rigidbody jeff1 = { .type = k_rb_shape_capsule,
.inf.capsule = { .radius = 0.75f, .height = 3.0f },
.co = {30.0f, 4.0f, 30.0f },
- .q = {0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,1.0f}
+ .q = {1.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f}
rigidbody ball = { .type = k_rb_shape_sphere,
.inf.sphere = { .radius = 2.0f },
- .co = {0.0f,6.0f,0.0f},
+ .co = {0.0f,20.0f,2.0f},
.q = {0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,1.0f}},
ball1= { .type = k_rb_shape_sphere,
- .inf.sphere = { .radius = 1.0f },
- .co = {0.1f,9.0f,0.2f},
+ .inf.sphere = { .radius = 2.0f },
+ .co = {0.1f,25.0f,0.2f},
.q = {0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,1.0f}};
+rigidbody jeffs[16];
+static void reorg_jeffs(void)
+ for( int i=0; i<vg_list_size(jeffs); i++ )
+ {
+ v3_copy( (v3f){ (vg_randf()-0.5f) * 10.0f,
+ (vg_randf()-0.5f) * 10.0f + 17.0f,
+ (vg_randf()-0.5f) * 10.0f }, jeffs[i].co );
+ v4_copy( (v4f){ vg_randf(), vg_randf(), vg_randf(), vg_randf() },
+ jeffs[i].q );
+ q_normalize( jeffs[i].q );
+ jeffs[i].type = k_rb_shape_capsule;
+ jeffs[i].inf.capsule.radius = 0.75f;
+ jeffs[i].inf.capsule.height = 3.0f;
+ rb_init( &jeffs[i] );
+ }
static void physics_test_start(void)
- q_axis_angle( funnel[0].q, (v3f){1.0f,0.0f,0.0f}, 0.3f );
- q_axis_angle( funnel[1].q, (v3f){1.0f,0.0f,0.0f}, -0.3f );
- q_axis_angle( funnel[2].q, (v3f){0.0f,0.0f,1.0f}, 0.3f );
- q_axis_angle( funnel[3].q, (v3f){0.0f,0.0f,1.0f}, -0.3f );
+ q_axis_angle( funnel[0].q, (v3f){1.0f,0.0f,0.0f}, 0.6f );
+ q_axis_angle( funnel[1].q, (v3f){1.0f,0.0f,0.0f}, -0.6f );
+ q_axis_angle( funnel[2].q, (v3f){0.0f,0.0f,1.0f}, 0.6f );
+ q_axis_angle( funnel[3].q, (v3f){0.0f,0.0f,1.0f}, -0.6f );
for( int i=0; i<4; i++ )
rb_init( &funnel[i] );
+ reorg_jeffs();
rb_init( &ground );
rb_init( &ball );
rb_init( &ball1 );
+ for( int i=0; i<4; i++ )
+ rb_debug( &funnel[i], 0xff0060e0 );
+ rb_debug( &ground, 0xff00ff00 );
+ rb_debug( &ball, 0xffe00040 );
+ rb_debug( &ball1, 0xff00e050 );
+ rb_debug( &blocky, 0xffcccccc );
+ rb_debug( &jeff1, 0xff00ffff );
+ for( int i=0; i<vg_list_size(jeffs); i++ )
+ {
+ rb_debug( &jeffs[i], (u32[]){ 0xff0000ff, 0xff00ff00, 0xff00ffff,
+ 0xffff0000, 0xffff00ff, 0xffffff00,
+ }[i%6] );
+ rb_iter( jeffs+i );
+ }
rb_iter( &ball );
for( int i=0; i<4; i++ )
- rb_contact_count += rb_sphere_vs_box( &ball, &funnel[i], rb_global_ct());
- rb_contact_count += rb_sphere_vs_box( &ball1, &funnel[i], rb_global_ct());
+ rigidbody *fn = &funnel[i];
+ rb_contact_count += rb_sphere_vs_box( &ball, fn, rb_global_ct());
+ rb_contact_count += rb_sphere_vs_box( &ball1, fn, rb_global_ct());
+ rb_contact_count += rb_capsule_vs_box( &jeff1, fn, rb_global_ct() );
+ for( int i=0; i<vg_list_size(jeffs); i++ )
+ rb_contact_count += rb_capsule_vs_box( jeffs+i, fn, rb_global_ct() );
- rb_contact_count += rb_sphere_vs_box( &ball, &ground, rb_global_ct() );
- rb_contact_count += rb_sphere_vs_box( &ball1, &ground, rb_global_ct() );
- rb_contact_count += rb_sphere_vs_sphere( &ball, &ball1, rb_global_ct() );
