print( "Convexer reload" )
#from mathutils import *
-import bpy, gpu, math, os, time, mathutils
+import bpy, gpu, math, os, time, mathutils, blf
from ctypes import *
from gpu_extras.batch import batch_for_shader
from import persistent
-# Globals and tweaks
-vmt_param_dynamic_class = None
+# GPU and viewport drawing
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Handlers
+cxr_view_draw_handler = None
+cxr_ui_draw_handler = None
+# Batches
+cxr_view_lines = None
+cxr_view_mesh = None
+cxr_jobs_batch = None
+cxr_jobs_inf = []
+# Shaders
+cxr_view_shader = gpu.shader.from_builtin('3D_SMOOTH_COLOR')
+cxr_ui_shader = gpu.types.GPUShader("""
+uniform mat4 ModelViewProjectionMatrix;
+uniform float scale;
+in vec2 aPos;
+in vec4 aColour;
+out vec4 colour;
+void main()
+ gl_Position = ModelViewProjectionMatrix * vec4(aPos.x*scale,aPos.y, 0.0, 1.0);
+ colour = aColour;
+in vec4 colour;
+out vec4 FragColor;
+void main()
+ FragColor = colour;
+# Render functions
+def cxr_ui(_,context):
+ global cxr_jobs_batch, cxr_ui_shader, cxr_jobs_inf
+ w = gpu.state.viewport_get()[2]
+ cxr_ui_shader.bind()
+ cxr_ui_shader.uniform_float( "scale", w )
+ if cxr_jobs_batch != None:
+ gpu.state.blend_set('ALPHA')
+ cxr_jobs_batch.draw(cxr_ui_shader)
+ blf.position(0,2,50,0)
+ blf.size(0,50,48)
+ blf.color(0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0)
+ blf.draw(0,"Compiling")
+ for ji in cxr_jobs_inf:
+ blf.position(0,ji[0]*w,35,0)
+ blf.size(0,50,20)
+ blf.draw(0,ji[1])
+ blf.position(0,2,80,0)
+ blf.size(0,50,48)
+ blf.color(0,1.0,0.2,0.2,0.9)
+ blf.draw(0,"This is a stoopid error\nWIthiuawdnaw")
+ # Something is off with TIMER,
+ # this forces the viewport to redraw before we can continue with our
+ # compilation stuff.
+def cxr_draw():
+ global cxr_view_shader, cxr_view_mesh, cxr_view_lines
+ cxr_view_shader.bind()
+ gpu.state.depth_mask_set(False)
+ gpu.state.line_width_set(1.5)
+ gpu.state.face_culling_set('BACK')
+ gpu.state.depth_test_set('NONE')
+ gpu.state.blend_set('ALPHA')
+ if cxr_view_lines != None:
+ cxr_view_lines.draw( cxr_view_shader )
+ gpu.state.depth_test_set('LESS_EQUAL')
+ gpu.state.blend_set('ADDITIVE')
+ if cxr_view_mesh != None:
+ cxr_view_mesh.draw( cxr_view_shader )
+def cxr_jobs_update_graph(jobs):
+ global cxr_jobs_batch, cxr_ui_shader, cxr_jobs_inf
+ cxr_jobs_inf = []
+ total_width = 0
+ verts = []
+ colours = []
+ indices = []
+ for sys in jobs:
+ total_width += sys['w']
+ sf = 1.0/total_width
+ cur = 0.0
+ ci = 0
+ for sys in jobs:
+ w = sys['w']
+ h = 30.0
+ colour = sys['colour']
+ colourwait = (colour[0],colour[1],colour[2],0.4)
+ colourrun = (colour[0]*1.5,colour[1]*1.5,colour[2]*1.5,0.5)
+ colourdone = (colour[0],colour[1],colour[2],1.0)
+ jobs = sys['jobs']
+ sfsub = (1.0/(len(jobs)))*w
+ i = 0
+ for j in jobs:
+ if j == None: colour = colourdone
+ else: colour = colourwait
+ px = (cur + (i)*sfsub) * sf
+ px1 = (cur + (i+1.0)*sfsub) * sf - 0.003
+ i += 1
+ verts += [(px,0), (px, h), (px1, 0.0), (px1,h)]
+ colours += [colour,colour,colour,colour]
+ indices += [(ci+0,ci+2,ci+3),(ci+0,ci+3,ci+1)]
+ ci += 4
+ cxr_jobs_inf += [((sf*cur), sys['title'])]
+ cur += w
+ cxr_jobs_batch = batch_for_shader(
+ cxr_ui_shader, 'TRIS',
+ { "aPos": verts, "aColour": colours },
+ indices = indices
+ )
+# view_layer.update() doesnt seem to work,
+# tag_redraw() seems to have broken
+# therefore, change a property
+def scene_redraw():
+ ob = bpy.context.scene.objects[0]
+ ob.hide_render = ob.hide_render
+ # the 'real' way to refresh the scene
+ for area in bpy.context.window.screen.areas:
+ if area.type == 'view_3d':
+ area.tag_redraw()
-# libcxr interface (TODO: We can probably automate this)
-# ======================================================
+# Shared libraries
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# dlclose for reloading modules manually
+libc_dlclose = None
+libc_dlclose = cdll.LoadLibrary(None).dlclose
+libc_dlclose.argtypes = [c_void_p]
+# wrapper for ctypes binding
class extern():
def __init__(_,name,argtypes,restype): = name
if _.restype != None: = _.restype
-libc_dlclose = None
-libc_dlclose = cdll.LoadLibrary(None).dlclose
-libc_dlclose.argtypes = [c_void_p]
+# libcxr (convexer)
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Callback ctypes wrapper...
