-//#define RB_DEPR
-#define k_rb_rate 60.0f
-#define k_rb_delta (1.0f/k_rb_rate)
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * (K)onstants
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+static const float
+ k_rb_rate = 60.0f,
+ k_rb_delta = (1.0f/k_rb_rate),
+ k_friction = 0.6f,
+ k_damp_linear = 0.05f, /* scale velocity 1/(1+x) */
+ k_damp_angular = 0.1f, /* scale angular 1/(1+x) */
+ k_limit_bias = 0.04f,
+ k_joint_bias = 0.08f, /* positional joints */
+ k_joint_correction = 0.01f,
+ k_penetration_slop = 0.01f;
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * structure definitions
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
typedef struct rigidbody rigidbody;
typedef struct contact rb_ct;
m4x3f to_world, to_local;
-#ifdef RB_DEPR
- * Impulses on static objects get re-routed here
- */
-static rigidbody rb_static_null =
- .co={0.0f,0.0f,0.0f},
- .q={0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,1.0f},
- .v={0.0f,0.0f,0.0f},
- .w={0.0f,0.0f,0.0f},
- .is_world = 1,
- .inv_mass = 0.0f
-static void rb_debug( rigidbody *rb, u32 colour );
static struct contact
rigidbody *rba, *rbb;
static int rb_contact_count = 0;
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Math Utils
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+static float sphere_volume( float radius )
+ float r3 = radius*radius*radius;
+ return (4.0f/3.0f) * VG_PIf * r3;
+static void rb_tangent_basis( v3f n, v3f tx, v3f ty )
+ /* Compute tangent basis (box2d) */
+ if( fabsf( n[0] ) >= 0.57735027f )
+ {
+ tx[0] = n[1];
+ tx[1] = -n[0];
+ tx[2] = 0.0f;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tx[0] = 0.0f;
+ tx[1] = n[2];
+ tx[2] = -n[1];
+ }
+ v3_normalize( tx );
+ v3_cross( n, tx, ty );
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Debugging
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+static void rb_debug_contact( rb_ct *ct )
+ v3f p1;
+ v3_muladds( ct->co, ct->n, 0.1f, p1 );
+ vg_line_pt3( ct->co, 0.025f, 0xff0000ff );
+ vg_line( ct->co, p1, 0xffffffff );
+static void debug_sphere( m4x3f m, float radius, u32 colour )
+ v3f ly = { 0.0f, 0.0f, radius },
+ lx = { 0.0f, radius, 0.0f },
+ lz = { 0.0f, 0.0f, radius };
+ for( int i=0; i<16; i++ )
+ {
+ float t = ((float)(i+1) * (1.0f/16.0f)) * VG_PIf * 2.0f,
+ s = sinf(t),
+ c = cosf(t);
+ v3f py = { s*radius, 0.0f, c*radius },
+ px = { s*radius, c*radius, 0.0f },
+ pz = { 0.0f, s*radius, c*radius };
+ v3f p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5;
+ m4x3_mulv( m, py, p0 );
+ m4x3_mulv( m, ly, p1 );
+ m4x3_mulv( m, px, p2 );
+ m4x3_mulv( m, lx, p3 );
+ m4x3_mulv( m, pz, p4 );
+ m4x3_mulv( m, lz, p5 );
+ vg_line( p0, p1, colour == 0x00? 0xff00ff00: colour );
+ vg_line( p2, p3, colour == 0x00? 0xff0000ff: colour );
+ vg_line( p4, p5, colour == 0x00? 0xffff0000: colour );
+ v3_copy( py, ly );
+ v3_copy( px, lx );
+ v3_copy( pz, lz );
+ }
+static void debug_capsule( m4x3f m, float radius, float h, u32 colour )
+ v3f ly = { 0.0f, 0.0f, radius },
+ lx = { 0.0f, radius, 0.0f },
+ lz = { 0.0f, 0.0f, radius };
+ float s0 = sinf(0.0f)*radius,
+ c0 = cosf(0.0f)*radius;
+ v3f p0, p1, up, right, forward;
+ m3x3_mulv( m, (v3f){0.0f,1.0f,0.0f}, up );
+ m3x3_mulv( m, (v3f){1.0f,0.0f,0.0f}, right );
+ m3x3_mulv( m, (v3f){0.0f,0.0f,-1.0f}, forward );
+ v3_muladds( m[3], up, -h*0.5f+radius, p0 );
+ v3_muladds( m[3], up, h*0.5f-radius, p1 );
+ v3f a0, a1, b0, b1;
+ v3_muladds( p0, right, radius, a0 );
+ v3_muladds( p1, right, radius, a1 );
+ v3_muladds( p0, forward, radius, b0 );
+ v3_muladds( p1, forward, radius, b1 );
+ vg_line( a0, a1, colour );
+ vg_line( b0, b1, colour );
+ v3_muladds( p0, right, -radius, a0 );
+ v3_muladds( p1, right, -radius, a1 );
+ v3_muladds( p0, forward, -radius, b0 );
+ v3_muladds( p1, forward, -radius, b1 );
+ vg_line( a0, a1, colour );
+ vg_line( b0, b1, colour );
+ for( int i=0; i<16; i++ )
+ {
+ float t = ((float)(i+1) * (1.0f/16.0f)) * VG_PIf * 2.0f,
+ s1 = sinf(t)*radius,
+ c1 = cosf(t)*radius;
+ v3f e0 = { s0, 0.0f, c0 },
+ e1 = { s1, 0.0f, c1 },
+ e2 = { s0, c0, 0.0f },
+ e3 = { s1, c1, 0.0f },
+ e4 = { 0.0f, c0, s0 },
+ e5 = { 0.0f, c1, s1 };
+ m3x3_mulv( m, e0, e0 );
+ m3x3_mulv( m, e1, e1 );
+ m3x3_mulv( m, e2, e2 );
+ m3x3_mulv( m, e3, e3 );
+ m3x3_mulv( m, e4, e4 );
