (1408 640 0 ) (1024 640 0 )
-4 38 39 (1408 640 16 ) (1408 640 128 ) (1024 640 128 ) (1024 640 16 )
-4 39 93 (1408 0 128 ) (1024 0 128 ) (1024 0 16 ) (1408 0 16 )
-4 39 42 (1024 0 16 ) (1024 0 64 ) (1024 640 64 ) (1024 640 16 )
-4 39 41 (1024 0 64 ) (1024 0 128 ) (1024 640 128 ) (1024 640 64 )
-4 40 95 (2048 0 -128 ) (2048 0 0 ) (1024 0 0 ) (1024 0 -128 )
-4 40 46 (1024 1024 0 ) (1024 1024 -128 ) (1024 0 -128 ) (1024 0 0 )
-4 41 101 (256 0 188.500000 ) (0 0 188.500000 ) (0 0 64 ) (256 0 64 )
-4 41 99 (1024 0 64 ) (1024 0 188.500000 ) (256 0 188.500000 ) (256 0 64 )
-4 41 98 (640 0 232 ) (0 0 232 ) (0 0 188.500000 ) (640 0 188.500000 )
-4 41 97 (1024 0 188.500000 ) (1024 0 232 ) (640 0 232 ) (640 0 188.500000 )
-4 41 96 (1024 0 232 ) (1024 0 512 ) (0 0 512 ) (0 0 232 )
-4 41 65 (0 0 64 ) (0 0 512 ) (0 1024 512 ) (0 1024 64 )
-4 41 43 (0 768 64 ) (0 1024 64 ) (96 1024 64 ) (96 768 64 )
-4 41 44 (96 0 64 ) (0 0 64 ) (0 352 64 ) (96 352 64 )
-4 41 42 (1024 0 64 ) (96 0 64 ) (96 1024 64 ) (1024 1024 64 )
-4 42 101 (256 0 64 ) (96 0 64 ) (96 0 16 ) (256 0 16 )
-4 42 99 (1024 0 16 ) (1024 0 64 ) (256 0 64 ) (256 0 16 )
-4 42 45 (1024 1024 16 ) (1024 640 16 ) (256 640 16 ) (256 1024 16 )
-4 42 43 (96 1024 16 ) (96 768 16 ) (96 768 64 ) (96 1024 64 )
-4 42 44 (96 352 16 ) (96 0 16 ) (96 0 64 ) (96 352 64 )
-4 43 66 (0 768 64 ) (0 1024 64 ) (0 1024 16 ) (0 768 16 )
-4 44 101 (96 0 64 ) (0 0 64 ) (0 0 16 ) (96 0 16 )
-4 44 67 (0 0 16 ) (0 0 64 ) (0 352 64 ) (0 352 16 )
-4 45 46 (256 640 0 ) (256 1024 0 ) (1024 1024 0 ) (1024 640 0 )
-4 46 103 (1024 0 -128 ) (1024 0 0 ) (0 0 0 ) (0 0 -128 )
-4 46 71 (0 0 -128 ) (0 0 0 ) (0 1024 0 ) (0 1024 -128 )
-4 47 55 (0 3072 -128 ) (0 3072 0 ) (-1024 3072 0 ) (-1024 3072 -128 )
-4 47 53 (-768 3072 512 ) (-1024 3072 512 ) (-1024 3072 0 ) (-768 3072 0 )
-4 47 51 (0 3072 0 ) (0 3072 512 ) (-768 3072 512 ) (-768 3072 0 )
-4 47 48 (-1024 3072 -128 ) (-1024 3072 512 ) (-1024 4096 512 ) (-1024 4096 -128 )
-4 48 59 (-1024 3072 -128 ) (-1024 3072 0 ) (-2048 3072 0 ) (-2048 3072 -128 )
-4 48 56 (-1024 3072 0 ) (-1024 3072 512 ) (-1408 3072 512 ) (-1408 3072 0 )
-4 48 58 (-1408 3072 512 ) (-2048 3072 512 ) (-2048 3072 0 ) (-1408 3072 0 )
-4 48 49 (-2048 3072 -128 ) (-2048 3072 512 ) (-2048 4096 512 ) (-2048 4096 -128 )
-4 49 60 (-2048 3072 -128 ) (-2048 3072 512 ) (-3072 3072 512 ) (-3072 3072 -128 )
-4 49 50 (-3072 3072 -128 ) (-3072 3072 512 ) (-3072 4096 512 ) (-3072 4096 -128 )
-4 50 82 (-3072 3072 -128 ) (-3072 3072 512 ) (-4096 3072 512 ) (-4096 3072 -128 )
-4 51 55 (-768 2432 0 ) (-768 3072 0 ) (0 3072 0 ) (0 2432 0 )
-4 51 54 (-768 2432 16 ) (-768 2432 512 ) (-768 2944 512 ) (-768 2944 16 )
-4 51 53 (-768 3072 512 ) (-768 3072 0 ) (-768 2944 0 ) (-768 2944 512 )
-4 51 52 (0 2432 512 ) (-768 2432 512 ) (-768 2432 16 ) (0 2432 100 )
-4 52 61 (0 2048 100 ) (0 2048 512 ) (-768 2048 512 ) (-768 2048 16 )
-4 52 54 (-768 2048 16 ) (-768 2048 512 ) (-768 2432 512 ) (-768 2432 16 )
-4 53 56 (-1024 3072 512 ) (-1024 3072 0 ) (-1024 2944 0 ) (-1024 2944 512 )
-4 53 55 (-1024 2944 0 ) (-1024 3072 0 ) (-768 3072 0 ) (-768 2944 0 )
-4 53 54 (-768 2944 16 ) (-768 2944 512 ) (-1024 2944 512 ) (-1024 2944 16 )
-4 54 62 (-1024 2048 512 ) (-1024 2048 16 ) (-768 2048 16 ) (-768 2048 512 )
-4 54 57 (-1024 2048 16 ) (-1024 2048 512 ) (-1024 2944 512 ) (-1024 2944 16 )
-4 55 64 (0 2048 -128 ) (0 2048 0 ) (-1024 2048 0 ) (-1024 2048 -128 )
-4 55 59 (-1024 3072 0 ) (-1024 3072 -128 ) (-1024 2048 -128 ) (-1024 2048 0 )
-4 56 59 (-1408 3072 0 ) (-1024 3072 0 ) (-1024 2944 0 ) (-1408 2944 0 )
-4 56 57 (-1408 2944 512 ) (-1408 2944 16 ) (-1024 2944 16 ) (-1024 2944 512 )
-4 56 58 (-1408 3072 0 ) (-1408 2944 0 ) (-1408 2944 512 ) (-1408 3072 512 )
-4 57 72 (-1024 2048 16 ) (-1024 2048 512 ) (-1408 2048 512 ) (-1408 2048 16 )
-4 57 58 (-1408 2048 16 ) (-1408 2048 512 ) (-1408 2944 512 ) (-1408 2944 16 )
-4 58 74 (-1408 2048 512 ) (-2048 2048 512 ) (-2048 2048 0 ) (-1408 2048 0 )
-4 58 60 (-2048 2048 0 ) (-2048 2048 512 ) (-2048 3072 512 ) (-2048 3072 0 )
-4 58 59 (-2048 2048 0 ) (-2048 3072 0 ) (-1408 3072 0 ) (-1408 2048 0 )
-4 59 75 (-1024 2048 -128 ) (-1024 2048 0 ) (-2048 2048 0 ) (-2048 2048 -128 )
-4 59 60 (-2048 2048 -128 ) (-2048 2048 0 ) (-2048 3072 0 ) (-2048 3072 -128 )
-4 60 82 (-3072 3072 512 ) (-3072 3072 -128 ) (-3072 2048 -128 ) (-3072 2048 512 )
-4 60 76 (-2048 2048 -128 ) (-2048 2048 512 ) (-3072 2048 512 ) (-3072 2048 -128 )
-4 61 66 (0 1024 16 ) (0 1024 64 ) (-512 1024 64 ) (-512 1024 16 )
-4 61 68 (-512 1024 64 ) (-768 1024 64 ) (-768 1024 16 ) (-512 1024 16 )
-4 61 65 (0 1024 64 ) (0 1024 512 ) (-768 1024 512 ) (-768 1024 64 )
-4 61 64 (0 1024 0 ) (-768 1024 0 ) (-768 2048 0 ) (0 2048 0 )
-4 61 62 (-768 1920 16 ) (-768 1920 512 ) (-768 2048 512 ) (-768 2048 16 )
-4 61 63 (-768 1920 0 ) (-768 1024 0 ) (-768 1024 512 ) (-768 1920 512 )
-4 62 72 (-1024 2048 512 ) (-1024 2048 16 ) (-1024 1920 16 ) (-1024 1920 512 )
-4 62 63 (-768 1920 16 ) (-768 1920 512 ) (-1024 1920 512 ) (-1024 1920 16 )
-4 63 73 (-1024 1920 0 ) (-1024 1024 0 ) (-1024 1024 512 ) (-1024 1920 512 )
-4 63 69 (-1024 1024 16 ) (-1024 1024 0 ) (-768 1024 0 ) (-768 1024 16 )
-4 63 68 (-1024 1024 64 ) (-1024 1024 16 ) (-768 1024 16 ) (-768 1024 64 )
-4 63 65 (-768 1024 512 ) (-1024 1024 512 ) (-1024 1024 64 ) (-768 1024 64 )
-4 63 64 (-768 1024 0 ) (-1024 1024 0 ) (-1024 1920 0 ) (-768 1920 0 )
-4 64 75 (-1024 2048 0 ) (-1024 2048 -128 ) (-1024 1024 -128 ) (-1024 1024 0 )
-4 64 71 (0 1024 -128 ) (0 1024 0 ) (-1024 1024 0 ) (-1024 1024 -128 )
-4 65 120 (0 0 64 ) (0 0 512 ) (-1024 0 512 ) (-1024 0 64 )
-4 65 77 (-1024 0 64 ) (-1024 0 512 ) (-1024 1024 512 ) (-1024 1024 64 )
-4 65 66 (0 1024 64 ) (0 768 64 ) (-512 768 64 ) (-512 1024 64 )
-4 65 67 (0 352 64 ) (0 0 64 ) (-512 0 64 ) (-512 352 64 )
-4 65 68 (-512 0 64 ) (-1024 0 64 ) (-1024 1024 64 ) (-512 1024 64 )
-4 66 68 (-512 1024 16 ) (-512 768 16 ) (-512 768 64 ) (-512 1024 64 )
-4 67 120 (0 0 16 ) (0 0 64 ) (-512 0 64 ) (-512 0 16 )
-4 67 70 (-384 0 16 ) (-512 0 16 ) (-512 128 16 ) (-384 128 16 )
-4 67 68 (-512 352 16 ) (-512 0 16 ) (-512 0 64 ) (-512 352 64 )
-4 68 120 (-512 0 64 ) (-1024 0 64 ) (-1024 0 16 ) (-512 0 16 )
-4 68 77 (-1024 0 16 ) (-1024 0 64 ) (-1024 1024 64 ) (-1024 1024 16 )
-4 68 70 (-512 0 16 ) (-1024 0 16 ) (-1024 128 16 ) (-512 128 16 )
-4 68 69 (-1024 128 16 ) (-1024 1024 16 ) (-768 1024 16 ) (-768 128 16 )
-4 69 79 (-1024 128 16 ) (-1024 972.212952 16 ) (-1024 972.213013 0 ) (-1024 128 0 )
-4 69 78 (-1024 972.212952 16 ) (-1024 1024 16 ) (-1024 1024 0 ) (-1024 972.213013 0 )
-4 69 71 (-768 128 0 ) (-1024 128 0 ) (-1024 1024 0 ) (-768 1024 0 )
-4 69 70 (-1024 128 0 ) (-768 128 0 ) (-768 128 16 ) (-1024 128 16 )
-4 70 123 (-729.076416 0 16 ) (-1024 0 16 ) (-1024 0 0 ) (-729.076416 0 0 )
-4 70 122 (-384 0 16 ) (-729.076416 0 16 ) (-729.076416 0 0 ) (-384 0 0 )
-4 70 79 (-1024 0 0 ) (-1024 0 16 ) (-1024 128 16 ) (-1024 128 0 )
-4 70 71 (-384 0 0 ) (-1024 0 0 ) (-1024 128 0 ) (-384 128 0 )
-4 71 126 (0 0 -128 ) (0 0 0 ) (-1024 0 0 ) (-1024 0 -128 )
-4 71 80 (-1024 0 -128 ) (-1024 0 0 ) (-1024 1024 0 ) (-1024 1024 -128 )
-4 72 73 (-1408 1920 512 ) (-1408 1920 16 ) (-1024 1920 16 ) (-1024 1920 512 )
-4 72 74 (-1408 1920 16 ) (-1408 1920 512 ) (-1408 2048 512 ) (-1408 2048 16 )
-4 73 78 (-1024 1024 0 ) (-1024 1024 16 ) (-1408 1024 16 ) (-1408 1024 0 )
-4 73 77 (-1024 1024 16 ) (-1024 1024 512 ) (-1408 1024 512 ) (-1408 1024 16 )
-4 73 75 (-1024 1920 0 ) (-1024 1024 0 ) (-1408 1024 0 ) (-1408 1920 0 )
-4 73 74 (-1408 1920 0 ) (-1408 1024 0 ) (-1408 1024 512 ) (-1408 1920 512 )
-4 74 78 (-2048 1024 16 ) (-2048 1024 0 ) (-1408 1024 0 ) (-1408 1024 16 )
-4 74 77 (-1408 1024 512 ) (-2048 1024 512 ) (-2048 1024 16 ) (-1408 1024 16 )
-4 74 76 (-2048 2048 512 ) (-2048 2048 0 ) (-2048 1024 0 ) (-2048 1024 512 )
-4 74 75 (-2048 1024 0 ) (-2048 2048 0 ) (-1408 2048 0 ) (-1408 1024 0 )
-4 75 80 (-1024 1024 -128 ) (-1024 1024 0 ) (-2048 1024 0 ) (-2048 1024 -128 )
-4 75 76 (-2048 2048 0 ) (-2048 2048 -128 ) (-2048 1024 -128 ) (-2048 1024 0 )
-4 76 83 (-3072 1024 -128 ) (-3072 1024 512 ) (-3072 2048 512 ) (-3072 2048 -128 )
-4 76 81 (-2048 1024 -128 ) (-2048 1024 512 ) (-3072 1024 512 ) (-3072 1024 -128 )
-4 77 127 (-1024 0 16 ) (-1024 0 512 ) (-2048 0 512 ) (-2048 0 16 )
-4 77 81 (-2048 1024 512 ) (-2048 1024 16 ) (-2048 0 16 ) (-2048 0 512 )
-4 77 79 (-1024 972.213013 16 ) (-1024 0 16 ) (-1028.923584 0 16 ) (-1512.570068 483.644958 16 )
-5 77 78 (-2048 1024 16 ) (-1024 1024 16 ) (-1024 972.213013 16 ) (-1996.216919 0 16 ) (-2048 0 16 )
-4 78 129 (-1996.216919 0 16 ) (-2048 0 16 ) (-2048 0 0 ) (-1996.216919 0 0 )
-4 78 81 (-2048 1024 16 ) (-2048 1024 0 ) (-2048 0 0 ) (-2048 0 16 )
-5 78 80 (-2048 1024 0 ) (-1024 1024 0 ) (-1024 972.213013 0 ) (-1996.216919 0 0 ) (-2048 0 0 )
-4 78 79 (-1512.570801 483.645721 0 ) (-1024 972.214539 0 ) (-1024 972.215027 16 ) (-1512.570923 483.645905 16 )
-4 79 131 (-1024 0 0 ) (-1024 0 16 ) (-1028.923584 0 16 ) (-1028.923584 0 0 )
-4 79 80 (-1024 972.213013 0 ) (-1024 0 0 ) (-1028.923584 0 0 ) (-1512.570068 483.644958 0 )
-4 80 132 (-1024 0 -128 ) (-1024 0 0 ) (-2048 0 0 ) (-2048 0 -128 )
-4 80 81 (-2048 1024 0 ) (-2048 1024 -128 ) (-2048 0 -128 ) (-2048 0 0 )
-4 81 136 (-2048 0 -128 ) (-2048 0 0 ) (-3072 0 0 ) (-3072 0 -128 )
-4 81 134 (-2048 0 0 ) (-2048 0 16 ) (-3072 0 16 ) (-3072 0 0 )
-4 81 133 (-2048 0 16 ) (-2048 0 512 ) (-3072 0 512 ) (-3072 0 16 )
