+ <ProjectName>AutoRadar</ProjectName>
<Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props" />
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'" Label="Configuration">
<ClInclude Include="Camera.hpp" />
<ClInclude Include="Console.hpp" />
<ClInclude Include="convexPolytope.h" />
+ <ClInclude Include="cxxopts.hpp" />
<ClInclude Include="dds.hpp" />
<ClInclude Include="FrameBuffer.hpp" />
<ClInclude Include="fuzzy_select.h" />
<None Include="shaders\fullscreenbase.vs" />
<None Include="shaders\ss_precomp_objectives.fs" />
<None Include="shaders\ss_precomp_playspace.fs" />
- <None Include="shaders\ss_test.fs" />
+ <None Include="shaders\ss_comp_main.fs" />
<None Include="shaders\textfont.fs" />
<None Include="shaders\textfont.vs" />
<None Include="shaders\unlit.fs" />
<Filter Include="Header Files\direct3d">
+ <Filter Include="Header Files\util">
+ <UniqueIdentifier>{d74bb335-8fb5-4eb2-b1c1-4436cdc881cc}</UniqueIdentifier>
+ </Filter>
<ClInclude Include="interpolation.h">
<ClInclude Include="stb_dxt.h">
+ <ClInclude Include="cxxopts.hpp">
+ <Filter>Header Files\util</Filter>
+ </ClInclude>
<ClCompile Include="main.cpp">
<None Include="shaders\fullscreenbase.vs">
<Filter>OpenGL\Shader Files</Filter>
- <None Include="shaders\ss_test.fs">
- <Filter>OpenGL\Shader Files</Filter>
- </None>
<None Include="shaders\ss_precomp_playspace.fs">
<Filter>OpenGL\Shader Files</Filter>
<None Include="shaders\depth.vs">
<Filter>OpenGL\Shader Files</Filter>
+ <None Include="shaders\ss_comp_main.fs">
+ <Filter>OpenGL\Shader Files</Filter>
+ </None>
<Image Include="fonts\dina-r.png">
bool USE_DEBUG = false;
//Prototype functions
-unsigned int LoadShader(std::string path, GLint shaderType);
+unsigned int LoadShader(std::string path, GLint shaderType, int* load_success);
class Shader
unsigned int programID;
+ bool compileUnsuccessful = false;
Shader(std::string vertexPath, std::string fragmentPath);
- Shader(std::string shaderName);
//Set active
Shader::Shader(std::string pVertexShader, std::string pFragmentShader)
- unsigned int vertexShader = LoadShader(pVertexShader, GL_VERTEX_SHADER); //Load the vertex shader
- unsigned int fragmentShader = LoadShader(pFragmentShader, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER); //Load the fragment shader
- this->programID = glCreateProgram();
- //Attach the shaders to our program
- glAttachShader(this->programID, vertexShader);
- glAttachShader(this->programID, fragmentShader);
- glLinkProgram(this->programID);
- int success;
- char infoLog[512];
- glGetProgramiv(this->programID, GL_LINK_STATUS, &success);
- if (!success) {
- glGetProgramInfoLog(this->programID, 512, NULL, infoLog);
- std::cout << infoLog << std::endl;
+ int success = 1;
+ unsigned int vertexShader = LoadShader(pVertexShader, GL_VERTEX_SHADER, &success); //Load the vertex shader
+ unsigned int fragmentShader = LoadShader(pFragmentShader, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, &success); //Load the fragment shader
+ if (success == 0) {
+ std::cout << "ERROR::SHADER::SOURCE_UNAVAILIBLE: " << pVertexShader << " | " << pFragmentShader << "\n";
+ this->compileUnsuccessful = true;
+ return;
- glDeleteShader(vertexShader);
- glDeleteShader(fragmentShader);
-Shader::Shader(std::string name)
- unsigned int vertexShader = LoadShader(name + ".hvert", GL_VERTEX_SHADER); //Load the vertex shader
- unsigned int fragmentShader = LoadShader(name + ".hfrag", GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER); //Load the fragment shader
this->programID = glCreateProgram();
//Attach the shaders to our program
glAttachShader(this->programID, fragmentShader);
- int success;
char infoLog[512];
glGetProgramiv(this->programID, GL_LINK_STATUS, &success);
if (!success) {
glGetProgramInfoLog(this->programID, 512, NULL, infoLog);
+ this->compileUnsuccessful = true;
std::cout << infoLog << std::endl;
-unsigned int LoadShader(std::string path, GLint shaderType)
+unsigned int LoadShader(std::string path, GLint shaderType, int* load_success)
//Load the data into an std::string
std::ifstream shaderFile(path);
+ if (!shaderFile) {
+ *load_success = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
std::string shaderString((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(shaderFile)),
--- /dev/null
+Copyright (c) 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 Jarryd Beck
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+#include <cstring>
+#include <cctype>
+#include <exception>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <map>
+#include <memory>
+#include <regex>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include <vector>
+#ifdef __cpp_lib_optional
+#include <optional>
+namespace cxxopts
+ static constexpr struct {
+ uint8_t major, minor, patch;
+ } version = { 2, 1, 0 };
+//when we ask cxxopts to use Unicode, help strings are processed using ICU,
+//which results in the correct lengths being computed for strings when they
+//are formatted for the help output
+//it is necessary to make sure that <unicode/unistr.h> can be found by the
+//compiler, and that icu-uc is linked in to the binary.