+ m3x3_mulv( m, e5, e5 );
+ v3_add( p0, e0, a0 );
+ v3_add( p0, e1, a1 );
+ v3_add( p1, e0, b0 );
+ v3_add( p1, e1, b1 );
+ vg_line( a0, a1, colour );
+ vg_line( b0, b1, colour );
+ if( c0 < 0.0f )
+ {
+ v3_add( p0, e2, a0 );
+ v3_add( p0, e3, a1 );
+ v3_add( p0, e4, b0 );
+ v3_add( p0, e5, b1 );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ v3_add( p1, e2, a0 );
+ v3_add( p1, e3, a1 );
+ v3_add( p1, e4, b0 );
+ v3_add( p1, e5, b1 );
+ }
+ vg_line( a0, a1, colour );
+ vg_line( b0, b1, colour );
+ s0 = s1;
+ c0 = c1;
+ }
+static void rb_debug( rigidbody *rb, u32 colour )
+ if( rb->type == k_rb_shape_box )
+ {
+ v3f *box = rb->bbx;
+ vg_line_boxf_transformed( rb->to_world, rb->bbx, colour );
+ }
+ else if( rb->type == k_rb_shape_sphere )
+ {
+ debug_sphere( rb->to_world, rb->inf.sphere.radius, colour );
+ }
+ else if( rb->type == k_rb_shape_capsule )
+ {
+ m4x3f m0, m1;
+ float h = rb->inf.capsule.height,
+ r = rb->inf.capsule.radius;
+ debug_capsule( rb->to_world, r, h, colour );
+ }
+ else if( rb->type == k_rb_shape_scene )
+ {
+ vg_line_boxf( rb->bbx, colour );
+ }
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Integration
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ * Update world space bounding box based on local one
+ */
static void rb_update_bounds( rigidbody *rb )
box_copy( rb->bbx, rb->bbx_world );
m4x3_transform_aabb( rb->to_world, rb->bbx_world );
+ * Commit transform to rigidbody. Updates matrices
+ */
static void rb_update_transform( rigidbody *rb )
q_normalize( rb->q );
rb_update_bounds( rb );
-static float sphere_volume( float radius )
- float r3 = radius*radius*radius;
- return (4.0f/3.0f) * VG_PIf * r3;
+ * Initialize rigidbody and calculate masses, inertia
+ */
static void rb_init( rigidbody *rb )
float volume = 1.0f;
q_axis_angle( rotation, axis, mag*k_rb_delta );
q_mul( rotation, rb->q, rb->q );
-static void rb_torque( rigidbody *rb, v3f axis, float mag )
- v3_muladds( rb->w, axis, mag*k_rb_delta, rb->w );
-static void rb_tangent_basis( v3f n, v3f tx, v3f ty )
- /* Compute tangent basis (box2d) */
- if( fabsf( n[0] ) >= 0.57735027f )
- {
- tx[0] = n[1];
- tx[1] = -n[0];
- tx[2] = 0.0f;
- }
- else
- {
- tx[0] = 0.0f;
- tx[1] = n[2];
- tx[2] = -n[1];
- }
- v3_normalize( tx );
- v3_cross( n, tx, ty );
+ /* damping */
+ v3_muls( rb->v, 1.0f/(1.0f+k_rb_delta*k_damp_linear), rb->v );
+ v3_muls( rb->w, 1.0f/(1.0f+k_rb_delta*k_damp_angular), rb->w );
-static void rb_solver_reset(void);
-#ifdef RB_DEPR
-static void rb_build_manifold_terrain( rigidbody *rb );
-static void rb_build_manifold_terrain_sphere( rigidbody *rb );
-static void rb_solve_contacts( rb_ct *buf, int len );
-static void rb_presolve_contacts( rb_ct *buffer, int len );
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Closest point functions
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
* These closest point tests were learned from Real-Time Collision Detection by
v3_muladds( dest, ac, w, dest );
-static int rb_intersect_planes( v4f p0, v4f p1, v4f p2, v3f p )
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Boolean shape overlap functions
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ * Project AABB, and triangle interval onto axis to check if they overlap
+ */
+static int rb_box_triangle_interval( v3f extent, v3f axis, v3f tri[3] )
- v3f u;
- v3_cross( p1, p2, u );
- float d = v3_dot( p0, u );
+ float
- if( fabsf(d) < 0.0001f )
- return 0;
+ r = extent[0] * fabsf(axis[0]) +
+ extent[1] * fabsf(axis[1]) +
+ extent[2] * fabsf(axis[2]),
- v3_muls( u, p0[3], p );
+ p0 = v3_dot( axis, tri[0] ),
+ p1 = v3_dot( axis, tri[1] ),
+ p2 = v3_dot( axis, tri[2] ),
- v3f v0, v1;
- v3_muls( p1, p2[3], v0 );
- v3_muladds( v0, p2, -p1[3], v0 );
- v3_cross( p0, v0, v1 );
- v3_add( v1, p, p );
- v3_muls( p, 1.0f/d, p );
+ e = vg_maxf(-vg_maxf(p0,vg_maxf(p1,p2)), vg_minf(p0,vg_minf(p1,p2)));
- return 1;
+ if( e > r ) return 0;
+ else return 1;
-int rb_intersect_planes_1( v4f a, v4f b, v4f c, v3f p )
- float const epsilon = 0.001;
- v3f x, bc, ca, ab;
- float d;
- v3_cross( a, b, x );
- d = v3_dot( x, c );
- if( d < epsilon && d > -epsilon ) return 0;
- v3_cross(b,c,bc);
- v3_cross(c,a,ca);
- v3_cross(a,b,ab);
- v3_muls( bc, -a[3], p );
- v3_muladds( p, ca, -b[3], p );
- v3_muladds( p, ab, -c[3], p );