-4 81 84 (-3072 0 -128 ) (-3072 0 512 ) (-3072 1024 512 ) (-3072 1024 -128 )
-4 82 83 (-3072 2048 -128 ) (-3072 2048 512 ) (-4096 2048 512 ) (-4096 2048 -128 )
-4 83 84 (-3072 1024 -128 ) (-3072 1024 512 ) (-4096 1024 512 ) (-4096 1024 -128 )
-4 84 145 (-3072 0 -128 ) (-3072 0 512 ) (-4096 0 512 ) (-4096 0 -128 )
-4 85 88 (3072 0 512 ) (3072 0 -128 ) (3072 -1024 -128 ) (3072 -1024 512 )
-4 85 86 (4096 -1024 -128 ) (4096 -1024 512 ) (3072 -1024 512 ) (3072 -1024 -128 )
-4 86 104 (3072 -2048 -128 ) (3072 -2048 512 ) (3072 -1024 512 ) (3072 -1024 -128 )
-4 86 87 (4096 -2048 -128 ) (4096 -2048 512 ) (3072 -2048 512 ) (3072 -2048 -128 )
-4 87 116 (4096 -3072 -128 ) (4096 -3072 512 ) (3072 -3072 512 ) (3072 -3072 -128 )
-4 87 105 (3072 -3072 -128 ) (3072 -3072 512 ) (3072 -2048 512 ) (3072 -2048 -128 )
-4 88 104 (3072 -1024 -128 ) (3072 -1024 512 ) (2048 -1024 512 ) (2048 -1024 -128 )
-4 88 95 (2048 0 0 ) (2048 0 -128 ) (2048 -1024 -128 ) (2048 -1024 0 )
-4 88 92 (2048 0 188.500000 ) (2048 0 0 ) (2048 -1024 0 ) (2048 -1024 188.500000 )
-4 88 89 (2048 0 512 ) (2048 0 188.500000 ) (2048 -1024 188.500000 ) (2048 -1024 512 )
-4 89 106 (2048 -1024 188.500000 ) (2048 -1024 512 ) (1088 -1024 512 ) (1088 -1024 188.500000 )
-4 89 93 (1088 -128 188.500000 ) (1088 0 188.500000 ) (1408 0 188.500000 ) (1408 -128 188.500000 )
-4 89 94 (1408 -1024 188.500000 ) (1088 -1024 188.500000 ) (1088 -128 188.500000 ) (1408 -128 188.500000 )
-4 89 92 (2048 -1024 188.500000 ) (1408 -1024 188.500000 ) (1408 0 188.500000 ) (2048 0 188.500000 )
-4 89 91 (1088 -1024 232 ) (1088 -1024 512 ) (1088 -384 512 ) (1088 -384 232 )
-4 89 90 (1088 0 188.500000 ) (1088 -384 188.500000 ) (1088 -384 512 ) (1088 0 512 )
-4 90 97 (1024 0 232 ) (1024 0 188.500000 ) (1024 -384 188.500000 ) (1024 -384 232 )
-4 90 96 (1024 -384 512 ) (1024 0 512 ) (1024 0 232 ) (1024 -384 232 )
-4 90 93 (1024 -128 188.500000 ) (1024 0 188.500000 ) (1088 0 188.500000 ) (1088 -128 188.500000 )
-4 90 94 (1024 -384 188.500000 ) (1024 -128 188.500000 ) (1088 -128 188.500000 ) (1088 -384 188.500000 )
-4 90 91 (1088 -384 232 ) (1088 -384 512 ) (1024 -384 512 ) (1024 -384 232 )
-4 91 107 (1088 -1024 512 ) (1024 -1024 512 ) (1024 -1024 232 ) (1088 -1024 232 )
-4 91 96 (1024 -1024 232 ) (1024 -1024 512 ) (1024 -384 512 ) (1024 -384 232 )
-4 92 109 (2048 -1024 0 ) (2048 -1024 188.500000 ) (1408 -1024 188.500000 ) (1408 -1024 0 )
-4 92 95 (1408 0 0 ) (2048 0 0 ) (2048 -1024 0 ) (1408 -1024 0 )
-4 92 93 (1408 -128 16 ) (1408 -128 188.500000 ) (1408 0 188.500000 ) (1408 0 16 )
-4 92 94 (1408 -128 0 ) (1408 -1024 0 ) (1408 -1024 188.500000 ) (1408 -128 188.500000 )
-4 93 99 (1024 -128 188.500000 ) (1024 0 188.500000 ) (1024 0 16 ) (1024 -128 16 )
-4 93 94 (1408 -128 16 ) (1408 -128 188.500000 ) (1024 -128 188.500000 ) (1024 -128 16 )
-4 94 109 (1408 -1024 188.500000 ) (1024 -1024 188.500000 ) (1024 -1024 0 ) (1408 -1024 0 )
-4 94 100 (1024 -1024 0 ) (1024 -1024 188.500000 ) (1024 -128 188.500000 ) (1024 -128 0 )
-4 94 95 (1024 -1024 0 ) (1024 -128 0 ) (1408 -128 0 ) (1408 -1024 0 )
-4 95 109 (2048 -1024 -128 ) (2048 -1024 0 ) (1024 -1024 0 ) (1024 -1024 -128 )
-4 95 103 (1024 -1024 -128 ) (1024 -1024 0 ) (1024 0 0 ) (1024 0 -128 )
-4 96 125 (0 -896 232 ) (0 -1024 232 ) (0 -1024 512 ) (0 -896 512 )
-4 96 120 (0 0 512 ) (0 0 232 ) (0 -896 232 ) (0 -896 512 )
-4 96 110 (1024 -1024 232 ) (1024 -1024 512 ) (0 -1024 512 ) (0 -1024 232 )
-4 96 98 (0 -896 232 ) (0 0 232 ) (640 0 232 ) (640 -896 232 )
-4 96 97 (640 -384 232 ) (640 0 232 ) (1024 0 232 ) (1024 -384 232 )
-4 97 99 (640 0 188.500000 ) (1024 0 188.500000 ) (1024 -128 188.500000 ) (640 -128 188.500000 )
-4 97 100 (1024 -128 188.500000 ) (1024 -384 188.500000 ) (640 -384 188.500000 ) (640 -128 188.500000 )
-4 97 98 (640 0 188.500000 ) (640 -384 188.500000 ) (640 -384 232 ) (640 0 232 )
-4 98 120 (0 0 232 ) (0 0 188.500000 ) (0 -896 188.500000 ) (0 -896 232 )
-4 98 101 (0 -512 188.500000 ) (0 0 188.500000 ) (256 0 188.500000 ) (256 -512 188.500000 )
-4 98 102 (0 -896 188.500000 ) (0 -512 188.500000 ) (256 -512 188.500000 ) (256 -896 188.500000 )
-4 98 99 (256 0 188.500000 ) (640 0 188.500000 ) (640 -128 188.500000 ) (256 -128 188.500000 )
-4 98 100 (640 -128 188.500000 ) (640 -896 188.500000 ) (256 -896 188.500000 ) (256 -128 188.500000 )
-4 99 101 (256 -128 16 ) (256 -128 188.500000 ) (256 0 188.500000 ) (256 0 16 )
-4 99 100 (256 -128 188.500000 ) (256 -128 16 ) (1024 -128 16 ) (1024 -128 188.500000 )
-4 100 113 (1024 -1024 0 ) (1024 -1024 188.500000 ) (256 -1024 188.500000 ) (256 -1024 0 )
-4 100 103 (1024 -1024 0 ) (256 -1024 0 ) (256 -128 0 ) (1024 -128 0 )
-4 100 101 (256 -512 16 ) (256 -512 188.500000 ) (256 -128 188.500000 ) (256 -128 16 )
-4 100 102 (256 -512 0 ) (256 -1024 0 ) (256 -1024 188.500000 ) (256 -512 188.500000 )
-4 101 120 (0 0 188.500000 ) (0 0 16 ) (0 -512 16 ) (0 -512 188.500000 )
-4 101 102 (256 -512 16 ) (256 -512 188.500000 ) (0 -512 188.500000 ) (0 -512 16 )
-4 102 124 (0 -896 0 ) (0 -1024 0 ) (0 -1024 188.500000 ) (0 -896 188.500000 )
-4 102 121 (0 -512 0 ) (0 -896 0 ) (0 -896 16 ) (0 -512 16 )
-4 102 120 (0 -896 16 ) (0 -896 188.500000 ) (0 -512 188.500000 ) (0 -512 16 )
-4 102 113 (256 -1024 188.500000 ) (0 -1024 188.500000 ) (0 -1024 0 ) (256 -1024 0 )
-4 102 103 (256 -1024 0 ) (0 -1024 0 ) (0 -512 0 ) (256 -512 0 )
-4 103 126 (0 0 0 ) (0 0 -128 ) (0 -1024 -128 ) (0 -1024 0 )
-4 103 113 (1024 -1024 -128 ) (1024 -1024 0 ) (0 -1024 0 ) (0 -1024 -128 )
-4 104 109 (2048 -1024 188.500000 ) (2048 -1024 -128 ) (2048 -2048 -128 ) (2048 -2048 188.500000 )
-4 104 106 (2048 -1024 512 ) (2048 -1024 188.500000 ) (2048 -2048 188.500000 ) (2048 -2048 512 )
-4 104 105 (3072 -2048 -128 ) (3072 -2048 512 ) (2048 -2048 512 ) (2048 -2048 -128 )
-4 105 117 (3072 -3072 -128 ) (3072 -3072 512 ) (2048 -3072 512 ) (2048 -3072 -128 )
-4 105 114 (2048 -3072 -128 ) (2048 -3072 512 ) (2048 -2048 512 ) (2048 -2048 -128 )
-4 106 114 (2048 -2048 188.500000 ) (2048 -2048 512 ) (1088 -2048 512 ) (1088 -2048 188.500000 )
-4 106 109 (2048 -2048 188.500000 ) (1088 -2048 188.500000 ) (1088 -1024 188.500000 ) (2048 -1024 188.500000 )
-4 106 107 (1088 -1280 232 ) (1088 -1280 512 ) (1088 -1024 512 ) (1088 -1024 232 )
-4 106 108 (1088 -1280 188.500000 ) (1088 -2048 188.500000 ) (1088 -2048 512 ) (1088 -1280 512 )
-4 107 110 (1024 -1024 512 ) (1024 -1024 232 ) (1024 -1280 232 ) (1024 -1280 512 )
-4 107 108 (1088 -1280 232 ) (1088 -1280 512 ) (1024 -1280 512 ) (1024 -1280 232 )
-4 108 114 (1088 -2048 512 ) (1024 -2048 512 ) (1024 -2048 188.500000 ) (1088 -2048 188.500000 )
-4 108 111 (1024 -1280 188.500000 ) (1024 -2048 188.500000 ) (1024 -2048 232 ) (1024 -1280 232 )
-4 108 110 (1024 -2048 232 ) (1024 -2048 512 ) (1024 -1280 512 ) (1024 -1280 232 )
-4 108 109 (1088 -2048 188.500000 ) (1024 -2048 188.500000 ) (1024 -1280 188.500000 ) (1088 -1280 188.500000 )
-4 109 114 (2048 -2048 -128 ) (2048 -2048 188.500000 ) (1024 -2048 188.500000 ) (1024 -2048 -128 )
-4 109 113 (1024 -1024 188.500000 ) (1024 -1024 -128 ) (1024 -2048 -128 ) (1024 -2048 188.500000 )
-4 110 138 (0 -1280 512 ) (0 -1024 512 ) (0 -1024 232 ) (0 -1280 232 )
-4 110 139 (0 -2048 232 ) (0 -2048 512 ) (0 -1280 512 ) (0 -1280 232 )
-4 110 115 (1024 -2048 232 ) (1024 -2048 512 ) (0 -2048 512 ) (0 -2048 232 )
-4 110 112 (640 -2048 232 ) (0 -2048 232 ) (0 -1280 232 ) (640 -1280 232 )
-4 110 111 (1024 -2048 232 ) (640 -2048 232 ) (640 -1280 232 ) (1024 -1280 232 )
-4 111 115 (1024 -2048 188.500000 ) (1024 -2048 232 ) (640 -2048 232 ) (640 -2048 188.500000 )
-4 111 113 (1024 -1280 188.500000 ) (1024 -2048 188.500000 ) (640 -2048 188.500000 ) (640 -1280 188.500000 )
-4 111 112 (640 -1280 188.500000 ) (640 -2048 188.500000 ) (640 -2048 232 ) (640 -1280 232 )
-4 112 139 (0 -2048 188.500000 ) (0 -2048 232 ) (0 -1280 232 ) (0 -1280 188.500000 )
-4 112 115 (640 -2048 232 ) (0 -2048 232 ) (0 -2048 188.500000 ) (640 -2048 188.500000 )
-4 112 113 (640 -2048 188.500000 ) (0 -2048 188.500000 ) (0 -1280 188.500000 ) (640 -1280 188.500000 )
-4 113 137 (0 -1280 188.500000 ) (0 -1024 188.500000 ) (0 -1024 -128 ) (0 -1280 -128 )
-4 113 139 (0 -2048 -128 ) (0 -2048 188.500000 ) (0 -1280 188.500000 ) (0 -1280 -128 )
-4 113 115 (1024 -2048 -128 ) (1024 -2048 188.500000 ) (0 -2048 188.500000 ) (0 -2048 -128 )
-4 114 118 (2048 -3072 -128 ) (2048 -3072 512 ) (1024 -3072 512 ) (1024 -3072 -128 )
-4 114 115 (1024 -2048 512 ) (1024 -2048 -128 ) (1024 -3072 -128 ) (1024 -3072 512 )
-4 115 140 (0 -3072 -128 ) (0 -3072 512 ) (0 -2048 512 ) (0 -2048 -128 )
-4 115 119 (1024 -3072 -128 ) (1024 -3072 512 ) (0 -3072 512 ) (0 -3072 -128 )
-4 116 117 (3072 -3072 512 ) (3072 -3072 -128 ) (3072 -4096 -128 ) (3072 -4096 512 )
-4 117 118 (2048 -3072 512 ) (2048 -3072 -128 ) (2048 -4096 -128 ) (2048 -4096 512 )
-4 118 119 (1024 -4096 -128 ) (1024 -4096 512 ) (1024 -3072 512 ) (1024 -3072 -128 )
-4 119 148 (0 -4096 -128 ) (0 -4096 512 ) (0 -3072 512 ) (0 -3072 -128 )
-4 120 127 (-1024 0 512 ) (-1024 0 16 ) (-1024 -896 16 ) (-1024 -896 512 )
-4 120 125 (0 -896 232 ) (0 -896 512 ) (-1024 -896 512 ) (-1024 -896 29 )
-3 120 124 (0 -896 16 ) (0 -896 192 ) (-938.666687 -896 16 )
-4 120 123 (-1024 -4.923584 16 ) (-1024 0 16 ) (-729.076416 0 16 ) (-879 -149.923096 16 )
-5 120 122 (-384 -896 16 ) (-1024 -896 16 ) (-1024 -294.922424 16 ) (-729.076416 0 16 ) (-384 0 16 )
-4 120 121 (0 -896 16 ) (-384 -896 16 ) (-384 -512 16 ) (0 -512 16 )
-4 121 126 (0 -512 0 ) (0 -896 0 ) (-384 -896 0 ) (-384 -512 0 )