+ for( int i=0; i<vg_list_size(jeffs)-1; i++ )
+ {
+ for( int j=i+1; j<vg_list_size(jeffs); j++ )
+ {
+ rb_contact_count += rb_capsule_vs_capsule( jeffs+i, jeffs+j,
+ rb_global_ct() );
+ }
+ }
+ for( int i=0; i<vg_list_size(jeffs); i++ )
+ {
+ rb_contact_count += rb_capsule_vs_box( jeffs+i, &ground, rb_global_ct() );
+ rb_contact_count += rb_capsule_vs_sphere( jeffs+i, &ball, rb_global_ct() );
+ rb_contact_count += rb_capsule_vs_sphere( jeffs+i, &ball1, rb_global_ct() );
+ rb_contact_count += rb_capsule_vs_capsule( jeffs+i, &jeff1, rb_global_ct() );
+ }
rb_contact_count += rb_capsule_vs_box( &jeff1, &ground, rb_global_ct() );
rb_contact_count += rb_capsule_vs_box( &jeff1, &blocky, rb_global_ct() );
+ rb_contact_count += rb_capsule_vs_sphere( &jeff1, &ball, rb_global_ct() );
+ rb_contact_count += rb_capsule_vs_sphere( &jeff1, &ball1, rb_global_ct() );
- rb_presolve_contacts( rb_contact_buffer, rb_contact_count );
+ rb_contact_count += rb_sphere_vs_box( &ball, &ground, rb_global_ct() );
+ rb_contact_count += rb_sphere_vs_box( &ball1, &ground, rb_global_ct() );
+ rb_contact_count += rb_sphere_vs_sphere( &ball1, &ball, rb_global_ct() );
- for( int i=0; i<5; i++ )
+ rb_presolve_contacts( rb_contact_buffer, rb_contact_count );
+ for( int i=0; i<8; i++ )
rb_solve_contacts( rb_contact_buffer, rb_contact_count );
+ for( int i=0; i<vg_list_size(jeffs); i++ )
+ {
+ rb_update_transform(jeffs+i);
+ }
rb_update_transform( &ball );
rb_update_transform( &ball1 );
rb_update_transform( &jeff1 );
if(glfwGetKey( vg_window, GLFW_KEY_L ))
- v3_copy( player.camera_pos, jeff1.co );
+ m4x3_mulv( player.camera, (v3f){0.0f,0.0f,-5.0f}, jeff1.co );
v3_zero( jeff1.v );
v3_zero( jeff1.w );
- for( int i=0; i<4; i++ )
- rb_debug( &funnel[i], 0xff0060e0 );
- rb_debug( &ground, 0xff00ff00 );
- rb_debug( &ball, 0xffe00040 );
- rb_debug( &ball1, 0xff00e050 );
+ if(glfwGetKey( vg_window, GLFW_KEY_K ))
+ {
+ m4x3_mulv( player.camera, (v3f){0.0f,0.0f,-5.0f}, ball.co );
+ v3_zero( ball.v );
+ v3_zero( ball.w );
+ }
+ if(glfwGetKey( vg_window, GLFW_KEY_J ))
+ {
+ m4x3_mulv( player.camera, (v3f){0.0f,0.0f,-5.0f}, ball1.co );
+ v3_zero( ball1.v );
+ v3_zero( ball1.w );
+ }
- rb_debug( &blocky, 0xffcccccc );
- rb_debug( &jeff1, 0xff00ffff );
+ if(glfwGetKey( vg_window, GLFW_KEY_H ))
+ {
+ reorg_jeffs();
+ }
static void physics_test_render(void)
m4x3_mulv( rb->to_world, local, dest );
-static void closest_point_segment( v3f a, v3f b, v3f point, v3f dest )
+static float closest_point_segment( v3f a, v3f b, v3f point, v3f dest )
v3f v0, v1;
v3_sub( b, a, v0 );
v3_sub( point, a, v1 );
float t = v3_dot( v1, v0 ) / v3_length2(v0);
- v3_muladds( a, v0, vg_clampf(t,0.0f,1.0f), dest );
+ t = vg_clampf(t,0.0f,1.0f);
+ v3_muladds( a, v0, t, dest );
+ return t;
static void closest_on_triangle( v3f p, v3f tri[3], v3f dest )
vg_line( ct->co, p1, 0xffffffff );
-static void rb_box_incident_dir( v3f p, boxf box, v3f dir )
+ * By collecting the minimum(time) and maximum(time) pairs of points, we
+ * build a reduced and stable exact manifold.