+#include <unicode/unistr.h>
+namespace cxxopts
+ typedef icu::UnicodeString String;
+ inline
+ String
+ toLocalString(std::string s)
+ {
+ return icu::UnicodeString::fromUTF8(std::move(s));
+ }
+ class UnicodeStringIterator : public
+ std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, int32_t>
+ {
+ public:
+ UnicodeStringIterator(const icu::UnicodeString* string, int32_t pos)
+ : s(string)
+ , i(pos)
+ {
+ }
+ value_type
+ operator*() const
+ {
+ return s->char32At(i);
+ }
+ bool
+ operator==(const UnicodeStringIterator& rhs) const
+ {
+ return s == rhs.s && i == rhs.i;
+ }
+ bool
+ operator!=(const UnicodeStringIterator& rhs) const
+ {
+ return !(*this == rhs);
+ }
+ UnicodeStringIterator&
+ operator++()
+ {
+ ++i;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ UnicodeStringIterator
+ operator+(int32_t v)
+ {
+ return UnicodeStringIterator(s, i + v);
+ }
+ private:
+ const icu::UnicodeString* s;
+ int32_t i;
+ };
+ inline
+ String&
+ stringAppend(String&s, String a)
+ {
+ return s.append(std::move(a));
+ }
+ inline
+ String&
+ stringAppend(String& s, int n, UChar32 c)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i != n; ++i)
+ {
+ s.append(c);
+ }
+ return s;
+ }
+ template <typename Iterator>
+ String&
+ stringAppend(String& s, Iterator begin, Iterator end)
+ {
+ while (begin != end)
+ {
+ s.append(*begin);
+ ++begin;
+ }
+ return s;
+ }
+ inline
+ size_t
+ stringLength(const String& s)
+ {
+ return s.length();
+ }
+ inline
+ std::string
+ toUTF8String(const String& s)
+ {
+ std::string result;
+ s.toUTF8String(result);
+ return result;
+ }
+ inline
+ bool
+ empty(const String& s)
+ {
+ return s.isEmpty();
+ }
+namespace std
+ inline
+ cxxopts::UnicodeStringIterator
+ begin(const icu::UnicodeString& s)
+ {
+ return cxxopts::UnicodeStringIterator(&s, 0);
+ }
+ inline
+ cxxopts::UnicodeStringIterator
+ end(const icu::UnicodeString& s)
+ {
+ return cxxopts::UnicodeStringIterator(&s, s.length());
+ }
+namespace cxxopts
+ typedef std::string String;
+ template <typename T>
+ T
+ toLocalString(T&& t)
+ {
+ return t;
+ }
+ inline
+ size_t
+ stringLength(const String& s)
+ {
+ return s.length();
+ }
+ inline
+ String&
+ stringAppend(String&s, String a)
+ {
+ return s.append(std::move(a));
+ }
+ inline
+ String&
+ stringAppend(String& s, size_t n, char c)
+ {
+ return s.append(n, c);
+ }
+ template <typename Iterator>
+ String&
+ stringAppend(String& s, Iterator begin, Iterator end)
+ {
+ return s.append(begin, end);
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ std::string
+ toUTF8String(T&& t)
+ {
+ return std::forward<T>(t);
+ }
+ inline
+ bool
+ empty(const std::string& s)
+ {
+ return s.empty();
+ }
+namespace cxxopts
+ namespace
+ {
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ const std::string LQUOTE("\'");
+ const std::string RQUOTE("\'");
+ const std::string LQUOTE("�");
+ const std::string RQUOTE("�");
+ }
+ class Value : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Value>
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual ~Value() = default;
+ virtual
+ std::shared_ptr<Value>
+ clone() const = 0;
+ virtual void
+ parse(const std::string& text) const = 0;
+ virtual void
+ parse() const = 0;
+ virtual bool
+ has_default() const = 0;
+ virtual bool
+ is_container() const = 0;
+ virtual bool
+ has_implicit() const = 0;
+ virtual std::string
+ get_default_value() const = 0;
+ virtual std::string
+ get_implicit_value() const = 0;
+ virtual std::shared_ptr<Value>
+ default_value(const std::string& value) = 0;
+ virtual std::shared_ptr<Value>
+ implicit_value(const std::string& value) = 0;
+ virtual bool
+ is_boolean() const = 0;
+ };
+ class OptionException : public std::exception
+ {
+ public:
+ OptionException(const std::string& message)
+ : m_message(message)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual const char*
+ what() const noexcept
+ {
+ return m_message.c_str();
+ }
+ private:
+ std::string m_message;
+ };
+ class OptionSpecException : public OptionException
+ {
+ public:
+ OptionSpecException(const std::string& message)
+ : OptionException(message)
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ class OptionParseException : public OptionException
+ {
+ public:
+ OptionParseException(const std::string& message)
+ : OptionException(message)
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ class option_exists_error : public OptionSpecException
+ {
+ public:
+ option_exists_error(const std::string& option)
+ : OptionSpecException(u8"Option " + LQUOTE + option + RQUOTE + u8" already exists")
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ class invalid_option_format_error : public OptionSpecException
+ {
+ public:
+ invalid_option_format_error(const std::string& format)
+ : OptionSpecException(u8"Invalid option format " + LQUOTE + format + RQUOTE)
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ class option_not_exists_exception : public OptionParseException
+ {
+ public:
+ option_not_exists_exception(const std::string& option)
+ : OptionParseException(u8"Option " + LQUOTE + option + RQUOTE + u8" does not exist")
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ class missing_argument_exception : public OptionParseException
+ {
+ public:
+ missing_argument_exception(const std::string& option)
+ : OptionParseException(
+ u8"Option " + LQUOTE + option + RQUOTE + u8" is missing an argument"
+ )
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ class option_requires_argument_exception : public OptionParseException
+ {
+ public:
+ option_requires_argument_exception(const std::string& option)
+ : OptionParseException(
+ u8"Option " + LQUOTE + option + RQUOTE + u8" requires an argument"
+ )
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ class option_not_has_argument_exception : public OptionParseException
+ {
+ public:
+ option_not_has_argument_exception
+ (
+ const std::string& option,
+ const std::string& arg
+ )
+ : OptionParseException(
+ u8"Option " + LQUOTE + option + RQUOTE +
+ u8" does not take an argument, but argument " +
+ LQUOTE + arg + RQUOTE + " given"
+ )
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ class option_not_present_exception : public OptionParseException
+ {
+ public:
+ option_not_present_exception(const std::string& option)
+ : OptionParseException(u8"Option " + LQUOTE + option + RQUOTE + u8" not present")
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ class argument_incorrect_type : public OptionParseException
+ {
+ public:
+ argument_incorrect_type
+ (
+ const std::string& arg
+ )
+ : OptionParseException(
+ u8"Argument " + LQUOTE + arg + RQUOTE + u8" failed to parse"
+ )
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ class option_required_exception : public OptionParseException
+ {
+ public:
+ option_required_exception(const std::string& option)
+ : OptionParseException(
+ u8"Option " + LQUOTE + option + RQUOTE + u8" is required but not present"
+ )
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ namespace values
+ {
+ namespace
+ {
+ std::basic_regex<char> integer_pattern
+ ("(-)?(0x)?([1-9a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z]*)|((0x)?0)");
+ std::basic_regex<char> truthy_pattern
+ ("(t|T)(rue)?");
+ std::basic_regex<char> falsy_pattern
+ ("((f|F)(alse)?)?");
+ }
+ namespace detail
+ {
+ template <typename T, bool B>
+ struct SignedCheck;
+ template <typename T>
+ struct SignedCheck<T, true>
+ {
+ template <typename U>
+ void
+ operator()(bool negative, U u, const std::string& text)
+ {
+ if (negative)
+ {
+ if (u > static_cast<U>(-std::numeric_limits<T>::min()))
+ {
+ throw argument_incorrect_type(text);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (u > static_cast<U>(std::numeric_limits<T>::max()))
+ {
+ throw argument_incorrect_type(text);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct SignedCheck<T, false>
+ {
+ template <typename U>
+ void
+ operator()(bool, U, const std::string&) {}
+ };
+ template <typename T, typename U>
+ void
+ check_signed_range(bool negative, U value, const std::string& text)
+ {
+ SignedCheck<T, std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed>()(negative, value, text);
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename R, typename T>
+ R
+ checked_negate(T&& t, const std::string&, std::true_type)
+ {
+ // if we got to here, then `t` is a positive number that fits into
+ // `R`. So to avoid MSVC C4146, we first cast it to `R`.