-4 121 124 (-384 -896 0 ) (0 -896 0 ) (0 -896 16 ) (-384 -896 16 )
-4 121 122 (-384 -512 0 ) (-384 -896 0 ) (-384 -896 16 ) (-384 -512 16 )
-4 122 128 (-1024 -294.922394 0 ) (-1024 -896 0 ) (-1024 -896 16 ) (-1024 -294.922424 16 )
-5 122 126 (-1024 -896 0 ) (-1024 -294.922424 0 ) (-729.076416 0 0 ) (-384 0 0 ) (-384 -896 0 )
-4 122 124 (-1024 -896 0 ) (-384 -896 0 ) (-384 -896 16 ) (-938.666687 -896 16 )
-4 122 123 (-729.074951 0 0 ) (-879 -149.923492 0 ) (-879 -149.923492 16 ) (-729.074951 0 16 )
-4 123 131 (-1024 0 16 ) (-1024 0 0 ) (-1024 -4.923586 0 ) (-1024 -4.923584 16 )
-4 123 126 (-1024 -4.923584 0 ) (-1024 0 0 ) (-729.076416 0 0 ) (-879 -149.923096 0 )
-3 124 137 (0 -1024 0 ) (0 -1024 192 ) (-1024 -1024 0 )
-4 124 126 (0 -1024 0 ) (-1024 -1024 0 ) (-1024 -896 0 ) (0 -896 0 )
-4 125 138 (0 -1024 232 ) (0 -1024 512 ) (-1024 -1024 512 ) (-1024 -1024 29 )
-4 125 127 (-1024 -1024 29 ) (-1024 -1024 512 ) (-1024 -896 512 ) (-1024 -896 29 )
-4 126 137 (0 -1024 -128 ) (0 -1024 0 ) (-1024 -1024 0 ) (-1024 -1024 -128 )
-4 126 132 (-1024 0 0 ) (-1024 0 -128 ) (-1024 -1024 -128 ) (-1024 -1024 0 )
-4 127 141 (-1024 -1024 16 ) (-1024 -1024 512 ) (-2048 -1024 512 ) (-2048 -1024 16 )
-4 127 133 (-2048 -1024 16 ) (-2048 -1024 512 ) (-2048 0 512 ) (-2048 0 16 )
-3 127 131 (-1028.923584 0 16 ) (-1024 0 16 ) (-1024 -4.923586 16 )
-4 127 130 (-1753.080566 -1024 16 ) (-2048 -1024 16 ) (-2048 -429.081421 16 ) (-1603.080078 -874 16 )
-3 127 129 (-2048 -51.782837 16 ) (-2048 0 16 ) (-1996.216919 0 16 )
-3 127 128 (-1024 -1024 16 ) (-1753.080566 -1024 16 ) (-1024 -294.922394 16 )
-4 128 141 (-1024 -1024 0 ) (-1024 -1024 16 ) (-1753.080566 -1024 16 ) (-1753.080566 -1024 0 )
-3 128 132 (-1024 -1024 0 ) (-1753.080566 -1024 0 ) (-1024 -294.922394 0 )
-4 128 130 (-1603.080322 -874 0 ) (-1753.080933 -1024 0 ) (-1753.080811 -1024 16 ) (-1603.080078 -874 16 )
-4 129 134 (-2048 -51.782837 16 ) (-2048 0 16 ) (-2048 0 0 ) (-2048 -51.782860 0 )
-3 129 132 (-2048 -51.782837 0 ) (-2048 0 0 ) (-1996.216919 0 0 )
-4 130 141 (-1753.080566 -1024 16 ) (-2048 -1024 16 ) (-2048 -1024 0 ) (-1753.080566 -1024 0 )
-4 130 135 (-2048 -1024 0 ) (-2048 -1024 16 ) (-2048 -429.081421 16 ) (-2048 -429.081421 0 )
-4 130 132 (-1753.080566 -1024 0 ) (-2048 -1024 0 ) (-2048 -429.081421 0 ) (-1603.080078 -874 0 )
-3 131 132 (-1028.923584 0 0 ) (-1024 0 0 ) (-1024 -4.923586 0 )
-4 132 141 (-1024 -1024 -128 ) (-1024 -1024 0 ) (-2048 -1024 0 ) (-2048 -1024 -128 )
-4 132 136 (-2048 -1024 -128 ) (-2048 -1024 0 ) (-2048 0 0 ) (-2048 0 -128 )
-4 133 145 (-3072 0 512 ) (-3072 0 16 ) (-3072 -1024 16 ) (-3072 -1024 512 )
-4 133 142 (-2048 -1024 16 ) (-2048 -1024 512 ) (-3072 -1024 512 ) (-3072 -1024 16 )
-4 133 135 (-2048 -429.081421 16 ) (-2048 -1024 16 ) (-3020.221191 -1024 16 ) (-2236.649902 -240.432007 16 )
-5 133 134 (-3072 -1024 16 ) (-3072 0 16 ) (-2048 0 16 ) (-2048 -51.782860 16 ) (-3020.221191 -1024 16 )
-4 134 145 (-3072 0 16 ) (-3072 0 0 ) (-3072 -1024 0 ) (-3072 -1024 16 )
-4 134 142 (-3020.221191 -1024 16 ) (-3072 -1024 16 ) (-3072 -1024 0 ) (-3020.221191 -1024 0 )
-5 134 136 (-3072 -1024 0 ) (-3072 0 0 ) (-2048 0 0 ) (-2048 -51.782860 0 ) (-3020.221191 -1024 0 )
-4 134 135 (-3020.222656 -1024 0 ) (-2236.650635 -240.431274 0 ) (-2236.652832 -240.429214 16 ) (-3020.226563 -1024 16 )
-4 135 142 (-2048 -1024 0 ) (-2048 -1024 16 ) (-3020.221191 -1024 16 ) (-3020.221191 -1024 0 )
-4 135 136 (-2048 -429.081421 0 ) (-2048 -1024 0 ) (-3020.221191 -1024 0 ) (-2236.649902 -240.432007 0 )
-4 136 145 (-3072 0 0 ) (-3072 0 -128 ) (-3072 -1024 -128 ) (-3072 -1024 0 )
-4 136 142 (-2048 -1024 -128 ) (-2048 -1024 0 ) (-3072 -1024 0 ) (-3072 -1024 -128 )
-4 137 141 (-1024 -1024 0 ) (-1024 -1024 -128 ) (-1024 -1280 -128 ) (-1024 -1280 0 )
-4 137 139 (-1024 -1280 -128 ) (0 -1280 -128 ) (0 -1280 192 ) (-1024 -1280 0 )
-4 138 141 (-1024 -1024 512 ) (-1024 -1024 29 ) (-1024 -1280 29 ) (-1024 -1280 512 )
-4 138 139 (0 -1280 232 ) (0 -1280 512 ) (-1024 -1280 512 ) (-1024 -1280 29 )
-4 139 141 (-1024 -1280 -128 ) (-1024 -2048 -128 ) (-1024 -2048 512 ) (-1024 -1280 512 )
-4 139 140 (0 -2048 -128 ) (0 -2048 512 ) (-1024 -2048 512 ) (-1024 -2048 -128 )
-4 140 148 (0 -3072 -128 ) (0 -3072 512 ) (-1024 -3072 512 ) (-1024 -3072 -128 )
-4 140 143 (-1024 -3072 -128 ) (-1024 -3072 512 ) (-1024 -2048 512 ) (-1024 -2048 -128 )
-4 141 143 (-1024 -2048 -128 ) (-1024 -2048 512 ) (-2048 -2048 512 ) (-2048 -2048 -128 )
-4 141 142 (-2048 -1024 512 ) (-2048 -1024 -128 ) (-2048 -2048 -128 ) (-2048 -2048 512 )
-4 142 146 (-3072 -2048 -128 ) (-3072 -2048 512 ) (-3072 -1024 512 ) (-3072 -1024 -128 )
-4 142 144 (-2048 -2048 -128 ) (-2048 -2048 512 ) (-3072 -2048 512 ) (-3072 -2048 -128 )
-4 143 149 (-1024 -3072 -128 ) (-1024 -3072 512 ) (-2048 -3072 512 ) (-2048 -3072 -128 )
-4 143 144 (-2048 -2048 512 ) (-2048 -2048 -128 ) (-2048 -3072 -128 ) (-2048 -3072 512 )
-4 144 150 (-2048 -3072 -128 ) (-2048 -3072 512 ) (-3072 -3072 512 ) (-3072 -3072 -128 )
-4 144 147 (-3072 -3072 -128 ) (-3072 -3072 512 ) (-3072 -2048 512 ) (-3072 -2048 -128 )
-4 145 146 (-3072 -1024 -128 ) (-3072 -1024 512 ) (-4096 -1024 512 ) (-4096 -1024 -128 )
-4 146 147 (-3072 -2048 -128 ) (-3072 -2048 512 ) (-4096 -2048 512 ) (-4096 -2048 -128 )
-4 147 151 (-3072 -3072 -128 ) (-3072 -3072 512 ) (-4096 -3072 512 ) (-4096 -3072 -128 )
-4 148 149 (-1024 -3072 512 ) (-1024 -3072 -128 ) (-1024 -4096 -128 ) (-1024 -4096 512 )
-4 149 150 (-2048 -4096 -128 ) (-2048 -4096 512 ) (-2048 -3072 512 ) (-2048 -3072 -128 )
-4 150 151 (-3072 -3072 512 ) (-3072 -3072 -128 ) (-3072 -4096 -128 ) (-3072 -4096 512 )
+4 0 8 (1152 1024 512 ) (1024 1024 512 ) (1024 1024 -512 ) (1152 1024 -512 )
+4 0 4 (1024 1024 -512 ) (1024 1024 0 ) (1024 1792 0 ) (1024 1792 -512 )
+4 0 1 (1024 1024 0 ) (1024 1024 512 ) (1024 1792 512 ) (1024 1792 0 )
+4 1 10 (256 1024 512 ) (192 1024 512 ) (192 1024 128 ) (256 1024 128 )
+4 1 11 (192 1024 16 ) (192 1024 0 ) (256 1024 0 ) (256 1024 16 )
+4 1 9 (1024 1024 0 ) (1024 1024 512 ) (256 1024 512 ) (256 1024 0 )
+4 1 6 (512 1024 0 ) (192 1024 0 ) (192 1216 0 ) (512 1216 0 )
+4 1 5 (192 1216 0 ) (192 1792 0 ) (512 1792 0 ) (512 1216 0 )
+4 1 4 (1024 1024 0 ) (512 1024 0 ) (512 1792 0 ) (1024 1792 0 )
+4 1 3 (192 1024 16 ) (192 1024 512 ) (192 1472 512 ) (192 1472 16 )
+4 1 2 (192 1792 512 ) (192 1792 0 ) (192 1472 0 ) (192 1472 512 )
+4 2 30 (0 1472 512 ) (0 1792 512 ) (0 1792 0 ) (0 1472 0 )
+4 2 5 (0 1472 0 ) (0 1792 0 ) (192 1792 0 ) (192 1472 0 )
+4 2 3 (192 1472 16 ) (192 1472 512 ) (0 1472 512 ) (0 1472 16 )
+4 3 31 (0 1024 16 ) (0 1024 512 ) (0 1472 512 ) (0 1472 16 )
+4 3 10 (192 1024 512 ) (0 1024 512 ) (0 1024 128 ) (192 1024 128 )
+4 4 29 (1024 1024 -512 ) (1024 1024 -320 ) (512 1024 -320 ) (512 1024 -512 )
+4 4 27 (1024 1024 -320 ) (1024 1024 -192 ) (512 1024 -192 ) (512 1024 -320 )
+4 4 9 (1024 1024 -192 ) (1024 1024 0 ) (512 1024 0 ) (512 1024 -192 )
+4 4 6 (512 1024 0 ) (512 1216 0 ) (512 1216 -192 ) (512 1024 -192 )
+4 4 7 (512 1216 -320 ) (512 1216 -512 ) (512 1024 -512 ) (512 1024 -320 )
+4 4 5 (512 1216 0 ) (512 1792 0 ) (512 1792 -512 ) (512 1216 -512 )
+4 5 33 (0 1216 0 ) (0 1792 0 ) (0 1792 -512 ) (0 1216 -512 )
+4 5 6 (512 1216 -192 ) (512 1216 0 ) (0 1216 0 ) (0 1216 -192 )
+4 5 7 (0 1216 -512 ) (512 1216 -512 ) (512 1216 -320 ) (0 1216 -320 )
+4 6 34 (0 1024 -192 ) (0 1024 0 ) (0 1216 0 ) (0 1216 -192 )
+4 6 11 (256 1024 0 ) (0 1024 0 ) (0 1024 -192 ) (256 1024 -192 )
+4 6 9 (512 1024 0 ) (256 1024 0 ) (256 1024 -192 ) (512 1024 -192 )
+4 7 35 (0 1024 -512 ) (0 1024 -320 ) (0 1216 -320 ) (0 1216 -512 )
+4 7 29 (0 1024 -320 ) (0 1024 -512 ) (512 1024 -512 ) (512 1024 -320 )
+4 8 95 (1152 0 512 ) (1024 0 512 ) (1024 0 -512 ) (1152 0 -512 )
+4 8 29 (1024 1024 -320 ) (1024 1024 -512 ) (1024 0 -512 ) (1024 0 -320 )
+4 8 27 (1024 1024 -192 ) (1024 1024 -320 ) (1024 0 -320 ) (1024 0 -192 )
+4 8 13 (1024 896 -192 ) (1024 0 -192 ) (1024 0 336 ) (1024 896 336 )
+4 8 12 (1024 0 336 ) (1024 0 512 ) (1024 896 512 ) (1024 896 336 )
+4 8 9 (1024 1024 512 ) (1024 1024 -192 ) (1024 896 -192 ) (1024 896 512 )
+4 9 27 (1024 1024 -192 ) (1024 896 -192 ) (512 896 -192 ) (512 1024 -192 )
+4 9 16 (256 896 -192 ) (512 896 -192 ) (512 896 16 ) (256 896 16 )
+4 9 14 (512 896 16 ) (512 896 336 ) (256 896 336 ) (256 896 16 )
+4 9 13 (512 896 -192 ) (1024 896 -192 ) (1024 896 336 ) (512 896 336 )
+4 9 12 (1024 896 336 ) (1024 896 512 ) (256 896 512 ) (256 896 336 )
+4 9 10 (256 896 128 ) (256 896 512 ) (256 1024 512 ) (256 1024 128 )
+4 9 11 (256 1024 -192 ) (256 896 -192 ) (256 896 16 ) (256 1024 16 )
+4 10 37 (0 1024 512 ) (0 1024 128 ) (0 896 128 ) (0 896 512 )
+4 10 19 (0 896 336 ) (0 896 128 ) (128 896 128 ) (128 896 336 )
+4 10 15 (128 896 128 ) (256 896 128 ) (256 896 336 ) (128 896 336 )
+4 10 12 (0 896 512 ) (0 896 336 ) (256 896 336 ) (256 896 512 )
+4 11 89 (0 1024 0 ) (0 1024 -192 ) (0 896 -192 ) (0 896 0 )
+4 11 85 (0 1024 16 ) (0 1024 0 ) (0 896 0 ) (0 896 16 )
+4 11 20 (0 896 16 ) (0 896 -192 ) (128 896 -192 ) (128 896 16 )
+4 11 18 (128 896 -192 ) (256 896 -192 ) (256 896 0 ) (128 896 0 )
+4 12 96 (1024 0 336 ) (1024 0 512 ) (0 0 512 ) (0 0 336 )
+4 12 80 (0 0 336 ) (0 0 512 ) (0 128 512 ) (0 128 336 )
+4 12 79 (0 128 512 ) (0 176 512 ) (0 176 336 ) (0 128 336 )
+4 12 77 (0 176 512 ) (0 352 512 ) (0 352 336 ) (0 176 336 )
+4 12 59 (0 352 512 ) (0 432 512 ) (0 432 336 ) (0 352 336 )
+4 12 53 (0 432 512 ) (0 896 512 ) (0 896 336 ) (0 432 336 )
+4 12 24 (128 128 336 ) (128 0 336 ) (0 0 336 ) (0 128 336 )
