#include "font.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "entity.c"
+#include "workshop.c"
static int skaterift_loaded = 0;
-static GLuint tex_error;
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
VG_STATIC void vg_load(void)
- vg_tex2d_replace_with_error( &tex_error );
vg_async_call( skaterift_load_post, NULL, 0 );
/* Other shite */
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
+ glDisable( GL_BLEND );
+ glDisable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
-struct workshop_form{
- char title[80];
- char description[512];
-static form_test;
VG_STATIC void vg_gui(void)
if( !skaterift_loaded ) return;
- ui_rect screen = { 0, 0, vg.window_x, vg.window_y };
- ui_rect window = { 0, 0, 1000, 800 };
- ui_rect_center( screen, window );
- {
- ui_fill( window, ui_colour( k_ui_bg+1 ) );
- ui_outline( window, 1, ui_colour( k_ui_bg+7 ) );
- ui_rect title, panel;
- ui_split_px( window, k_ui_axis_h, 28, 0, title, panel );
- ui_fill( title, ui_colour( k_ui_bg+7 ) );
- ui_text( title, "Workshop tool", 1, k_ui_align_middle_center,
- ui_colourcont(k_ui_bg+7) );
- ui_rect sidebar, content;
- ui_split_ratio( panel, k_ui_axis_v, 0.3f, 1, sidebar, content );
- /* entries panel */
- ui_fill( sidebar, ui_colour( k_ui_bg+2 ) );
- ui_split_px( sidebar, k_ui_axis_h, 28, 0, title, sidebar );
- ui_text( title, "Your submissions", 1, k_ui_align_middle_center, 0 );
- ui_rect controls;
- ui_split_px( sidebar, k_ui_axis_h, 28, 0, controls, sidebar );
- ui_fill( controls, ui_colour( k_ui_bg+1 ) );
- ui_outline( controls, -1, ui_colour( k_ui_bg+4 ) );
- ui_rect info;
- ui_split_ratio( controls, k_ui_axis_v, 0.25f, 0, info, controls );
- ui_text( info, "page 0/2", 1, k_ui_align_middle_center, 0 );
- ui_rect btn_left, btn_right;
- ui_split_ratio( controls, k_ui_axis_v, 0.5f, 2, btn_left, btn_right );
- if( ui_button_text( btn_left, "prev", 1, k_ui_bg+4 ) ){
- vg_info( "left\n" );
- }
- if( ui_button_text( btn_right, "next", 1, k_ui_bg+4 ) ){
- vg_info( "right\n" );
- }
- /* content page */
- ui_rect_pad( content, 8 );
- ui_rect image_plane;
- ui_split_px( content, k_ui_axis_h, 300, 0, image_plane, content );
- ui_fill( image_plane, ui_colour( k_ui_bg+0 ) );
- ui_rect img_box;
- ui_fit_item( image_plane, (ui_px[2]){ 3, 2 }, img_box );
- ui_image( img_box, tex_error );
- ui_rect title_entry, null, label;
- ui_split_px( content, k_ui_axis_h, 8, 0, null, content );
- ui_split_px( content, k_ui_axis_h, 28, 0, title_entry, content );
- const char *str_title = "Title:", *str_desc = "Description:";
- ui_split_px( title_entry, k_ui_axis_v,
- ui_text_line_width(str_title)+8, 0, label, title_entry );
- ui_text( label, str_title, 1, k_ui_align_middle_left, 0 );
- ui_textbox( title_entry, form_test.title,
- vg_list_size(form_test.title), 0 );
- /* description box */
- ui_rect desc_entry;
- ui_split_px( content, k_ui_axis_h, 8, 0, null, content );
- ui_split_px( content, k_ui_axis_h, 28*4, 0, desc_entry, content );
- ui_split_px( desc_entry, k_ui_axis_v,
- ui_text_line_width(str_desc)+8, 0, label, desc_entry );
- ui_text( label, str_desc, 1, k_ui_align_middle_left, 0 );