+ // See https://github.com/jarro2783/cxxopts/issues/62 for more details.
+ return -static_cast<R>(t);
+ }
+ template <typename R, typename T>
+ T
+ checked_negate(T&&, const std::string& text, std::false_type)
+ {
+ throw argument_incorrect_type(text);
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ void
+ integer_parser(const std::string& text, T& value)
+ {
+ std::smatch match;
+ std::regex_match(text, match, integer_pattern);
+ if (match.length() == 0)
+ {
+ throw argument_incorrect_type(text);
+ }
+ if (match.length(4) > 0)
+ {
+ value = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ using US = typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type;
+ constexpr auto umax = std::numeric_limits<US>::max();
+ constexpr bool is_signed = std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed;
+ const bool negative = match.length(1) > 0;
+ const uint8_t base = match.length(2) > 0 ? 16 : 10;
+ auto value_match = match[3];
+ US result = 0;
+ for (auto iter = value_match.first; iter != value_match.second; ++iter)
+ {
+ size_t digit = 0;
+ if (*iter >= '0' && *iter <= '9')
+ {
+ digit = *iter - '0';
+ }
+ else if (base == 16 && *iter >= 'a' && *iter <= 'f')
+ {
+ digit = *iter - 'a' + 10;
+ }
+ else if (base == 16 && *iter >= 'A' && *iter <= 'F')
+ {
+ digit = *iter - 'A' + 10;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw argument_incorrect_type(text);
+ }
+ if (umax - digit < result * base)
+ {
+ throw argument_incorrect_type(text);
+ }
+ result = result * base + digit;
+ }
+ detail::check_signed_range<T>(negative, result, text);
+ if (negative)
+ {
+ value = checked_negate<T>(result,
+ text,
+ std::integral_constant<bool, is_signed>());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ value = result;
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ void stringstream_parser(const std::string& text, T& value)
+ {
+ std::stringstream in(text);
+ in >> value;
+ if (!in) {
+ throw argument_incorrect_type(text);
+ }
+ }
+ inline
+ void
+ parse_value(const std::string& text, uint8_t& value)
+ {
+ integer_parser(text, value);
+ }
+ inline
+ void
+ parse_value(const std::string& text, int8_t& value)
+ {
+ integer_parser(text, value);
+ }
+ inline
+ void
+ parse_value(const std::string& text, uint16_t& value)
+ {
+ integer_parser(text, value);
+ }
+ inline
+ void
+ parse_value(const std::string& text, int16_t& value)
+ {
+ integer_parser(text, value);
+ }
+ inline
+ void
+ parse_value(const std::string& text, uint32_t& value)
+ {
+ integer_parser(text, value);
+ }
+ inline
+ void
+ parse_value(const std::string& text, int32_t& value)
+ {
+ integer_parser(text, value);
+ }
+ inline
+ void
+ parse_value(const std::string& text, uint64_t& value)
+ {
+ integer_parser(text, value);
+ }
+ inline
+ void
+ parse_value(const std::string& text, int64_t& value)
+ {
+ integer_parser(text, value);
+ }
+ inline
+ void
+ parse_value(const std::string& text, bool& value)
+ {
+ std::smatch result;
+ std::regex_match(text, result, truthy_pattern);
+ if (!result.empty())
+ {
+ value = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ std::regex_match(text, result, falsy_pattern);
+ if (!result.empty())
+ {
+ value = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ throw argument_incorrect_type(text);
+ }
+ inline
+ void
+ parse_value(const std::string& text, std::string& value)
+ {
+ value = text;
+ }
+ // The fallback parser. It uses the stringstream parser to parse all types
+ // that have not been overloaded explicitly. It has to be placed in the
+ // source code before all other more specialized templates.