libcxr = None
-c_libcxr_log_callback = None
-c_libcxr_line_callback = None
# Structure definitions
class cxr_edge(Structure):
_fields_ = [("i0",c_int32),
-# Public API
-libcxr_decompose = extern( "cxr_decompose", \
- [POINTER(cxr_static_mesh), POINTER(c_int32)], c_void_p )
+# Convert blenders mesh format into CXR's static format (they are very similar)
+def mesh_cxr_format(obj):
+ orig_state = None
-libcxr_free_world = extern( "cxr_free_world", [c_void_p], None )
-libcxr_write_test_data = extern( "cxr_write_test_data", \
- [POINTER(cxr_static_mesh)], None )
-libcxr_world_preview = extern( "cxr_world_preview", [c_void_p], \
- POINTER(cxr_tri_mesh))
-libcxr_free_tri_mesh = extern( "cxr_free_tri_mesh", [c_void_p], None )
+ if bpy.context.active_object != None:
+ orig_state = obj.mode
+ if orig_state != 'OBJECT':
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
-# VMF
-libcxr_begin_vmf = extern( "cxr_begin_vmf", \
- [POINTER(cxr_vmf_context), c_void_p], None )
+ dgraph = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
+ data = obj.evaluated_get(dgraph).data
+ _,mtx_rot,_ = obj.matrix_world.decompose()
-libcxr_vmf_begin_entities = extern( "cxr_vmf_begin_entities", \
- [POINTER(cxr_vmf_context), c_void_p], None )
+ mesh = cxr_static_mesh()
-libcxr_push_world_vmf = extern("cxr_push_world_vmf", \
- [c_void_p,POINTER(cxr_vmf_context),c_void_p], None )
+ vertex_data = ((c_double*3)*len(data.vertices))()
+ for i, vert in enumerate(data.vertices):
+ v = obj.matrix_world @
+ vertex_data[i][0] = c_double(v[0])
+ vertex_data[i][1] = c_double(v[1])
+ vertex_data[i][2] = c_double(v[2])
-libcxr_end_vmf = extern( "cxr_end_vmf", \
- [POINTER(cxr_vmf_context),c_void_p], None )
+ loop_data = (cxr_static_loop*len(data.loops))()
+ polygon_data = (cxr_polygon*len(data.polygons))()
-# VDF
-libcxr_vdf_open = extern( "cxr_vdf_open", [c_char_p], c_void_p )
-libcxr_vdf_close = extern( "cxr_vdf_close", [c_void_p], None )
-libcxr_vdf_put = extern( "cxr_vdf_put", [c_void_p,c_char_p], None )
-libcxr_vdf_node = extern( "cxr_vdf_node", [c_void_p,c_char_p], None )
-libcxr_vdf_edon = extern( "cxr_vdf_edon", [c_void_p], None )
-libcxr_vdf_kv = extern( "cxr_vdf_kv", [c_void_p,c_char_p,c_char_p], None )
+ for i, poly in enumerate(data.polygons):
+ loop_start = poly.loop_start
+ loop_end = poly.loop_start + poly.loop_total
+ for loop_index in range(loop_start, loop_end):
+ loop = data.loops[loop_index]
+ loop_data[loop_index].index = loop.vertex_index
+ loop_data[loop_index].edge_index = loop.edge_index
-# Other
-libcxr_lightpatch_bsp = extern( "cxr_lightpatch_bsp", [c_char_p], None )
+ if data.uv_layers:
+ uv =[loop_index].uv
+ loop_data[loop_index].uv[0] = c_double(uv[0])
+ loop_data[loop_index].uv[1] = c_double(uv[1])
+ else:
+ loop_data[loop_index].uv[0] = c_double(0.0)
+ loop_data[loop_index].uv[1] = c_double(0.0)
+ center = obj.matrix_world @
+ normal = mtx_rot @ poly.normal
-libcxr_funcs = [ libcxr_decompose, libcxr_free_world, libcxr_begin_vmf, \
- libcxr_vmf_begin_entities, libcxr_push_world_vmf, \
- libcxr_end_vmf, libcxr_vdf_open, libcxr_vdf_close, \
- libcxr_vdf_put, libcxr_vdf_node, libcxr_vdf_edon,
- libcxr_vdf_kv, libcxr_lightpatch_bsp, libcxr_write_test_data,\
- libcxr_world_preview, libcxr_free_tri_mesh ]
+ polygon_data[i].loop_start = poly.loop_start
+ polygon_data[i].loop_total = poly.loop_total
+ polygon_data[i].normal[0] = normal[0]
+ polygon_data[i].normal[1] = normal[1]
+ polygon_data[i].normal[2] = normal[2]
+ polygon_data[i].center[0] = center[0]
+ polygon_data[i].center[1] = center[1]
+ polygon_data[i].center[2] = center[2]
+ polygon_data[i].material_id = poly.material_index
-# libnbvtf interface
-# ==================
-libnbvtf = None
+ edge_data = (cxr_edge*len(data.edges))()
-libnbvtf_convert = extern( "nbvtf_convert", \
- [c_char_p,c_int32,c_int32,c_int32,c_int32,c_int32,c_uint32,c_char_p],
- c_int32 )
+ for i, edge in enumerate(data.edges):
+ edge_data[i].i0 = edge.vertices[0]
+ edge_data[i].i1 = edge.vertices[1]
+ edge_data[i].freestyle = edge.use_freestyle_mark
-libnbvtf_funcs = [ libnbvtf_convert ]
+ material_data = (cxr_material*len(obj.material_slots))()
-# NBVTF constants
-# ===============
+ for i, ms in enumerate(obj.material_slots):
+ inf = material_info(ms.material)
+ material_data[i].res[0] = inf['res'][0]
+ material_data[i].res[1] = inf['res'][1]
+ material_data[i].name = inf['name'].encode('utf-8')
+ mesh.edges = cast(edge_data, POINTER(cxr_edge))
+ mesh.vertices = cast(vertex_data, POINTER(c_double*3))
+ mesh.loops = cast(loop_data,POINTER(cxr_static_loop))
+ mesh.polys = cast(polygon_data, POINTER(cxr_polygon))
+ mesh.materials = cast(material_data, POINTER(cxr_material))
+ mesh.poly_count = len(data.polygons)
+ mesh.vertex_count = len(data.vertices)
+ mesh.edge_count = len(data.edges)
+ mesh.loop_count = len(data.loops)
+ mesh.material_count = len(obj.material_slots)
+ if orig_state != None:
+ bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode=orig_state)
+ return mesh
+# Callback ctypes indirection things.. not really sure.
+c_libcxr_log_callback = None
+c_libcxr_line_callback = None
+# Public API
+# -------------------------------------------------------------
+libcxr_decompose = extern( "cxr_decompose",
+ [POINTER(cxr_static_mesh), POINTER(c_int32)],
+ c_void_p
+libcxr_free_world = extern( "cxr_free_world",
+ [c_void_p],
+ None
+libcxr_write_test_data = extern( "cxr_write_test_data",
+ [POINTER(cxr_static_mesh)],
+ None
+libcxr_world_preview = extern( "cxr_world_preview",
+ [c_void_p],
+ POINTER(cxr_tri_mesh)
+libcxr_free_tri_mesh = extern( "cxr_free_tri_mesh",
+ [c_void_p],
+ None
+libcxr_begin_vmf = extern( "cxr_begin_vmf",
+ [POINTER(cxr_vmf_context), c_void_p],
+ None
+libcxr_vmf_begin_entities = extern( "cxr_vmf_begin_entities",
+ [POINTER(cxr_vmf_context), c_void_p],
+ None
+libcxr_push_world_vmf = extern("cxr_push_world_vmf",
+ [c_void_p,POINTER(cxr_vmf_context),c_void_p],
+ None
+libcxr_end_vmf = extern( "cxr_end_vmf",
+ [POINTER(cxr_vmf_context),c_void_p],
+ None
+# VDF + with open wrapper
+libcxr_vdf_open = extern( "cxr_vdf_open", [c_char_p], c_void_p )
+libcxr_vdf_close = extern( "cxr_vdf_close", [c_void_p], None )
+libcxr_vdf_put = extern( "cxr_vdf_put", [c_void_p,c_char_p], None )
+libcxr_vdf_node = extern( "cxr_vdf_node", [c_void_p,c_char_p], None )
+libcxr_vdf_edon = extern( "cxr_vdf_edon", [c_void_p], None )
+libcxr_vdf_kv = extern( "cxr_vdf_kv", [c_void_p,c_char_p,c_char_p], None )
-# Wrapper for vdf functions to allow: with o = vdf_structure ...