+4 12 23 (32 128 336 ) (0 128 336 ) (0 176 336 ) (32 176 336 )
+4 12 21 (128 352 336 ) (128 128 336 ) (32 128 336 ) (32 352 336 )
+4 12 19 (0 896 336 ) (128 896 336 ) (128 352 336 ) (0 352 336 )
+4 12 15 (128 896 336 ) (256 896 336 ) (256 0 336 ) (128 0 336 )
+4 12 14 (256 896 336 ) (512 896 336 ) (512 0 336 ) (256 0 336 )
+4 12 13 (512 896 336 ) (1024 896 336 ) (1024 0 336 ) (512 0 336 )
+4 13 101 (1024 0 -192 ) (1024 0 16 ) (512 0 16 ) (512 0 -192 )
+4 13 96 (1024 0 16 ) (1024 0 336 ) (512 0 336 ) (512 0 16 )
+4 13 27 (1024 896 -192 ) (1024 0 -192 ) (512 0 -192 ) (512 896 -192 )
+4 13 17 (512 128 -192 ) (512 0 -192 ) (512 0 0 ) (512 128 0 )
+4 13 16 (512 896 16 ) (512 896 -192 ) (512 640 -192 ) (512 128 16 )
+4 13 14 (512 0 336 ) (512 896 336 ) (512 896 16 ) (512 0 16 )
+4 14 96 (512 0 336 ) (256 0 336 ) (256 0 16 ) (512 0 16 )
+4 14 16 (256 896 16 ) (512 896 16 ) (512 128 16 ) (256 128 16 )
+4 14 15 (256 0 128 ) (256 0 336 ) (256 896 336 ) (256 896 128 )
+4 15 96 (256 0 336 ) (128 0 336 ) (128 0 128 ) (256 0 128 )
+4 15 24 (128 0 336 ) (128 128 336 ) (128 128 128 ) (128 0 128 )
+4 15 21 (128 128 336 ) (128 352 336 ) (128 352 128 ) (128 128 128 )
+4 15 19 (128 352 336 ) (128 896 336 ) (128 896 128 ) (128 352 128 )
+4 16 18 (256 896 0 ) (256 896 -192 ) (256 640 -192 ) (256 167.384674 0 )
+4 17 102 (256 0 -192 ) (512 0 -192 ) (512 0 0 ) (256 0 0 )
+4 17 28 (512 0 -192 ) (256 0 -192 ) (256 128 -192 ) (512 128 -192 )
+4 17 18 (256 128 0 ) (256 128 -192 ) (256 0 -192 ) (256 0 0 )
+4 18 102 (128 0 0 ) (128 0 -192 ) (256 0 -192 ) (256 0 0 )
+4 18 28 (256 0 -192 ) (128 0 -192 ) (128 640 -192 ) (256 640 -192 )
+4 18 26 (128 128 -192 ) (128 0 -192 ) (128 0 0 ) (128 128 0 )
+4 18 21 (128 352 -192 ) (128 128 -192 ) (128 128 0 ) (128 352 0 )
+4 18 20 (128 896 0 ) (128 896 -192 ) (128 352 -192 ) (128 352 0 )
+4 19 64 (0 432 83.199997 ) (0 432 16 ) (0 352 16 ) (0 352 83.199997 )
+4 19 60 (0 432 128 ) (0 432 83.199997 ) (0 352 83.199997 ) (0 352 128 )
+4 19 59 (0 352 336 ) (0 432 336 ) (0 432 128 ) (0 352 128 )
+4 19 58 (0 749.714294 64 ) (0 640 16 ) (0 432 16 ) (0 432 64 )
+4 19 56 (0 676.565979 64 ) (0 536.204285 64 ) (0 536.207031 96 ) (0 676.565979 96 )
+4 19 55 (0 536.204285 64 ) (0 432 64 ) (0 432 96 ) (0 536.207031 96 )
+4 19 54 (0 822.857178 96 ) (0 749.714294 64 ) (0 676.565979 64 ) (0 676.565979 96 )
+5 19 53 (0 432 336 ) (0 896 336 ) (0 896 128 ) (0 822.857178 96 ) (0 432 96 )
+4 19 21 (128 352 16 ) (128 352 336 ) (32 352 336 ) (32 352 16 )
+4 19 20 (128 352 16 ) (0 352 16 ) (0 640 16 ) (128 640 16 )
+4 20 89 (0 896 0 ) (0 896 -192 ) (0 640 -192 ) (0 640 0 )
+4 20 90 (0 640 -192 ) (0 352 -192 ) (0 352 0 ) (0 640 0 )
+4 20 85 (0 896 16 ) (0 896 0 ) (0 352 0 ) (0 352 16 )
+4 20 28 (0 352 -192 ) (0 640 -192 ) (128 640 -192 ) (128 352 -192 )
+4 20 22 (0 352 -192 ) (32 352 -192 ) (32 352 0 ) (0 352 0 )
+4 20 21 (32 352 -192 ) (128 352 -192 ) (128 352 16 ) (32 352 16 )
+4 21 28 (32 352 -192 ) (128 352 -192 ) (128 128 -192 ) (32 128 -192 )
+4 21 25 (128 128 16 ) (128 128 112 ) (32 128 112 ) (32 128 16 )
+4 21 26 (32 128 -192 ) (128 128 -192 ) (128 128 0 ) (32 128 0 )
+4 21 24 (128 128 128 ) (128 128 336 ) (32 128 336 ) (32 128 128 )
+4 21 22 (32 352 0 ) (32 352 -192 ) (32 176 -192 ) (32 176 0 )
+4 21 23 (32 176 -192 ) (32 128 -192 ) (32 128 336 ) (32 176 336 )
+4 22 90 (0 352 0 ) (0 352 -192 ) (0 176 -192 ) (0 176 0 )
+4 22 28 (0 176 -192 ) (0 352 -192 ) (32 352 -192 ) (32 176 -192 )
+4 22 23 (0 176 -192 ) (32 176 -192 ) (32 176 0 ) (0 176 0 )
+4 23 90 (0 176 0 ) (0 176 -192 ) (0 128 -192 ) (0 128 0 )
+4 23 86 (0 176 16 ) (0 176 0 ) (0 128 0 ) (0 128 16 )
+4 23 79 (0 128 336 ) (0 176 336 ) (0 176 16 ) (0 128 16 )
+4 23 28 (0 128 -192 ) (0 176 -192 ) (32 176 -192 ) (32 128 -192 )
+4 23 25 (32 128 16 ) (32 128 112 ) (0 128 112 ) (0 128 16 )
+4 23 26 (0 128 -192 ) (32 128 -192 ) (32 128 0 ) (0 128 0 )
+4 23 24 (32 128 128 ) (32 128 336 ) (0 128 336 ) (0 128 128 )
+4 24 96 (128 0 336 ) (0 0 336 ) (0 0 128 ) (128 0 128 )
+4 24 80 (0 0 128 ) (0 0 336 ) (0 128 336 ) (0 128 128 )
+4 25 96 (0 0 112 ) (0 0 16 ) (128 0 16 ) (128 0 112 )
+4 25 81 (0 0 16 ) (0 0 112 ) (0 128 112 ) (0 128 16 )
+4 26 102 (0 0 0 ) (0 0 -192 ) (128 0 -192 ) (128 0 0 )
+4 26 90 (0 0 -192 ) (0 0 0 ) (0 128 0 ) (0 128 -192 )
+4 26 28 (128 0 -192 ) (0 0 -192 ) (0 128 -192 ) (128 128 -192 )
+4 27 101 (1024 0 -320 ) (1024 0 -192 ) (512 0 -192 ) (512 0 -320 )
+4 27 29 (1024 0 -320 ) (512 0 -320 ) (512 1024 -320 ) (1024 1024 -320 )
+4 27 28 (512 640 -320 ) (512 0 -320 ) (512 0 -192 ) (512 640 -192 )
+4 28 102 (512 0 -192 ) (0 0 -192 ) (0 0 -320 ) (512 0 -320 )
+4 28 90 (0 0 -320 ) (0 0 -192 ) (0 640 -192 ) (0 640 -320 )
+4 28 29 (512 0 -320 ) (0 0 -320 ) (0 640 -320 ) (512 640 -320 )
+4 29 102 (512 0 -320 ) (0 0 -320 ) (0 0 -512 ) (512 0 -512 )
+4 29 101 (1024 0 -512 ) (1024 0 -320 ) (512 0 -320 ) (512 0 -512 )
+4 29 92 (0 0 -512 ) (0 0 -320 ) (0 1024 -320 ) (0 1024 -512 )
+4 30 33 (-384 1472 0 ) (-384 1792 0 ) (0 1792 0 ) (0 1472 0 )
+4 30 31 (-384 1472 512 ) (-384 1472 16 ) (0 1472 16 ) (0 1472 512 )
+4 30 32 (-384 1792 512 ) (-384 1792 0 ) (-384 1472 0 ) (-384 1472 512 )
+4 31 43 (-192 1024 512 ) (-224 1024 512 ) (-224 1024 32 ) (-192 1024 32 )
+4 31 44 (-224 1024 512 ) (-384 1024 512 ) (-384 1024 16 ) (-224 1024 16 )
+4 31 42 (-160 1024 512 ) (-192 1024 512 ) (-192 1024 48 ) (-160 1024 48 )
+4 31 41 (-128 1024 512 ) (-160 1024 512 ) (-160 1024 64 ) (-128 1024 64 )
+4 31 40 (-96 1024 512 ) (-128 1024 512 ) (-128 1024 80 ) (-96 1024 80 )
+4 31 39 (-64 1024 512 ) (-96 1024 512 ) (-96 1024 96 ) (-64 1024 96 )
+4 31 38 (-32 1024 512 ) (-64 1024 512 ) (-64 1024 112 ) (-32 1024 112 )
+4 31 37 (0 1024 128 ) (0 1024 512 ) (-32 1024 512 ) (-32 1024 128 )
+4 31 32 (-384 1024 16 ) (-384 1024 512 ) (-384 1472 512 ) (-384 1472 16 )
+4 32 93 (-1024 1024 0 ) (-1024 1024 512 ) (-1024 1792 512 ) (-1024 1792 0 )
+4 32 87 (-1024 1024 16 ) (-1024 1024 0 ) (-384 1024 0 ) (-384 1024 16 )
+4 32 51 (-580.216980 1024 16 ) (-528 1024 16 ) (-528 1024 64 ) (-580.216003 1024 64 )
+4 32 47 (-528 1024 64 ) (-528 1024 83.199997 ) (-580.215576 1024 83.199997 ) (-580.216003 1024 64 )
+4 32 46 (-1024 1024 83.199997 ) (-1024 1024 16 ) (-580.216980 1024 16 ) (-580.215576 1024 83.199997 )
+4 32 45 (-528 1024 512 ) (-1024 1024 512 ) (-1024 1024 83.199997 ) (-528 1024 83.199997 )
+4 32 44 (-384 1024 512 ) (-528 1024 512 ) (-528 1024 16 ) (-384 1024 16 )
+4 32 34 (-384 1024 0 ) (-832 1024 0 ) (-832 1216 0 ) (-384 1216 0 )
+4 32 33 (-832 1216 0 ) (-832 1792 0 ) (-384 1792 0 ) (-384 1216 0 )
+4 32 36 (-832 1024 0 ) (-1024 1024 0 ) (-1024 1792 0 ) (-832 1792 0 )
+4 33 34 (-832 1216 0 ) (-832 1216 -192 ) (0 1216 -192 ) (0 1216 0 )
+4 33 35 (-832 1216 -320 ) (-832 1216 -512 ) (0 1216 -512 ) (0 1216 -320 )
+4 33 36 (-832 1216 0 ) (-832 1792 0 ) (-832 1792 -512 ) (-832 1216 -512 )
+4 34 89 (0 1024 -192 ) (0 1024 0 ) (-832 1024 0 ) (-832 1024 -192 )
+4 34 36 (-832 1024 0 ) (-832 1216 0 ) (-832 1216 -192 ) (-832 1024 -192 )
+4 35 92 (0 1024 -512 ) (0 1024 -320 ) (-832 1024 -320 ) (-832 1024 -512 )
+4 35 36 (-832 1216 -320 ) (-832 1216 -512 ) (-832 1024 -512 ) (-832 1024 -320 )
+4 36 93 (-1024 1024 -512 ) (-1024 1024 0 ) (-1024 1792 0 ) (-1024 1792 -512 )
+4 36 92 (-1024 1024 -320 ) (-1024 1024 -512 ) (-832 1024 -512 ) (-832 1024 -320 )
+4 36 91 (-832 1024 0 ) (-1024 1024 0 ) (-1024 1024 -320 ) (-832 1024 -320 )
+4 37 53 (0 896 128 ) (0 896 512 ) (-32 896 512 ) (-32 896 128 )
+4 37 38 (-32 1024 512 ) (-32 1024 128 ) (-32 896 128 ) (-32 896 512 )
+4 38 53 (-32 896 112 ) (-32 896 512 ) (-64 896 512 ) (-64 896 112 )
+4 38 39 (-64 896 112 ) (-64 896 512 ) (-64 1024 512 ) (-64 1024 112 )
+4 39 53 (-64 896 96 ) (-64 896 512 ) (-96 896 512 ) (-96 896 96 )
+4 39 40 (-96 1024 512 ) (-96 1024 96 ) (-96 896 96 ) (-96 896 512 )
+4 40 57 (-96 896 80 ) (-96 896 96 ) (-128 896 96 ) (-128 896 80 )
+4 40 53 (-96 896 96 ) (-96 896 512 ) (-128 896 512 ) (-128 896 96 )
+4 40 41 (-128 896 80 ) (-128 896 512 ) (-128 1024 512 ) (-128 1024 80 )
+4 41 66 (-128 896 64 ) (-128 896 512 ) (-160 896 512 ) (-160 896 64 )
+4 41 42 (-160 1024 512 ) (-160 1024 64 ) (-160 896 64 ) (-160 896 512 )
+4 42 67 (-160 896 48 ) (-160 896 64 ) (-192 896 64 ) (-192 896 48 )
+4 42 66 (-160 896 64 ) (-160 896 512 ) (-192 896 512 ) (-192 896 64 )
+4 42 43 (-192 896 48 ) (-192 896 512 ) (-192 1024 512 ) (-192 1024 48 )
+4 43 70 (-203.656281 896 64 ) (-224 896 64 ) (-224 896 32 ) (-203.656281 896 32 )
+4 43 67 (-192 896 32 ) (-192 896 64 ) (-203.656281 896 64 ) (-203.656281 896 32 )
+4 43 66 (-192 896 64 ) (-192 896 512 ) (-224 896 512 ) (-224 896 64 )
+4 43 44 (-224 896 32 ) (-224 896 512 ) (-224 1024 512 ) (-224 1024 32 )
+4 44 87 (-528 1024 16 ) (-224 1024 16 ) (-224 896 16 ) (-528 896 16 )
+4 44 70 (-294.167023 896 16 ) (-224 896 16 ) (-224 896 64 ) (-294.166992 896 64 )
+4 44 68 (-528 896 16 ) (-294.167023 896 16 ) (-294.166992 896 64 ) (-528 896 64 )
+4 44 66 (-224 896 64 ) (-224 896 512 ) (-528 896 512 ) (-528 896 64 )
+4 44 51 (-528 1024 16 ) (-528 1011.556335 16 ) (-528 1011.556396 64 ) (-528 1024 64 )
+4 44 49 (-528 1011.556335 16 ) (-528 928 16 ) (-528 928 64 ) (-528 1011.556396 64 )
+4 44 47 (-528 928 83.199997 ) (-528 1024 83.199997 ) (-528 1024 64 ) (-528 928 64 )
+4 44 45 (-528 896 83.199997 ) (-528 896 512 ) (-528 1024 512 ) (-528 1024 83.199997 )
+4 45 94 (-1024 1024 512 ) (-1024 1024 83.199997 ) (-1024 896 83.199997 ) (-1024 896 512 )
