vg_str text;
if( gui_new_helper( input_button_list[k_srbind_maccept], &text ))
- vg_strcat( &text, "start" );
+ vg_strcat( &text, "Start" );
if( gui_new_helper( input_button_list[k_srbind_mback], &text ))
- vg_strcat( &text, "exit" );
+ vg_strcat( &text, "Exit" );
return k_entity_call_result_OK;
if( (global_ent_route.helper_weekly =
gui_new_helper( input_button_list[k_srbind_mleft], &text )))
- vg_strcat( &text, "weekly" );
+ vg_strcat( &text, "Weekly" );
if( (global_ent_route.helper_alltime =
gui_new_helper( input_button_list[k_srbind_mright], &text )))
- vg_strcat( &text, "all time" );
+ vg_strcat( &text, "All time" );
if( gui_new_helper( input_button_list[k_srbind_mback], &text ) )
- vg_strcat( &text, "exit" );
+ vg_strcat( &text, "Exit" );
return k_entity_call_result_OK;
vg_str text;
if( gui_new_helper( input_button_list[k_srbind_mback], &text ))
- vg_strcat( &text, "exit" );
+ vg_strcat( &text, "Exit" );
if( (global_skateshop.helper_pick = gui_new_helper(
input_button_list[k_srbind_maccept], &text))){
if( (global_skateshop.helper_browse = gui_new_helper(
input_axis_list[k_sraxis_mbrowse_h], &text ))){
- vg_strcat( &text, "browse" );
+ vg_strcat( &text, "Browse" );
vg_loader_start( board_scan_thread, NULL );
- ent_skateshop_helpers_pickable( "pick" );
+ ent_skateshop_helpers_pickable( "Pick" );
else if( shop->type == k_skateshop_type_charshop )
- ent_skateshop_helpers_pickable( "pick" );
+ ent_skateshop_helpers_pickable( "Pick" );
else if( shop->type == k_skateshop_type_worldshop )
- ent_skateshop_helpers_pickable( "open rift" );
+ ent_skateshop_helpers_pickable( "Open rift" );
vg_loader_start( world_scan_thread, NULL );
else if( shop->type == k_skateshop_type_server )
k_SRglyph_kbm_return = 0xa2,
k_SRglyph_kbm_escape = 0xa3,
k_SRglyph_kbm_mousemove = 0xa4,
+#if 0
k_SRglyph_vg_ret = 0xa5,
k_SRglyph_vg_link = 0xa6,
k_SRglyph_vg_square = 0xa7,
k_SRglyph_vg_triangle = 0xa8,
k_SRglyph_vg_circle = 0xa9
typedef struct font3d font3d;
#include "font.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "player.h"
+#include "vg/vg_imgui.h"
enum gui_icon {
k_gui_icon_tick = 0,
return helper;
-static void gui_draw(void){
- if( gui.active_positional_helper &&
- (v3_dist2(,gui.trick_co) > 2.0f) )
- gui_helper_clear();
+static void gui_render_icons(void)
vg_camera ortho;
float fl = 0.0f,
m4x4_mul( ortho.mtx.p, ortho.mtx.v, ortho.mtx.pv ); /* HACK */
vg_camera_finalize( &ortho );
/* icons */
font3d_bind( &gui.font, k_font_shader_default, 0, NULL, &ortho );
mesh_bind( &gui.icons_mesh );
gui.icon_draw_count = 0;
+static void gui_draw(void)
+ if( gui.active_positional_helper &&
+ (v3_dist2(,gui.trick_co) > 2.0f) )
+ gui_helper_clear();
+ /* helpers
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
gui.factive = vg_lerpf( gui.factive, gui.helper_count?1.0f:0.0f,
vg.time_frame_delta*2.0f );
- if( gui.factive > 0.01f ){
- /* draw bottom bar */
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
- glBlendEquation(GL_FUNC_ADD);
+ ui_font_face( &vgf_default_title );
+ ui_px height = vg_ui.font->ch + 16;
+ ui_rect lwr = { 0, vg.window_y - height, vg.window_x, height };
- shader_blitcolour_use();