class vdf_structure():
def __init__(_,path):
_.path = path
def __exit__(_,type,value,traceback):
if _.fp != None:
def put(_,s):, s.encode('utf-8') )
def node(_,name):
def kv(_,k,v):, k.encode('utf-8'), v.encode('utf-8'))
-class cxr_object_context():
- def __init__(_,scale,offset_z):
- _.scale=scale
- _.offset_z=offset_z
+# Other
+libcxr_lightpatch_bsp = extern( "cxr_lightpatch_bsp", [c_char_p], None )
-debug_gpu_lines = None
-debug_gpu_mesh = None
-debug_gpu_shader = gpu.shader.from_builtin('3D_SMOOTH_COLOR')
-debug_draw_handler = None
+libcxr_funcs = [ libcxr_decompose, libcxr_free_world, libcxr_begin_vmf, \
+ libcxr_vmf_begin_entities, libcxr_push_world_vmf, \
+ libcxr_end_vmf, libcxr_vdf_open, libcxr_vdf_close, \
+ libcxr_vdf_put, libcxr_vdf_node, libcxr_vdf_edon,
+ libcxr_vdf_kv, libcxr_lightpatch_bsp, libcxr_write_test_data,\
+ libcxr_world_preview, libcxr_free_tri_mesh ]
+# Callbacks
def libcxr_log_callback(logStr):
print( F"{logStr.decode('utf-8')}",end='' )
-debug_lines_positions = None
-debug_lines_colours = None
+cxr_line_positions = None
+cxr_line_colours = None
-def libcxr_reset_debug_lines():
- global debug_lines_positions
- global debug_lines_colours
+def cxr_reset_lines():
+ global cxr_line_positions, cxr_line_colours
- debug_lines_positions = []
- debug_lines_colours = []
+ cxr_line_positions = []
+ cxr_line_colours = []
-def libcxr_batch_debug_lines():
- global debug_lines_positions
- global debug_lines_colours
- global debug_gpu_lines
- global debug_gpu_shader
+def cxr_batch_lines():
+ global cxr_line_positions, cxr_line_colours, cxr_view_shader, cxr_view_lines
- debug_gpu_lines = batch_for_shader(\
- debug_gpu_shader, 'LINES',\
- { "pos": debug_lines_positions, "color": debug_lines_colours })
+ cxr_view_lines = batch_for_shader(\
+ cxr_view_shader, 'LINES',\
+ { "pos": cxr_line_positions, "color": cxr_line_colours })
-def cxr_on_load(dummy):
- libcxr_reset_debug_lines()
- libcxr_batch_debug_lines()
+def libcxr_line_callback( p0,p1,colour ):
+ global cxr_line_colours, cxr_line_positions
-def cxr_dgraph_update(scene,dgraph):
- return
- print( F"Hallo {time.time()}" )
-def libcxr_line_callback(p0,p1,colour):
- global debug_lines_positions
- global debug_lines_colours
- debug_lines_positions += [(p0[0],p0[1],p0[2])]
- debug_lines_positions += [(p1[0],p1[1],p1[2])]
- debug_lines_colours += [(colour[0],colour[1],colour[2],colour[3])]
- debug_lines_colours += [(colour[0],colour[1],colour[2],colour[3])]
+ cxr_line_positions += [(p0[0],p0[1],p0[2])]
+ cxr_line_positions += [(p1[0],p1[1],p1[2])]
+ cxr_line_colours += [(colour[0],colour[1],colour[2],colour[3])]
+ cxr_line_colours += [(colour[0],colour[1],colour[2],colour[3])]
-def cxr_draw():
- global debug_gpu_lines
- global debug_gpu_shader
- global debug_gpu_mesh
+# libnbvtf
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- debug_gpu_shader.bind()
- gpu.state.depth_mask_set(False)
- gpu.state.line_width_set(1.5)
- gpu.state.face_culling_set('BACK')
+libnbvtf = None
- gpu.state.depth_test_set('NONE')
- gpu.state.blend_set('ALPHA')
- if debug_gpu_lines != None:
- debug_gpu_lines.draw(debug_gpu_shader)
+# Constants
- gpu.state.depth_test_set('LESS_EQUAL')
- gpu.state.blend_set('ADDITIVE')
- if debug_gpu_mesh != None:
- debug_gpu_mesh.draw(debug_gpu_shader)
+libnbvtf_convert = extern( "nbvtf_convert", \
+ [c_char_p,c_int32,c_int32,c_int32,c_int32,c_int32,c_uint32,c_char_p], \
+ c_int32 )
-class CXR_RELOAD(bpy.types.Operator):
- bl_idname="convexer.reload"
- bl_label="Reload convexer"
+libnbvtf_init = extern( "nbvtf_init", [], None )
+libnbvtf_funcs = [ libnbvtf_convert, libnbvtf_init ]
- def execute(_,context):
- global libcxr, libnbvtf, libcxr_funcs, libnbvtf_funcs
+# Loading
+# --------------------------
- # Load vtf library
- libnbvtf = cdll.LoadLibrary( os.path.dirname(__file__)+'/')
+def shared_reload():
+ global libcxr, libnbvtf, libcxr_funcs, libnbvtf_funcs
- if libcxr != None:
- _handle = libcxr._handle
+ # Unload libraries if existing
+ def _reload( lib, path ):
+ if lib != None:
+ _handle = lib._handle
for i in range(10): libc_dlclose( _handle )
- del libcxr
+ lib = None
+ del lib
+ return cdll.LoadLibrary( F'{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/{path}.so' )
- libcxr = None
- libcxr = cdll.LoadLibrary( os.path.dirname(__file__)+'/')
- build_time = c_char_p.in_dll(libcxr,'cxr_build_time')
- print( F"libcxr build time: {build_time.value}" )
+ libnbvtf = _reload( libnbvtf, "libnbvtf" )
+ libcxr = _reload( libcxr, "libcxr" )
- for fd in libnbvtf_funcs:
- fd.loadfrom( libnbvtf )
+ for fd in libnbvtf_funcs:
+ fd.loadfrom( libnbvtf )
- for fd in libcxr_funcs:
- fd.loadfrom( libcxr )
+ for fd in libcxr_funcs:
+ fd.loadfrom( libcxr )
- # Callbacks
- global c_libcxr_log_callback, c_libcxr_line_callback
+ # Callbacks
+ global c_libcxr_log_callback, c_libcxr_line_callback
- c_libcxr_log_callback = LOG_FUNCTION_TYPE(libcxr_log_callback)
- libcxr.cxr_set_log_function(cast(c_libcxr_log_callback,c_void_p))
+ c_libcxr_log_callback = LOG_FUNCTION_TYPE(libcxr_log_callback)
- POINTER(c_double),POINTER(c_double),POINTER(c_double))
- c_libcxr_line_callback = LINE_FUNCTION_TYPE(libcxr_line_callback)
- libcxr.cxr_set_line_function(cast(c_libcxr_line_callback,c_void_p))
+ POINTER(c_double), POINTER(c_double), POINTER(c_double))
+ c_libcxr_line_callback = LINE_FUNCTION_TYPE(libcxr_line_callback)
- return {'FINISHED'}
+ libcxr.cxr_set_log_function(cast(c_libcxr_log_callback,c_void_p))
+ libcxr.cxr_set_line_function(cast(c_libcxr_line_callback,c_void_p))
-def libcxr_use():
- global libcxr
+ build_time = c_char_p.in_dll(libcxr,'cxr_build_time')
+ print( F"libcxr build time: {build_time.value}" )
- if libcxr == None:
- bpy.ops.convexer.reload()
-def to_aeiou( v ):
- ret = ""
- if v == 0:
- return "z"
- dig = []
- while v:
- dig.append( int( v % 5 ) )
- v //= 5
- for d in dig[::-1]:
- ret += [ 'a','e','i','o','u' ][d]
- return ret
+# Configuration
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def asset_uid(asset):