- v3_negate( p, p );
- v3_divs( p, d, p );
- return 1;
+ * Seperating axis test box vs triangle
+ */
+static int rb_box_triangle_sat( rigidbody *rba, v3f tri_src[3] )
+ v3f tri[3];
+ v3f extent, c;
+ v3_sub( rba->bbx[1], rba->bbx[0], extent );
+ v3_muls( extent, 0.5f, extent );
+ v3_add( rba->bbx[0], extent, c );
+ for( int i=0; i<3; i++ )
+ {
+ m4x3_mulv( rba->to_local, tri_src[i], tri[i] );
+ v3_sub( tri[i], c, tri[i] );
+ }
+ /* u0, u1, u2 */
+ if(!rb_box_triangle_interval( extent, (v3f){1.0f,0.0f,0.0f}, tri )) return 0;
+ if(!rb_box_triangle_interval( extent, (v3f){0.0f,1.0f,0.0f}, tri )) return 0;
+ if(!rb_box_triangle_interval( extent, (v3f){0.0f,0.0f,1.0f}, tri )) return 0;
+ v3f v0,v1,v2,n, e0,e1,e2;
+ v3_sub( tri[1], tri[0], v0 );
+ v3_sub( tri[2], tri[0], v1 );
+ v3_sub( tri[2], tri[1], v2 );
+ v3_normalize( v0 );
+ v3_normalize( v1 );
+ v3_normalize( v2 );
+ v3_cross( v0, v1, n );
+ v3_cross( v0, n, e0 );
+ v3_cross( n, v1, e1 );
+ v3_cross( v2, n, e2 );
+ /* normal */
+ if(!rb_box_triangle_interval( extent, n, tri )) return 0;
+ v3f axis[9];
+ v3_cross( e0, (v3f){1.0f,0.0f,0.0f}, axis[0] );
+ v3_cross( e0, (v3f){0.0f,1.0f,0.0f}, axis[1] );
+ v3_cross( e0, (v3f){0.0f,0.0f,1.0f}, axis[2] );
+ v3_cross( e1, (v3f){1.0f,0.0f,0.0f}, axis[3] );
+ v3_cross( e1, (v3f){0.0f,1.0f,0.0f}, axis[4] );
+ v3_cross( e1, (v3f){0.0f,0.0f,1.0f}, axis[5] );
+ v3_cross( e2, (v3f){1.0f,0.0f,0.0f}, axis[6] );
+ v3_cross( e2, (v3f){0.0f,1.0f,0.0f}, axis[7] );
+ v3_cross( e2, (v3f){0.0f,0.0f,1.0f}, axis[8] );
+ for( int i=0; i<9; i++ )
+ if(!rb_box_triangle_interval( extent, axis[i], tri )) return 0;
+ return 1;
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Collision matrix
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
* Contact generators
* The values set on the contacts are: n, co, p, rba, rbb
-static void rb_debug_contact( rb_ct *ct )
- v3f p1;
- v3_muladds( ct->co, ct->n, 0.1f, p1 );
- vg_line_pt3( ct->co, 0.025f, 0xff0000ff );
- vg_line( ct->co, p1, 0xffffffff );
* By collecting the minimum(time) and maximum(time) pairs of points, we
* build a reduced and stable exact manifold.
return count;
-static int rb_capsule_vs_sphere( rigidbody *rba, rigidbody *rbb, rb_ct *buf )
+static int rb_capsule_sphere( rigidbody *rba, rigidbody *rbb, rb_ct *buf )
float h = rba->inf.capsule.height,
ra = rba->inf.capsule.radius,
return 0;
-static int rb_capsule_vs_capsule( rigidbody *rba, rigidbody *rbb, rb_ct *buf )
+static int rb_capsule_capsule( rigidbody *rba, rigidbody *rbb, rb_ct *buf )
float ha = rba->inf.capsule.height,
hb = rbb->inf.capsule.height,
* Generates up to two contacts; optimised for the most stable manifold
-static int rb_capsule_vs_box( rigidbody *rba, rigidbody *rbb, rb_ct *buf )
+static int rb_capsule_box( rigidbody *rba, rigidbody *rbb, rb_ct *buf )
float h = rba->inf.capsule.height,
r = rba->inf.capsule.radius;
return rb_capsule_manifold_done( rba, rbb, &manifold, buf );
-static int rb_sphere_vs_box( rigidbody *rba, rigidbody *rbb, rb_ct *buf )
+static int rb_sphere_box( rigidbody *rba, rigidbody *rbb, rb_ct *buf )
v3f co, delta;
return 0;
-static int rb_sphere_vs_sphere( rigidbody *rba, rigidbody *rbb, rb_ct *buf )
+static int rb_sphere_sphere( rigidbody *rba, rigidbody *rbb, rb_ct *buf )
v3f delta;
v3_sub( rba->co, rbb->co, delta );
return 0;
-/* TODO: these guys */
-static int rb_capsule_vs_scene( rigidbody *rba, rigidbody *rbb, rb_ct *buf )
- u32 geo[128];
- v3f tri[3];
- int len = bh_select( &rbb->inf.scene.pscene->bhtris,
- rba->bbx_world, geo, 128 );
- return 0;
-static int rb_sphere_vs_triangle( rigidbody *rba, rigidbody *rbb,
+static int rb_sphere_triangle( rigidbody *rba, rigidbody *rbb,
v3f tri[3], rb_ct *buf )
v3f delta, co;
return 0;
-static int rb_sphere_vs_scene( rigidbody *rba, rigidbody *rbb, rb_ct *buf )
+static int rb_sphere_scene( rigidbody *rba, rigidbody *rbb, rb_ct *buf )
scene *sc = rbb->inf.scene.pscene;
vg_line(tri[2],tri[0],0xff00ff00 );
buf[count].element_id = ptri[0];
- count += rb_sphere_vs_triangle( rba, rbb, tri, buf+count );
+ count += rb_sphere_triangle( rba, rbb, tri, buf+count );
if( count == 12 )
return count;
-static float rb_box_plane_interval( rigidbody *rba, v4f p )
- /* TODO: Make boxes COG aligned as is every other shape.