+4 45 73 (-624 896 512 ) (-1024 896 512 ) (-1024 896 83.199997 ) (-624 896 83.199997 )
+4 45 71 (-528 896 83.199997 ) (-528 896 512 ) (-624 896 512 ) (-624 896 83.199997 )
+5 45 47 (-580.215576 1024 83.199997 ) (-528 1024 83.199997 ) (-528 928 83.199997 ) (-624 928 83.199997 ) (-624 971.820679 83.199997 )
+3 45 48 (-624 896 83.199997 ) (-687.622192 896 83.199997 ) (-624 971.820679 83.199997 )
+4 45 46 (-1024 1024 83.199997 ) (-580.215576 1024 83.199997 ) (-687.622192 896 83.199997 ) (-1024 896 83.199997 )
+4 46 94 (-1024 1024 83.199997 ) (-1024 1024 16 ) (-1024 896 16 ) (-1024 896 83.199997 )
+4 46 87 (-1024 896 16 ) (-1024 1024 16 ) (-580.216980 1024 16 ) (-687.623535 896 16 )
+4 46 75 (-1024 896 16 ) (-687.623535 896 16 ) (-687.622559 896 64 ) (-1024 896 64 )
+4 46 73 (-687.622559 896 64 ) (-687.622192 896 83.199997 ) (-1024 896 83.199997 ) (-1024 896 64 )
+4 46 52 (-660.771240 928 16 ) (-624 971.821716 16 ) (-624 971.820557 64 ) (-660.770142 928 64 )
+4 46 51 (-624 971.821716 16 ) (-580.216492 1024 16 ) (-580.215515 1024 64 ) (-624 971.820557 64 )
+4 46 47 (-580.215149 1024 83.199997 ) (-624 971.820129 83.199997 ) (-624 971.820557 64 ) (-580.215515 1024 64 )
+4 46 48 (-624 971.820129 83.199997 ) (-687.621704 896 83.199997 ) (-687.622070 896 64 ) (-624 971.820557 64 )
+6 47 51 (-624 971.819702 64 ) (-580.214966 1024 64 ) (-528 1024 64 ) (-528 1011.556335 64 ) (-598.110840 928 64 ) (-624 928 64 )
+3 47 49 (-528 1011.556335 64 ) (-528 928 64 ) (-598.110840 928 64 )
+4 47 48 (-624 971.823730 83.199997 ) (-624 971.824219 64 ) (-624 928 64 ) (-624 928 83.199997 )
+4 48 73 (-624 896 83.199997 ) (-687.622192 896 83.199997 ) (-687.622559 896 64 ) (-624 896 64 )
+3 48 52 (-660.769653 928 64 ) (-624 971.819702 64 ) (-624 897.146118 64 )
+3 48 50 (-624 897.146118 64 ) (-624 896 64 ) (-624.961670 896 64 )
+3 49 87 (-528 1011.556335 16 ) (-528 928 16 ) (-598.110962 928 16 )
+4 49 51 (-598.109985 928 64 ) (-528 1011.554688 64 ) (-528 1011.554688 16 ) (-598.109985 928 16 )
+3 50 87 (-624 896 16 ) (-624.961670 896 16 ) (-624 897.146118 16 )
+4 50 74 (-624.961670 896 16 ) (-624 896 16 ) (-624 896 64 ) (-624.961670 896 64 )
+6 51 87 (-580.216980 1024 16 ) (-528 1024 16 ) (-528 1011.556335 16 ) (-598.110962 928 16 ) (-624 928 16 ) (-624 971.822327 16 )
+4 51 52 (-624 928 64 ) (-624 971.821289 64 ) (-624 971.822449 16 ) (-624 928 16 )
+3 52 87 (-624 897.146118 16 ) (-660.771484 928 16 ) (-624 971.822327 16 )
+4 53 66 (-128 896 512 ) (-128 896 96 ) (-128 432 96 ) (-128 432 512 )
+4 53 63 (-97.470627 432 96 ) (-46.389038 432 96 ) (-46.389038 432 128 ) (-97.470352 432 128 )
+4 53 61 (-128 432 128 ) (-128 432 96 ) (-97.470627 432 96 ) (-97.470352 432 128 )
+4 53 60 (-46.389038 432 96 ) (0 432 96 ) (0 432 128 ) (-46.389038 432 128 )
+4 53 59 (0 432 512 ) (-128 432 512 ) (-128 432 128 ) (0 432 128 )
+5 53 57 (-128 887.890747 96 ) (-128 896 96 ) (-79.871628 896 96 ) (-60.827698 843.679993 96 ) (-105.933365 827.262024 96 )
+4 53 56 (-44.408978 798.572266 96 ) (0 676.565918 96 ) (0 536.207031 96 ) (-89.516296 782.155640 96 )
+4 53 55 (0 432 96 ) (-128 432 96 ) (-128 887.890747 96 ) (0 536.207031 96 )
+3 53 54 (-79.871628 896 96 ) (0 896 96 ) (0 676.565918 96 )
+3 54 58 (0 768 64 ) (0 676.565918 64 ) (-33.281013 768 64 )
+4 54 57 (-79.872177 896 64 ) (-60.827728 843.678772 64 ) (-60.825821 843.680664 96 ) (-79.869492 896 96 )
+4 54 56 (-44.409336 798.572144 64 ) (0 676.565369 64 ) (0 676.571777 96 ) (-44.407101 798.572937 96 )
+4 55 66 (-128 887.888000 64 ) (-128 432 64 ) (-128 432 96 ) (-128 887.890747 96 )
+4 55 64 (-16 432 64 ) (0 432 64 ) (0 432 83.199997 ) (-16 432 83.199997 )
+4 55 65 (-128 432 83.199997 ) (-128 432 64 ) (-112 432 64 ) (-112 432 83.199997 )
+4 55 63 (-97.470741 432 83.199997 ) (-46.389038 432 83.199997 ) (-46.389038 432 96 ) (-97.470627 432 96 )
+4 55 61 (-128 432 96 ) (-128 432 83.199997 ) (-97.470741 432 83.199997 ) (-97.470627 432 96 )
+4 55 60 (-46.389038 432 83.199997 ) (0 432 83.199997 ) (0 432 96 ) (-46.389038 432 96 )
+5 55 58 (0 432 64 ) (-128 432 64 ) (-128 768 64 ) (-84.365173 768 64 ) (0 536.204285 64 )
+4 55 57 (-105.934563 827.260437 64 ) (-128 887.885864 64 ) (-128 887.886719 96 ) (-105.934692 827.261536 96 )
+4 55 56 (0 536.202148 64 ) (-89.517876 782.155090 64 ) (-89.517654 782.155151 96 ) (0 536.202393 96 )
+4 56 58 (-33.281006 768 64 ) (0 676.565918 64 ) (0 536.204285 64 ) (-84.365158 768 64 )
+4 57 66 (-128 896 96 ) (-128 896 64 ) (-128 887.888000 64 ) (-128 887.890747 96 )
+4 58 85 (0 768 16 ) (0 432 16 ) (-96 432 16 ) (-96 768 16 )
+4 58 87 (-96 432 16 ) (-128 432 16 ) (-128 768 16 ) (-96 768 16 )
+4 58 69 (-128 768 16 ) (-128 729.833008 16 ) (-128 729.833008 64 ) (-128 768 64 )
+4 58 68 (-128 729.833008 16 ) (-128 432 16 ) (-128 432 64 ) (-128 729.833008 64 )
+4 58 64 (-16 432 16 ) (0 432 16 ) (0 432 64 ) (-16 432 64 )
+4 58 65 (-128 432 64 ) (-128 432 16 ) (-112 432 16 ) (-112 432 64 )
+4 59 77 (0 352 336 ) (0 352 512 ) (-96 352 512 ) (-96 352 336 )
+4 59 78 (-96 352 512 ) (-128 352 512 ) (-128 352 128 ) (-96 352 128 )
+4 59 66 (-128 352 128 ) (-128 352 512 ) (-128 432 512 ) (-128 432 128 )
+4 59 63 (-89.922607 411.262146 128 ) (-97.470345 432 128 ) (-46.389038 432 128 ) (-44.816608 427.680023 128 )
+4 59 62 (-17.269888 352 128 ) (-68.353622 352 128 ) (-73.505638 366.155487 128 ) (-28.397861 382.572235 128 )
+4 59 61 (-68.353622 352 128 ) (-128 352 128 ) (-128 432 128 ) (-97.470345 432 128 )
+4 59 60 (0 352 128 ) (-17.269888 352 128 ) (-46.389038 432 128 ) (0 432 128 )
+4 60 64 (0 352 83.199997 ) (-16 352 83.199997 ) (-16 432 83.199997 ) (0 432 83.199997 )
+4 60 63 (-46.390625 432 83.199997 ) (-44.817600 427.678375 83.199997 ) (-44.818008 427.679504 128 ) (-46.390625 432 128 )
+4 60 62 (-28.399263 382.571747 83.199997 ) (-17.271473 352 83.199997 ) (-17.271484 352 128 ) (-28.399271 382.571747 128 )
+4 61 78 (-96 352 128 ) (-128 352 128 ) (-128 352 83.199997 ) (-96 352 83.199997 )
+4 61 66 (-128 352 83.199997 ) (-128 352 128 ) (-128 432 128 ) (-128 432 83.199997 )
+4 61 65 (-112 352 83.199997 ) (-128 352 83.199997 ) (-128 432 83.199997 ) (-112 432 83.199997 )
+4 61 63 (-89.918961 411.262207 83.199997 ) (-97.466797 432 83.199997 ) (-97.468750 432 128 ) (-89.921204 411.262665 128 )
+4 61 62 (-68.349609 352 83.199997 ) (-73.502174 366.156769 83.199997 ) (-73.504234 366.156006 128 ) (-68.352028 352 128 )
+4 64 85 (0 432 16 ) (0 352 16 ) (-16 352 16 ) (-16 432 16 )
+4 65 87 (-112 352 16 ) (-128 352 16 ) (-128 432 16 ) (-112 432 16 )
+4 65 78 (-128 352 16 ) (-112 352 16 ) (-112 352 83.199997 ) (-128 352 83.199997 )
+4 65 68 (-128 432 16 ) (-128 352 16 ) (-128 352 64 ) (-128 432 64 )
+4 65 66 (-128 352 64 ) (-128 352 83.199997 ) (-128 432 83.199997 ) (-128 432 64 )
+4 66 82 (-256 352 512 ) (-384 352 512 ) (-384 352 64 ) (-256 352 64 )
+4 66 84 (-384 352 512 ) (-528 352 512 ) (-528 352 64 ) (-384 352 64 )
+4 66 78 (-128 352 64 ) (-128 352 512 ) (-256 352 512 ) (-256 352 64 )
+4 66 71 (-528 848 512 ) (-528 896 512 ) (-528 896 83.199997 ) (-528 848 83.199997 )
+4 66 72 (-528 352 64 ) (-528 352 512 ) (-528 848 512 ) (-528 848 64 )
+4 66 70 (-294.167023 896 64 ) (-203.656281 896 64 ) (-165.830017 858.172974 64 ) (-211.085022 812.918030 64 )
+3 66 69 (-128 805.493896 64 ) (-128 729.833069 64 ) (-165.829956 767.663025 64 )
+5 66 68 (-528 352 64 ) (-528 896 64 ) (-294.167023 896 64 ) (-128 729.833069 64 ) (-128 352 64 )
+3 66 67 (-203.656281 896 64 ) (-128 896 64 ) (-128 820.342163 64 )
+3 67 87 (-203.656281 896 16 ) (-128 896 16 ) (-128 820.342163 16 )
+4 67 70 (-165.829254 858.173706 64 ) (-203.654785 896 64 ) (-203.654785 896 16 ) (-165.829254 858.173706 16 )
+5 68 87 (-528 896 16 ) (-294.167023 896 16 ) (-128 729.833069 16 ) (-128 352 16 ) (-528 352 16 )
+4 68 82 (-384 352 16 ) (-256 352 16 ) (-256 352 64 ) (-384 352 64 )
+4 68 84 (-528 352 16 ) (-384 352 16 ) (-384 352 64 ) (-528 352 64 )
+4 68 78 (-256 352 16 ) (-128 352 16 ) (-128 352 64 ) (-256 352 64 )
+4 68 72 (-528 352 16 ) (-528 352 64 ) (-528 848 64 ) (-528 848 16 )
+4 68 70 (-294.164063 896 16 ) (-294.164063 896 64 ) (-211.083542 812.919495 64 ) (-211.083542 812.919495 16 )
+4 68 69 (-165.828537 767.664490 64 ) (-128 729.835938 64 ) (-128 729.835938 16 ) (-165.828537 767.664490 16 )
+3 69 87 (-128 805.493896 16 ) (-128 729.833069 16 ) (-165.829956 767.663025 16 )
+4 70 87 (-294.167023 896 16 ) (-203.656281 896 16 ) (-165.830017 858.172974 16 ) (-211.085022 812.918030 16 )
+4 71 73 (-624 848 512 ) (-624 896 512 ) (-624 896 83.199997 ) (-624 848 83.199997 )
+4 71 72 (-624 848 512 ) (-624 848 83.199997 ) (-528 848 83.199997 ) (-528 848 512 )
+4 72 87 (-528 848 16 ) (-528 352 16 ) (-624 352 16 ) (-624 848 16 )
+4 72 84 (-624 352 16 ) (-528 352 16 ) (-528 352 512 ) (-624 352 512 )
+4 72 74 (-624 352 16 ) (-624 352 64 ) (-624 848 64 ) (-624 848 16 )
+4 72 73 (-624 352 64 ) (-624 352 512 ) (-624 848 512 ) (-624 848 64 )
+4 73 94 (-1024 896 512 ) (-1024 896 64 ) (-1024 352 64 ) (-1024 352 512 )
+4 73 84 (-1024 352 512 ) (-1024 352 64 ) (-624 352 64 ) (-624 352 512 )
+4 73 76 (-654.854797 860.374146 64 ) (-1024 420.436493 64 ) (-1024 495.127777 64 ) (-691.626099 891.228943 64 )
+3 73 75 (-1024 896 64 ) (-687.622620 896 64 ) (-1024 495.127777 64 )
+5 73 74 (-624.961670 896 64 ) (-624 896 64 ) (-624 352 64 ) (-1024 352 64 ) (-1024 420.436493 64 )
+4 74 94 (-1024 420.436493 16 ) (-1024 352 16 ) (-1024 352 64 ) (-1024 420.436493 64 )
+5 74 87 (-1024 352 16 ) (-1024 420.436493 16 ) (-624.961670 896 16 ) (-624 896 16 ) (-624 352 16 )