- ui_textbox( desc_entry, form_test.description,
- vg_list_size(form_test.description),
- }
+ workshop_form_gui();
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef WORKSHOP_C
+#define WORKSHOP_C
+#define VG_GAME
+#include "vg/vg.h"
+#include "vg/vg_tex.h"
+#include "ent_skateshop.h"
+#include "vg/vg_steam_ugc.h"
+struct workshop_form{
+ char title[80];
+ char description[512];
+ char model_path[128];
+ struct player_board board_model;
+ world_instance *view_world;
+ ent_swspreview *ptr_ent;
+ v2f view_angles,
+ view_angles_begin;
+ v3f view_offset,
+ view_offset_begin;
+ float view_dist;
+ int view_changed;
+ enum workshop_form_status{
+ k_workshop_form_hidden,
+ k_workshop_form_editing,
+ k_workshop_form_submitting,
+ k_workshop_form_failed
+ }
+ status;
+ const char *failure_reason;
+ PublishedFileId_t publishing_file_id;
+ int img_w, img_h;
+ u8 *img_buffer;
+static workshop_form;
+struct workshop_package_info {
+ int success;
+ char abs_preview_image[ 1024 ];
+ char abs_content_folder[ 1024 ];
+ char abs_content_file[ 1024 ];
+VG_STATIC void on_workshop_update_result( void *data, void *user )
+ vg_info( "Recieved workshop update result\n" );
+ SubmitItemUpdateResult_t *result = data;
+ if( result->m_bUserNeedsToAcceptWorkshopLegalAgreement ){
+ vg_warn( "Workshop agreement currently not accepted\n" );
+ }
+ if( result->m_eResult == k_EResultOK ){
+ vg_success( "Successfully uploaded workshop file\n" );
+ }
+ else{
+ vg_error( "Error with the submitted file (%d)\n", result->m_eResult );
+ }
+VG_STATIC void workshop_form_async_package_complete( void *data, u32 size )
+ struct workshop_package_info *info = data;
+ if( !info->success ){
+ workshop_form.status = k_workshop_form_failed;
+ workshop_form.failure_reason = "Packaging workshop folder failed.";
+ return;
+ }
+ ISteamUGC *hSteamUGC = SteamAPI_SteamUGC();
+ UGCUpdateHandle_t handle
+ = SteamAPI_ISteamUGC_StartItemUpdate( hSteamUGC, SKATERIFT_APPID,
+ workshop_form.publishing_file_id );
+ /* TODO: Handle failure cases for these */
+ vg_info( "Setting title\n" );
+ SteamAPI_ISteamUGC_SetItemTitle( hSteamUGC, handle, workshop_form.title );
+ vg_info( "Setting description\n" );
+ SteamAPI_ISteamUGC_SetItemDescription( hSteamUGC, handle,
+ workshop_form.description );
+ vg_info( "Setting preview image\n" );
+ SteamAPI_ISteamUGC_SetItemPreview( hSteamUGC,
+ handle, info->abs_preview_image );
+ vg_info( "Setting item content\n" );
+ SteamAPI_ISteamUGC_SetItemContent( hSteamUGC, handle,
+ info->abs_content_folder );
+ vg_info( "Setting visibility\n" );
+ SteamAPI_ISteamUGC_SetItemVisibility( hSteamUGC, handle,
+ k_ERemoteStoragePublishedFileVisibilityPublic );
+ vg_info( "Submitting updates\n" );
+ vg_steam_async_call *call = vg_alloc_async_steam_api_call();
+ call->userdata = NULL;
+ call->p_handler = on_workshop_update_result;
+ call->id = SteamAPI_ISteamUGC_SubmitItemUpdate( hSteamUGC, handle, "" );
+VG_STATIC void workshop_package_thread( void *data )
+ vg_info( "Packaging workshop content folder\n" );
+ vg_async_item *call = vg_async_alloc( sizeof(struct workshop_package_info) );
+ struct workshop_package_info *info = call->payload;