- if isinstance(asset,str):
- return asset
- name = to_aeiou(asset.cxr_data.asset_id)
- if bpy.context.scene.cxr_data.include_names:
- name +='.','_')
- return name
-# -> <project_name>/<asset_name>
-def asset_name(asset):
- return F"{bpy.context.scene.cxr_data.project_name}/{asset_uid(asset)}"
-# -> <subdir>/<project_name>/<asset_name>
-def asset_path(subdir, asset):
- return F"{subdir}/{asset_name(asset_uid(asset))}"
-# -> <csgo>/<subdir>/<project_name>/<asset_name>
-def asset_full_path(sdir,asset):
- return F"{bpy.context.scene.cxr_data.subdir}/"+\
- F"{asset_path(sdir,asset_uid(asset))}"
-# view_layer.update() doesnt seem to work,
-# tag_redraw() seems to have broken
-# therefore, change a property
-def scene_redraw():
- ob = bpy.context.scene.objects[0]
- ob.hide_render = ob.hide_render
- # the 'real' way to refresh the scene
- #for area in bpy.context.window.screen.areas:
- # if area.type == 'view_3d':
- # area.tag_redraw()
-# The default shader is the first entry
+# Standard entity functions, think of like base.fgd
-cxr_shaders = {
- "LightMappedGeneric":
- {
- "name": "Light Mapped",
- "id": 0
- },
- "VertexLitGeneric":
- {
- "name": "Vertex Lit",
- "id": 1
- },
- "UnlitGeneric":
- {
- "name": "Unlit",
- "id": 2
- },
- "Builtin":
- {
- "name": "Builtin",
- "id": 3
- }
-def material_tex_image(v):
- return {\
- "ShaderNodeTexImage":
- {
- "image": F"${v}"
- }
- }
-cxr_graph_mapping = {
- "ShaderNodeBsdfPrincipled":
- {
- "Base Color":
- {
- "ShaderNodeMixRGB":
- {
- "Color1": material_tex_image("basetexture"),
- "Color2": material_tex_image("decaltexture")
- },
- "ShaderNodeTexImage":
- {
- "image":"$basetexture"
- },
- "default":
- [("VertexLitGeneric","$color2"),\
- ("UnlitGeneric","$color2"),\
- ("LightMappedGeneric","$color")]
- },
- "Normal":
- {
- "ShaderNodeNormalMap":
- {
- "Color": material_tex_image("bumpmap")
- }
- }
- }
-cxr_shader_params = {
- "Textures":
- {
- "type": "ui",
- "shaders": ("UnlitGeneric","VertexLitGeneric","LightMappedGeneric"),
- "$basetexture":
- {
- "name": "Base Texture",
- "type": "intrinsic",
- "default": None
- },
- "$decaltexture":
- {
- "name": "Decal Texture",
- "type": "intrinsic",
- "default": None,
- "$decalblendmode":
- {
- "name": "Blend Mode",
- "type": "enum",
- "items": [
- ('0',"AlphaOver","Default",'',0),
- ('1',"Multiply","",'',1),
- ('2',"Modulate","",'',2),
- ('3',"Additive","",'',3)
- ],
- "default": 0,
- "always": True
- }
- },
- "$bumpmap":
- {
- "name": "Normal Map",
- "type": "intrinsic",
- "default": None
- }
- },
- "$color":
- {
- "name": "Color",
- "type": "intrinsic",
- "default": None,
- "exponent": 2.2
- },
- "$color2":
- {
- "name": "Color2",
- "type": "intrinsic",
- "default": None,
- "exponent": 2.2
- },
- "Lighting":
- {
- "type": "ui",
- "shaders": ("VertexLitGeneric", "LightMappedGeneric"),
- "$phong":
- {
- "name": "Phong",
- "type": "bool",
- "default": False,
- "$phongexponent":
- {
- "name": "Exponent",
- "type": "float",
- "default": 5.0
- },
- "$phongboost":
- {
- "name": "Boost",
- "type": "float",
- "default": 1.0
- },
- "$phongfresnelranges":
- {
- "name": "Fresnel Ranges",
- "type": "vector",
- "default":(1.0,1.0,1.0)
- }
- },
- "$envmap":
- {
- "name": "Cubemap",
- "type": "string",
- "default": "",
- "$envmaptint":
- {
- "name": "Tint",
- "type": "vector",
- "subtype": 'COLOR',
- "default": (1.0,1.0,1.0)
- },
- "$envmaplightscale":
- {
- "name": "Light Scale",
- "type": "float",
- "default": 0.0
- },
- "$envmaplightscaleminmax":
- {
- "name": "Min/Max",
- "type": "vector",
- "default": (0.0,1.0)
- }
- }
- },
- "Transparency":
- {
- "type": "ui",
- "shaders": ("UnlitGeneric","VertexLitGeneric","LightMappedGeneric"),
- "$translucent":
- {
- "name": "Translucent",
- "type": "bool",
- "default": False
- },
- "$alphatest":
- {
- "name": "Alpha Test",
- "type": "bool",
- "default": False,
- "$alphatestreference":
- {
- "name": "Step",
- "type": "float",
- "default": 0.5
- }
- },
- "$nocull":
- {
- "name": "No Cull",
- "type": "bool",
- "default": False
- }
- }
+def cxr_get_origin(obj,context):
+ return obj.location * context['scale'] + mathutils.Vector(context['offset'])
-def ent_get_origin(obj,context):
- return obj.location * context.scale
-def ent_get_angles(obj,context):
+def cxr_get_angles(obj,context):
euler = [ a*57.295779513 for a in obj.rotation_euler ]
angle = [0,0,0]
angle[0] = euler[1]
angle[2] = euler[0]
return angle
-def ent_baseclass(classes, other):
+def cxr_baseclass(classes, other):
base = other.copy()
for x in classes:
return base
-ent_origin = { "origin": ent_get_origin }
-ent_angles = { "angles": ent_get_angles }
-ent_transform = ent_baseclass( [ent_origin], ent_angles )
+# EEVEE Light component converter -> Source 1
def ent_lights(obj,context):
- kvs = ent_baseclass([ent_origin],\
+ kvs = cxr_baseclass([ent_origin],\
"_distance": (0.0 if else -1.0),
"_light": [int(pow([i],1.0/2.2)*255.0) for i in range(3)] +\
return kvs
def ent_cubemap(obj,context):
- return ent_baseclass([ent_origin],\
- {"cubemapsize":})
+ return cxr_baseclass([ent_origin], {"cubemapsize":})
-cxr_entities = {
- "info_player_counterterrorist":
- {
- "gizmo": [],
- "allow": ('EMPTY',),
- "keyvalues": ent_baseclass([ent_transform],\
- {
- "priority": {"type": "int", "default": 0 },
- "enabled": {"type": "int", "default": 1 },
- })
- },
- "info_player_terrorist":
- {
- "gizmo": [],
- "allow": ('EMPTY',),
- "keyvalues": ent_baseclass([ent_transform],\
- {
- "priority": {"type": "int", "default": 0 },
- "enabled": {"type": "int", "default": 1 },
- })
- },
- "light": { "keyvalues": ent_lights },
- "light_spot": { "keyvalues": ent_lights },
- # SUN
- "env_cubemap": { "keyvalues": ent_cubemap },
- # Brush entites
- "func_buyzone":
- {
- "allow": ('MESH',),
- "keyvalues":
- {
- "TeamNum": {"type": "int", "default": 0 }
- }
- }
+ent_origin = { "origin": cxr_get_origin }
+ent_angles = { "angles": cxr_get_angles }
+ent_transform = cxr_baseclass( [ent_origin], ent_angles )