+ *
+ * tx: time at point
+ * rx: minimum distance of these points
+ * dx: the delta between the two points
+ *
+ * pairs will only ammend these if they are creating a collision
+ */
+typedef struct capsule_manifold capsule_manifold;
+struct capsule_manifold
+ float t0, t1;
+ float r0, r1;
+ v3f d0, d1;
+ * Expand a line manifold with a new pair. t value is the time along segment
+ * on the oriented object which created this pair.
+ */
+static void rb_capsule_manifold( v3f pa, v3f pb, float t, float r,
+ capsule_manifold *manifold )
+ v3f delta;
+ v3_sub( pa, pb, delta );
+ if( v3_length2(delta) < r*r )
+ {
+ if( t < manifold->t0 )
+ {
+ v3_copy( delta, manifold->d0 );
+ manifold->t0 = t;
+ manifold->r0 = r;
+ }
+ if( t > manifold->t1 )
+ {
+ v3_copy( delta, manifold->d1 );
+ manifold->t1 = t;
+ manifold->r1 = r;
+ }
+ }
+static void rb_capsule_manifold_init( capsule_manifold *manifold )
+ manifold->t0 = INFINITY;
+ manifold->t1 = -INFINITY;
+static int rb_capsule_manifold_done( rigidbody *rba, rigidbody *rbb,
+ capsule_manifold *manifold, rb_ct *buf )
+ float h = rba->inf.capsule.height,
+ ra = rba->inf.capsule.radius;
+ v3f p0, p1;
+ v3_muladds( rba->co, rba->up, -h*0.5f+ra, p0 );
+ v3_muladds( rba->co, rba->up, h*0.5f-ra, p1 );
+ int count = 0;
+ if( manifold->t0 <= 1.0f )
+ {
+ rb_ct *ct = buf;
+ v3f pa;
+ v3_muls( p0, 1.0f-manifold->t0, pa );
+ v3_muladds( pa, p1, manifold->t0, pa );
+ float d = v3_length( manifold->d0 );
+ v3_muls( manifold->d0, 1.0f/d, ct->n );
+ v3_muladds( pa, ct->n, -ra, ct->co );
+ ct->p = manifold->r0 - d;
+ ct->rba = rba;
+ ct->rbb = rbb;
+ count ++;
+ }
+ if( (manifold->t1 >= 0.0f) && (manifold->t0 != manifold->t1) )
+ {
+ rb_ct *ct = buf+count;
+ v3f pa;
+ v3_muls( p0, 1.0f-manifold->t1, pa );
+ v3_muladds( pa, p1, manifold->t1, pa );
+ float d = v3_length( manifold->d1 );
+ v3_muls( manifold->d1, 1.0f/d, ct->n );
+ v3_muladds( pa, ct->n, -ra, ct->co );
+ ct->p = manifold->r1 - d;
+ ct->rba = rba;
+ ct->rbb = rbb;
+ count ++;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Debugging
+ */
+ if( count == 2 )
+ vg_line( buf[0].co, buf[1].co, 0xff0000ff );
+ return count;
+static int rb_capsule_vs_sphere( rigidbody *rba, rigidbody *rbb, rb_ct *buf )
+ float h = rba->inf.capsule.height,
+ ra = rba->inf.capsule.radius,
+ rb = rbb->inf.sphere.radius;
+ v3f p0, p1;
+ v3_muladds( rba->co, rba->up, -h*0.5f+ra, p0 );
+ v3_muladds( rba->co, rba->up, h*0.5f-ra, p1 );
+ v3f c, delta;
+ closest_point_segment( p0, p1, rbb->co, c );
+ v3_sub( c, rbb->co, delta );
+ float d2 = v3_length2(delta),
+ r = ra + rb;
+ if( d2 < r*r )
+ {
+ float d = sqrtf(d2);
+ rb_ct *ct = buf;
+ v3_muls( delta, 1.0f/d, ct->n );
+ ct->p = r-d;
+ v3f p0, p1;
+ v3_muladds( c, ct->n, -ra, p0 );
+ v3_muladds( rbb->co, ct->n, rb, p1 );