+ /* build content folder path */
+ snprintf( info->abs_content_folder, 1024, "%smodels/boards/workshop/%lu",
+ vg.base_path, (u64)workshop_form.publishing_file_id );
+ /* build content file path */
+ snprintf( info->abs_content_file, 1024, "%s/%s",
+ info->abs_content_folder,
+ vg_path_filename( workshop_form.model_path ) );
+ /* build workshop preview file path */
+ snprintf( info->abs_preview_image, 1024, "%sworkshop_preview.jpg",
+ vg.base_path );
+ /* arange files */
+ if( !vg_mkdir( info->abs_content_folder ) ){
+ info->success = 0;
+ vg_async_dispatch( call, workshop_form_async_package_complete );
+ return;
+ }
+ vg_linear_clear( vg_mem.scratch );
+ if( !vg_file_copy( workshop_form.model_path, info->abs_content_file,
+ vg_mem.scratch ) ){
+ info->success = 0;
+ vg_async_dispatch( call, workshop_form_async_package_complete );
+ return;
+ }
+ info->success = 1;
+ vg_async_dispatch( call, workshop_form_async_package_complete );
+VG_STATIC void on_workshop_createitem( void *data, void *user )
+ CreateItemResult_t *result = data;
+ if( result->m_eResult == k_EResultOK ){
+ vg_info( "Created workshop file with id: %lu\n",
+ result->m_nPublishedFileId );
+ if( result->m_bUserNeedsToAcceptWorkshopLegalAgreement ){
+ vg_warn( "Workshop agreement currently not accepted\n" );
+ }
+ workshop_form.publishing_file_id = result->m_nPublishedFileId;
+ vg_loader_start( workshop_package_thread, NULL );
+ }
+ else{
+ const char *error = NULL;
+ switch( result->m_eResult ){
+ case k_EResultInsufficientPrivilege:
+ error = "Your account currently is restricted from uploading content "
+ "due to a hub ban, account lock, or community ban. You need to "
+ "contact Steam Support to resolve the issue.\n";
+ break;
+ case k_EResultBanned:
+ error = "You do not have permission to upload content to this hub "
+ "because you have an active VAC or Game ban.";
+ break;
+ case k_EResultTimeout:
+ error = "Timeout: The operation took longer than expected, please try "
+ "again.";
+ break;
+ case k_EResultNotLoggedOn:
+ error = "You are currently not logged into Steam.";
+ break;
+ case k_EResultServiceUnavailable:
+ error = "The workshop server is having issues, please try again.";
+ break;
+ case k_EResultInvalidParam:
+ error = "One of the submission fields contains something not being "
+ "accepted by that field.";
+ break;
+ case k_EResultAccessDenied:
+ error = "There was a problem trying to save the title and description. "
+ "Access was denied.";
+ break;
+ case k_EResultLimitExceeded:
+ error = "You have exceeded your Steam Cloud quota. If you wish to "
+ "upload this file, you must remove some published items.";
+ break;
+ case k_EResultFileNotFound:
+ error = "The uploaded file could not be found.";
+ break;
+ case k_EResultDuplicateRequest:
+ error = "The file was already successfully uploaded.";
+ break;
+ case k_EResultDuplicateName:
+ error = "You already have a Steam Workshop item with that name.";
+ break;
+ case k_EResultServiceReadOnly:
+ error = "Due to a recent password or email change, you are not allowed "
+ "to upload new content. Usually this restriction will expire in"