+#include the user config
+# Blender state callbacks
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def cxr_on_load(dummy):
+ global cxr_view_lines, cxr_view_mesh
+ cxr_view_lines = None
+ cxr_view_mesh = None
+def cxr_dgraph_update(scene,dgraph):
+ return
+ print( F"Hallo {time.time()}" )
+# Convexer compilation functions
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Asset path management
+def asset_uid(asset):
+ if isinstance(asset,str):
+ return asset
+ # Create a unique ID string
+ v = asset.cxr_data.asset_id
+ name = ""
+ if v == 0:
+ name = "A"
+ else:
+ dig = []
+ while v:
+ dig.append( int( v % len(base) ) )
+ v //= len(base)
+ for d in dig[::-1]:
+ name += base[d]
+ if bpy.context.scene.cxr_data.include_names:
+ name +='.','_')
+ return name
+# -> <project_name>/<asset_name>
+def asset_name(asset):
+ return F"{bpy.context.scene.cxr_data.project_name}/{asset_uid(asset)}"
+# -> <subdir>/<project_name>/<asset_name>
+def asset_path(subdir, asset):
+ return F"{subdir}/{asset_name(asset_uid(asset))}"
+# -> <csgo>/<subdir>/<project_name>/<asset_name>
+def asset_full_path(sdir,asset):
+ return F"{bpy.context.scene.cxr_data.subdir}/"+\
+ F"{asset_path(sdir,asset_uid(asset))}"
+# Entity functions / infos
+# ------------------------
def cxr_intrinsic_classname(obj):
if obj.type == 'LIGHT':
return result
+# Extract material information from shader graph data
def material_info(mat):
info = {}
info['res'] = (512,512)
info['name'] =
return info
- if not hasattr(material_info,'references'):
- material_info.references = set()
- # Custom material
- material_info.references.add(mat)
+ # Custom materials
info['name'] = asset_name(mat)
# Using the cxr_graph_mapping as a reference, go through the shader
return info
-def mesh_cxr_format(obj):
- orig_state = obj.mode
- if orig_state != 'OBJECT':
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
+# Prepares Scene into dictionary format
+def cxr_scene_collect():
+ context = bpy.context
+ # Make sure all of our asset types have a unique ID
+ def _uid_prepare(objtype):
+ used_ids = [0]
+ to_generate = []
+ id_max = 0
+ for o in objtype:
+ vs = o.cxr_data
+ if vs.asset_id in used_ids:
+ to_generate+=[vs]
+ else:
+ id_max = max(id_max,vs.asset_id)
+ used_ids+=[vs.asset_id]
+ for vs in to_generate:
+ id_max += 1
+ vs.asset_id = id_max
+ _uid_prepare(
+ _uid_prepare(
+ _uid_prepare(
+ sceneinfo = {
+ "entities": [], # Everything with a classname
+ "geo": [], # All meshes without a classname
+ "heros": [] # Collections prefixed with mdl_
+ }
- dgraph = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
- data = obj.evaluated_get(dgraph).data
- _,mtx_rot,_ = obj.matrix_world.decompose()
+ def _collect(collection,transform):
+ nonlocal sceneinfo
+ if'.'): return
+ if collection.hide_render: return
+ if'mdl_'):
+ sceneinfo['heros'] += [{
+ "collection": collection,
+ "transform": transform
+ }]
+ return
+ for obj in collection.objects:
+ if obj.hide_get(): continue
+ classname = cxr_classname( obj )
+ if classname != None:
+ sceneinfo['entities'] += [{
+ "object": obj,
+ "classname": classname,
+ "transform": transform
+ }]
+ elif obj.type == 'MESH':
+ sceneinfo['geo'] += [{
+ "object": obj,
+ "transform": transform
+ }]
+ for c in collection.children:
+ cxr_scene_collect( c, transform )
+ transform_main = {
+ "scale": context.scene.cxr_data.scale_factor,
+ "offset": (0,0,0)
+ }
- mesh = cxr_static_mesh()
+ transform_sky = {
+ "scale": context.scene.cxr_data.skybox_scale_factor,
+ "offset": (0,0,context.scene.cxr_data.skybox_offset )
+ }
- vertex_data = ((c_double*3)*len(data.vertices))()
- for i, vert in enumerate(data.vertices):
- v = obj.matrix_world @
- vertex_data[i][0] = c_double(v[0])
- vertex_data[i][1] = c_double(v[1])
- vertex_data[i][2] = c_double(v[2])
+ if 'main' in
+ _collect(['main'], transform_main )
- loop_data = (cxr_static_loop*len(data.loops))()
- polygon_data = (cxr_polygon*len(data.polygons))()
+ if 'skybox' in
+ _collect(['skybox'], transform_sky )
- for i, poly in enumerate(data.polygons):
- loop_start = poly.loop_start
- loop_end = poly.loop_start + poly.loop_total
- for loop_index in range(loop_start, loop_end):
- loop = data.loops[loop_index]
- loop_data[loop_index].index = loop.vertex_index
- loop_data[loop_index].edge_index = loop.edge_index
+ return sceneinfo
- if data.uv_layers:
- uv =[loop_index].uv
- loop_data[loop_index].uv[0] = c_double(uv[0])
- loop_data[loop_index].uv[1] = c_double(uv[1])
- else:
- loop_data[loop_index].uv[0] = c_double(0.0)
- loop_data[loop_index].uv[1] = c_double(0.0)
- center = obj.matrix_world @
- normal = mtx_rot @ poly.normal
+# Write VMF out to file (JOB HANDLER)
+def cxr_export_vmf(sceneinfo):
+ cxr_reset_lines()
+ # Setup output and state
+ filepath =
+ directory = os.path.dirname(filepath)
+ settings = bpy.context.scene.cxr_data
+ asset_dir = F"{directory}/bin"
+ material_dir = F"{settings.subdir}/materials/{settings.project_name}"
+ model_dir = F"{settings.subdir}/models/{settings.project_name}"
- polygon_data[i].loop_start = poly.loop_start
- polygon_data[i].loop_total = poly.loop_total
- polygon_data[i].normal[0] = normal[0]
- polygon_data[i].normal[1] = normal[1]
- polygon_data[i].normal[2] = normal[2]
- polygon_data[i].center[0] = center[0]
- polygon_data[i].center[1] = center[1]
- polygon_data[i].center[2] = center[2]
- polygon_data[i].material_id = poly.material_index
+ os.makedirs( asset_dir, exist_ok=True )
+ os.makedirs( material_dir, exist_ok=True )
+ os.makedirs( model_dir, exist_ok=True )
+ # States
+ cxr_reset_lines()
+ output_vmf = F"{directory}/{settings.project_name}.vmf"
- edge_data = (cxr_edge*len(data.edges))()
+ with vdf_structure(output_vmf) as m:
+ print( F"Write: {output_vmf}" )
- for i, edge in enumerate(data.edges):
- edge_data[i].i0 = edge.vertices[0]
- edge_data[i].i1 = edge.vertices[1]
- edge_data[i].freestyle = edge.use_freestyle_mark
+ vmfinfo = cxr_vmf_context()
+ vmfinfo.mapversion = 4
+ #TODO: These need to be in options...