+ v3_add( p0, p1, ct->co );
+ v3_muls( ct->co, 0.5f, ct->co );
+ ct->rba = rba;
+ ct->rbb = rbb;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int rb_capsule_vs_capsule( rigidbody *rba, rigidbody *rbb, rb_ct *buf )
+ float ha = rba->inf.capsule.height,
+ hb = rbb->inf.capsule.height,
+ ra = rba->inf.capsule.radius,
+ rb = rbb->inf.capsule.radius,
+ r = ra+rb;
+ v3f p0, p1, p2, p3;
+ v3_muladds( rba->co, rba->up, -ha*0.5f+ra, p0 );
+ v3_muladds( rba->co, rba->up, ha*0.5f-ra, p1 );
+ v3_muladds( rbb->co, rbb->up, -hb*0.5f+rb, p2 );
+ v3_muladds( rbb->co, rbb->up, hb*0.5f-rb, p3 );
+ capsule_manifold manifold;
+ rb_capsule_manifold_init( &manifold );
+ v3f pa, pb;
+ float ta, tb;
+ closest_segment_segment( p0, p1, p2, p3, &ta, &tb, pa, pb );
+ rb_capsule_manifold( pa, pb, ta, r, &manifold );
+ ta = closest_point_segment( p0, p1, p2, pa );
+ tb = closest_point_segment( p0, p1, p3, pb );
+ rb_capsule_manifold( pa, p2, ta, r, &manifold );
+ rb_capsule_manifold( pb, p3, tb, r, &manifold );
+ closest_point_segment( p2, p3, p0, pa );
+ closest_point_segment( p2, p3, p1, pb );
+ rb_capsule_manifold( p0, pa, 0.0f, r, &manifold );
+ rb_capsule_manifold( p1, pb, 1.0f, r, &manifold );
+ return rb_capsule_manifold_done( rba, rbb, &manifold, buf );
float h = rba->inf.capsule.height,
r = rba->inf.capsule.radius;
- v3f p0, p1;
- v3_muladds( rba->co, rba->up, h*0.5f-r*0.5f, p1 );
- v3_muladds( rba->co, rba->up, -h*0.5f+r*0.5f, p0 );
- m4x3_mulv( rbb->to_local, p0, p0 );
- m4x3_mulv( rbb->to_local, p1, p1 );
+ /*
+ * Solving this in symetric local space of the cube saves us some time and a
+ * couple branches when it comes to the quad stage.
+ */
+ v3f centroid;
+ v3_add( rbb->bbx[0], rbb->bbx[1], centroid );
+ v3_muls( centroid, 0.5f, centroid );
- /* Clip zone +y */
+ boxf bbx;
+ v3_sub( rbb->bbx[0], centroid, bbx[0] );
+ v3_sub( rbb->bbx[1], centroid, bbx[1] );
+ v3f pc, p0w, p1w, p0, p1;
+ v3_muladds( rba->co, rba->up, -h*0.5f+r, p0w );
+ v3_muladds( rba->co, rba->up, h*0.5f-r, p1w );
+ m4x3_mulv( rbb->to_local, p0w, p0 );
+ m4x3_mulv( rbb->to_local, p1w, p1 );
+ v3_sub( p0, centroid, p0 );
+ v3_sub( p1, centroid, p1 );
+ v3_add( p0, p1, pc );
+ v3_muls( pc, 0.5f, pc );
+ /*
+ * Finding an appropriate quad to collide lines with
+ */
+ v3f region;
+ v3_div( pc, bbx[1], region );
+ v3f quad[4];
+ if( (fabsf(region[0]) > fabsf(region[1])) &&
+ (fabsf(region[0]) > fabsf(region[2])) )
+ {
+ float px = vg_signf(region[0]) * bbx[1][0];
+ v3_copy( (v3f){ px, bbx[0][1], bbx[0][2] }, quad[0] );
+ v3_copy( (v3f){ px, bbx[1][1], bbx[0][2] }, quad[1] );
+ v3_copy( (v3f){ px, bbx[1][1], bbx[1][2] }, quad[2] );
+ v3_copy( (v3f){ px, bbx[0][1], bbx[1][2] }, quad[3] );
+ }
+ else if( fabsf(region[1]) > fabsf(region[2]) )
+ {
+ float py = vg_signf(region[1]) * bbx[1][1];
