--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2021 Harry Godden (hgn) - All Rights Reserved
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#define VG_SERVER
+#include "vg/vg.h"
+#include "vg/vg_steam.h"
+#include "vg/vg_steam_networking.h"
+#include "vg/vg_steam_auth.h"
+#include "/home/harry/Documents/carve/network_msg.h"
+volatile sig_atomic_t sig_stop;
+void inthandler( int signum )
+ sig_stop = 1;
+ * Runtime connection stuff
+ */
+static u8 steam_app_ticket[ 1024 ];
+static u32 steam_app_ticket_length;
+static HSteamNetConnection cremote;
+static ESteamNetworkingConnectionState cremote_state =
+ k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_None;
+ * Steam API
+ */
+void *hSteamNetworkingSockets,
+ *hSteamUser;
+static void scores_update(void);
+static void handle_steam_callback( CallbackMsg_t *msg )
+ if( msg->m_iCallback == k_iSteamNetConnectionStatusChangedCallBack )
+ {
+ SteamNetConnectionStatusChangedCallback_t *info = (void *)msg->m_pubParam;
+ vg_info( " Connection status changed for %lu\n", info->m_hConn );
+ vg_info( " %s -> %s\n",
+ string_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState(info->m_info.m_eState) );
+ string_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState(info->m_eOldState) );
+ if( info->m_hConn == cremote )
+ {
+ cremote_state = info->m_info.m_eState;
+ if( info->m_info.m_eState ==
+ k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_Connected )
+ {
+ vg_success(" Connected to remote server\n");
+ scores_update();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ vg_warn( " Recieved signal from unkown connection\n" );
+ }
+ }
+static void on_auth_ticket_recieved( void *result, void *context )
+ EncryptedAppTicketResponse_t *response = result;
+ if( response->m_eResult == k_EResultOK )
+ {
+ vg_info( " New app ticket ready\n" );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ vg_warn( " Could not request new encrypted app ticket (%u)\n",
+ response->m_eResult );
+ }
+ if( SteamAPI_ISteamUser_GetEncryptedAppTicket( hSteamUser,
+ steam_app_ticket,
+ vg_list_size(steam_app_ticket),
+ &steam_app_ticket_length ))
+ {
+ vg_success( " Loaded app ticket (%u bytes)\n", steam_app_ticket_length );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ vg_error( " No ticket availible\n" );
+ steam_app_ticket_length = 0;
+ }
+static void request_auth_ticket(void)
+ /*
+ * TODO Check for one thats cached on the disk and load it.
+ * This might be OK though because steam seems to cache the result
+ */
+ vg_info( "Requesting new authorization ticket\n" );
+ steam_async *call = steam_new_async();
+ call->data = NULL;
+ call->p_handler = on_auth_ticket_recieved;
+ call->id = SteamAPI_ISteamUser_RequestEncryptedAppTicket( hSteamUser,
+ NULL, 0 );
+static void server_connect(void)
+ /* Connect to server if not connected */
+ SteamNetworkingIPAddr remoteAddr;
+ SteamAPI_SteamNetworkingIPAddr_SetIPv6LocalHost( &remoteAddr, 27402 );
+ const char *server_lon1 = "";
+ SteamAPI_SteamNetworkingIPAddr_ParseString( &remoteAddr, server_lon1 );
+ char buf[256];
+ SteamAPI_SteamNetworkingIPAddr_ToString( &remoteAddr, buf, 256, 1 );
+ vg_info( "connect to: %s\n", buf );
+ cremote = SteamAPI_ISteamNetworkingSockets_ConnectByIPAddress(
+ hSteamNetworkingSockets, &remoteAddr, 0, NULL );
+static void scores_update(void)
+ vg_log( "scores_update()\n" );
+ if( cremote_state == k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_Connected )
+ {
+ /*
+ * request updated scores
+ */
+ netmsg_scores_request req;
+ req.inetmsg_id = k_inetmsg_scores_request;
+ SteamAPI_ISteamNetworkingSockets_SendMessageToConnection(
+ hSteamNetworkingSockets, cremote, &req,
+ sizeof(netmsg_scores_request),
+ k_nSteamNetworkingSend_Reliable, NULL );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /*
+ * if we are not connected, make a connection to the server and then in
+ * the future this function will be called again when it is connected
+ */
+ server_connect();
+ }
+static void poll_connection(void)
+ SteamNetworkingMessage_t *messages[32];
+ int len;
+ while(1)
+ {
+ len = SteamAPI_ISteamNetworkingSockets_ReceiveMessagesOnConnection(
+ hSteamNetworkingSockets, cremote, messages, vg_list_size(messages));
+ if( len <= 0 )
+ return;
+ for( int i=0; i<len; i++ )
+ {
+ SteamNetworkingMessage_t *msg = messages[i];
+ if( msg->m_cbSize < sizeof(netmsg_blank) )
+ {
+ vg_warn( "Discarding message (too small: %d)\n",
+ msg->m_cbSize );
+ continue;
+ }
+ netmsg_blank *tmp = msg->m_pData;
+ if( tmp->inetmsg_id == k_inetmsg_scores_info )
+ {
+ netmsg_scores_info *info = msg->m_pData;
+ vg_log( "Recieved %u score records\n", info->record_count );
+ SteamAPI_ISteamNetworkingSockets_CloseConnection(
+ hSteamNetworkingSockets, cremote, 0, NULL, 1 );
+ cremote_state = k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_None;
+ }
+ SteamAPI_SteamNetworkingMessage_t_Release( msg );
+ }
+ }
+static u64 in_server_ticks( double seconds )
+ return (u64)(seconds / 0.1);
+int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
+ signal( SIGINT, inthandler );
+ if( !SteamAPI_Init() )
+ {
+ vg_error( "Steamworks failed to initialize\n" );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ SteamAPI_ManualDispatch_Init();
+ HSteamPipe hsteampipe = SteamAPI_GetHSteamPipe();
+ vg_success( "Steamworks API running\n" );
+ /* Connect interfaces */
+ hSteamNetworkingSockets = SteamAPI_SteamNetworkingSockets_SteamAPI();
+ hSteamUser = SteamAPI_SteamUser();
+ request_auth_ticket();
+ /* TODO: Request current scores */
+#if 0
+ u64 server_ticks = 8000, last_update = 0;
+ while( !sig_stop )
+ {
+ steamworks_event_loop( hsteampipe, handle_steam_callback );
+ poll_connection();
+ usleep(100000);
+ server_ticks ++;
+ if( server_ticks > (last_update + in_server_ticks(60.0)) )
+ {
+ last_update = server_ticks;
+ scores_update();
+ }
+ }
+ vg_info( "Shutting down\n..." );
+ SteamAPI_Shutdown();
+ return 0;