+ vmfinfo.skyname = b"sky_csgo_night02b"
+ vmfinfo.detailvbsp = b"detail.vbsp"
+ vmfinfo.detailmaterial = b"detail/detailsprites"
+ vmfinfo.lightmap_scale = 12
+ vmfinfo.brush_count = 0
+ vmfinfo.entity_count = 0
+ vmfinfo.face_count = 0
+ pointer(vmfinfo), m.fp )
- material_data = (cxr_material*len(obj.material_slots))()
+ def _buildsolid( cmd ):
+ nonlocal m
- for i, ms in enumerate(obj.material_slots):
- inf = material_info(ms.material)
- material_data[i].res[0] = inf['res'][0]
- material_data[i].res[1] = inf['res'][1]
- material_data[i].vmt_path = inf['name'].encode('utf-8')
- mesh.edges = cast(edge_data, POINTER(cxr_edge))
- mesh.vertices = cast(vertex_data, POINTER(c_double*3))
- mesh.loops = cast(loop_data,POINTER(cxr_static_loop))
- mesh.polys = cast(polygon_data, POINTER(cxr_polygon))
- mesh.materials = cast(material_data, POINTER(cxr_material))
- mesh.poly_count = len(data.polygons)
- mesh.vertex_count = len(data.vertices)
- mesh.edge_count = len(data.edges)
- mesh.loop_count = len(data.loops)
- mesh.material_count = len(obj.material_slots)
+ baked = mesh_cxr_format( cmd['object'] )
+ world = baked, None )
+ if world == None:
+ return False
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode=orig_state)
- return mesh
+ vmfinfo.scale = cmd['transform']['scale']
-class CXR_WRITE_VMF(bpy.types.Operator):
- bl_idname="convexer.write_vmf"
- bl_label="Write VMF"
+ offset = cmd['transform']['offset']
+ vmfinfo.offset[0] = offset[0]
+ vmfinfo.offset[1] = offset[1]
+ vmfinfo.offset[2] = offset[2]
- def execute(_,context):
- libcxr_use()
- libcxr_reset_debug_lines()
- # Setup output and state
- filepath =
- directory = os.path.dirname(filepath)
- settings = context.scene.cxr_data
- asset_dir = F"{directory}/bin"
- material_dir = F"{settings.subdir}/materials/{settings.project_name}"
- model_dir = F"{settings.subdir}/models/{settings.project_name}"
+ world, pointer(vmfinfo), m.fp )
+ world )
+ return True
+ # World geometry
+ for brush in sceneinfo['geo']:
+ if not _buildsolid( brush ):
+ cxr_batch_lines()
+ scene_redraw()
+ return False
- os.makedirs( asset_dir, exist_ok=True )
- os.makedirs( material_dir, exist_ok=True )
- os.makedirs( model_dir, exist_ok=True )
+, m.fp)
- # States
- libcxr_reset_debug_lines()
- material_info.references = set()
- output_vmf = F"{directory}/{settings.project_name}.vmf"
- with vdf_structure(output_vmf) as m:
- print( F"Write: {output_vmf}" )
- vmfinfo = cxr_vmf_context()
- vmfinfo.mapversion = 4
- vmfinfo.skyname = b"sky_csgo_night02b"
- vmfinfo.detailvbsp = b"detail.vbsp"
- vmfinfo.detailmaterial = b"detail/detailsprites"
- vmfinfo.lightmap_scale = 12
- vmfinfo.brush_count = 0
- vmfinfo.entity_count = 0
- vmfinfo.face_count = 0
- pointer(vmfinfo), m.fp )
- # Make sure all of our asset types have a unique ID
- def _uid_prepare(objtype):
- used_ids = [0]
- to_generate = []
- id_max = 0
- for o in objtype:
- vs = o.cxr_data
- if vs.asset_id in used_ids:
- to_generate+=[vs]
- else:
- id_max = max(id_max,vs.asset_id)
- used_ids+=[vs.asset_id]
- for vs in to_generate:
- id_max += 1
- vs.asset_id = id_max
+ # Entities
+ for ent in sceneinfo['entities']:
+ obj = ent['object']
+ ctx = ent['transform']
+ cls = ent['classname']
+ m.node( 'entity' )
+ m.kv( 'classname', cls )
+ kvs = cxr_entity_keyvalues( obj, ctx, cls )
+ for kv in kvs:
+ if isinstance(kv[2], list):
+ m.kv( kv[0], ' '.join([str(_) for _ in kv[2]]) )
+ else: m.kv( kv[0], str(kv[2]) )
- _uid_prepare(
- _uid_prepare(
- _uid_prepare(
- # Export Brushes and displacement
- def _collect(collection,transform):
- if'.'):
- return
- if collection.hide_render:
- return
+ if obj.type == 'MESH':
+ if not _buildsolid( ent ):
+ cxr_batch_lines()
+ scene_redraw()
+ return False
- if'mdl_'):
- _collect.heros += [(collection,transform)]
- return
+ m.edon()
- for obj in collection.objects:
- if obj.hide_get(): continue
+ print( "Done" )
+ return True
- classname = cxr_classname( obj )
+# COmpile image using NBVTF and hash it (JOB HANDLER)
+def compile_image(img):
+ if img==None:
+ return None
- if classname != None:
- _collect.entities += [( obj,transform,classname )]
- elif obj.type == 'MESH':
- _collect.geo += [(obj,transform)]
+ name = asset_name(img)
+ src_path = bpy.path.abspath(img.filepath)
- for c in collection.children:
- _collect( c, transform )
- _collect.a_models = set()
- _collect.entities = []
- _collect.geo = []
- _collect.heros = []
+ dims = img.cxr_data.export_res
+ fmt = {
+ }[ img.cxr_data.fmt ]
- transform_main = cxr_object_context( \
- context.scene.cxr_data.scale_factor, 0.0 )
+ mipmap = img.cxr_data.mipmap
+ lod = img.cxr_data.lod
+ clamp = img.cxr_data.clamp
+ flags = img.cxr_data.flags
- transform_sky = cxr_object_context( \
- context.scene.cxr_data.skybox_scale_factor, \
- context.scene.cxr_data.skybox_offset )
- if 'main' in
- _collect(['main'], transform_main )
+ q=bpy.context.scene.cxr_data.image_quality
- if 'skybox' in
- _collect(['skybox'], transform_sky )
- def _buildsolid( obj, ctx ):
- nonlocal m
+ userflag_hash = F"{mipmap}.{lod}.{clamp}.{flags}"
+ file_hash = F"{name}.{os.path.getmtime(src_path)}"
+ comphash = F"{file_hash}.{dims[0]}.{dims[1]}.{fmt}.{userflag_hash}.{q}"
- baked = mesh_cxr_format( brush[0] )
- world = baked, None )
+ if img.cxr_data.last_hash != comphash:
+ print( F"Texture update: {img.filepath}" )
+ src = src_path.encode('utf-8')
+ dst = (asset_full_path('materials',img)+'.vtf').encode('utf-8')
+ flags_full = flags
+ # texture setting flags
+ if not lod: flags_full |= NBVTF_TEXTUREFLAGS_NOLOD
+ if clamp:
+ if,dims[0],dims[1],mipmap,fmt,q,flags_full,dst):
+ img.cxr_data.last_hash = comphash
+ return name
+# Compile a material to VMT format. This is quick to run, doesnt need to be a
+# job handler.
+def compile_material(mat):
+ print( F"Compile {asset_full_path('materials',mat)}.vmt" )
+ info = material_info(mat)
+ properties = mat.cxr_data
+ props = []
+ # Walk the property tree
+ def _mlayer( layer ):
+ nonlocal properties, props
+ for decl in layer:
+ if isinstance(layer[decl],dict): # $property definition
+ pdef = layer[decl]
+ ptype = pdef['type']
+ subdefines = False
+ default = None
+ prop = None
+ if 'shaders' in pdef and properties.shader not in pdef['shaders']:
+ continue
+ # Group expansion (does it have subdefinitions?)