+ v3_copy( (v3f){ bbx[0][0], py, bbx[0][2] }, quad[0] );
+ v3_copy( (v3f){ bbx[1][0], py, bbx[0][2] }, quad[1] );
+ v3_copy( (v3f){ bbx[1][0], py, bbx[1][2] }, quad[2] );
+ v3_copy( (v3f){ bbx[0][0], py, bbx[1][2] }, quad[3] );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ float pz = vg_signf(region[2]) * bbx[1][2];
+ v3_copy( (v3f){ bbx[0][0], bbx[0][1], pz }, quad[0] );
+ v3_copy( (v3f){ bbx[1][0], bbx[0][1], pz }, quad[1] );
+ v3_copy( (v3f){ bbx[1][0], bbx[1][1], pz }, quad[2] );
+ v3_copy( (v3f){ bbx[0][0], bbx[1][1], pz }, quad[3] );
+ }
+ capsule_manifold manifold;
+ rb_capsule_manifold_init( &manifold );
v3f c0, c1;
- closest_point_aabb( p0, rbb->bbx, c0 );
- closest_point_aabb( p1, rbb->bbx, c1 );
- v3f vis0;
- m4x3_mulv( rbb->to_world, c0, vis0 );
- vg_line_pt3( vis0, 0.1f, 0xffff00ff );
- m4x3_mulv( rbb->to_world, c1, vis0 );
- vg_line_pt3( vis0, 0.1f, 0xffff00ff );
+ closest_point_aabb( p0, bbx, c0 );
+ closest_point_aabb( p1, bbx, c1 );
+ v3f d0, d1, da;
+ v3_sub( c0, p0, d0 );
+ v3_sub( c1, p1, d1 );
+ v3_sub( p1, p0, da );
- v3f d0, d1;
- v3_sub( p0, c0, d0 );
- v3_sub( p1, c1, d1 );
+ /* TODO: ? */
+ v3_normalize(d0);
+ v3_normalize(d1);
+ v3_normalize(da);
- float d02 = v3_length2(d0),
- d12 = v3_length2(d1);
+ if( v3_dot( da, d0 ) <= 0.01f )
+ rb_capsule_manifold( p0, c0, 0.0f, r, &manifold );
- int count = 0;
+ if( v3_dot( da, d1 ) >= -0.01f )
+ rb_capsule_manifold( p1, c1, 1.0f, r, &manifold );
- if( d02 <= r*r )
+ for( int i=0; i<4; i++ )
- rb_ct *ct = buf+count;
- float d = sqrtf(d02);
- vg_info( "d: %.4f\n", d );
+ int i0 = i,
+ i1 = (i+1)%4;
- v3_muls( d0, -1.0f/d, ct->n );
- ct->p = r-d;
- v3_add( c0, p0, ct->co );
- v3_muls( ct->co, 0.5f, ct->co );
- m3x3_mulv( rbb->to_world, ct->n, ct->n );
- m4x3_mulv( rbb->to_world, ct->co, ct->co );
+ v3f ca, cb;
+ float ta, tb;
+ closest_segment_segment( p0, p1, quad[i0], quad[i1], &ta, &tb, ca, cb );
+ rb_capsule_manifold( ca, cb, ta, r, &manifold );
+ }
- ct->rba = rba;
- ct->rbb = rbb;
- count ++;
+ /*
+ * Create final contacts based on line manifold
+ */
+ m3x3_mulv( rbb->to_world, manifold.d0, manifold.d0 );
+ m3x3_mulv( rbb->to_world, manifold.d1, manifold.d1 );
+ /*
+ * Debugging
+ */
+#if 0
+ for( int i=0; i<4; i++ )
+ {
+ v3f q0, q1;
+ int i0 = i,
+ i1 = (i+1)%4;
+ v3_add( quad[i0], centroid, q0 );
+ v3_add( quad[i1], centroid, q1 );
+ m4x3_mulv( rbb->to_world, q0, q0 );
+ m4x3_mulv( rbb->to_world, q1, q1 );
+ vg_line( q0, q1, 0xffffffff );
- return count;
+ return rb_capsule_manifold_done( rba, rbb, &manifold, buf );
static int rb_sphere_vs_box( rigidbody *rba, rigidbody *rbb, rb_ct *buf )
d = sqrtf(d2);
v3_muls( delta, 1.0f/d, ct->n );
ct->p = r-d;
- v3_add( co, rba->co, ct->co );
- v3_muls( ct->co, 0.5f, ct->co );