+ template <typename T>
+ void
+ parse_value(const std::string& text, T& value) {
+ stringstream_parser(text, value);
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ void
+ parse_value(const std::string& text, std::vector<T>& value)
+ {
+ T v;
+ parse_value(text, v);
+ value.push_back(v);
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ void
+ parse_value(const std::string& text, std::optional<T>& value)
+ {
+ T result;
+ parse_value(text, result);
+ value = std::move(result);
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ struct type_is_container
+ {
+ static constexpr bool value = false;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct type_is_container<std::vector<T>>
+ {
+ static constexpr bool value = true;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ class abstract_value : public Value
+ {
+ using Self = abstract_value<T>;
+ public:
+ abstract_value()
+ : m_result(std::make_shared<T>())
+ , m_store(m_result.get())
+ {
+ }
+ abstract_value(T* t)
+ : m_store(t)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual ~abstract_value() = default;
+ abstract_value(const abstract_value& rhs)
+ {
+ if (rhs.m_result)
+ {
+ m_result = std::make_shared<T>();
+ m_store = m_result.get();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_store = rhs.m_store;
+ }
+ m_default = rhs.m_default;
+ m_implicit = rhs.m_implicit;
+ m_default_value = rhs.m_default_value;
+ m_implicit_value = rhs.m_implicit_value;
+ }
+ void
+ parse(const std::string& text) const
+ {
+ parse_value(text, *m_store);
+ }
+ bool
+ is_container() const
+ {
+ return type_is_container<T>::value;
+ }
+ void
+ parse() const
+ {
+ parse_value(m_default_value, *m_store);
+ }
+ bool
+ has_default() const
+ {
+ return m_default;
+ }
+ bool
+ has_implicit() const
+ {
+ return m_implicit;
+ }
+ std::shared_ptr<Value>
+ default_value(const std::string& value)
+ {
+ m_default = true;
+ m_default_value = value;
+ return shared_from_this();
+ }
+ std::shared_ptr<Value>
+ implicit_value(const std::string& value)
+ {
+ m_implicit = true;
+ m_implicit_value = value;
+ return shared_from_this();
+ }
+ std::string
+ get_default_value() const
+ {
+ return m_default_value;
+ }
+ std::string
+ get_implicit_value() const
+ {
+ return m_implicit_value;
+ }
+ bool
+ is_boolean() const
+ {
+ return std::is_same<T, bool>::value;
+ }
+ const T&
+ get() const
+ {
+ if (m_store == nullptr)
+ {
+ return *m_result;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return *m_store;
+ }
+ }
+ protected:
+ std::shared_ptr<T> m_result;
+ T* m_store;
+ bool m_default = false;
+ bool m_implicit = false;
+ std::string m_default_value;
+ std::string m_implicit_value;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ class standard_value : public abstract_value<T>
+ {
+ public:
+ using abstract_value<T>::abstract_value;
+ std::shared_ptr<Value>
+ clone() const
+ {
+ return std::make_shared<standard_value<T>>(*this);
+ }
+ };
+ template <>
+ class standard_value<bool> : public abstract_value<bool>
+ {
+ public:
+ ~standard_value() = default;
+ standard_value()
+ {
+ set_default_and_implicit();
+ }
+ standard_value(bool* b)
+ : abstract_value(b)
+ {
+ set_default_and_implicit();
+ }
+ std::shared_ptr<Value>
+ clone() const
+ {
+ return std::make_shared<standard_value<bool>>(*this);
+ }
+ private:
+ void
+ set_default_and_implicit()
+ {
+ m_default = true;
+ m_default_value = "false";
+ m_implicit = true;
+ m_implicit_value = "true";
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ std::shared_ptr<Value>
+ value()
+ {
+ return std::make_shared<values::standard_value<T>>();
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ std::shared_ptr<Value>
+ value(T& t)
+ {
+ return std::make_shared<values::standard_value<T>>(&t);
+ }
+ class OptionAdder;
+ class OptionDetails
+ {
+ public:
+ OptionDetails
+ (
+ const std::string& short_,
+ const std::string& long_,
+ const String& desc,
+ std::shared_ptr<const Value> val
+ )
+ : m_short(short_)
+ , m_long(long_)
+ , m_desc(desc)
+ , m_value(val)
+ , m_count(0)
+ {
+ }
+ OptionDetails(const OptionDetails& rhs)
+ : m_desc(rhs.m_desc)
+ , m_count(rhs.m_count)
+ {
+ m_value = rhs.m_value->clone();
+ }
+ OptionDetails(OptionDetails&& rhs) = default;
+ const String&
+ description() const
+ {
+ return m_desc;
+ }
+ const Value& value() const {
+ return *m_value;
+ }
+ std::shared_ptr<Value>
+ make_storage() const
+ {
+ return m_value->clone();
+ }
+ const std::string&
+ short_name() const
+ {
+ return m_short;
+ }
+ const std::string&
+ long_name() const
+ {
+ return m_long;
+ }
+ private:
+ std::string m_short;
+ std::string m_long;
+ String m_desc;
+ std::shared_ptr<const Value> m_value;
+ int m_count;
+ };
+ struct HelpOptionDetails
+ {
+ std::string s;
+ std::string l;
+ String desc;
+ bool has_default;
+ std::string default_value;
+ bool has_implicit;
+ std::string implicit_value;
+ std::string arg_help;
+ bool is_container;
+ bool is_boolean;
+ };
+ struct HelpGroupDetails
+ {
+ std::string name;
+ std::string description;
+ std::vector<HelpOptionDetails> options;
+ };
+ class OptionValue
+ {
+ public:
+ void
+ parse
+ (
+ std::shared_ptr<const OptionDetails> details,
+ const std::string& text
+ )
+ {
+ ensure_value(details);
+ ++m_count;
+ m_value->parse(text);
+ }
+ void
+ parse_default(std::shared_ptr<const OptionDetails> details)
+ {
+ ensure_value(details);
+ m_value->parse();
+ }
+ size_t
+ count() const
+ {
+ return m_count;
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ const T&
+ as() const
+ {
+ return static_cast<const values::standard_value<T>&>(*m_value).get();
+ return dynamic_cast<const values::standard_value<T>&>(*m_value).get();
+ }
+ private:
+ void
+ ensure_value(std::shared_ptr<const OptionDetails> details)
+ {
+ if (m_value == nullptr)
+ {
+ m_value = details->make_storage();
+ }
+ }
+ std::shared_ptr<Value> m_value;
+ size_t m_count = 0;
+ };
+ class KeyValue
+ {
+ public:
+ KeyValue(std::string key_, std::string value_)
+ : m_key(std::move(key_))
+ , m_value(std::move(value_))
+ {
+ }
+ const
+ std::string&
+ key() const
+ {
+ return m_key;
+ }
+ const std::string
+ value() const
+ {
+ return m_value;
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ T
+ as() const
+ {
+ T result;
+ values::parse_value(m_value, result);
+ return result;
+ }
+ private:
+ std::string m_key;
+ std::string m_value;
+ };
+ class ParseResult
+ {
+ public:
+ ParseResult(
+ const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<OptionDetails>>&,
+ std::vector<std::string>,
+ int&, const char**&);
+ size_t
+ count(const std::string& o) const
+ {
+ auto iter = m_options.find(o);
+ if (iter == m_options.end())
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ auto riter = m_results.find(iter->second);
+ return riter->second.count();
+ }
+ const OptionValue&
+ operator[](const std::string& option) const
+ {
+ auto iter = m_options.find(option);
+ if (iter == m_options.end())
+ {
+ throw option_not_present_exception(option);
+ }
+ auto riter = m_results.find(iter->second);
+ return riter->second;
+ }
+ const std::vector<KeyValue>&
+ arguments() const
+ {
+ return m_sequential;
+ }
+ private:
+ OptionValue &
+ get_option(std::shared_ptr<OptionDetails>);
+ void
+ parse(int& argc, const char**& argv);
+ void
+ add_to_option(const std::string& option, const std::string& arg);
+ bool
+ consume_positional(std::string a);
+ void
+ parse_option
+ (
+ std::shared_ptr<OptionDetails> value,
+ const std::string& name,
+ const std::string& arg = ""
+ );
+ void
+ parse_default(std::shared_ptr<OptionDetails> details);
+ void
+ checked_parse_arg
+ (
+ int argc,
+ const char* argv[],
+ int& current,
+ std::shared_ptr<OptionDetails> value,
+ const std::string& name
+ );
+ const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<OptionDetails>>
+ &m_options;
+ std::vector<std::string> m_positional;
+ std::vector<std::string>::iterator m_next_positional;
+ std::unordered_set<std::string> m_positional_set;
+ std::unordered_map<std::shared_ptr<OptionDetails>, OptionValue> m_results;
+ std::vector<KeyValue> m_sequential;
+ };
+ class Options
+ {
+ public:
+ Options(std::string program, std::string help_string = "")
+ : m_program(std::move(program))
+ , m_help_string(toLocalString(std::move(help_string)))
+ , m_custom_help("[OPTION...]")