+4 74 84 (-1024 352 64 ) (-1024 352 16 ) (-624 352 16 ) (-624 352 64 )
+4 74 76 (-1024 420.434021 64 ) (-654.854004 860.373474 64 ) (-654.854004 860.373474 16 ) (-1024 420.434021 16 )
+4 75 94 (-1024 896 64 ) (-1024 896 16 ) (-1024 495.128937 16 ) (-1024 495.127777 64 )
+3 75 87 (-1024 495.128906 16 ) (-1024 896 16 ) (-687.623596 896 16 )
+4 75 76 (-691.625610 891.228577 64 ) (-1024 495.126770 64 ) (-1024 495.127930 16 ) (-691.626221 891.229004 16 )
+4 76 94 (-1024 495.128937 16 ) (-1024 420.436493 16 ) (-1024 420.436493 64 ) (-1024 495.127777 64 )
+4 76 87 (-1024 420.436493 16 ) (-1024 495.128906 16 ) (-691.626587 891.229492 16 ) (-654.854797 860.374146 16 )
+4 77 79 (0 176 512 ) (-96 176 512 ) (-96 176 336 ) (0 176 336 )
+4 77 78 (-96 176 336 ) (-96 176 512 ) (-96 352 512 ) (-96 352 336 )
+4 78 87 (-256 176 16 ) (-256 352 16 ) (-96 352 16 ) (-96 176 16 )
+4 78 82 (-256 352 512 ) (-256 352 16 ) (-256 176 16 ) (-256 176 512 )
+4 78 79 (-96 176 512 ) (-256 176 512 ) (-256 176 16 ) (-96 176 16 )
+4 79 86 (-96 176 16 ) (0 176 16 ) (0 128 16 ) (-96 128 16 )
+4 79 87 (-256 128 16 ) (-256 176 16 ) (-96 176 16 ) (-96 128 16 )
+4 79 82 (-256 176 16 ) (-256 128 16 ) (-256 128 512 ) (-256 176 512 )
+4 79 80 (0 128 512 ) (-256 128 512 ) (-256 128 128 ) (0 128 128 )
+4 79 81 (-256 128 112 ) (-256 128 16 ) (0 128 16 ) (0 128 112 )
+4 80 106 (0 0 128 ) (0 0 512 ) (-256 0 512 ) (-256 0 128 )
+4 80 83 (-256 0 128 ) (-256 0 512 ) (-256 128 512 ) (-256 128 128 )
+4 81 106 (0 0 16 ) (0 0 112 ) (-256 0 112 ) (-256 0 16 )
+4 82 87 (-384 128 16 ) (-384 352 16 ) (-256 352 16 ) (-256 128 16 )
+4 82 83 (-384 128 512 ) (-384 128 128 ) (-256 128 128 ) (-256 128 512 )
+4 82 84 (-384 128 512 ) (-384 352 512 ) (-384 352 16 ) (-384 128 16 )
+4 83 107 (-256 0 128 ) (-256 0 512 ) (-384 0 512 ) (-384 0 128 )
+4 83 84 (-384 0 512 ) (-384 128 512 ) (-384 128 128 ) (-384 0 128 )
+4 84 108 (-1024 0 512 ) (-1024 0 16 ) (-384 0 16 ) (-384 0 512 )
+4 84 94 (-1024 0 16 ) (-1024 0 512 ) (-1024 352 512 ) (-1024 352 16 )
+4 84 88 (-384 0 16 ) (-1024 0 16 ) (-1024 128 16 ) (-384 128 16 )
+4 84 87 (-1024 128 16 ) (-1024 352 16 ) (-384 352 16 ) (-384 128 16 )
+4 85 89 (0 1024 0 ) (0 640 0 ) (-96 640 0 ) (-96 1024 0 )
+4 85 90 (0 640 0 ) (0 352 0 ) (-96 352 0 ) (-96 640 0 )
+4 85 87 (-96 1024 0 ) (-96 352 0 ) (-96 352 16 ) (-96 1024 16 )
+4 86 90 (0 176 0 ) (0 128 0 ) (-96 128 0 ) (-96 176 0 )
+4 86 87 (-96 176 0 ) (-96 128 0 ) (-96 128 16 ) (-96 176 16 )
+4 87 94 (-1024 128 16 ) (-1024 1024 16 ) (-1024 1024 0 ) (-1024 128 0 )
+4 87 89 (-832 640 0 ) (-832 1024 0 ) (-96 1024 0 ) (-96 640 0 )
+4 87 90 (-96 128 0 ) (-832 128 0 ) (-832 640 0 ) (-96 640 0 )
+4 87 91 (-832 128 0 ) (-1024 128 0 ) (-1024 1024 0 ) (-832 1024 0 )
+4 87 88 (-1024 128 0 ) (-384 128 0 ) (-384 128 16 ) (-1024 128 16 )
+4 88 111 (-384 0 16 ) (-1024 0 16 ) (-1024 0 0 ) (-384 0 0 )
+4 88 94 (-1024 0 0 ) (-1024 0 16 ) (-1024 128 16 ) (-1024 128 0 )
+4 88 90 (-384 0 0 ) (-832 0 0 ) (-832 128 0 ) (-384 128 0 )
+4 88 91 (-832 0 0 ) (-1024 0 0 ) (-1024 128 0 ) (-832 128 0 )
+4 89 90 (-832 640 0 ) (-832 640 -192 ) (0 640 -192 ) (0 640 0 )
+4 89 91 (-832 640 -192 ) (-832 640 0 ) (-832 1024 0 ) (-832 1024 -192 )
+4 90 109 (0 0 -320 ) (0 0 0 ) (-384 0 0 ) (-384 0 -320 )
+4 90 111 (-384 0 0 ) (-832 0 0 ) (-832 0 -320 ) (-384 0 -320 )
+4 90 92 (0 0 -320 ) (-832 0 -320 ) (-832 640 -320 ) (0 640 -320 )
+4 90 91 (-832 640 -320 ) (-832 0 -320 ) (-832 0 0 ) (-832 640 0 )
+4 91 111 (-832 0 0 ) (-1024 0 0 ) (-1024 0 -320 ) (-832 0 -320 )
+4 91 94 (-1024 0 -320 ) (-1024 0 0 ) (-1024 1024 0 ) (-1024 1024 -320 )
+4 91 92 (-832 0 -320 ) (-1024 0 -320 ) (-1024 1024 -320 ) (-832 1024 -320 )
+4 92 109 (0 0 -512 ) (0 0 -320 ) (-384 0 -320 ) (-384 0 -512 )
+4 92 111 (-384 0 -320 ) (-1024 0 -320 ) (-1024 0 -512 ) (-384 0 -512 )
+4 92 94 (-1024 0 -512 ) (-1024 0 -320 ) (-1024 1024 -320 ) (-1024 1024 -512 )
+4 93 94 (-1024 1024 -512 ) (-1024 1024 512 ) (-1408 1024 512 ) (-1408 1024 -512 )
+4 94 112 (-1024 0 -512 ) (-1024 0 512 ) (-1408 0 512 ) (-1408 0 -512 )
+4 95 104 (1152 -1024 512 ) (1024 -1024 512 ) (1024 -1024 -512 ) (1152 -1024 -512 )
+4 95 101 (1024 -1024 -512 ) (1024 -1024 16 ) (1024 0 16 ) (1024 0 -512 )
+4 95 97 (1024 -512 512 ) (1024 -256 512 ) (1024 -256 16 ) (1024 -512 16 )
+4 95 96 (1024 -256 512 ) (1024 0 512 ) (1024 0 16 ) (1024 -256 16 )
+4 95 100 (1024 -1024 16 ) (1024 -1024 512 ) (1024 -512 512 ) (1024 -512 16 )
+4 96 106 (0 0 512 ) (0 0 16 ) (0 -256 16 ) (0 -256 512 )
+4 96 101 (512 0 16 ) (1024 0 16 ) (1024 -256 16 ) (512 -256 16 )
+4 96 99 (0 -256 16 ) (32 -256 16 ) (256 -256 128 ) (0 -256 128 )
+4 96 98 (512 -256 128 ) (512 -256 512 ) (0 -256 512 ) (0 -256 128 )
+4 96 97 (512 -256 16 ) (1024 -256 16 ) (1024 -256 512 ) (512 -256 512 )
+4 97 101 (512 -256 16 ) (1024 -256 16 ) (1024 -512 16 ) (512 -512 16 )
+4 97 98 (512 -256 512 ) (512 -256 128 ) (512 -512 128 ) (512 -512 512 )
+4 97 100 (512 -512 16 ) (1024 -512 16 ) (1024 -512 512 ) (512 -512 512 )
+4 98 106 (0 -512 128 ) (0 -512 512 ) (0 -256 512 ) (0 -256 128 )
+4 98 99 (0 -256 128 ) (256 -256 128 ) (256 -512 128 ) (0 -512 128 )
+4 98 100 (512 -512 128 ) (512 -512 512 ) (0 -512 512 ) (0 -512 128 )
+4 99 106 (0 -256 16 ) (0 -512 16 ) (0 -512 128 ) (0 -256 128 )
+4 99 100 (0 -512 16 ) (32 -512 16 ) (256 -512 128 ) (0 -512 128 )
+4 100 106 (0 -512 16 ) (0 -1024 16 ) (0 -1024 512 ) (0 -512 512 )
+4 100 105 (1024 -1024 16 ) (1024 -1024 512 ) (0 -1024 512 ) (0 -1024 16 )
+4 100 103 (0 -1024 16 ) (0 -512 16 ) (512 -512 16 ) (512 -1024 16 )
+4 100 101 (512 -512 16 ) (1024 -512 16 ) (1024 -1024 16 ) (512 -1024 16 )
+4 101 105 (1024 -1024 -512 ) (1024 -1024 16 ) (512 -1024 16 ) (512 -1024 -512 )
+4 101 102 (512 0 -512 ) (512 -512 -512 ) (512 -512 0 ) (512 0 0 )
+4 101 103 (512 -512 -512 ) (512 -1024 -512 ) (512 -1024 16 ) (512 -512 16 )
+4 102 109 (0 0 0 ) (0 0 -512 ) (0 -512 -512 ) (0 -512 0 )
+4 102 103 (0 -512 -512 ) (512 -512 -512 ) (512 -512 0 ) (0 -512 0 )
+4 103 110 (0 -512 -512 ) (0 -1024 -512 ) (0 -1024 16 ) (0 -512 16 )
+4 103 105 (512 -1024 16 ) (0 -1024 16 ) (0 -1024 -512 ) (512 -1024 -512 )
+4 104 105 (1024 -1024 512 ) (1024 -1024 -512 ) (1024 -1152 -512 ) (1024 -1152 512 )
+4 105 113 (0 -1152 512 ) (0 -1024 512 ) (0 -1024 -512 ) (0 -1152 -512 )
+4 106 113 (0 -1024 16 ) (0 -1024 512 ) (-256 -1024 512 ) (-256 -1024 16 )
+4 106 110 (0 -1024 16 ) (-256 -1024 16 ) (-256 -512 16 ) (0 -512 16 )
+5 106 107 (-256 -112 16 ) (-256 -1024 16 ) (-256 -1024 512 ) (-256 0 512 ) (-256 0 128 )
+4 107 113 (-256 -1024 512 ) (-384 -1024 512 ) (-384 -1024 16 ) (-256 -1024 16 )
+4 107 110 (-256 -1024 16 ) (-384 -1024 16 ) (-384 -512 16 ) (-256 -512 16 )
+5 107 108 (-384 -112 16 ) (-384 -1024 16 ) (-384 -1024 512 ) (-384 0 512 ) (-384 0 128 )
+4 108 113 (-384 -1024 512 ) (-1024 -1024 512 ) (-1024 -1024 16 ) (-384 -1024 16 )
+4 108 112 (-1024 0 512 ) (-1024 0 16 ) (-1024 -1024 16 ) (-1024 -1024 512 )
+4 108 111 (-384 -1024 16 ) (-1024 -1024 16 ) (-1024 0 16 ) (-384 0 16 )
+4 109 110 (-384 -512 0 ) (-384 -512 -512 ) (0 -512 -512 ) (0 -512 0 )
+4 109 111 (-384 0 -512 ) (-384 -512 -512 ) (-384 -512 0 ) (-384 0 0 )
+4 110 113 (0 -1024 -512 ) (0 -1024 16 ) (-384 -1024 16 ) (-384 -1024 -512 )
+4 110 111 (-384 -512 -512 ) (-384 -1024 -512 ) (-384 -1024 16 ) (-384 -512 16 )
+4 111 113 (-384 -1024 16 ) (-1024 -1024 16 ) (-1024 -1024 -512 ) (-384 -1024 -512 )
+4 111 112 (-1024 0 16 ) (-1024 0 -512 ) (-1024 -1024 -512 ) (-1024 -1024 16 )
+4 112 114 (-1024 -1024 -512 ) (-1024 -1024 512 ) (-1408 -1024 512 ) (-1408 -1024 -512 )
+4 113 114 (-1024 -1024 512 ) (-1024 -1024 -512 ) (-1024 -1152 -512 ) (-1024 -1152 512 )
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- "logicalpos" "[0 0]"
- }
"id" "681"
"classname" "prop_static"
"skin" "0"
"solid" "6"
"uniformscale" "1"
- "origin" "-640 320 0"
+ "origin" "-704 304 0"
"color" "255 255 0"
- "id" "918"
- "classname" "prop_static"
- "angles" "0 30 0"
- "fademindist" "-1"
- "fadescale" "1"
- "model" "models/props/de_tides/truck.mdl"
- "renderamt" "255"
- "rendercolor" "255 255 255"
- "skin" "0"
- "solid" "6"
- "uniformscale" "1"
- "origin" "-320 768 16"
- editor
- {
- "color" "255 255 0"
- "visgroupid" "14"
- "visgroupid" "9"
- "visgroupid" "16"
- "visgroupshown" "1"
- "visgroupautoshown" "1"
- "logicalpos" "[0 0]"
- }
"id" "949"
"classname" "prop_static"
"rendercolor" "255 255 255"
"skin" "0"
"solid" "6"
- "uniformscale" "2"
- "origin" "-512 1024 16"
- editor
- {
- "color" "255 255 0"
- "visgroupid" "16"
- "visgroupid" "9"
- "visgroupshown" "1"
- "visgroupautoshown" "1"
- "logicalpos" "[0 0]"
- }
- "id" "957"
- "classname" "prop_static"
- "angles" "0 120 0"
- "fademindist" "-1"
- "fadescale" "1"
- "model" "models/props/de_tides/truck.mdl"
- "renderamt" "255"
- "rendercolor" "255 255 255"
- "skin" "0"
- "solid" "6"
- "uniformscale" "1"
- "origin" "-192 512 16"
- editor
- {
- "color" "255 255 0"
- "visgroupid" "18"
- "visgroupshown" "1"
- "visgroupautoshown" "1"
- "logicalpos" "[0 0]"
- }
- "id" "1015"
- "classname" "prop_static"
- "angles" "0 330 0"
- "fademindist" "-1"
- "fadescale" "1"
- "model" "models/terri/monaco/vehicles/f1.mdl"
- "renderamt" "255"
- "rendercolor" "255 255 255"
- "skin" "0"
- "solid" "6"
"uniformscale" "1"
- "origin" "-576 640 16"
+ "origin" "-640 976 16"
"color" "255 255 0"
- "visgroupid" "14"
- "visgroupid" "9"
"visgroupid" "16"
+ "visgroupid" "9"
"visgroupshown" "1"
"visgroupautoshown" "1"
"logicalpos" "[0 0]"