- * or create COG vector.
- * TODO: Make forward actually point in the right fucking direction. */
- v3f e,c;
- v3_sub( rba->bbx[1], rba->bbx[0], e );
- v3_muls( e, 0.5f, e );
- v3_add( rba->bbx[0], e, c );
- m4x3_mulv( rba->to_world, c, c );
- float r =
- e[0]*fabsf( v3_dot(p, rba->right)) +
- e[1]*fabsf( v3_dot(p, rba->up)) +
- e[2]*fabsf(-v3_dot(p, rba->forward)),
- s = v3_dot( p, c ) - p[3];
- return r-s;
-static int rb_box_triangle_interval( v3f extent, v3f axis, v3f tri[3] )
- float
- r = extent[0] * fabsf(axis[0]) +
- extent[1] * fabsf(axis[1]) +
- extent[2] * fabsf(axis[2]),
- p0 = v3_dot( axis, tri[0] ),
- p1 = v3_dot( axis, tri[1] ),
- p2 = v3_dot( axis, tri[2] ),
- e = vg_maxf(-vg_maxf(p0,vg_maxf(p1,p2)), vg_minf(p0,vg_minf(p1,p2)));
- if( e > r ) return 0;
- else return 1;
-static int rb_box_triangle_sat( rigidbody *rba, v3f tri_src[3] )
- v3f tri[3];
- v3f extent, c;
- v3_sub( rba->bbx[1], rba->bbx[0], extent );
- v3_muls( extent, 0.5f, extent );
- v3_add( rba->bbx[0], extent, c );
- for( int i=0; i<3; i++ )
- {
- m4x3_mulv( rba->to_local, tri_src[i], tri[i] );
- v3_sub( tri[i], c, tri[i] );
- }
- /* u0, u1, u2 */
- if(!rb_box_triangle_interval( extent, (v3f){1.0f,0.0f,0.0f}, tri )) return 0;
- if(!rb_box_triangle_interval( extent, (v3f){0.0f,1.0f,0.0f}, tri )) return 0;
- if(!rb_box_triangle_interval( extent, (v3f){0.0f,0.0f,1.0f}, tri )) return 0;
- v3f v0,v1,v2,n, e0,e1,e2;
- v3_sub( tri[1], tri[0], v0 );
- v3_sub( tri[2], tri[0], v1 );
- v3_sub( tri[2], tri[1], v2 );
- v3_normalize( v0 );
- v3_normalize( v1 );
- v3_normalize( v2 );
- v3_cross( v0, v1, n );
- v3_cross( v0, n, e0 );
- v3_cross( n, v1, e1 );
- v3_cross( v2, n, e2 );
- /* normal */
- if(!rb_box_triangle_interval( extent, n, tri )) return 0;
- v3f axis[9];
- v3_cross( e0, (v3f){1.0f,0.0f,0.0f}, axis[0] );
- v3_cross( e0, (v3f){0.0f,1.0f,0.0f}, axis[1] );
- v3_cross( e0, (v3f){0.0f,0.0f,1.0f}, axis[2] );
- v3_cross( e1, (v3f){1.0f,0.0f,0.0f}, axis[3] );
- v3_cross( e1, (v3f){0.0f,1.0f,0.0f}, axis[4] );
- v3_cross( e1, (v3f){0.0f,0.0f,1.0f}, axis[5] );
- v3_cross( e2, (v3f){1.0f,0.0f,0.0f}, axis[6] );
- v3_cross( e2, (v3f){0.0f,1.0f,0.0f}, axis[7] );
- v3_cross( e2, (v3f){0.0f,0.0f,1.0f}, axis[8] );
- for( int i=0; i<9; i++ )
- if(!rb_box_triangle_interval( extent, axis[i], tri )) return 0;
- return 1;
-static int rb_box_vs_scene( rigidbody *rba, rigidbody *rbb, rb_ct *buf )
+static int rb_box_scene( rigidbody *rba, rigidbody *rbb, rb_ct *buf )
scene *sc = rbb->inf.scene.pscene;
return 0;
-static int rb_sphere_vs_capsule( rigidbody *rba, rigidbody *rbb, rb_ct *buf )
+static int rb_sphere_capsule( rigidbody *rba, rigidbody *rbb, rb_ct *buf )
- return rb_capsule_vs_sphere( rbb, rba, buf );
+ return rb_capsule_sphere( rbb, rba, buf );
-static int rb_box_vs_capsule( rigidbody *rba, rigidbody *rbb, rb_ct *buf )
+static int rb_box_capsule( rigidbody *rba, rigidbody *rbb, rb_ct *buf )
- return rb_capsule_vs_box( rbb, rba, buf );
+ return rb_capsule_box( rbb, rba, buf );
-static int rb_box_vs_sphere( rigidbody *rba, rigidbody *rbb, rb_ct *buf )
+static int rb_box_sphere( rigidbody *rba, rigidbody *rbb, rb_ct *buf )
- return rb_sphere_vs_box( rbb, rba, buf );
+ return rb_sphere_box( rbb, rba, buf );
-static int rb_scene_vs_box( rigidbody *rba, rigidbody *rbb, rb_ct *buf )
+static int rb_scene_box( rigidbody *rba, rigidbody *rbb, rb_ct *buf )
- return rb_box_vs_scene( rbb, rba, buf );
+ return rb_box_scene( rbb, rba, buf );
-static int (*rb_jump_table[4][4])( rigidbody *rba, rigidbody *rbb, rb_ct *buf )=
-{ /* box */ /* Sphere */ /* Capsule */ /* Mesh */