+ , m_positional_help("positional parameters")
+ , m_show_positional(false)
+ , m_next_positional(m_positional.end())
+ {
+ }
+ Options&
+ positional_help(std::string help_text)
+ {
+ m_positional_help = std::move(help_text);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Options&
+ custom_help(std::string help_text)
+ {
+ m_custom_help = std::move(help_text);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Options&
+ show_positional_help()
+ {
+ m_show_positional = true;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ ParseResult
+ parse(int& argc, const char**& argv);
+ OptionAdder
+ add_options(std::string group = "");
+ void
+ add_option
+ (
+ const std::string& group,
+ const std::string& s,
+ const std::string& l,
+ std::string desc,
+ std::shared_ptr<const Value> value,
+ std::string arg_help
+ );
+ //parse positional arguments into the given option
+ void
+ parse_positional(std::string option);
+ void
+ parse_positional(std::vector<std::string> options);
+ void
+ parse_positional(std::initializer_list<std::string> options);
+ std::string
+ help(const std::vector<std::string>& groups = { "" }) const;
+ const std::vector<std::string>
+ groups() const;
+ const HelpGroupDetails&
+ group_help(const std::string& group) const;
+ private:
+ void
+ add_one_option
+ (
+ const std::string& option,
+ std::shared_ptr<OptionDetails> details
+ );
+ String
+ help_one_group(const std::string& group) const;
+ void
+ generate_group_help
+ (
+ String& result,
+ const std::vector<std::string>& groups
+ ) const;
+ void
+ generate_all_groups_help(String& result) const;
+ std::string m_program;
+ String m_help_string;
+ std::string m_custom_help;
+ std::string m_positional_help;
+ bool m_show_positional;
+ std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<OptionDetails>> m_options;
+ std::vector<std::string> m_positional;
+ std::vector<std::string>::iterator m_next_positional;
+ std::unordered_set<std::string> m_positional_set;
+ //mapping from groups to help options
+ std::map<std::string, HelpGroupDetails> m_help;
+ };
+ class OptionAdder
+ {
+ public:
+ OptionAdder(Options& options, std::string group)
+ : m_options(options), m_group(std::move(group))
+ {
+ }
+ OptionAdder&
+ operator()
+ (
+ const std::string& opts,
+ const std::string& desc,
+ std::shared_ptr<const Value> value
+ = ::cxxopts::value<bool>(),
+ std::string arg_help = ""
+ );
+ private:
+ Options & m_options;
+ std::string m_group;
+ };
+ namespace
+ {
+ constexpr int OPTION_LONGEST = 30;
+ constexpr int OPTION_DESC_GAP = 2;
+ std::basic_regex<char> option_matcher
+ ("--([[:alnum:]][-_[:alnum:]]+)(=(.*))?|-([[:alnum:]]+)");
+ std::basic_regex<char> option_specifier
+ ("(([[:alnum:]]),)?[ ]*([[:alnum:]][-_[:alnum:]]*)?");
+ String
+ format_option
+ (
+ const HelpOptionDetails& o
+ )
+ {
+ auto& s = o.s;
+ auto& l = o.l;
+ String result = " ";
+ if (s.size() > 0)
+ {
+ result += "-" + toLocalString(s) + ",";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result += " ";
+ }
+ if (l.size() > 0)
+ {
+ result += " --" + toLocalString(l);
+ }
+ auto arg = o.arg_help.size() > 0 ? toLocalString(o.arg_help) : "arg";
+ if (!o.is_boolean)
+ {
+ if (o.has_implicit)
+ {
+ result += " [=" + arg + "(=" + toLocalString(o.implicit_value) + ")]";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result += " " + arg;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ String
+ format_description
+ (
+ const HelpOptionDetails& o,
+ size_t start,
+ size_t width
+ )
+ {
+ auto desc = o.desc;
+ if (o.has_default && (!o.is_boolean || o.default_value != "false"))
+ {
+ desc += toLocalString(" (default: " + o.default_value + ")");
+ }
+ String result;
+ auto current = std::begin(desc);
+ auto startLine = current;
+ auto lastSpace = current;
+ auto size = size_t{};
+ while (current != std::end(desc))
+ {
+ if (*current == ' ')
+ {
+ lastSpace = current;
+ }
+ if (size > width)
+ {
+ if (lastSpace == startLine)
+ {
+ stringAppend(result, startLine, current + 1);
+ stringAppend(result, "\n");
+ stringAppend(result, start, ' ');
+ startLine = current + 1;
+ lastSpace = startLine;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ stringAppend(result, startLine, lastSpace);
+ stringAppend(result, "\n");
+ stringAppend(result, start, ' ');
+ startLine = lastSpace + 1;
+ }
+ size = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++size;
+ }
+ ++current;
+ }
+ //append whatever is left
+ stringAppend(result, startLine, current);
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ inline
+ ParseResult::ParseResult
+ (
+ const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<OptionDetails>>& options,
+ std::vector<std::string> positional,
+ int& argc, const char**& argv
+ )
+ : m_options(options)
+ , m_positional(std::move(positional))
+ , m_next_positional(m_positional.begin())
+ {
+ parse(argc, argv);
+ }
+ inline
+ OptionAdder
+ Options::add_options(std::string group)
+ {
+ return OptionAdder(*this, std::move(group));
+ }
+ inline
+ OptionAdder&
+ OptionAdder::operator()
+ (
+ const std::string& opts,
+ const std::string& desc,
+ std::shared_ptr<const Value> value,
+ std::string arg_help
+ )
+ {
+ std::match_results<const char*> result;
+ std::regex_match(opts.c_str(), result, option_specifier);
+ if (result.empty())
+ {
+ throw invalid_option_format_error(opts);
+ }