+ " 5 days, but can last up to 30 days if the account has been "
+ "inactive recently.";
+ break;
+ default: workshop_form.failure_reason = "Unknown failure";
+ }
+ vg_error( "ISteamUGC_CreateItem() failed(%d): '%s' \n",
+ result->m_eResult, error );
+ workshop_form.failure_reason = error;
+ workshop_form.status = k_workshop_form_failed;
+ }
+VG_STATIC void workshop_form_async_submit_complete( void *payload, u32 size )
+ vg_steam_async_call *call = vg_alloc_async_steam_api_call();
+ call->userdata = NULL;
+ call->p_handler = on_workshop_createitem;
+ ISteamUGC *hSteamUGC = SteamAPI_SteamUGC();
+ call->id = SteamAPI_ISteamUGC_CreateItem( hSteamUGC, SKATERIFT_APPID,
+ k_EWorkshopFileTypeCommunity );
+VG_STATIC void workshop_form_sync_download_image( void *payload, u32 size )
+ int w, h;
+ render_fb_get_current_res( gpipeline.fb_workshop_preview, &w, &h );
+ vg_linear_clear( vg_mem.scratch );
+ workshop_form.img_buffer = vg_linear_alloc( vg_mem.scratch, w*h*3 );
+ vg_info( "read framebuffer: glReadPixels( %dx%d )\n", w,h );
+ glBindFramebuffer( GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, gpipeline.fb_workshop_preview->fb );
+ glReadBuffer( GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 );
+ glReadPixels( 0,0, w,h, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, workshop_form.img_buffer );
+ workshop_form.img_w = w;
+ workshop_form.img_h = h;
+VG_STATIC void workshop_form_submit_thread( void *data )
+ vg_async_call( workshop_form_sync_download_image, NULL, 0 );
+ vg_async_stall();
+ int w = workshop_form.img_w,
+ h = workshop_form.img_h;
+ vg_info( "writing: workshop_preview.jpg (%dx%d @90%%)\n", w,h );
+ stbi_flip_vertically_on_write(1);
+ stbi_write_jpg( "workshop_preview.jpg", w,h, 3,
+ workshop_form.img_buffer, 90 );
+ vg_async_call( workshop_form_async_submit_complete, NULL, 0 );
+VG_STATIC void workshop_form_async_complete( void *payload, u32 size )
+ v2_zero( workshop_form.view_angles );
+ v3_zero( workshop_form.view_offset );
+ workshop_form.view_dist = 1.0f;
+ workshop_form.status = k_workshop_form_editing;
+ workshop_form.view_changed = 1;
+VG_STATIC void workshop_form_load_thread( void *data )
+ vg_info( "workshop_form_load_thread()\n" );
+ player_board_load( &workshop_form.board_model, workshop_form.model_path );
+ vg_success( "loaded\n" );
+ vg_async_call( workshop_form_async_complete, NULL, 0 );
+VG_STATIC void workshop_start_submission( const char *path )
+ if( workshop_form.status != k_workshop_form_hidden ){
+ vg_error( "Workshop form is already open\n" );
+ return;
+ }
+ workshop_form.view_world = get_active_world();
+ if( mdl_arrcount( &workshop_form.view_world->ent_swspreview ) ){
+ workshop_form.ptr_ent =
+ mdl_arritm( &workshop_form.view_world->ent_swspreview, 0 );
+ vg_strncpy( path, workshop_form.model_path, 128,
+ k_strncpy_always_add_null );
+ workshop_form.description[0] = '\0';
+ workshop_form.title[0] = '\0';
+ vg_loader_start( workshop_form_load_thread, NULL );
+ }
+ else{
+ vg_error( "There is no ent_swspreview in the level. "
+ "Cannot publish here\n" );
+ }
+VG_STATIC int workshop_submit_command( int argc, const char *argv[] )