- shader_blitcolour_uColour( (v4f){ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, gui.factive*0.8f } );
- render_fsquad1();
+ if( gui.factive > 0.01f )
+ {
+ //ui_fill( lwr, ui_opacity( 0xff000000, gui.factive*0.8f ) );
- f64 loc_t = (vg.time_real - gui.location_time) / 5.0;
- if( (loc_t < 1.0) && (gui.location_time != 0.0) ){
- /* yep this code is a mess, i dont care anymore */
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
- glBlendEquation(GL_FUNC_ADD);
- f32 t = 1.0f-vg_minf(1.0f,vg_minf(loc_t*20.0f,2.0f-loc_t*2.0f)),
- o = 1.0f-t*t*(2.0f-t);
+ ui_px x = 0;
+ for( u32 i=0; i<gui.helper_count; i++ )
+ {
+ struct gui_helper *helper = &gui.helpers[i];
- shader_blitcolour_use();
- shader_blitcolour_uColour( (v4f){ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, o*0.5f } );
- render_fsquad2();
+ char buf[128];
+ vg_str str;
+ vg_strnull( &str, buf, sizeof(buf) );
+ vg_input_string( &str, helper->binding, 1 );
- f32 dy = ft/0.79f,
- scale = dy*0x1p-4f*0.5f;
- m3x3_identity( mmdl );
- m3x3_scale( mmdl, (v3f){scale,scale,scale} );
- v3_zero( mmdl[3] );
- f32 pad = dy*0x1p-4f*0.125f;
- f32 w = font3d_string_width( 2, gui.location );
- mmdl[3][0] = fr*0.5f - w*scale*0.5f;
- mmdl[3][1] = 0.3f*ft+pad*2.0f;
+ ui_rect box = { x, lwr[1], 1000, lwr[3] };
+ u32 fg = 0;
+ f32 opacity = 0.4f;
+ if( helper->greyed )
+ {
+ fg = ui_colour(k_ui_fg+2);
+ opacity = 0.1f;
+ }
- font3d_bind( &gui.font, k_font_shader_default, 0, NULL, &ortho );
- shader_model_font_uColour( (v4f){1.2f,1.2f,1.2f,o} );
- font3d_simple_draw( 2, gui.location, &ortho, mmdl );
+ struct ui_vert *bg = ui_fill( box, ui_opacity( 0x00000000, opacity ) );
+ u32 w;
+ box[0] += 16;
+ w = ui_text( box, buf, 1, k_ui_align_middle_left, fg );
+ w *= vg_ui.font->sx;
+ bg[1].co[0] = x + w + 32;
+ bg[2].co[0] = x + w + 32;
+ x += w + 32;
+ box[0] = x;
+ bg = ui_fill( box, ui_opacity( 0x00101010, opacity*0.7f ) );
+ box[0] += 8;
+ w = ui_text( box, helper->text, 1, k_ui_align_middle_left, fg );
+ w *= vg_ui.font->sx;
+ bg[1].co[0] = box[0] + w + 16;
+ bg[2].co[0] = box[0] + w + 16;
+ x += w + 32;
- else
- font3d_bind( &gui.font, k_font_shader_default, 0, NULL, &ortho );
- float dy = ft/0.79f,
- scale = dy*0x1p-4f*0.75f;
- m3x3_identity( mmdl );
- m3x3_scale( mmdl, (v3f){scale,scale,scale} );
- v3_zero( mmdl[3] );
- float pad = dy*0x1p-4f*0.125f;
- mmdl[3][1] = pad;
- for( u32 i=0; i<gui.helper_count; i++ ){
- struct gui_helper *helper = &gui.helpers[i];
+ vg_ui.frosting = gui.factive*0.015f;
+ ui_flush( k_ui_shader_colour, vg.window_x, vg.window_y );
+ vg_ui.frosting = 0.0f;
- char buf[32];
- vg_str str;
- vg_strnull( &str, buf, sizeof(buf) );
- vg_input_string( &str, helper->binding, 1 );
- f32 bs = (f32)vg.window_x / (f32)(gui.helper_count+1),
- x = ((f32)i + 1.0f) * bs;
- mmdl[3][0] = x - font3d_string_width( 2, buf )*0.5f*scale;
+ f64 loc_t = (vg.time_real - gui.location_time) / 5.0;
+ if( (loc_t < 1.0) && (gui.location_time != 0.0) )
+ {
+ f32 t = 1.0f-vg_minf(1.0f,vg_minf(loc_t*20.0f,2.0f-loc_t*2.0f)),
+ o = 1.0f-t*t*(2.0f-t);
- font3d_setcolour( (v4f){1.0f,1.0f,1.0f, helper->greyed? 0.5f: 1.0f} );
- font3d_simple_draw( 2, buf, &ortho, mmdl );