// Image Inputs _______________________________________________________________________________
uniform sampler2D tex_gradient;
-uniform sampler2D tex_background;
uniform sampler2D tex_modulate;
uniform sampler2D gbuffer_position;
uniform sampler2D gbuffer_clean_position;
uniform vec3 samples[256];
uniform sampler2D ssaoRotations;
uniform float ssaoScale;
+uniform int mssascale;
uniform mat4 projection;
uniform mat4 view;
uniform vec4 color_buyzone;
uniform vec4 color_cover;
uniform vec4 color_cover2;
+uniform vec4 color_ao;
+uniform float blend_objective_stripes;
+uniform float blend_ao;
// ____________________________________________________________________________________________
return a + w*(b-a);
+vec4 lerp(vec4 a, vec4 b, float w)
+ return a + w*(b-a);
vec4 blend_normal(vec4 a, vec4 b, float s)
return vec4(lerp(a.rgb, b.rgb, b.a * s), a.a + (b.a * s));
lerp(s_position_clean.y, s_position.y, clamp((1 - s_modulate.r) + (float((s_info >> 1) & 0x1U) - m_playspace_clean), 0, 1))
), m_playspace);
- final = blend_normal(final, color_cover, float((s_info >> 7) & 0x1U) * m_playspace);
- final = blend_normal(final, color_cover * vec4(0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1.0), float((s_info >> 7) & 0x1U) * m_playspace * (1 - ((s_position.y - s_position_clean.y) / 256)));
+ final = blend_normal(final, lerp(color_cover, color_cover2, float((s_info >> 7) & 0x1U) * m_playspace * (1 - ((s_position.y - s_position_clean.y) / 196))), float((s_info >> 7) & 0x1U) * m_playspace);
vec4 s_normal = texture(gbuffer_normal, TexCoords);
vec3 randVec = texture(ssaoRotations, TexCoords * noiseScale).rgb;
occlusion += (sDepth >= sample.y + 10.0 ? 1.0 : 0.0);
- final = blend_normal(final, vec4(0,0,0,1), (occlusion / 200) * m_playspace);
+ final = blend_normal(final, color_ao, (occlusion / 200) * m_playspace * blend_ao);
final = blend_normal(final, color_objective, // Objectives
- (kernel_filter_glow(umask_objectives, 13, 1))
+ (kernel_filter_glow(umask_objectives, 13 * mssascale, 1))
* m_objectives
* ( 1 - float((s_info >> 7) & 0x1U))
- kernel_filter_outline(umask_objectives, 2) * 0.9
- * ( 1 - float((s_info >> 7) & 0x1U)) * s_modulate_1_5.r
+ kernel_filter_outline(umask_objectives, 3 * mssascale) * 0.9
+ * ( 1 - float((s_info >> 7) & 0x1U)) * clamp(s_modulate_1_5.r + blend_objective_stripes, 0, 1)
- (kernel_filter_glow(umask_objectives, 13, 0))
+ (kernel_filter_glow(umask_objectives, 13 * mssascale, 0))
* ( 1 - m_objectives )
* ( 1 - float((s_info >> 7) & 0x1U))
final = blend_normal(final, color_buyzone, // Objectives
- (kernel_filter_glow(umask_buyzone, 13, 1))
+ (kernel_filter_glow(umask_buyzone, 13 * mssascale, 1))
* m_buyzones
* ( 1 - float((s_info >> 7) & 0x1U))
- kernel_filter_outline(umask_buyzone, 2) * 0.9
+ kernel_filter_outline(umask_buyzone, 3 * mssascale) * 0.9
* ( 1 - float((s_info >> 7) & 0x1U))
- (kernel_filter_glow(umask_buyzone, 13, 0))
+ (kernel_filter_glow(umask_buyzone, 13 * mssascale, 0))
* ( 1 - m_buyzones )
* ( 1 - float((s_info >> 7) & 0x1U))
--- /dev/null
+#version 330 core
+// ____________________________________________________________________________________________
+in vec2 TexCoords;
+out vec4 FragColor;
+// Image Inputs _______________________________________________________________________________
+uniform sampler2D tex_layer;
+uniform sampler2D gbuffer_position;
+uniform float saturation;
+uniform float value;
+// ____________________________________________________________________________________________
+// --------------------------------------- Blend modes ----------------------------------------
+float lerp(float a, float b, float w)
+ return a + w*(b-a);
+vec3 lerp(vec3 a, vec3 b, float w)
+ return a + w*(b-a);
+vec4 lerp(vec4 a, vec4 b, float w)
+ return a + w*(b-a);
+vec4 blend_normal(vec4 a, vec4 b, float s)
+ return vec4(lerp(a.rgb, b.rgb, b.a * s), a.a + (b.a * s));
+vec4 blend_add(vec4 a, vec4 b, float s)
+ return vec4(a.rgb + (b.rgb * s), a.a);
+// ------------------------------------------ maths -------------------------------------------
+float remap(float value, float low1, float high1, float low2, float high2)
+ return low2 + (value - low1) * (high2 - low2) / (high1 - low1);
+vec3 rgb2hsv(vec3 c)
+ vec4 K = vec4(0.0, -1.0 / 3.0, 2.0 / 3.0, -1.0);
+ vec4 p = mix(vec4(c.bg, K.wz), vec4(c.gb, K.xy), step(c.b, c.g));
+ vec4 q = mix(vec4(p.xyw, c.r), vec4(c.r, p.yzx), step(p.x, c.r));
+ float d = q.x - min(q.w, q.y);
+ float e = 1.0e-10;
+ return vec3(abs(q.z + (q.w - q.y) / (6.0 * d + e)), d / (q.x + e), q.x);
+vec3 hsv2rgb(vec3 c)
+ vec4 K = vec4(1.0, 2.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 3.0);
+ vec3 p = abs(fract(c.xxx + K.xyz) * 6.0 - K.www);
+ return c.z * mix(K.xxx, clamp(p - K.xxx, 0.0, 1.0), c.y);
+// ____________________________________________________________________________________________
+// ( Write all your shader code & functions here )
+void main()
+ vec4 s_layer = texture(tex_layer, TexCoords);
+ vec4 s_gbuffer = texture(gbuffer_position, TexCoords);
+ vec3 colHSV = rgb2hsv(s_layer.rgb);
+ colHSV.g *= saturation;
+ colHSV.b *= value;
+ vec3 colRGB = hsv2rgb(colHSV);
+ FragColor = vec4(colRGB, s_layer.a);
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+#version 330 core
+// ____________________________________________________________________________________________
+in vec2 TexCoords;
+out vec4 FragColor;
+// Image Inputs _______________________________________________________________________________
+uniform sampler2D tex_layer;
+uniform sampler2D tex_background;
+uniform float blend_outline;
+uniform vec4 color_outline;
+uniform int outline_width;
+// ____________________________________________________________________________________________
+// --------------------------------------- Blend modes ----------------------------------------
+float lerp(float a, float b, float w)
+ return a + w*(b-a);
+vec3 lerp(vec3 a, vec3 b, float w)
+ return a + w*(b-a);
+vec4 lerp(vec4 a, vec4 b, float w)
+ return a + w*(b-a);
+vec4 blend_normal(vec4 a, vec4 b, float s)
+ return vec4(lerp(a.rgb, b.rgb, b.a * s), a.a + (b.a * s));
+vec4 blend_add(vec4 a, vec4 b, float s)
+ return vec4(a.rgb + (b.rgb * s), a.a);
+// ------------------------------------------ maths -------------------------------------------
+float remap(float value, float low1, float high1, float low2, float high2)
+ return low2 + (value - low1) * (high2 - low2) / (high1 - low1);
+// ---------------------------------- kernel / trace filters ----------------------------------
+// Given an 0-1 mask, return a 'glow value'
+float kernel_filter_glow(sampler2D sampler, int channelID, int sample_size, int inverse)
+ vec2 pixel_size = 1.0 / vec2(textureSize(sampler, 0));
+ float sT = 0;
+ int sample_double = sample_size * 2;
+ // Process kernel
+ for(int x = 0; x <= sample_double; x++){
+ for(int y = 0; y <= sample_double; y++){
+ if(inverse == 0)
+ sT += texture(sampler, TexCoords + vec2((-sample_size + x) * pixel_size.x, (-sample_size + y) * pixel_size.y))[channelID];
+ else sT += 1 - texture(sampler, TexCoords + vec2((-sample_size + x) * pixel_size.x, (-sample_size + y) * pixel_size.y))[channelID];
+ }
+ }
+ sT /= (sample_double * sample_double);
+ return sT;
+// Given a 0-1 mask, return an outline drawn around that mask
+float kernel_filter_outline(sampler2D sampler, int channelID, int sample_size)
+ vec2 pixel_size = 1.0 / vec2(textureSize(sampler, 0));
+ float sT = 0;
+ int sample_double = sample_size * 2;
+ // Process kernel
+ for(int x = 0; x <= sample_double; x++){
+ for(int y = 0; y <= sample_double; y++){
+ sT += //texture(sampler, TexCoords + vec2((-sample_size + x) * pixel_size.x, (-sample_size + y) * pixel_size.y))[channelID];
+ (sample_size - min(length(vec2(-sample_size + x, -sample_size + y)), sample_size)) *
+ texture(sampler, TexCoords + vec2((-sample_size + x) * pixel_size.x, (-sample_size + y) * pixel_size.y))[channelID];
+ }
+ }
+ return max(min(sT, 1) - texture(sampler, TexCoords)[channelID], 0);
+// ____________________________________________________________________________________________
+// ( Write all your shader code & functions here )
+void main()
+ vec4 s_layer = texture(tex_layer, TexCoords);
+ vec4 s_background = texture(tex_background, TexCoords);
+ vec4 final = s_background;
+ final = blend_normal(final, vec4(0,0,0,1), kernel_filter_glow(tex_layer, 3, 16, 0));// Drop shadow
+ final = blend_normal(final, color_outline, kernel_filter_outline(tex_layer, 3, outline_width) * blend_outline); // outline
+ final = blend_normal(final, s_layer, 1.0);
+ FragColor = final;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+#version 330 core
+#define FXAA_REDUCE_MIN (1.0/128.0)
+#define FXAA_REDUCE_MUL (1.0/8.0)
+#define FXAA_SPAN_MAX 8.0
+uniform sampler2D sampler0;
+uniform vec2 resolution;
+in vec2 TexCoords;
+out vec4 FragColor;
+void main(){
+ vec2 inverse_resolution=vec2(1.0/resolution.x,1.0/resolution.y);
+ vec3 rgbNW = texture2D(sampler0, TexCoords.xy + (vec2(-1.0,-1.0)) * inverse_resolution).xyz;
+ vec3 rgbNE = texture2D(sampler0, TexCoords.xy + (vec2(1.0,-1.0)) * inverse_resolution).xyz;
+ vec3 rgbSW = texture2D(sampler0, TexCoords.xy + (vec2(-1.0,1.0)) * inverse_resolution).xyz;
+ vec3 rgbSE = texture2D(sampler0, TexCoords.xy + (vec2(1.0,1.0)) * inverse_resolution).xyz;
+ vec3 rgbM = texture2D(sampler0, TexCoords.xy).xyz;
+ vec3 luma = vec3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114);
+ float lumaNW = dot(rgbNW, luma);
