-VG_STATIC void player_walk_update_collision(void)
+VG_STATIC void player_walk_collider_configuration(void)
struct player_phys *phys = &player.phys;
float h0 = 0.3f,
rb_update_bounds( rbb );
+VG_STATIC void player_regular_collider_configuration(void)
+ struct player_phys *phys = &player.phys;
+ /* Standard ground configuration */
+ rigidbody *rbf = &player.collide_front,
+ *rbb = &player.collide_back;
+ m3x3_copy( phys->rb.to_world, player.collide_front.to_world );
+ m3x3_copy( phys->rb.to_world, player.collide_back.to_world );
+ player.air_blend = vg_lerpf( player.air_blend, phys->in_air, 0.1f );
+ float h = player.air_blend*0.0f;
+ m4x3_mulv( phys->rb.to_world, (v3f){0.0f,h,-k_board_length}, rbf->co );
+ v3_copy( rbf->co, rbf->to_world[3] );
+ m4x3_mulv( phys->rb.to_world, (v3f){0.0f,h, k_board_length}, rbb->co );
+ v3_copy( rbb->co, rbb->to_world[3] );
+ m4x3_invert_affine( rbf->to_world, rbf->to_local );
+ m4x3_invert_affine( rbb->to_world, rbb->to_local );
+ rb_update_bounds( rbf );
+ rb_update_bounds( rbb );
VG_STATIC void player_integrate(void);
VG_STATIC int player_walk_surface_standable( v3f n )
- * Entire Walking physics model
- * TODO: sleep when under certain velotiy
- */
+VG_STATIC int player_update_collision_manifold( rb_ct *manifold );
VG_STATIC void player_walk_physics(void)
struct player_phys *phys = &player.phys;
if( phys->in_air )
- player_walk_update_collision();
- rb_debug( rbf, 0xff0000ff );
- rb_debug( rbb, 0xff0000ff );
+ player_walk_collider_configuration();
/* allow player to accelerate a bit */
v3f walk_3d;
v3_muladds( phys->rb.v, forward_dir, walk[1] * vel_diff, phys->rb.v );
- len = 0;
- len += rb_sphere_scene( rbf, &world.rb_geo, manifold+len );
- len += rb_sphere_scene( rbb, &world.rb_geo, manifold+len );
+ len = player_update_collision_manifold( manifold );
rb_presolve_contacts( manifold, len );
for( int i=0; i<len; i++ )
v2_muls( walk, k_walkspeed * VG_TIMESTEP_FIXED, walk );
- v3f walk_apply;
- v3_zero( walk_apply );
/* Do XY translation */
+ v3f walk_apply, walk_measured;
+ v3_zero( walk_apply );
v3_muladds( walk_apply, right_dir, walk[0], walk_apply );
v3_muladds( walk_apply, forward_dir, walk[1], walk_apply );
v3_add( walk_apply, phys->rb.co, phys->rb.co );
- v3_divs( walk_apply, VG_TIMESTEP_FIXED, phys->rb.v );
/* Directly resolve collisions */
- player_walk_update_collision();
- rb_debug( rbf, 0xffffff00 );
- rb_debug( rbb, 0xffffff00 );
- len = 0;
- len += rb_sphere_scene( rbf, &world.rb_geo, manifold+len );
- len += rb_sphere_scene( rbb, &world.rb_geo, manifold+len );
+ player_walk_collider_configuration();
+ len = player_update_collision_manifold( manifold );
v3f dt;
v3_zero( dt );
- for( int j=0; j<3; j++ )
+ for( int j=0; j<8; j++ )
for( int i=0; i<len; i++ )
struct contact *ct = &manifold[i];
- float p = vg_maxf( 0.0f, ct->p - 0.00f ),
- cur = vg_clampf( v3_dot( ct->n, dt ), 0.0f, p );
- v3_muladds( dt, ct->n, (p - cur) * 0.333333333f, dt );
+ float resolved_amt = v3_dot( ct->n, dt ),
+ remaining = (ct->p-k_penetration_slop) - resolved_amt,
+ apply = vg_maxf( remaining, 0.0f ) * 0.3f;
+ v3_muladds( dt, ct->n, apply, dt );
v3_add( dt, phys->rb.co, phys->rb.co );