+ if( argc == 1 ){
+ workshop_start_submission( argv[0] );
+ }
+ else{
+ vg_error( "usage: workshop_submit <path>\n" );
+ }
+ return 0;
+VG_STATIC void workshop_init(void)
+ vg_console_reg_cmd( "workshop_submit", workshop_submit_command, NULL );
+VG_STATIC void workshop_form_gui(void)
+ if( workshop_form.status == k_workshop_form_hidden ) return;
+ ui_rect null;
+ ui_rect screen = { 0, 0, vg.window_x, vg.window_y };
+ ui_rect window = { 0, 0, 1000, 700 };
+ ui_rect_center( screen, window );
+ vg_ui.wants_mouse = 1;
+ ui_fill( window, ui_colour( k_ui_bg+1 ) );
+ ui_outline( window, 1, ui_colour( k_ui_bg+7 ) );
+ ui_rect title, panel;
+ ui_split_px( window, k_ui_axis_h, 28, 0, title, panel );
+ ui_fill( title, ui_colour( k_ui_bg+7 ) );
+ ui_text( title, "Workshop tool", 1, k_ui_align_middle_center,
+ ui_colourcont(k_ui_bg+7) );
+ if( workshop_form.status == k_workshop_form_submitting ){
+ ui_text( panel, "Submitting... status: ...\n", 1,
+ k_ui_align_middle_center, 0 );
+ return;
+ }
+ /* re draw board preview if need to */
+ if( workshop_form.view_changed ){
+ render_fb_bind( gpipeline.fb_workshop_preview, 0 );
+ glClearColor( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.3f, 1.0f );
+ glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
+ glDisable( GL_BLEND );
+ ent_swspreview *swsprev = workshop_form.ptr_ent;
+ world_instance *world = workshop_form.view_world;
+ ent_camera *ref = mdl_arritm( &world->ent_camera,
+ mdl_entity_id_id(swsprev->id_camera) );
+ ent_marker *display = mdl_arritm( &world->ent_marker,
+ mdl_entity_id_id(swsprev->id_display) ),
+ *display1= mdl_arritm( &world->ent_marker,
+ mdl_entity_id_id(swsprev->id_display1) );
+ v3f baseco;
+ v3_add( display->transform.co, display1->transform.co, baseco );
+ v3_muls( baseco, 0.5f, baseco );
+ camera cam;
+ v3f basevector;
+ v3_sub( display->transform.co, ref->transform.co, basevector );
+ float dist = v3_length( basevector );
+ v3f baseangles;
+ player_vector_angles( baseangles, basevector, 1.0f, 0.0f );
+ v2_add( workshop_form.view_angles, baseangles, cam.angles );
+ cam.angles[2] = 0.0f;
+ float sX = sinf( cam.angles[0] ),
+ cX = cosf( cam.angles[0] ),
+ sY = sinf( cam.angles[1] ),
+ cY = cosf( cam.angles[1] );
+ v3f offset = { -sX * cY, sY, cX * cY };
+ v3_muladds( display->transform.co, offset,
+ dist*workshop_form.view_dist, cam.pos );
+ cam.pos[0] += -sX*workshop_form.view_offset[2];
+ cam.pos[2] += cX*workshop_form.view_offset[2];
+ cam.pos[0] += cX*workshop_form.view_offset[0];
+ cam.pos[2] += sX*workshop_form.view_offset[0];
+ cam.pos[1] += workshop_form.view_offset[1];
+ cam.nearz = 0.01f;
+ cam.farz = 100.0f;
+ cam.fov = ref->fov;
+ camera_update_transform( &cam );
+ camera_update_view( &cam );
+ camera_update_projection( &cam );
+ camera_finalize( &cam );
+ m4x3f mmdl, mmdl1;
+ mdl_transform_m4x3( &display->transform, mmdl );
+ mdl_transform_m4x3( &display1->transform, mmdl1 );
+ /* force update this for nice shadows. its usually set in the world
+ * pre-render step, but that includes timer stuff
+ */
+ struct player_board *board = &workshop_form.board_model;
+ struct ub_world_lighting *ubo = &world->ub_lighting;