+ ui_rect box = { 0, (vg.window_y*2)/3 - height/2, vg.window_x, height };
+ ui_fill( box, ui_opacity( 0x00101010, 0.5f ) );
+ ui_text( box, gui.location, 1, k_ui_align_middle_center, 0 );
- const char *make_smaller = "\x02\xaf\x03 ";
- font3d_draw( make_smaller );
- font3d_draw( helper->text );
- float w = gui_font3d.offset[0]+1.0f;
+ vg_ui.colour[3] = o;
+ ui_flush( k_ui_shader_colour, vg.window_x, vg.window_y );
+ vg_ui.colour[3] = 1.0f;
+ ui_font_face( &vgf_default_small );
-static int gui_location_print_ccmd( int argc, const char *argv[] ){
+static int gui_location_print_ccmd( int argc, const char *argv[] )
if( argc > 0 ){
char new_loc[64];
vg_str str;
[k_sraxis_mbrowse_v] = (vg_input_op[]){
- vg_mode_add, vg_keyboard, SDLK_UP,
vg_mode_sub, vg_keyboard, SDLK_DOWN,
+ vg_mode_add, vg_keyboard, SDLK_UP,
vg_mode_sub, vg_joy_axis, SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_LEFTY,
[k_sraxis_replay_h] = (vg_input_op[]){
- vg_mode_add, vg_keyboard, SDLK_e,
vg_mode_sub, vg_keyboard, SDLK_q,
- vg_mode_add, vg_joy_axis, SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_TRIGGERRIGHT,
+ vg_mode_add, vg_keyboard, SDLK_e,
vg_mode_sub, vg_joy_axis, SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_TRIGGERLEFT,
+ vg_mode_add, vg_joy_axis, SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_TRIGGERRIGHT,
[k_sraxis_skid] = (vg_input_op[]){
- vg_mode_add, vg_joy_button, SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_RIGHTSHOULDER,
vg_mode_sub, vg_joy_button, SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_LEFTSHOULDER,
+ vg_mode_add, vg_joy_button, SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_RIGHTSHOULDER,
static vg_input_op *input_joy_list[] = {
[k_srjoystick_steer] = (vg_input_op[]){
- vg_index, 0, vg_mode_add, vg_keyboard, SDLK_d,
- vg_mode_sub, vg_keyboard, SDLK_a,
- vg_index, 1, vg_mode_add, vg_keyboard, SDLK_s,
- vg_mode_sub, vg_keyboard, SDLK_w,
+ vg_index, 0, vg_mode_sub, vg_keyboard, SDLK_a,
+ vg_mode_add, vg_keyboard, SDLK_d,
+ vg_index, 1, vg_mode_sub, vg_keyboard, SDLK_w,
+ vg_mode_add, vg_keyboard, SDLK_s,
vg_mode_absmax, vg_joy_ls,
struct gui_helper *h;
if( (h = gui_new_helper(input_button_list[k_srbind_reset], &str) )){
- vg_strcat( &str, "rewind" );
+ vg_strcat( &str, "Rewind" );
if( world_static.active_instance == k_world_purpose_hub )
h->greyed = 1;
if( gui_new_helper(input_button_list[k_srbind_dead_respawn], &str ))
- vg_strcat( &str, "spawn" );
+ vg_strcat( &str, "Spawn" );
void player__dead_animator_exchange( bitpack_ctx *ctx, void *data )
ui_rect panel = { (vg.window_x / 2) - 200, 0, 400, 600 };
ui_fill( panel, (ui_colour(k_ui_bg)&0x00ffffff)|0x50000000 );
+ ui_font_face( &vgf_default_title );
+ ui_info( panel, "Network" );
+ ui_font_face( &vgf_default_large );
+ ui_info( panel, "Status" );
+ ui_font_face( &vgf_default_small );
char buf[512];
const char *netstatus = "PROGRAMMING ERROR";
* Draw chat box relative to the root tag position on the screen
-static void chat_box( ui_point tag_root, f64 time, const char *message ){
+static void chat_box( ui_point tag_root, f64 time, const char *message )
if( (vg.time_real - time) > 15.0 )