-/*box */ { RB_MATRIX_ERROR, rb_box_vs_sphere, rb_box_vs_capsule, rb_box_vs_scene },
-/*sphere */ { rb_sphere_vs_box, rb_sphere_vs_sphere, rb_sphere_vs_capsule, rb_sphere_vs_scene },
-/*capsule*/ { rb_capsule_vs_box,rb_capsule_vs_sphere,rb_capsule_vs_capsule,RB_MATRIX_ERROR },
-/*mesh */ { rb_scene_vs_box, RB_MATRIX_ERROR, RB_MATRIX_ERROR, RB_MATRIX_ERROR }
+static int (*rb_jump_table[4][4])( rigidbody *a, rigidbody *b, rb_ct *buf ) =
+ /* box */ /* Sphere */ /* Capsule */ /* Mesh */
+ { RB_MATRIX_ERROR, rb_box_sphere, rb_box_capsule, rb_box_scene },
+ { rb_sphere_box, rb_sphere_sphere, rb_sphere_capsule, rb_sphere_scene },
+ { rb_capsule_box, rb_capsule_sphere, rb_capsule_capsule, RB_MATRIX_ERROR },
static int rb_collide( rigidbody *rba, rigidbody *rbb )
- * Generic functions
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Dynamics
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifdef RB_DEPR
- * This function does not accept triangle as a dynamic object, it is assumed
- * to always be static.
- *
- * The triangle is also assumed to be one sided for better detection
- */
-static int rb_sphere_vs_triangle( rigidbody *rba, v3f tri[3], rb_ct *buf )
- v3f delta, co;
- closest_on_triangle( rba->co, tri, co );
- v3_sub( rba->co, co, delta );
- float d2 = v3_length2( delta ),
- r = rba->inf.sphere.radius;
- if( d2 < r*r )
- {
- v3f ab, ac, tn;
- v3_sub( tri[1], tri[0], ab );
- v3_sub( tri[2], tri[0], ac );
- v3_cross( ac, ab, tn );
- if( v3_dot( delta, tn ) > 0.0f )
- v3_muls( delta, -1.0f, delta );
- float d = sqrtf(d2);
- rb_ct *ct = buf;
- v3_muls( delta, 1.0f/d, ct->n );
- v3_copy( co, ct->co );
- ct->p = r-d;
- ct->rba = rba;
- ct->rbb = &rb_static_null;
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-static int sphere_vs_triangle( v3f c, float r, v3f tri[3],
- v3f co, v3f norm, float *p )
- v3f delta;
- closest_on_triangle( c, tri, co );
- v3_sub( c, co, delta );
- float d = v3_length2( delta );
- if( d < r*r )
- {
- v3f ab, ac, tn;
- v3_sub( tri[1], tri[0], ab );
- v3_sub( tri[2], tri[0], ac );
- v3_cross( ac, ab, tn );
- if( v3_dot( delta, tn ) > 0.0f )
- v3_muls( delta, -1.0f, delta );
- vg_line_pt3( co, 0.05f, 0xff00ff00 );
- d = sqrtf(d);
- v3_muls( delta, 1.0f/d, norm );
- *p = r-d;
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-#include "world.h"
static void rb_solver_reset(void)
rb_contact_count = 0;
return rb_contact_buffer + rb_contact_count;
-#ifdef RB_DEPR
-static struct contact *rb_start_contact(void)
- if( rb_contact_count == vg_list_size(rb_contact_buffer) )
- {
- vg_error( "rigidbody: too many contacts generated (%u)\n",
- rb_contact_count );
- return NULL;
- }
- return &rb_contact_buffer[ rb_contact_count ];
-static void rb_commit_contact( struct contact *ct, float p )
- ct->bias = -0.2f*k_rb_rate*vg_minf(0.0f,-p+0.04f);
- rb_tangent_basis( ct->n, ct->t[0], ct->t[1] );
- ct->norm_impulse = 0.0f;
- ct->tangent_impulse[0] = 0.0f;
- ct->tangent_impulse[1] = 0.0f;
- rb_contact_count ++;
-static void rb_build_manifold_terrain_sphere( rigidbody *rb )
- u32 geo[256];
- v3f tri[3];
- int len = bh_select( &world.geo.bhtris, rb->bbx_world, geo, 256 );
- for( int i=0; i<len; i++ )
- {
- u32 *ptri = &world.geo.indices[ geo[i]*3 ];
- for( int j=0; j<3; j++ )
- v3_copy( world.geo.verts[ptri[j]].co, tri[j] );
- vg_line(tri[0],tri[1],0xff00ff00 );
- vg_line(tri[1],tri[2],0xff00ff00 );
- vg_line(tri[2],tri[0],0xff00ff00 );
- v3f co, norm;
- float p;
- for( int j=0; j<2; j++ )
- {
- if( sphere_vs_triangle( rb->co, rb->inf.sphere.radius, tri,co,norm,&p))
- {
- struct contact *ct = rb_start_contact();
- if( !ct )
- return;
- v3f p1;
- v3_muladds( rb->co, norm, p, p1 );