+ v3f vp0, vp1;
+ v3_copy((v3f){0.0f,0.1f, board->truck_positions[0][2]}, vp0 );
+ v3_copy((v3f){0.0f,0.1f, board->truck_positions[1][2]}, vp1 );
+ m4x3_mulv( mmdl1, vp0, ubo->g_board_0 );
+ m4x3_mulv( mmdl1, vp1, ubo->g_board_1 );
+ glBindBuffer( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, world->ubo_lighting );
+ glBufferSubData( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, 0,
+ sizeof(struct ub_world_lighting), &world->ub_lighting );
+ render_world( world, &cam, 1 );
+ render_board( &cam, world, board, mmdl, k_board_shader_entity );
+ render_board( &cam, world, board, mmdl1, k_board_shader_entity );
+ glBindFramebuffer( GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0 );
+ glViewport( 0,0, vg.window_x, vg.window_y );
+ workshop_form.view_changed = 0;
+ }
+ struct workshop_form *form = &workshop_form;
+ ui_rect sidebar, content;
+ ui_split_ratio( panel, k_ui_axis_v, 0.3f, 1, sidebar, content );
+ /* entries panel */
+ ui_fill( sidebar, ui_colour( k_ui_bg+2 ) );
+ ui_split_px( sidebar, k_ui_axis_h, 28, 0, title, sidebar );
+ ui_text( title, "Your submissions", 1, k_ui_align_middle_center, 0 );
+ ui_rect controls;
+ ui_split_px( sidebar, k_ui_axis_h, 28, 0, controls, sidebar );
+ ui_fill( controls, ui_colour( k_ui_bg+1 ) );
+ ui_outline( controls, -1, ui_colour( k_ui_bg+4 ) );
+ ui_rect info;
+ ui_split_ratio( controls, k_ui_axis_v, 0.25f, 0, info, controls );
+ ui_text( info, "page 0/2", 1, k_ui_align_middle_center, 0 );
+ ui_rect btn_left, btn_right;
+ ui_split_ratio( controls, k_ui_axis_v, 0.5f, 2, btn_left, btn_right );
+ if( ui_button_text( btn_left, "prev", 1 ) ){
+ vg_info( "left\n" );
+ }
+ if( ui_button_text( btn_right, "next", 1 ) ){
+ vg_info( "right\n" );
+ }
+ /* content page */
+ ui_rect_pad( content, 8 );
+ ui_rect image_plane;
+ ui_split_px( content, k_ui_axis_h, 300, 0, image_plane, content );
+ ui_fill( image_plane, ui_colour( k_ui_bg+0 ) );
+ ui_rect img_box;
+ ui_fit_item( image_plane, (ui_px[2]){ 3, 2 }, img_box );
+ ui_image( img_box, gpipeline.fb_workshop_preview->attachments[0].id );
+ {
+ int hover = ui_inside_rect( img_box, vg_ui.mouse ),
+ target = ui_inside_rect( img_box, vg_ui.mouse_click );
+ if( ui_click_down(UI_MOUSE_MIDDLE) && target ){
+ v3_copy( workshop_form.view_offset,
+ workshop_form.view_offset_begin );
+ }
+ else if( ui_click_down(UI_MOUSE_LEFT) && target ){
+ v2_copy( workshop_form.view_angles,
+ workshop_form.view_angles_begin );
+ }
+ if( ui_clicking(UI_MOUSE_MIDDLE) && target ){
+ v2f delta = { vg_ui.mouse[0]-vg_ui.mouse_click[0],
+ vg_ui.mouse[1]-vg_ui.mouse_click[1] };
+ float *begin = workshop_form.view_offset_begin,
+ *offset = workshop_form.view_offset;
+ offset[0] = vg_clampf( begin[0]-delta[0]*0.002f, -1.0f, 1.0f );
+ offset[2] = vg_clampf( begin[2]-delta[1]*0.002f, -1.0f, 1.0f );
+ workshop_form.view_changed = 1;
+ }
+ else if( ui_clicking(UI_MOUSE_LEFT) && target ){
+ v2f delta = { vg_ui.mouse[0]-vg_ui.mouse_click[0],
+ vg_ui.mouse[1]-vg_ui.mouse_click[1] };
+ v2f angles;
+ v2_muladds( workshop_form.view_angles_begin, delta, 0.002f, angles);
+ float limit = VG_PIf*0.2f;