+ v3_copy( co, ct->co );
ct->rba = rba;
float d = sqrtf(d2);
rb_ct *ct = buf;
- v3_muls( delta, -1.0f/d, ct->n );
+ v3_muls( delta, 1.0f/d, ct->n );
v3f p0, p1;
- v3_muladds( rba->co, ct->n, rba->inf.sphere.radius, p0 );
- v3_muladds( rbb->co, ct->n,-rbb->inf.sphere.radius, p1 );
+ v3_muladds( rba->co, ct->n,-rba->inf.sphere.radius, p0 );
+ v3_muladds( rbb->co, ct->n, rbb->inf.sphere.radius, p1 );
v3_add( p0, p1, ct->co );
v3_muls( ct->co, 0.5f, ct->co );
ct->p = r-d;
return 0;
-static int rb_box_vs_sphere( rigidbody *rba, rigidbody *rbb, rb_ct *buf )
+static int RB_MATRIX_ERROR( rigidbody *rba, rigidbody *rbb, rb_ct *buf )
- return rb_sphere_vs_box( rbb, rba, buf );
+ vg_error( "Collision type is unimplemented between types %d and %d\n",
+ rba->type, rbb->type );
+ return 0;
-static int rb_box_vs_box( rigidbody *rba, rigidbody *rbb, rb_ct *buf )
+static int rb_sphere_vs_capsule( rigidbody *rba, rigidbody *rbb, rb_ct *buf )
- /* TODO: Generating a stable quad manifold, lots of clipping */
- return 0;
+ return rb_capsule_vs_sphere( rbb, rba, buf );
+static int rb_box_vs_capsule( rigidbody *rba, rigidbody *rbb, rb_ct *buf )
+ return rb_capsule_vs_box( rbb, rba, buf );
+static int rb_box_vs_sphere( rigidbody *rba, rigidbody *rbb, rb_ct *buf )
+ return rb_sphere_vs_box( rbb, rba, buf );
+static int (*rb_jump_table[4][4])( rigidbody *rba, rigidbody *rbb, rb_ct *buf )
+= {
+ /* box */ /* Sphere */ /* Capsule */
+/*box */ { RB_MATRIX_ERROR, rb_box_vs_sphere, rb_box_vs_capsule, RB_MATRIX_ERROR },
+/*sphere */ { rb_sphere_vs_box, rb_sphere_vs_sphere, rb_sphere_vs_capsule, RB_MATRIX_ERROR },
+/*capsule*/ { rb_capsule_vs_box,rb_capsule_vs_sphere,rb_capsule_vs_capsule,RB_MATRIX_ERROR },
+ * Generic functions
+ */
* This function does not accept triangle as a dynamic object, it is assumed
* to always be static.
- * Generic functions
- */
static int sphere_vs_triangle( v3f c, float r, v3f tri[3],
v3f co, v3f norm, float *p )
rigidbody *rba = ct->rba,
*rbb = ct->rbb;
- v3_sub( rba->co, ct->co, da );
- v3_sub( rbb->co, ct->co, db );
+ v3_sub( ct->co, rba->co, da );
+ v3_sub( ct->co, rbb->co, db );
v3f rva, rvb;
v3_cross( rba->w, da, rva );
v3_add( rba->v, rva, rva );
v3_cross( rbb->w, db, rvb );
v3_add( rbb->v, rvb, rvb );
- v3_add( rva, rvb, rv );
+ v3_sub( rva, rvb, rv );
rigidbody *rba = ct->rba,
*rbb = ct->rbb;
+ v3f ia, ib;
+ v3_muls( impulse, ct->mass_total*rba->inv_mass, ia );
+ v3_muls( impulse, -ct->mass_total*rbb->inv_mass, ib );
/* response */
- v3_muladds( rba->v, impulse, ct->mass_total * rba->inv_mass, rba->v );
- v3_muladds( rbb->v, impulse, ct->mass_total * rbb->inv_mass, rbb->v );
+ v3_add( rba->v, ia, rba->v );
+ v3_add( rbb->v, ib, rbb->v );
/* Angular velocity */
v3f wa, wb;
- v3_cross( da, impulse, wa );
- v3_cross( db, impulse, wb );