+ for ch in pdef:
+ if isinstance(pdef[ch],dict):
+ subdefines = True
+ break
- if world == None:
- return False
+ expandview = False
+ if ptype == 'ui':
+ expandview = True
+ else:
+ if ptype == 'intrinsic':
+ if decl in info:
+ prop = info[decl]
+ else:
+ prop = getattr(properties,decl)
+ default = pdef['default']
+ if not isinstance(prop,str) and \
+ not isinstance(prop,bpy.types.Image) and \
+ hasattr(prop,'__getitem__'):
+ prop = tuple([p for p in prop])
- vmfinfo.scale = brush[1].scale
- vmfinfo.offset[0] = 0.0
- vmfinfo.offset[1] = 0.0
- vmfinfo.offset[2] = brush[1].offset_z
+ if prop != default:
+ # write prop
+ props += [(decl,pdef,prop)]
+ if subdefines:
+ expandview = True
- world, pointer(vmfinfo), m.fp )
- world )
+ if expandview: _mlayer(pdef)
- return True
+ _mlayer( cxr_shader_params )
- # World geometry
- for brush in _collect.geo:
- if not _buildsolid( brush[0], brush[1] ):
- libcxr_batch_debug_lines()
- scene_redraw()
- return {'CANCELLED'}
+ # Write the vmt
+ with vdf_structure( F"{asset_full_path('materials',mat)}.vmt" ) as vmt:
+ vmt.node( properties.shader )
+ vmt.put( "// Convexer export\n" )
- m.edon()
- # Entities
- for entity in _collect.entities:
- obj = entity[0]
- ctx = entity[1]
- cls = entity[2]
- m.node( 'entity' )
- m.kv( 'classname', cls )
- kvs = cxr_entity_keyvalues( obj, ctx, cls )
- for kv in kvs:
- if isinstance(kv[2], list):
- m.kv( kv[0], ' '.join([str(_) for _ in kv[2]]) )
- else: m.kv( kv[0], str(kv[2]) )
- if not _buildsolid( obj, ctx ):
- libcxr_batch_debug_lines()
- scene_redraw()
- return {'CANCELLED'}
+ for pair in props:
+ decl = pair[0]
+ pdef = pair[1]
+ prop = pair[2]
- m.edon()
- print( "[CONVEXER] Compile materials / textures" )
+ def _numeric(v):
+ nonlocal pdef
+ if 'exponent' in pdef: return str(pow( v, pdef['exponent'] ))
+ else: return str(v)
- for mat in material_info.references:
- compile_material(mat)
+ if isinstance(prop,bpy.types.Image):
+ vmt.kv( decl, asset_name(prop))
+ elif isinstance(prop,bool):
+ vmt.kv( decl, '1' if prop else '0' )
+ elif isinstance(prop,str):
+ vmt.kv( decl, prop )
+ elif isinstance(prop,float) or isinstance(prop,int):
+ vmt.kv( decl, _numeric(prop) )
+ elif isinstance(prop,tuple):
+ vmt.kv( decl, F"[{' '.join([_numeric(_) for _ in prop])}]" )
+ else:
+ vmt.put( F"// (cxr) unkown shader value type'{type(prop)}'" )
- print( "[CONVEXER] Compiling models" )
+ vmt.edon()
+ return props
- libcxr_batch_debug_lines()
- scene_redraw()
+# Convexer operators
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Force reload of shared libraries
+class CXR_RELOAD(bpy.types.Operator):
+ bl_idname="convexer.reload"
+ bl_label="Reload"
+ def execute(_,context):
+ shared_reload()
return {'FINISHED'}
+# Used for exporting data to use with ASAN builds
class CXR_DEV_OPERATOR(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_label="Export development data"
def execute(_,context):
- libcxr_use()
# Prepare input data
mesh_src = mesh_cxr_format(context.active_object)
- libcxr_reset_debug_lines() pointer(mesh_src) )
- libcxr_batch_debug_lines()
- scene_redraw()
return {'FINISHED'}
+# UI: Preview how the brushes will looks in 3D view
class CXR_PREVIEW_OPERATOR(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_label="Preview Brushes"
return {'FINISHED'}
def modal(_,context,event):
- global debug_gpu_mesh
+ global cxr_view_mesh
static = _.__class__
if event.type == 'ESC':
- libcxr_reset_debug_lines()
- libcxr_batch_debug_lines()
- debug_gpu_mesh = None
- scene_redraw()
+ cxr_reset_lines()
+ cxr_batch_lines()
+ cxr_view_mesh = None
static.RUNNING = False
+ scene_redraw()
return {'FINISHED'}
return {'PASS_THROUGH'}
def invoke(_,context,event):
- global debug_gpu_shader, debug_gpu_mesh
+ global cxr_view_shader, cxr_view_mesh
static = _.__class__
static.LASTERR = None
- libcxr_use()
- libcxr_reset_debug_lines()
+ cxr_reset_lines()
mesh_src = mesh_cxr_format(context.active_object)
world = mesh_src, pointer(err) )
if world == None:
- debug_gpu_mesh = None
- libcxr_batch_debug_lines()
+ cxr_view_mesh = None
+ cxr_batch_lines()
static.LASTERR = ["There is no error", \
return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
+ # Generate preview using cxr
+ #
ptrpreview = world )
preview = ptrpreview[0]
indices = [ (indices[i*3+0],indices[i*3+1],indices[i*3+2]) \
for i in range(int(preview.indices_count/3)) ]
- debug_gpu_mesh = batch_for_shader(
- debug_gpu_shader, 'TRIS',
+ cxr_view_mesh = batch_for_shader(
+ cxr_view_shader, 'TRIS',
{ "pos": vertices, "color": colours },
indices = indices,
) ptrpreview ) world )
- libcxr_batch_debug_lines()
+ cxr_batch_lines()
+ # Allow user to spam the operator
if static.RUNNING:
return {'CANCELLED'}
if not static.RUNNING:
static.RUNNING = True
return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
+# Search for VMF compiler executables in subdirectory
+class CXR_DETECT_COMPILERS(bpy.types.Operator):
+ bl_idname="convexer.detect_compilers"
+ bl_label="Find compilers"
+ def execute(self,context):
+ scene = context.scene
+ settings = scene.cxr_data
+ subdir = settings.subdir
+ for exename in ['studiomdl','vbsp','vvis','vrad']:
+ searchpath = os.path.normpath(F'{subdir}/../bin/{exename}.exe')
+ if os.path.exists(searchpath):
+ settings[F'exe_{exename}'] = searchpath
+ return {'FINISHED'}
+# Main compile function
+class CXR_COMPILER_CHAIN(bpy.types.Operator):
+ bl_idname="convexer.chain"
+ bl_label="Compile Chain"
+ # 'static'
+ USER_EXIT = False
+ SUBPROC = None
+ TIMER = None
+ TIMER_LAST = 0.0
+ JOBINFO = None
+ JOBID = 0
+ def cancel(_,context):
+ static = _.__class__
+ wm = context.window_manager
+ if static.SUBPROC != None:
+ static.SUBPROC.terminate()
+ static.SUBPROC = None
+ if static.TIMER != None:
+ wm.event_timer_remove( static.TIMER )
+ static.TIMER = None
+ scene_redraw()
+ return {'FINISHED'}
+ def modal(_,context,ev):
+ static = _.__class__
+ if ev.type == 'TIMER':
+ if static.WAIT_REDRAW:
+ return {'PASS_THROUGH'}
+ static.WAIT_REDRAW = True
+ if static.USER_EXIT:
+ print( "Chain USER_EXIT" )
+ return _.cancel(context)
+ if static.SUBPROC != None:
+ # Deal with async modes
+ pass
+ # Compile syncronous thing
+ for sys in static.JOBINFO:
+ for i,target in enumerate(sys['jobs']):
+ if target != None:
+ print( F"Start job: {static.JOBID} @{time.time()}" )
+ if not sys['exec'](target):
+ print( "Job failed" )
+ return _.cancel(context)
+ sys['jobs'][i] = None
+ static.JOBID += 1
+ cxr_jobs_update_graph( static.JOBINFO )
+ scene_redraw()
+ return {'PASS_THROUGH'}
+ # All completed
+ print( "All jobs completed!" )
+ global cxr_jobs_batch
+ cxr_jobs_batch = None
+ scene_redraw()
+ return _.cancel(context)
+ return {'PASS_THROUGH'}
+ def invoke(_,context,event):
+ static = _.__class__
+ wm = context.window_manager
+ if static.TIMER == None:
+ print("Launching compiler toolchain")
+ # Run static compilation units now (collect, vmt..)