- vg_line( rb->co, p1, 0xffffffff );
- ct->rba = rb;
- v3_copy( co, ct->co );
- v3_copy( norm, ct->n );
- rb_commit_contact( ct, p );
- }
- }
- }
-static void rb_build_manifold_terrain( rigidbody *rb )
- v3f *box = rb->bbx;
- v3f pts[8];
- float *p000 = pts[0], *p001 = pts[1], *p010 = pts[2], *p011 = pts[3],
- *p100 = pts[4], *p101 = pts[5], *p110 = pts[6], *p111 = pts[7];
- p000[0]=box[0][0];p000[1]=box[0][1];p000[2]=box[0][2];
- p001[0]=box[0][0];p001[1]=box[0][1];p001[2]=box[1][2];
- p010[0]=box[0][0];p010[1]=box[1][1];p010[2]=box[0][2];
- p011[0]=box[0][0];p011[1]=box[1][1];p011[2]=box[1][2];
- p100[0]=box[1][0];p100[1]=box[0][1];p100[2]=box[0][2];
- p101[0]=box[1][0];p101[1]=box[0][1];p101[2]=box[1][2];
- p110[0]=box[1][0];p110[1]=box[1][1];p110[2]=box[0][2];
- p111[0]=box[1][0];p111[1]=box[1][1];p111[2]=box[1][2];
- m4x3_mulv( rb->to_world, p000, p000 );
- m4x3_mulv( rb->to_world, p001, p001 );
- m4x3_mulv( rb->to_world, p010, p010 );
- m4x3_mulv( rb->to_world, p011, p011 );
- m4x3_mulv( rb->to_world, p100, p100 );
- m4x3_mulv( rb->to_world, p101, p101 );
- m4x3_mulv( rb->to_world, p110, p110 );
- m4x3_mulv( rb->to_world, p111, p111 );
- int count = 0;
- for( int i=0; i<8; i++ )
- {
- float *point = pts[i];
- struct contact *ct = rb_start_contact();
- if( !ct )
- return;
- ct->rba = rb;
- v3f surface;
- v3_copy( point, surface );
- surface[1] += 4.0f;
- ray_hit hit;
- hit.dist = INFINITY;
- if( !ray_world( surface, (v3f){0.0f,-1.0f,0.0f}, &hit ))
- continue;
- v3_copy( hit.pos, surface );
- float p = vg_minf( surface[1] - point[1], 1.0f );
- if( p > 0.0f )
- {
- v3_copy( hit.normal, ct->n );
- v3_add( point, surface, ct->co );
- v3_muls( ct->co, 0.5f, ct->co );
- rb_commit_contact( ct, p );
- count ++;
- if( count == 4 )
- break;
- }
- }
* Initializing things like tangent vectors
static void rb_presolve_contacts( rb_ct *buffer, int len )
for( int i=0; i<len; i++ )
rb_ct *ct = &buffer[i];
- ct->bias = -0.2f * k_rb_rate * vg_minf(0.0f,-ct->p+0.01f);
+ ct->bias = -0.2f * k_rb_rate * vg_minf( 0.0f, -ct->p+k_penetration_slop );
rb_tangent_basis( ct->n, ct->t[0], ct->t[1] );
ct->norm_impulse = 0.0f;
- * Apply regular and angular velocity impulses to objects involved in contact
+ * Apply impulse to object
-/* TODO REMOVEEE................... */
-static void rb_standard_impulse( rb_ct *ct, v3f da, v3f db, v3f impulse )
- rigidbody *rba = ct->rba,
- *rbb = ct->rbb;
- v3_muladds( rba->v, impulse, rba->inv_mass, rba->v );
- v3_muladds( rbb->v, impulse, -rbb->inv_mass, rbb->v );
- /* Angular velocity */
- v3f wa, wb, invim;
- v3_cross( da, impulse, wa );
- v3_negate( impulse, invim );
- v3_cross( db, invim, wb );
- m3x3_mulv( ct->rba->iIw, wa, wa );
- m3x3_mulv( ct->rbb->iIw, wb, wb );
- v3_add( rba->w, wa, rba->w );
- v3_add( rbb->w, wb, rbb->w );
-/* ......... USE THIS */
static void rb_linear_impulse( rigidbody *rb, v3f delta, v3f impulse )
/* linear */
static void rb_solve_contacts( rb_ct *buf, int len )
- float k_friction = 0.2f;
for( int i=0; i<len; i++ )
struct contact *ct = &buf[i];
lambda = ct->tangent_impulse[j] - temp;
v3f impulse;
- v3_muls( ct->t[j], lambda, impulse );
- rb_standard_impulse( ct, da, db, impulse );
+ v3_muls( ct->t[j], lambda, impulse );
+ rb_linear_impulse( ct->rba, da, impulse );
+ v3_muls( ct->t[j], -lambda, impulse );
+ rb_linear_impulse( ct->rbb, db, impulse );
/* Normal */
lambda = ct->norm_impulse - temp;
v3f impulse;
- v3_muls( ct->n, lambda, impulse );
- rb_standard_impulse( ct, da, db, impulse );
+ v3_muls( ct->n, lambda, impulse );
+ rb_linear_impulse( ct->rba, da, impulse );
+ v3_muls( ct->n, -lambda, impulse );
+ rb_linear_impulse( ct->rbb, db, impulse );