+ angles[0] = vg_clampf( angles[0], -limit, limit );
+ angles[1] = vg_clampf( angles[1], -limit, limit );
+ v2_copy( angles, workshop_form.view_angles );
+ workshop_form.view_changed = 1;
+ }
+ if( !ui_clicking(UI_MOUSE_LEFT) && hover ){
+ float zoom = workshop_form.view_dist;
+ zoom += vg.mouse_wheel[1] * -0.07f;
+ zoom = vg_clampf( zoom, 0.4f, 2.0f );
+ if( zoom != workshop_form.view_dist ){
+ workshop_form.view_changed = 1;
+ workshop_form.view_dist = zoom;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* file path */
+ ui_rect file_label;
+ ui_split_px( content, k_ui_axis_h, 8, 0, null, content );
+ ui_split_px( content, k_ui_axis_h, 28, 0, file_label, content );
+ ui_text( file_label, form->model_path, 1, k_ui_align_middle_center,
+ ui_colour( k_ui_fg+4 ) );
+ /* title box */
+ ui_rect title_entry, label;
+ ui_split_px( content, k_ui_axis_h, 8, 0, null, content );
+ ui_split_px( content, k_ui_axis_h, 28, 0, title_entry, content );
+ const char *str_title = "Title:", *str_desc = "Description:";
+ ui_split_px( title_entry, k_ui_axis_v,
+ ui_text_line_width(str_title)+8, 0, label, title_entry );
+ ui_text( label, str_title, 1, k_ui_align_middle_left, 0 );
+ ui_textbox( title_entry, form->title, vg_list_size(form->title), 0 );
+ /* description box */
+ ui_rect desc_entry;
+ ui_split_px( content, k_ui_axis_h, 8, 0, null, content );
+ ui_split_px( content, k_ui_axis_h, 28*4, 0, desc_entry, content );
+ ui_split_px( desc_entry, k_ui_axis_v,
+ ui_text_line_width(str_desc)+8, 0, label, desc_entry );
+ ui_text( label, str_desc, 1, k_ui_align_middle_left, 0 );
+ ui_textbox( desc_entry, form->description,
+ vg_list_size(form->description),
+ /* submissionable */
+ ui_rect submission_row;
+ ui_split_px( content, k_ui_axis_h, 8, 0, null, content );
+ ui_split_px( content, k_ui_axis_h, content[3]-32-8, 0, content,
+ submission_row );
+ ui_rect submission_center;
+ rect_copy( submission_row, submission_center );
+ submission_center[2] = 256;
+ ui_rect_center( submission_row, submission_center );
+ ui_split_ratio( submission_center, k_ui_axis_v, 0.5f, 8,
+ btn_left, btn_right );
+ if( ui_button_text( btn_left, "Publish", 1 ) ){
+ workshop_form.status = k_workshop_form_submitting;
+ vg_loader_start( workshop_form_submit_thread, NULL );
+ }
+ if( ui_button_text( btn_right, "Cancel", 1 ) ){
+ vg_info( "left\n" );
+ }
+ /* disclaimer */
+ const char *disclaimer_text =
+ "By submitting this item, you agree to the workshop terms of service";
+ ui_rect disclaimer_row, inner, link;
+ ui_split_px( content, k_ui_axis_h, 8, 0, null, content );
+ ui_split_px( content, k_ui_axis_h, content[3]-32, 0, content,
+ disclaimer_row );
+ ui_px btn_width = 32;
+ rect_copy( disclaimer_row, inner );
+ inner[2] = ui_text_line_width( disclaimer_text ) + btn_width+8;
+ ui_rect_center( disclaimer_row, inner );
+ ui_split_px( inner, k_ui_axis_v, inner[2]-btn_width, 0, label, btn_right);
+ ui_rect_pad( btn_right, 2 );
+ if( ui_button_text( btn_right, "\x91", 2 ) ){
+ vg_info( "Open link\n" );
+ }
+ ui_text( label, disclaimer_text, 1, k_ui_align_middle_left,
+ ui_colour( k_ui_fg+4 ) );
+#endif /* WORKSHOP_C */