+ sceneinfo = cxr_scene_collect()
+ image_jobs = []
+ # Collect materials
+ a_materials = set()
+ for brush in sceneinfo['geo']:
+ for ms in brush['object'].material_slots:
+ a_materials.add( ms.material )
+ # Collect images
+ for mat in a_materials:
+ for pair in compile_material(mat):
+ decl = pair[0]
+ pdef = pair[1]
+ prop = pair[2]
+ if isinstance(prop,bpy.types.Image):
+ flags = 0
+ if 'flags' in pdef: flags = pdef['flags']
+ if prop not in image_jobs:
+ image_jobs += [prop]
+ prop.cxr_data.flags = flags
+ # Convexer jobs
+ static.JOBID = 0
+ static.JOBINFO = []
+ static.JOBINFO += [{
+ "title": "Convexer",
+ "w": 40,
+ "colour": (1.0,0.3,0.1,1.0),
+ "exec": cxr_export_vmf,
+ "jobs": [sceneinfo]
+ }]
+ if len(image_jobs) > 0:
+ static.JOBINFO += [{
+ "title": "Textures",
+ "w": 40,
+ "colour": (0.1,1.0,0.3,1.0),
+ "exec": compile_image,
+ "jobs": image_jobs
+ }]
+ static.USER_EXIT=False
+ static.TIMER=wm.event_timer_add(0.1,window=context.window)
+ wm.modal_handler_add(_)
+ cxr_jobs_update_graph( static.JOBINFO )
+ scene_redraw()
+ return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
+ print("Chain exiting...")
+ static.USER_EXIT=True
+ return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
+# Convexer panels
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Helper buttons for 3d toolbox view
class CXR_VIEW3D( bpy.types.Panel ):
bl_idname = "VIEW3D_PT_convexer"
bl_label = "Convexer"
box =
+# Main scene properties interface, where all the settings go
class CXR_INTERFACE(bpy.types.Panel):
- _.layout.operator("convexer.write_vmf")
settings = context.scene.cxr_data
_.layout.prop(settings, "scale_factor")
_.layout.prop(settings, "lightmap_scale")
_.layout.prop(settings, "light_scale" )
+ _.layout.prop(settings, "image_quality" )
box =
box.prop(settings, "exe_vbsp")
box.prop(settings, "exe_vvis")
box.prop(settings, "exe_vrad")
+ text = "Compile" if CXR_COMPILER_CHAIN.TIMER == None else "Cancel"
+ row = box.row()
+ row.scale_y = 3
+ row.operator("convexer.chain", text=text)
-# COmpile image using NBVTF and hash it
-def compile_image(img,flags):
- if img==None:
- return None
- name = asset_name(img)
- src_path = bpy.path.abspath(img.filepath)
- dims = img.cxr_data.export_res
- fmt = {
- }[ img.cxr_data.fmt ]
- mipmap = img.cxr_data.mipmap
- lod = img.cxr_data.lod
- clamp = img.cxr_data.clamp
- userflag_hash = F"{mipmap}.{lod}.{clamp}"
- file_hash = F"{name}.{os.path.getmtime(src_path)}"
- comphash = F"{file_hash}.{dims[0]}.{dims[1]}.{fmt}.{userflag_hash}"
- if img.cxr_data.last_hash != comphash:
- print( F"Texture update: {img.filepath}" )
- src = src_path.encode('utf-8')
- dst = (asset_full_path('materials',img)+'.vtf').encode('utf-8')
- flags_full = flags
- # texture setting flags
- if not lod: flags_full |= NBVTF_TEXTUREFLAGS_NOLOD
- if clamp:
- if,dims[0],dims[1],mipmap,fmt,0,flags_full,dst):
- img.cxr_data.last_hash = comphash
- return name
-def compile_material(mat):
- print( F"Compile {asset_full_path('materials',mat)}.vmt" )
- info = material_info(mat)
- properties = mat.cxr_data
- props = []
- def _mlayer( layer ):
- nonlocal properties, props
- for decl in layer:
- if isinstance(layer[decl],dict): # $property definition
- pdef = layer[decl]
- ptype = pdef['type']
- subdefines = False
- default = None
- prop = None
- if 'shaders' in pdef and properties.shader not in pdef['shaders']:
- continue
- # Group expansion (does it have subdefinitions?)
- for ch in pdef:
- if isinstance(pdef[ch],dict):
- subdefines = True
- break
- expandview = False
- if ptype == 'ui':
- expandview = True
- else:
- if ptype == 'intrinsic':
- if decl in info:
- prop = info[decl]
- else:
- prop = getattr(properties,decl)
- default = pdef['default']
- if not isinstance(prop,str) and \
- not isinstance(prop,bpy.types.Image) and \
- hasattr(prop,'__getitem__'):
- prop = tuple([p for p in prop])
- if prop != default:
- # write prop
- props += [(decl,pdef,prop)]
- if subdefines:
- expandview = True
- if expandview: _mlayer(pdef)
- _mlayer( cxr_shader_params )
- with vdf_structure( F"{asset_full_path('materials',mat)}.vmt" ) as vmt:
- vmt.node( properties.shader )
- vmt.put( "// Convexer export\n" )
- for pair in props:
- decl = pair[0]
- pdef = pair[1]
- prop = pair[2]
- def _numeric(v):
- nonlocal pdef
- if 'exponent' in pdef: return str(pow( v, pdef['exponent'] ))
- else: return str(v)
- if isinstance(prop,bpy.types.Image):
- flags = 0
- if 'flags' in pdef:
- flags = pdef['flags']
- vmt.kv( decl,compile_image(prop,flags))
- elif isinstance(prop,bool):
- vmt.kv( decl, '1' if prop else '0' )
- elif isinstance(prop,str):
- vmt.kv( decl, prop )
- elif isinstance(prop,float) or isinstance(prop,int):
- vmt.kv( decl, _numeric(prop) )
- elif isinstance(prop,tuple):
- vmt.kv( decl, F"[{' '.join([_numeric(_) for _ in prop])}]" )
- else:
- vmt.put( F"// (cxr) unkown shader value type'{type(prop)}'" )
- vmt.edon()
class CXR_MATERIAL_PANEL(bpy.types.Panel):
bl_label="VMT Properties"
elif active_object.type == 'LIGHT_PROBE':
layout.prop( properties, "size" )
+# Settings groups
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CXR_IMAGE_SETTINGS(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
export_res: bpy.props.IntVectorProperty(
mipmap: bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="MIP",default=True)
lod: bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="LOD",default=True)
clamp: bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="CLAMP",default=False)
+ flags: bpy.props.IntProperty(name="flags",default=0)
class CXR_LIGHT_SETTINGS(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
realtime: bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Realtime Light", default=True)
lightmap_scale: bpy.props.IntProperty(name="Global Lightmap Scale",\
+ image_quality: bpy.props.IntProperty(name="Texture Quality (0-18)",\
+ default=8, min=0, max=18 )
-class CXR_DETECT_COMPILERS(bpy.types.Operator):
- bl_idname="convexer.detect_compilers"
- bl_label="Find compilers"
- def execute(self,context):
- scene = context.scene
- settings = scene.cxr_data
- subdir = settings.subdir
- for exename in ['studiomdl','vbsp','vvis','vrad']:
- searchpath = os.path.normpath(F'{subdir}/../bin/{exename}.exe')
- if os.path.exists(searchpath):
- settings[F'exe_{exename}'] = searchpath
- return {'FINISHED'}
+vmt_param_dynamic_class = None
def register():
- global debug_draw_handler, vmt_param_dynamic_class
+ global cxr_view_draw_handler, vmt_param_dynamic_class, cxr_ui_handler
for c in classes:
# CXR Scene settings
# GPU / callbacks
- debug_draw_handler = bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_add(\
+ cxr_view_draw_handler = bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_add(\
+ cxr_ui_handler = bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_add(\
+ cxr_ui,(None,None),'WINDOW','POST_PIXEL')
def unregister():
- global debug_draw_handler, vmt_param_dynamic_class
+ global cxr_view_draw_handler, vmt_param_dynamic_class, cxr_ui_handler
bpy.utils.unregister_class( vmt_param_dynamic_class )
for c in classes:
- bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_remove(debug_draw_handler,'WINDOW')
+ bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_remove(cxr_view_draw_handler,'WINDOW')
+ bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_remove(cxr_ui_handler,'WINDOW')