- * The following ventures into not really very sophisticated at all maths
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Constraints
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-struct rb_angle_limit
- rigidbody *rba, *rbb;
- v3f axis;
- float impulse, bias;
-static int rb_angle_limit_force( rigidbody *rba, v3f va,
- rigidbody *rbb, v3f vb,
- float max )
- v3f wva, wvb;
- m3x3_mulv( rba->to_world, va, wva );
- m3x3_mulv( rbb->to_world, vb, wvb );
- float dt = v3_dot(wva,wvb)*0.999f,
- ang = fabsf(dt);
- ang = acosf( dt );
- if( ang > max )
- {
- float correction = max-ang;
- v3f axis;
- v3_cross( wva, wvb, axis );
- v4f rotation;
- q_axis_angle( rotation, axis, -correction*0.25f );
- q_mul( rotation, rba->q, rba->q );
- q_axis_angle( rotation, axis, correction*0.25f );
- q_mul( rotation, rbb->q, rbb->q );
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-static void rb_constraint_angle_limit( struct rb_angle_limit *limit )
-static void rb_constraint_angle( rigidbody *rba, v3f va,
- rigidbody *rbb, v3f vb,
- float max, float spring )
- v3f wva, wvb;
- m3x3_mulv( rba->to_world, va, wva );
- m3x3_mulv( rbb->to_world, vb, wvb );
- float dt = v3_dot(wva,wvb)*0.999f,
- ang = fabsf(dt);
- v3f axis;
- v3_cross( wva, wvb, axis );
- v3_muladds( rba->w, axis, ang*spring*0.5f, rba->w );
- v3_muladds( rbb->w, axis, -ang*spring*0.5f, rbb->w );
- return;
- /* TODO: convert max into the dot product value so we dont have to always
- * evaluate acosf, only if its greater than the angle specified */
- ang = acosf( dt );
- if( ang > max )
- {
- float correction = max-ang;
- v4f rotation;
- q_axis_angle( rotation, axis, -correction*0.125f );
- q_mul( rotation, rba->q, rba->q );
- q_axis_angle( rotation, axis, correction*0.125f );
- q_mul( rotation, rbb->q, rbb->q );
- }
static void draw_angle_limit( v3f c, v3f major, v3f minor,
float amin, float amax, float measured,
u32 colour )
float joint_mass = rb->inv_mass + ra->inv_mass;
joint_mass = 1.0f/joint_mass;
- float bias = (0.04f * k_rb_rate) * d,
+ float bias = (k_limit_bias * k_rb_rate) * d,
lambda = -(avx + bias) * joint_mass;
/* Angular velocity */
joint_mass = 1.0f/joint_mass;
float vd = v3_dot( rcv, delta ),
- bias = -(0.08f * k_rb_rate) * dist,
+ bias = -(k_joint_bias * k_rb_rate) * dist,
lambda = -(vd + bias) * joint_mass;
v3f impulse;
rb_linear_impulse( rb, wcb, impulse );
/* 'fake' snap */
- v3_muladds( ra->co, delta, dist * 0.01f, ra->co );
- v3_muladds( rb->co, delta, -dist * 0.01f, rb->co );
- }
-static void debug_sphere( m4x3f m, float radius, u32 colour )
- v3f ly = { 0.0f, 0.0f, radius },
- lx = { 0.0f, radius, 0.0f },
- lz = { 0.0f, 0.0f, radius };
- for( int i=0; i<16; i++ )
- {
- float t = ((float)(i+1) * (1.0f/16.0f)) * VG_PIf * 2.0f,
- s = sinf(t),
- c = cosf(t);
- v3f py = { s*radius, 0.0f, c*radius },
- px = { s*radius, c*radius, 0.0f },
- pz = { 0.0f, s*radius, c*radius };
- v3f p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5;
- m4x3_mulv( m, py, p0 );
- m4x3_mulv( m, ly, p1 );
- m4x3_mulv( m, px, p2 );
- m4x3_mulv( m, lx, p3 );
- m4x3_mulv( m, pz, p4 );
- m4x3_mulv( m, lz, p5 );
- vg_line( p0, p1, colour == 0x00? 0xff00ff00: colour );
- vg_line( p2, p3, colour == 0x00? 0xff0000ff: colour );
- vg_line( p4, p5, colour == 0x00? 0xffff0000: colour );
- v3_copy( py, ly );
- v3_copy( px, lx );
- v3_copy( pz, lz );
- }
-static void debug_capsule( m4x3f m, float radius, float h, u32 colour )
- v3f ly = { 0.0f, 0.0f, radius },
- lx = { 0.0f, radius, 0.0f },
- lz = { 0.0f, 0.0f, radius };
- float s0 = sinf(0.0f)*radius,
- c0 = cosf(0.0f)*radius;
- v3f p0, p1, up, right, forward;