+ const auto& short_match = result[2];
+ const auto& long_match = result[3];
+ if (!short_match.length() && !long_match.length())
+ {
+ throw invalid_option_format_error(opts);
+ }
+ else if (long_match.length() == 1 && short_match.length())
+ {
+ throw invalid_option_format_error(opts);
+ }
+ auto option_names = []
+ (
+ const std::sub_match<const char*>& short_,
+ const std::sub_match<const char*>& long_
+ )
+ {
+ if (long_.length() == 1)
+ {
+ return std::make_tuple(long_.str(), short_.str());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return std::make_tuple(short_.str(), long_.str());
+ }
+ }(short_match, long_match);
+ m_options.add_option
+ (
+ m_group,
+ std::get<0>(option_names),
+ std::get<1>(option_names),
+ desc,
+ value,
+ std::move(arg_help)
+ );
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline
+ void
+ ParseResult::parse_default(std::shared_ptr<OptionDetails> details)
+ {
+ m_results[details].parse_default(details);
+ }
+ inline
+ void
+ ParseResult::parse_option
+ (
+ std::shared_ptr<OptionDetails> value,
+ const std::string& /*name*/,
+ const std::string& arg
+ )
+ {
+ auto& result = m_results[value];
+ result.parse(value, arg);
+ m_sequential.emplace_back(value->long_name(), arg);
+ }
+ inline
+ void
+ ParseResult::checked_parse_arg
+ (
+ int argc,
+ const char* argv[],
+ int& current,
+ std::shared_ptr<OptionDetails> value,
+ const std::string& name
+ )
+ {
+ if (current + 1 >= argc)
+ {
+ if (value->value().has_implicit())
+ {
+ parse_option(value, name, value->value().get_implicit_value());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw missing_argument_exception(name);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (value->value().has_implicit())
+ {
+ parse_option(value, name, value->value().get_implicit_value());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ parse_option(value, name, argv[current + 1]);
+ ++current;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ inline
+ void
+ ParseResult::add_to_option(const std::string& option, const std::string& arg)
+ {
+ auto iter = m_options.find(option);
+ if (iter == m_options.end())
+ {
+ throw option_not_exists_exception(option);
+ }
+ parse_option(iter->second, option, arg);
+ }
+ inline
+ bool
+ ParseResult::consume_positional(std::string a)
+ {
+ while (m_next_positional != m_positional.end())
+ {
+ auto iter = m_options.find(*m_next_positional);
+ if (iter != m_options.end())
+ {
+ auto& result = m_results[iter->second];
+ if (!iter->second->value().is_container())
+ {
+ if (result.count() == 0)
+ {
+ add_to_option(*m_next_positional, a);
+ ++m_next_positional;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++m_next_positional;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ add_to_option(*m_next_positional, a);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ ++m_next_positional;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ inline
+ void
+ Options::parse_positional(std::string option)
+ {
+ parse_positional(std::vector<std::string>{std::move(option)});
+ }
+ inline
+ void
+ Options::parse_positional(std::vector<std::string> options)
+ {
+ m_positional = std::move(options);
+ m_next_positional = m_positional.begin();
+ m_positional_set.insert(m_positional.begin(), m_positional.end());
+ }
+ inline
+ void
+ Options::parse_positional(std::initializer_list<std::string> options)
+ {
+ parse_positional(std::vector<std::string>(std::move(options)));
+ }
+ inline
+ ParseResult
+ Options::parse(int& argc, const char**& argv)
+ {
+ ParseResult result(m_options, m_positional, argc, argv);
+ return result;
+ }
+ inline
+ void
+ ParseResult::parse(int& argc, const char**& argv)
+ {
+ int current = 1;
+ int nextKeep = 1;
+ bool consume_remaining = false;
+ while (current != argc)
+ {
+ if (strcmp(argv[current], "--") == 0)
+ {
+ consume_remaining = true;
+ ++current;
+ break;
+ }
+ std::match_results<const char*> result;
+ std::regex_match(argv[current], result, option_matcher);
+ if (result.empty())
+ {
+ //not a flag
+ //if true is returned here then it was consumed, otherwise it is
+ //ignored
+ if (consume_positional(argv[current]))
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ argv[nextKeep] = argv[current];
+ ++nextKeep;
+ }
+ //if we return from here then it was parsed successfully, so continue
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //short or long option?
+ if (result[4].length() != 0)
+ {
+ const std::string& s = result[4];
+ for (std::size_t i = 0; i != s.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ std::string name(1, s[i]);
+ auto iter = m_options.find(name);
+ if (iter == m_options.end())
+ {
+ throw option_not_exists_exception(name);
+ }
+ auto value = iter->second;
+ if (i + 1 == s.size())
+ {
+ //it must be the last argument
+ checked_parse_arg(argc, argv, current, value, name);
+ }
+ else if (value->value().has_implicit())
+ {
+ parse_option(value, name, value->value().get_implicit_value());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //error
+ throw option_requires_argument_exception(name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (result[1].length() != 0)
+ {
+ const std::string& name = result[1];
+ auto iter = m_options.find(name);
+ if (iter == m_options.end())
+ {
+ throw option_not_exists_exception(name);
+ }
+ auto opt = iter->second;
+ //equals provided for long option?