ui_rect wr;
wr[2] = ui_text_line_width( message ) + 8;
- wr[3] = vg_ui.font->glyph_height + 2;
+ wr[3] = vg_ui.font->ch + 2;
wr[0] = tag_root[0]-(wr[2]/2);
wr[1] = tag_root[1] - wr[3] - 8;
* Draw full imgui for remote player
static void remote_player_nametag( ui_point tag_root,
- struct network_player *player ){
- vg_ui.font = &vg_ui_font_big;
+ struct network_player *player )
+ ui_font_face( &vgf_default_large );
ui_rect wr;
wr[2] = VG_MAX( ui_text_line_width( player->username ), 140 ) + 8;
ui_fill( wr, ui_opacity( ui_colour(k_ui_bg), 0.23f ) );
ui_text( wr, player->username, 1, k_ui_align_middle_center, 0 );
- vg_ui.font = &vg_ui_font_small;
+ ui_font_face( &vgf_default_small );
/* medals */
int cols = 0;
for( int i=0; i<3; i ++ ){
if( player->medals[i] ){
ui_rect col = { wr[0] + (f32)cols*w, wr[1] + wr[3], w,
- vg_ui.font->glyph_height };
+ vg_ui.font->ch };
vg_strnull( &str, buf, 32 );
+#if 0
vg_strcatch( &str, (char)k_SRglyph_vg_circle );
vg_strcati32( &str, player->medals[i] );
ui_text( col, buf, 1, k_ui_align_middle_center,
fg = ui_colour( in_world? k_ui_fg: k_ui_fg+4 );
- vg_ui.font = &vg_ui_font_big;
+ ui_font_face( &vgf_default_large );
ui_text( top, username, 1, k_ui_align_middle_center, fg );
- vg_ui.font = &vg_ui_font_small;
+ ui_font_face( &vgf_default_small );
ui_text( bottom, activity, 1, k_ui_align_middle_center, fg );
ui_px y = 50, width = 200, height = 42, gap = 2,
x = vg.window_x - width;
- vg_ui.font = &vg_ui_font_big;
+ ui_font_face( &vgf_default_large );
ui_text( (ui_rect){ x, 0, width, height },
"In World", 1, k_ui_align_middle_center, 0 );
- vg_ui.font = &vg_ui_font_small;
+ ui_font_face( &vgf_default_small );
ui_rect us = { x, y, width, height };
vg_strnull( &freecam_text, player_replay.helper_freecam->text,
vg_strcat( &freecam_text,
- player_replay.use_freecam? "exit freecam": "freecam" );
+ player_replay.use_freecam? "Exit freecam": "Freecam" );
static void replay_show_helpers(void)
vg_str text;
if( gui_new_helper( input_axis_list[k_sraxis_replay_h], &text ) )
- vg_strcat( &text, "scrub" );
+ vg_strcat( &text, "Scrub" );
if( (player_replay.helper_resume = gui_new_helper(
input_button_list[k_srbind_replay_resume], &text )) )
- vg_strcat( &text, "resume" );
+ vg_strcat( &text, "Resume" );
if( gui_new_helper( input_button_list[k_srbind_replay_play], &text ))
- vg_strcat( &text, "playback" );
+ vg_strcat( &text, "Playback" );
player_replay.helper_freecam = gui_new_helper(
input_button_list[k_srbind_replay_freecam], &text );
glViewport( 0,0, vg.window_x, vg.window_y );
- gui_draw();
+ gui_render_icons();
void vg_gui(void)
if( skaterift.op == k_async_op_clientloading ) return;
+ gui_draw();
if( k_tools_mode ){
ui_rect null;
ui_rect screen = { 0, 0, vg.window_x, vg.window_y };
vg_str text;
if( gui_new_helper( input_joy_list[k_srjoystick_steer], &text ) )
- vg_strcat( &text, "move" );
+ vg_strcat( &text, "Move" );
if( gui_new_helper( input_button_list[k_srbind_maccept], &text ) )
- vg_strcat( &text, "spawn" );
+ vg_strcat( &text, "Spawn" );
if( gui_new_helper( input_button_list[k_srbind_mback], &text ) )
- vg_strcat( &text, "exit" );
+ vg_strcat( &text, "Exit" );