- m3x3_mulv( m, (v3f){0.0f,1.0f,0.0f}, up );
- m3x3_mulv( m, (v3f){1.0f,0.0f,0.0f}, right );
- m3x3_mulv( m, (v3f){0.0f,0.0f,-1.0f}, forward );
- v3_muladds( m[3], up, -h*0.5f+radius, p0 );
- v3_muladds( m[3], up, h*0.5f-radius, p1 );
- v3f a0, a1, b0, b1;
- v3_muladds( p0, right, radius, a0 );
- v3_muladds( p1, right, radius, a1 );
- v3_muladds( p0, forward, radius, b0 );
- v3_muladds( p1, forward, radius, b1 );
- vg_line( a0, a1, colour );
- vg_line( b0, b1, colour );
- v3_muladds( p0, right, -radius, a0 );
- v3_muladds( p1, right, -radius, a1 );
- v3_muladds( p0, forward, -radius, b0 );
- v3_muladds( p1, forward, -radius, b1 );
- vg_line( a0, a1, colour );
- vg_line( b0, b1, colour );
- for( int i=0; i<16; i++ )
- {
- float t = ((float)(i+1) * (1.0f/16.0f)) * VG_PIf * 2.0f,
- s1 = sinf(t)*radius,
- c1 = cosf(t)*radius;
- v3f e0 = { s0, 0.0f, c0 },
- e1 = { s1, 0.0f, c1 },
- e2 = { s0, c0, 0.0f },
- e3 = { s1, c1, 0.0f },
- e4 = { 0.0f, c0, s0 },
- e5 = { 0.0f, c1, s1 };
- m3x3_mulv( m, e0, e0 );
- m3x3_mulv( m, e1, e1 );
- m3x3_mulv( m, e2, e2 );
- m3x3_mulv( m, e3, e3 );
- m3x3_mulv( m, e4, e4 );
- m3x3_mulv( m, e5, e5 );
- v3_add( p0, e0, a0 );
- v3_add( p0, e1, a1 );
- v3_add( p1, e0, b0 );
- v3_add( p1, e1, b1 );
- vg_line( a0, a1, colour );
- vg_line( b0, b1, colour );
- if( c0 < 0.0f )
- {
- v3_add( p0, e2, a0 );
- v3_add( p0, e3, a1 );
- v3_add( p0, e4, b0 );
- v3_add( p0, e5, b1 );
- }
- else
- {
- v3_add( p1, e2, a0 );
- v3_add( p1, e3, a1 );
- v3_add( p1, e4, b0 );
- v3_add( p1, e5, b1 );
- }
- vg_line( a0, a1, colour );
- vg_line( b0, b1, colour );
- s0 = s1;
- c0 = c1;
+ v3_muladds( ra->co, delta, dist * k_joint_correction, ra->co );
+ v3_muladds( rb->co, delta, -dist * k_joint_correction, rb->co );
-static void rb_debug( rigidbody *rb, u32 colour )
- if( rb->type == k_rb_shape_box )
- {
- v3f *box = rb->bbx;
- vg_line_boxf_transformed( rb->to_world, rb->bbx, colour );
- }
- else if( rb->type == k_rb_shape_sphere )
- {
- debug_sphere( rb->to_world, rb->inf.sphere.radius, colour );
- }
- else if( rb->type == k_rb_shape_capsule )
- {
- m4x3f m0, m1;
- float h = rb->inf.capsule.height,
- r = rb->inf.capsule.radius;
- debug_capsule( rb->to_world, r, h, colour );
- }
- else if( rb->type == k_rb_shape_scene )
- {
- vg_line_boxf( rb->bbx, colour );
- }
-#ifdef RB_DEPR
- * out penetration distance, normal
- */
-static int rb_point_in_body( rigidbody *rb, v3f pos, float *pen, v3f normal )
- v3f local;
- m4x3_mulv( rb->to_local, pos, local );
- if( local[0] > rb->bbx[0][0] && local[0] < rb->bbx[1][0] &&
- local[1] > rb->bbx[0][1] && local[1] < rb->bbx[1][1] &&
- local[2] > rb->bbx[0][2] && local[2] < rb->bbx[1][2] )
- {
- v3f area, com, comrel;
- v3_add( rb->bbx[0], rb->bbx[1], com );
- v3_muls( com, 0.5f, com );
- v3_sub( rb->bbx[1], rb->bbx[0], area );
- v3_sub( local, com, comrel );
- v3_div( comrel, area, comrel );
- int axis = 0;
- float max_mag = fabsf(comrel[0]);
- if( fabsf(comrel[1]) > max_mag )
- {
- axis = 1;
- max_mag = fabsf(comrel[1]);
- }
- if( fabsf(comrel[2]) > max_mag )
- {
- axis = 2;
- max_mag = fabsf(comrel[2]);
- }
- v3_zero( normal );
- normal[axis] = vg_signf(comrel[axis]);
- if( normal[axis] < 0.0f )
- *pen = local[axis] - rb->bbx[0][axis];
- else
- *pen = rb->bbx[1][axis] - local[axis];
- m3x3_mulv( rb->to_world, normal, normal );
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* BVH implementation, this is ONLY for static rigidbodies, its to slow for
* realtime use.
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void rb_bh_expand_bound( void *user, boxf bound, u32 item_index )
.cast_ray = NULL
#endif /* RIGIDBODY_H */