- v3_muladds( rba->w, wa, ct->mass_total * rba->inv_mass, rba->w );
- v3_muladds( rbb->w, wb, ct->mass_total * rbb->inv_mass, rbb->w );
+ v3_cross( da, ia, wa );
+ v3_cross( db, ib, wb );
+ v3_add( rba->w, wa, rba->w );
+ v3_add( rbb->w, wb, rbb->w );
v3f rv, da, db;
rb_rcv( ct, rv, da, db );
- float vn = -v3_dot( rv, ct->n );
- vn += ct->bias;
+ float vn = -v3_dot( rv, ct->n ) + ct->bias;
float temp = ct->norm_impulse;
ct->norm_impulse = vg_maxf( temp + vn, 0.0f );
+static void debug_capsule( m4x3f m, float radius, float h, u32 colour )
+ v3f ly = { 0.0f, 0.0f, radius },
+ lx = { 0.0f, radius, 0.0f },
+ lz = { 0.0f, 0.0f, radius };
+ float s0 = sinf(0.0f)*radius,
+ c0 = cosf(0.0f)*radius;
+ v3f p0, p1, up, right, forward;
+ m3x3_mulv( m, (v3f){0.0f,1.0f,0.0f}, up );
+ m3x3_mulv( m, (v3f){1.0f,0.0f,0.0f}, right );
+ m3x3_mulv( m, (v3f){0.0f,0.0f,-1.0f}, forward );
+ v3_muladds( m[3], up, -h*0.5f+radius, p0 );
+ v3_muladds( m[3], up, h*0.5f-radius, p1 );
+ v3f a0, a1, b0, b1;
+ v3_muladds( p0, right, radius, a0 );
+ v3_muladds( p1, right, radius, a1 );
+ v3_muladds( p0, forward, radius, b0 );
+ v3_muladds( p1, forward, radius, b1 );
+ vg_line( a0, a1, colour );
+ vg_line( b0, b1, colour );
+ v3_muladds( p0, right, -radius, a0 );
+ v3_muladds( p1, right, -radius, a1 );
+ v3_muladds( p0, forward, -radius, b0 );
+ v3_muladds( p1, forward, -radius, b1 );
+ vg_line( a0, a1, colour );
+ vg_line( b0, b1, colour );
+ for( int i=0; i<16; i++ )
+ {
+ float t = ((float)(i+1) * (1.0f/16.0f)) * VG_PIf * 2.0f,
+ s1 = sinf(t)*radius,
+ c1 = cosf(t)*radius;
+ v3f e0 = { s0, 0.0f, c0 },
+ e1 = { s1, 0.0f, c1 },
+ e2 = { s0, c0, 0.0f },
+ e3 = { s1, c1, 0.0f },
+ e4 = { 0.0f, c0, s0 },
+ e5 = { 0.0f, c1, s1 };
+ m3x3_mulv( m, e0, e0 );
+ m3x3_mulv( m, e1, e1 );
+ m3x3_mulv( m, e2, e2 );
+ m3x3_mulv( m, e3, e3 );
+ m3x3_mulv( m, e4, e4 );
+ m3x3_mulv( m, e5, e5 );
+ v3_add( p0, e0, a0 );
+ v3_add( p0, e1, a1 );
+ v3_add( p1, e0, b0 );
+ v3_add( p1, e1, b1 );
+ vg_line( a0, a1, colour );
+ vg_line( b0, b1, colour );
+ if( c0 < 0.0f )
+ {
+ v3_add( p0, e2, a0 );
+ v3_add( p0, e3, a1 );
+ v3_add( p0, e4, b0 );
+ v3_add( p0, e5, b1 );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ v3_add( p1, e2, a0 );
+ v3_add( p1, e3, a1 );
+ v3_add( p1, e4, b0 );
+ v3_add( p1, e5, b1 );
+ }
+ vg_line( a0, a1, colour );
+ vg_line( b0, b1, colour );
+ s0 = s1;
+ c0 = c1;
+ }
static void rb_debug( rigidbody *rb, u32 colour )
if( rb->type == k_rb_shape_box )
float h = rb->inf.capsule.height,
r = rb->inf.capsule.radius;
- m3x3_copy( rb->to_world, m0 );
- m3x3_copy( rb->to_world, m1 );
- v3_muladds( rb->co, rb->up, -h*0.5f, m0[3] );
- v3_muladds( rb->co, rb->up, h*0.5f, m1[3] );
- debug_sphere( m0, r, colour );
- debug_sphere( m1, r, colour );