+ v3_add( dt, walk_apply, walk_measured );
+ v3_divs( walk_measured, VG_TIMESTEP_FIXED, phys->rb.v );
if( len )
struct world_material *surface_mat = world_contact_material(manifold);
/* otherwise... */
if( phys->in_air )
-#if 0
- /* if we've put us in the air, step down slowly */
- phys->in_air = 1;
- float max_dist = 0.3f,
- start_y = phys->rb.co[1];
- v3f pa, pb;
- v3_copy( phys->rb.co, pa );
- v3_muladds( pa, (v3f){0.0f,1.0f,0.0f}, -max_dist, pb );
- for( int j=0; j<8; j++ )
- {
- for( int i=0; i<len; i++ )
- {
- struct contact *ct = &manifold[i];
- if( v3_dot( ct->n, (v3f){0.0f,1.0f,0.0f} ) > 0.5f )
- {
- phys->in_air = 0;
- if( j == 0 )
- return;
- v3f dt;
- v3_zero( dt );
- for( int j=0; j<3; j++ )
- {
- for( int i=0; i<len; i++ )
- {
- struct contact *ct = &manifold[i];
- float p = vg_maxf( 0.0f, ct->p - 0.0025f ),
- cur = vg_clampf( v3_dot( ct->n, dt ), 0.0f, p );
- v3_muladds( dt, ct->n, (p - cur) * 0.333333333f, dt );
- }
- }
- v3_add( dt, phys->rb.co, phys->rb.co );
- return;
- }
- }
- phys->rb.co[1] -= max_dist * 0.125f;
- player_walk_update_collision();
- len = 0;
- len += rb_sphere_scene( rbf, &world.rb_geo, manifold+len );
- len += rb_sphere_scene( rbb, &world.rb_geo, manifold+len );
- }
- /* Transitioning into air mode */
- phys->rb.co[1] = start_y;
struct player_phys *phys = &player.phys;
- phys->rise = vg_lerpf( phys->rise, phys->in_air? -0.25f: 0.0f,
rigidbody *rbf = &player.collide_front,
*rbb = &player.collide_back;
- m3x3_copy( phys->rb.to_world, player.collide_front.to_world );
- m3x3_copy( phys->rb.to_world, player.collide_back.to_world );
- player.air_blend = vg_lerpf( player.air_blend, phys->in_air, 0.1f );
- float h = player.air_blend*0.0f;
- m4x3_mulv( phys->rb.to_world, (v3f){0.0f,h,-k_board_length}, rbf->co );
- v3_copy( rbf->co, rbf->to_world[3] );
- m4x3_mulv( phys->rb.to_world, (v3f){0.0f,h, k_board_length}, rbb->co );
- v3_copy( rbb->co, rbb->to_world[3] );
- m4x3_invert_affine( rbf->to_world, rbf->to_local );
- m4x3_invert_affine( rbb->to_world, rbb->to_local );
- rb_update_bounds( rbf );
- rb_update_bounds( rbb );
rb_debug( rbf, 0xff00ffff );
rb_debug( rbb, 0xffffff00 );
+#if 0
+ phys->rise = vg_lerpf( phys->rise, phys->in_air? -0.25f: 0.0f,
int len_f = 0,
len_b = 0;
len_b = 1;
len_b = new_len_b;
-#if 0
- /*
- * Preprocess collision points, and create a surface picture.
- * we want contacts that are within our 'capsule's internal line to be
- * clamped so that they face the line and do not oppose, to stop the
- * player hanging up on stuff
- */
- for( int i=0; i<len; i++ )
- {
- v3f dfront, dback;
- v3_sub( manifold[i].co, rbf->co, dfront );
- v3_sub( manifold[i].co, rbb->co, dback );
- if( (v3_dot( dfront, phys->rb.forward ) < -0.02f) &&
- (v3_dot( dback, phys->rb.forward ) > 0.02f))
- {
- float p = v3_dot( manifold[i].n, phys->rb.forward );
- v3_muladds( manifold[i].n, phys->rb.forward, -p, manifold[i].n );
- v3_normalize( manifold[i].n );
- }
- }
return len_f + len_b;
if( phys->on_board )
rb_ct manifold[72];
+ player_regular_collider_configuration();
int len = player_update_collision_manifold( manifold );
int grind_col = player_update_grind_collision( &manifold[len] );