+ float lumaNE = dot(rgbNE, luma);
+ float lumaSW = dot(rgbSW, luma);
+ float lumaSE = dot(rgbSE, luma);
+ float lumaM = dot(rgbM, luma);
+ float lumaMin = min(lumaM, min(min(lumaNW, lumaNE), min(lumaSW, lumaSE)));
+ float lumaMax = max(lumaM, max(max(lumaNW, lumaNE), max(lumaSW, lumaSE)));
+ vec2 dir;
+ dir.x = -((lumaNW + lumaNE) - (lumaSW + lumaSE));
+ dir.y = ((lumaNW + lumaSW) - (lumaNE + lumaSE));
+ float dirReduce = max((lumaNW + lumaNE + lumaSW + lumaSE) * (0.25 * FXAA_REDUCE_MUL),FXAA_REDUCE_MIN);
+ float rcpDirMin = 1.0/(min(abs(dir.x), abs(dir.y)) + dirReduce);
+ dir = min(vec2( FXAA_SPAN_MAX, FXAA_SPAN_MAX),max(vec2(-FXAA_SPAN_MAX, -FXAA_SPAN_MAX),dir * rcpDirMin)) * inverse_resolution;
+ vec3 rgbA = 0.5 * (texture2D(sampler0, TexCoords.xy + dir * (1.0/3.0 - 0.5)).xyz + texture2D(sampler0, TexCoords.xy + dir * (2.0/3.0 - 0.5)).xyz);
+ vec3 rgbB = rgbA * 0.5 + 0.25 * (texture2D(sampler0, TexCoords.xy + dir * - 0.5).xyz + texture2D(sampler0, TexCoords.xy + dir * 0.5).xyz);
+ float lumaB = dot(rgbB, luma);
+ if((lumaB < lumaMin) || (lumaB > lumaMax)) {
+ FragColor = vec4(rgbA,1.0);
+ } else {
+ FragColor = vec4(rgbB,1.0);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+#version 330 core
+uniform sampler2D sampler0;
+in vec2 TexCoords;
+out vec4 FragColor;
+void main(){
+ FragColor = texture(sampler0, TexCoords);
\ No newline at end of file
#include "Texture.hpp"
#include "GradientMap.hpp"
+#include "dds.hpp"
struct tar_config_layer {
float layer_max;
- layer_max(10000.0f),
+ layer_max(-10000.0f),
layer_min(10000.0f) {}
tar_config_layer(float min, float max)
layer_min(min) {}
+enum sampling_mode {
+ MSAA4x,
+ MSAA16x
class tar_config {
std::vector<tar_config_layer> layers;
+ // Camera settings
+ glm::vec2 m_view_origin;
+ float m_render_ortho_scale;
+ BoundingBox m_map_bounds;
+ IMG m_dds_img_mode;
+ sampling_mode m_sampling_mode;
// Textures
Texture* m_texture_gradient;
Texture* m_texture_background;
this->m_shadows_enable = (kv::tryGetStringValue(kvs, "enableShadows", "0") == "1");
this->m_color_cover = parseVec4(kv::tryGetStringValue(kvs, "zColCover", "179 179 179 255"));
- this->m_color_cover2 = parseVec4(kv::tryGetStringValue(kvs, "zColCover2", "0 0 0 0 "));
+ this->m_color_cover2 = parseVec4(kv::tryGetStringValue(kvs, "zColCover2", "85 85 85 170"));
this->m_color_outline = parseVec4(kv::tryGetStringValue(kvs, "zColOutline", "204 204 204 153"));
this->m_color_ao = parseVec4(kv::tryGetStringValue(kvs, "zColAO", "0 0 0 255"));
this->m_color_buyzone = parseVec4(kv::tryGetStringValue(kvs, "zColBuyzone", "46 211 57 170"));
this->m_visgroup_mask = kv::tryGetStringValue(kvs, "vgroup_negative", "tar_mask");
this->m_visgroup_overlap = kv::tryGetStringValue(kvs, "vgroup_overlap", "tar_overlap");
+ this->m_dds_img_mode = IMG::MODE_DXT1;
+ switch (hash(kv::tryGetStringValue(kvs, "ddsMode", "0").c_str())) {
+ case hash("1"): this->m_dds_img_mode = IMG::MODE_DXT5; break;
+ case hash("2"): this->m_dds_img_mode = IMG::MODE_RGB888; break;
+ }
+ this->m_sampling_mode = sampling_mode::FXAA;
+ switch (hash(kv::tryGetStringValue(kvs, "ssaam", "3").c_str())) {
+ case hash("1"): this->m_sampling_mode = sampling_mode::MSAA4x; break;
+ case hash("2"): this->m_sampling_mode = sampling_mode::MSAA16x; break;
+ }
+ // Configure camera setup
+ this->m_map_bounds = v->getVisgroupBounds(this->m_visgroup_layout);
+ std::cout << -this->m_map_bounds.NWU.x << "," << this->m_map_bounds.NWU.y << "," << this->m_map_bounds.NWU.z << "\n";
+ std::cout << -this->m_map_bounds.SEL.x << "," << this->m_map_bounds.SEL.y << "," << this->m_map_bounds.SEL.z << "\n";
+ for (auto && min : v->get_entities_by_classname("tar_min"))
+ this->m_map_bounds.SEL.y = glm::min(min->m_origin.y, this->m_map_bounds.SEL.y);
+ for(auto && max : v->get_entities_by_classname("tar_max"))
+ this->m_map_bounds.NWU.y = glm::max(max->m_origin.y, this->m_map_bounds.NWU.y);
+ float padding = 128.0f;
+ float x_bounds_min = -this->m_map_bounds.NWU.x - padding;
+ float x_bounds_max = -this->m_map_bounds.SEL.x + padding;
+ float y_bounds_min = this->m_map_bounds.SEL.z - padding;
+ float y_bounds_max = this->m_map_bounds.NWU.z + padding;
+ float dist_x = x_bounds_max - x_bounds_min;
+ float dist_y = y_bounds_max - y_bounds_min;
+ float mx_dist = glm::max(dist_x, dist_y);
+ float justify_x = (mx_dist - dist_x) * 0.5f;
+ float justify_y = (mx_dist - dist_y) * 0.5f;
+ this->m_render_ortho_scale = glm::round((mx_dist / 1024.0f) / 0.01f) * 0.01f * 1024.0f;
+ this->m_view_origin = glm::vec2(x_bounds_min - justify_x, y_bounds_max + justify_y);
// Get map splits
std::vector<entity*> splitters = v->get_entities_by_classname("tar_map_divider");
for (auto && s : splitters) splits.push_back(s->m_origin.y);
- this->layers.push_back(tar_config_layer(-10000.0f, splits[0]));
+ this->layers.push_back(tar_config_layer(10000.0f, splits[0]));
for (int i = 0; i < splits.size() - 1; i++)
this->layers.push_back(tar_config_layer(splits[i], splits[i + 1]));
- this->layers.push_back(tar_config_layer(splits.back(), 10000.0f));
+ this->layers.push_back(tar_config_layer(splits.back(), -10000.0f));
\ No newline at end of file
class material {
- material() {
- // ok.. what now?
- }
+ static std::map<std::string, material*> m_index;
- /*
- static std::map<std::string, material*> material_index;
+ std::string name;
+ bool draw = true;
- static material* get(const std::string& tex) {
- if (!material_index.count(tex)) material_index.insert({ tex, new material() });
- return material_index[tex];
- }*/
+ material(const std::string& materialname) {
+ this->name = materialname;
+ if (this->name == "TOOLS/TOOLSSKYBOX" ||
+ this->name == "TOOLS/NODRAW")
+ this->draw = false;
+ }
static material* get(const std::string& tex) {
- return NULL;
+ if (material::m_index.count(tex)) return material::m_index[tex];
+ material::m_index.insert({ tex, new material(tex) });
+ return material::m_index[tex];
this->m_editorvalues = editorvalues(dataSrc->_GetFirstByName("editor"));
// Read solids
- for (auto && s : dataSrc->_GetAllByName("side")) m_sides.push_back(side::create(s));
+ for (auto && s : dataSrc->_GetAllByName("side")) {
+ m_sides.push_back(side::create(s));
+ }
// Process polytope problem. (still questionable why this is a thing)
std::vector<glm::vec3> intersecting;
float x, _x, y, _y, z, _z;
- _x = _y = _z = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
- x = y = z = std::numeric_limits<float>::min();
+ x = _y = _z = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
+ _x = y = z = std::numeric_limits<float>::min();
for (int i = 0; i < m_sides.size(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < m_sides.size(); j++) {
// Calculate bounds
- _x = glm::min(_x, p.x);
+ _x = glm::max(_x, p.x);
_y = glm::min(_y, p.y);
_z = glm::min(_z, p.z);
- x = glm::max(x, p.x);
+ x = glm::min(x, p.x);
y = glm::max(y, p.y);
z = glm::max(z, p.z);
for (auto && s : this->m_sides) {
if (s->m_dispinfo != NULL) continue;
if (s->m_vertices.size() < 3) continue;
+ if (!s->m_texture->draw) continue;
for (int j = 0; j < s->m_vertices.size() - 2; j++) {
glm::vec3* c = &s->m_vertices[0];
std::set<unsigned int> m_whitelist_visgroups;
std::set<std::string> m_whitelist_classnames;
+ float m_render_h_max = 10000.0f;
+ float m_render_h_min = -10000.0f;
static std::map<std::string, Mesh*> s_model_dict;
this->m_whitelist_classnames = classnames;
+ void SetMinMax(float min, float max) {
+ this->m_render_h_min = min;
+ this->m_render_h_max = max;
+ }
void DrawWorld(Shader* shader, std::vector<glm::mat4> transform_stack = {}, unsigned int infoFlags = 0x00) {
glm::mat4 model = glm::mat4();
shader->setMatrix("model", model);
// Draw solids
for (auto && solid : this->m_solids) {
+ if (solid.SEL.y > this->m_render_h_min || solid.SEL.y < this->m_render_h_max) continue;
if (check_in_whitelist(&solid.m_editorvalues.m_visgroups, this->m_whitelist_visgroups)) {
shader->setUnsigned("Info", infoFlags);
for (auto && ent : this->m_entities) {
// Visgroup pre-check
if (check_in_whitelist(&ent.m_editorvalues.m_visgroups, this->m_whitelist_visgroups)) {
+ if (ent.m_origin.y > this->m_render_h_min || ent.m_origin.y < this->m_render_h_max) continue;
if (this->m_whitelist_classnames.count(ent.m_classname)) {
if (ent.m_classname == "prop_static" ||
ent.m_classname == "prop_dynamic" ||
return bounds;
+ glm::vec3* calculateSpawnAVG_PMIN(const std::string& classname) {
+ std::vector<entity*> spawns = this->get_entities_by_classname(classname);
+ if (spawns.size() <= 0) return NULL;
+ //Find lowest priority (highest)
+ int lowest = kv::tryGetValue<int>(spawns[0]->m_keyvalues, "priority", 0);
+ for (auto && s : spawns) {
+ int l = kv::tryGetValue<int>(s->m_keyvalues, "priority", 0);
+ lowest = l < lowest ? l : lowest;
+ }
+ //Collect all spawns with that priority
+ glm::vec3* location = new glm::vec3();
+ int c = 0;
+ for (auto && s : spawns) {
+ if (kv::tryGetValue<int>(s->m_keyvalues, "priority", 0) == lowest) {
+ *location += s->m_origin; c++;
+ }
+ }
+ //avg
+ *location = *location / (float)c;
+ return location;
+ }
std::vector<entity*> get_entities_by_classname(const std::string& classname) {
std::vector<entity*> ents;
for (auto && i : this->m_entities) {
vfilesys* vmf::s_fileSystem = NULL;
-std::map<std::string, Mesh*> vmf::s_model_dict;
\ No newline at end of file
+std::map<std::string, Mesh*> vmf::s_model_dict;
+std::map<std::string, material*> material::m_index;
\ No newline at end of file