- vg_line( m0[3], m1[3], colour );
+ debug_capsule( rb->to_world, r, h, colour );
return 0;
-#if 0
-static void rb_build_manifold_rb_static( rigidbody *ra, rigidbody *rb_static )
- v3f verts[8];
- v3f a, b;
- v3_copy( ra->bbx[0], a );
- v3_copy( ra->bbx[1], b );
- m4x3_mulv( ra->to_world, (v3f){ a[0], a[1], a[2] }, verts[0] );
- m4x3_mulv( ra->to_world, (v3f){ a[0], b[1], a[2] }, verts[1] );
- m4x3_mulv( ra->to_world, (v3f){ b[0], b[1], a[2] }, verts[2] );
- m4x3_mulv( ra->to_world, (v3f){ b[0], a[1], a[2] }, verts[3] );
- m4x3_mulv( ra->to_world, (v3f){ a[0], a[1], b[2] }, verts[4] );
- m4x3_mulv( ra->to_world, (v3f){ a[0], b[1], b[2] }, verts[5] );
- m4x3_mulv( ra->to_world, (v3f){ b[0], b[1], b[2] }, verts[6] );
- m4x3_mulv( ra->to_world, (v3f){ b[0], a[1], b[2] }, verts[7] );
- vg_line_boxf_transformed( rb_static->to_world, rb_static->bbx, 0xff0000ff );
- int count = 0;
- for( int i=0; i<8; i++ )
- {
- if( ra->manifold_count == vg_list_size(ra->manifold) )
- return;
- struct contact *ct = &ra->manifold[ ra->manifold_count ];
- float p;
- v3f normal;
- if( rb_point_in_body( rb_static, verts[i], &p, normal ))
- {
- v3_copy( normal, ct->n );
- v3_muladds( verts[i], ct->n, p*0.5f, ct->co );
- v3_sub( ct->co, ra->co, ct->delta );
- vg_line_pt3( ct->co, 0.0125f, 0xffff00ff );
- ct->bias = -0.2f * (1.0f/k_rb_delta) * vg_minf( 0.0f, -p+0.04f );
- rb_tangent_basis( ct->n, ct->t[0], ct->t[1] );
- ct->norm_impulse = 0.0f;
- ct->tangent_impulse[0] = 0.0f;
- ct->tangent_impulse[1] = 0.0f;
- ra->manifold_count ++;
- count ++;
- if( count == 4 )
- return;
- }
- }
- * Capsule phyics
- */
-static void debug_capsule( m4x3f m, float height, float radius, u32 colour )
- v3f last = { 0.0f, 0.0f, radius };
- m4x3f lower, upper;
- m3x3_copy( m, lower );
- m3x3_copy( m, upper );
- m4x3_mulv( m, (v3f){0.0f,-height*0.5f+radius,0.0f}, lower[3] );
- m4x3_mulv( m, (v3f){0.0f, height*0.5f-radius,0.0f}, upper[3] );
- for( int i=0; i<16; i++ )
- {
- float t = ((float)(i+1) * (1.0f/16.0f)) * VG_PIf * 2.0f,
- s = sinf(t),
- c = cosf(t);
- v3f p = { s*radius, 0.0f, c*radius };
- v3f p0, p1;
- m4x3_mulv( lower, p, p0 );
- m4x3_mulv( lower, last, p1 );
- vg_line( p0, p1, colour );
- m4x3_mulv( upper, p, p0 );
- m4x3_mulv( upper, last, p1 );
- vg_line( p0, p1, colour );
- v3_copy( p, last );
- }
- for( int i=0; i<4; i++ )
- {
- float t = ((float)(i) * (1.0f/4.0f)) * VG_PIf * 2.0f,
- s = sinf(t),
- c = cosf(t);
- v3f p = { s*radius, 0.0f, c*radius };
- v3f p0, p1;
- m4x3_mulv( lower, p, p0 );
- m4x3_mulv( upper, p, p1 );
- vg_line( p0, p1, colour );
- m4x3_mulv( lower, (v3f){0.0f,-radius,0.0f}, p0 );
- m4x3_mulv( upper, (v3f){0.0f, radius,0.0f}, p1 );
- vg_line( p0, p1, colour );
- }
* BVH implementation, this is ONLY for static rigidbodies, its to slow for
* realtime use.