+ if (result[2].length() != 0)
+ {
+ //parse the option given
+ parse_option(opt, name, result[3]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //parse the next argument
+ checked_parse_arg(argc, argv, current, opt, name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ++current;
+ }
+ for (auto& opt : m_options)
+ {
+ auto& detail = opt.second;
+ auto& value = detail->value();
+ auto& store = m_results[detail];
+ if (!store.count() && value.has_default()) {
+ parse_default(detail);
+ }
+ }
+ if (consume_remaining)
+ {
+ while (current < argc)
+ {
+ if (!consume_positional(argv[current])) {
+ break;
+ }
+ ++current;
+ }
+ //adjust argv for any that couldn't be swallowed
+ while (current != argc) {
+ argv[nextKeep] = argv[current];
+ ++nextKeep;
+ ++current;
+ }
+ }
+ argc = nextKeep;
+ }
+ inline
+ void
+ Options::add_option
+ (
+ const std::string& group,
+ const std::string& s,
+ const std::string& l,
+ std::string desc,
+ std::shared_ptr<const Value> value,
+ std::string arg_help
+ )
+ {
+ auto stringDesc = toLocalString(std::move(desc));
+ auto option = std::make_shared<OptionDetails>(s, l, stringDesc, value);
+ if (s.size() > 0)
+ {
+ add_one_option(s, option);
+ }
+ if (l.size() > 0)
+ {
+ add_one_option(l, option);
+ }
+ //add the help details
+ auto& options = m_help[group];
+ options.options.emplace_back(HelpOptionDetails{ s, l, stringDesc,
+ value->has_default(), value->get_default_value(),
+ value->has_implicit(), value->get_implicit_value(),
+ std::move(arg_help),
+ value->is_container(),
+ value->is_boolean() });
+ }
+ inline
+ void
+ Options::add_one_option
+ (
+ const std::string& option,
+ std::shared_ptr<OptionDetails> details
+ )
+ {
+ auto in = m_options.emplace(option, details);
+ if (!in.second)
+ {
+ throw option_exists_error(option);
+ }
+ }
+ inline
+ String
+ Options::help_one_group(const std::string& g) const
+ {
+ typedef std::vector<std::pair<String, String>> OptionHelp;
+ auto group = m_help.find(g);
+ if (group == m_help.end())
+ {
+ return "";
+ }
+ OptionHelp format;
+ size_t longest = 0;
+ String result;
+ if (!g.empty())
+ {
+ result += toLocalString(" " + g + " options:\n");
+ }
+ for (const auto& o : group->second.options)
+ {
+ if (o.is_container &&
+ m_positional_set.find(o.l) != m_positional_set.end() &&
+ !m_show_positional)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ auto s = format_option(o);
+ longest = std::max(longest, stringLength(s));
+ format.push_back(std::make_pair(s, String()));
+ }
+ longest = std::min(longest, static_cast<size_t>(OPTION_LONGEST));
+ //widest allowed description
+ auto allowed = size_t{ 76 } -longest - OPTION_DESC_GAP;
+ auto fiter = format.begin();
+ for (const auto& o : group->second.options)
+ {
+ if (o.is_container &&
+ m_positional_set.find(o.l) != m_positional_set.end() &&
+ !m_show_positional)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ auto d = format_description(o, longest + OPTION_DESC_GAP, allowed);
+ result += fiter->first;
+ if (stringLength(fiter->first) > longest)
+ {
+ result += '\n';
+ result += toLocalString(std::string(longest + OPTION_DESC_GAP, ' '));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result += toLocalString(std::string(longest + OPTION_DESC_GAP -
+ stringLength(fiter->first),
+ ' '));
+ }
+ result += d;
+ result += '\n';
+ ++fiter;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ inline
+ void
+ Options::generate_group_help
+ (
+ String& result,
+ const std::vector<std::string>& print_groups
+ ) const
+ {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i != print_groups.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ const String& group_help_text = help_one_group(print_groups[i]);
+ if (empty(group_help_text))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ result += group_help_text;
+ if (i < print_groups.size() - 1)
+ {
+ result += '\n';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ inline
+ void
+ Options::generate_all_groups_help(String& result) const
+ {
+ std::vector<std::string> all_groups;
+ all_groups.reserve(m_help.size());
+ for (auto& group : m_help)
+ {
+ all_groups.push_back(group.first);
+ }
+ generate_group_help(result, all_groups);
+ }
+ inline
+ std::string
+ Options::help(const std::vector<std::string>& help_groups) const
+ {
+ String result = m_help_string + "\nUsage:\n " +
+ toLocalString(m_program) + " " + toLocalString(m_custom_help);
+ if (m_positional.size() > 0 && m_positional_help.size() > 0) {
+ result += " " + toLocalString(m_positional_help);
+ }
+ result += "\n\n";
+ if (help_groups.size() == 0)
+ {
+ generate_all_groups_help(result);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ generate_group_help(result, help_groups);
+ }
+ return toUTF8String(result);
+ }
+ inline
+ const std::vector<std::string>
+ Options::groups() const
+ {
+ std::vector<std::string> g;
+ std::transform(
+ m_help.begin(),
+ m_help.end(),
+ std::back_inserter(g),
+ [](const std::map<std::string, HelpGroupDetails>::value_type& pair)
+ {
+ return pair.first;
+ }
+ );
+ return g;
+ }
+ inline
+ const HelpGroupDetails&
+ Options::group_help(const std::string& group) const
+ {
+ return m_help.at(group);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
int blocks_x = w / 4;
int blocks_y = h / 4;
+ std::cout << "Compressing DXT1 from RGB buffer\n";
for (int y = 0; y < blocks_y; y++){
for (int x = 0; x < blocks_x; x++){
uint8_t* src = new uint8_t[64]; //Create source RGBA buffer
for (int _y = 0; _y < 4; _y++) {
for (int _x = 0; _x < 4; _x++) {
- src[(_x + (_y * 4)) * 4 + 0] = buf_RGB[(globalX + _x + ((globalY + _y) * w)) * 3 + 0];
- src[(_x + (_y * 4)) * 4 + 1] = buf_RGB[(globalX + _x + ((globalY + _y) * w)) * 3 + 1];
- src[(_x + (_y * 4)) * 4 + 2] = buf_RGB[(globalX + _x + ((globalY + _y) * w)) * 3 + 2];
+ src[(_x + (_y * 4)) * 4 + 0] = buf_RGB[(globalX + _x + ((h - (globalY + _y)) * w)) * 3 + 0];
+ src[(_x + (_y * 4)) * 4 + 1] = buf_RGB[(globalX + _x + ((h - (globalY + _y)) * w)) * 3 + 1];
+ src[(_x + (_y * 4)) * 4 + 2] = buf_RGB[(globalX + _x + ((h - (globalY + _y)) * w)) * 3 + 2];
src[(_x + (_y * 4)) * 4 + 3] = 0xFF;
--- /dev/null
+// TAVR - AUTO RADAR. v 2.0.0
+ "CTSpawn_x" "0.400000"
+ "CTSpawn_y" "0.060000"
+ "TSpawn_x" "0.300000"
+ "TSpawn_y" "0.880000"
+ "material" "overviews/de_tavr_test"
+ "pos_x" "-1832.000000"
+ "pos_y" "1728.000000"
+ "scale" "5.190000"
+// STDLib
#include <iostream>
-#include "vmf.hpp"
+// OPENGL related
#include <glad\glad.h>
#include <GLFW\glfw3.h>
+#include <glm\glm.hpp>
#include "GLFWUtil.hpp"
+// Engine header files
#include "Shader.hpp"
#include "Texture.hpp"
-//#include "Camera.hpp"
-//#include "Mesh.hpp"
-//#include "GameObject.hpp"
-//#include "TextFont.hpp"
-//#include "Console.hpp"
#include "FrameBuffer.hpp"
-#include "interpolation.h"
+// Valve header files
+#include "vmf.hpp"
-#include <glm\glm.hpp>
-#include <glm\gtc\matrix_transform.hpp>
-#include <glm\gtc\type_ptr.hpp>
+// Util
+#include "cxxopts.hpp"
+#include "interpolation.h"
+// Image stuff
#include "stb_image_write.h"
-//#include "stb_image.h"
#include "dds.hpp"
+/* Grabs the currently bound framebuffer and saves it to a .png */
void render_to_png(int x, int y, const char* filepath){
void* data = malloc(4 * x * y);
glReadPixels(0, 0, x, y, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data);
- if (data != 0) {
- stbi_flip_vertically_on_write(true);
- stbi_write_png(filepath, x, y, 4, data, x * 4);
- }
+ stbi_flip_vertically_on_write(true);
+ stbi_write_png(filepath, x, y, 4, data, x * 4);
+ free(data);
+/* Grabs the currently bound framebuffer and saves it to a .dds */
+void save_to_dds(int x, int y, const char* filepath) {
+ void* data = malloc(4 * x * y);
+ glReadPixels(0, 0, x, y, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data);
+ dds_write((uint8_t*)data, filepath, x, y, IMG::MODE_DXT1);
+ free(data);
-int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
- int _w, _h, _nrc;
- unsigned char* data = stbi_load("textures/test.jpg", &_w, &_h, &_nrc, 3);
+/* Command line variables */
+std::string m_mapfile_path;
+std::string m_game_path;
+//derived strings
+std::string m_mapfile_name;
+std::string m_overviews_folder;
+std::string m_resources_folder;
+bool m_outputMasks;
+bool m_onlyOutputMasks;
+uint32_t m_renderWidth;
+uint32_t m_renderHeight;
+/* Main program */
+int app(int argc, const char** argv) {
+ cxxopts::Options options("AutoRadar", "Auto radar");
+ options.add_options()
+ ("v,version", "Shows the software version")
+ ("g,game", "(REQUIRED) Specify game path", cxxopts::value<std::string>()->default_value(""))
+ ("m,mapfile", "(REQUIRED) Specify the map file (vmf)", cxxopts::value<std::string>()->default_value(""))
+ ("d,dumpMasks", "Toggles whether auto radar should output mask images (resources/map_file.resources/)")
+ ("o,onlyMasks", "Specift whether auto radar should only output mask images and do nothing else (resources/map_file.resources)")
+ ("w,width", "Render width in pixels (experimental)", cxxopts::value<uint32_t>()->default_value("1024"))
+ ("h,height", "Render height in pixels (experimental)", cxxopts::value<uint32_t>()->default_value("1024"))
+ ("positional", "Positional parameters", cxxopts::value<std::vector<std::string>>());
+ options.parse_positional("positional");
+ auto result = options.parse(argc, argv);
+ /* Check required parameters */
+ if (result.count("game")) m_game_path = result["game"].as<std::string>();
+ else throw cxxopts::option_required_exception("game");
- dds_write(data, "output.dds", _w, _h, IMG::MODE_DXT1);
+ if(result.count("mapfile")) m_mapfile_path = result["mapfile"].as<std::string>();
+ else if (result.count("positional")) {
+ auto& positional = result["positional"].as<std::vector<std::string>>();
+ m_mapfile_path = positional[0];
+ }
+ else throw cxxopts::option_required_exception("mapfile"); // We need a map file
- stbi_image_free(data);
+ //Clean paths to what we can deal with
+ m_mapfile_path = sutil::ReplaceAll(m_mapfile_path, "\\", "/");
+ m_game_path = sutil::ReplaceAll(m_game_path, "\\", "/");
- return 0;
+ //Derive the ones
+ m_mapfile_name = split(m_mapfile_path, '/').back();
+ m_overviews_folder = m_game_path + "/resource/overviews/";
+ m_resources_folder = m_overviews_folder + m_mapfile_name + ".resources/";
+ /* Check the rest of the flags */
+ m_onlyOutputMasks = result["onlyMasks"].as<bool>();
+ m_outputMasks = result["dumpMasks"].as<bool>() || m_onlyOutputMasks;
+ /* Render options */
+ m_renderWidth = result["width"].as<uint32_t>();
+ m_renderHeight = result["height"].as<uint32_t>();
+ std::cout << "Launching with options:\n";
+ std::cout << " Render width: " << m_renderWidth << "\n";
+ std::cout << " Render height: " << m_renderHeight << "\n";
+ std::cout << " Save masks? " << (m_outputMasks ? "YES" : "NO") << "\n";
+ std::cout << " Output to game? " << (!m_onlyOutputMasks ? "YES" : "NO") << "\n\n";
+ std::cout << " Game path: " << m_game_path << "\n";
+ std::cout << " Map path: " << m_mapfile_path << "\n";
std::cout << "Initializing OpenGL\n";
#pragma region shader_compilation
std::cout << "Compiling Shaders\n";
+ std::cout << "______________________________________________________________\n\n";
// Internal engine shaders
Shader shader_depth("shaders/depth.vs", "shaders/depth.fs");
Shader shader_unlit("shaders/unlit.vs", "shaders/unlit.fs");
// Compositing shaders
- Shader shader_comp_main("shaders/fullscreenbase.vs", "shaders/ss_test.fs"); // le big one
+ Shader shader_comp_main("shaders/fullscreenbase.vs", "shaders/ss_comp_main.fs"); // le big one
Shader shader_precomp_playspace("shaders/fullscreenbase.vs", "shaders/ss_precomp_playspace.fs"); // computes distance map
Shader shader_precomp_objectives("shaders/fullscreenbase.vs", "shaders/ss_precomp_objectives.fs"); // computes distance map
- std::cout << "Loading textures\n";
+ if (shader_depth.compileUnsuccessful ||
+ shader_unlit.compileUnsuccessful ||
+ shader_comp_main.compileUnsuccessful ||
+ shader_precomp_playspace.compileUnsuccessful ||
+ shader_precomp_objectives.compileUnsuccessful) {
+ std::cout << "______________________________________________________________\n";
+ std::cout << "Shader compilation step failed.\n";
+ glfwTerminate();
+ return 1;
+ }
+ std::cout << "______________________________________________________________\n";
+ std::cout << "Shader compilation successful\n\n";
+ std::cout << "Loading textures... ";
Texture tex_background = Texture("textures/grid.png");
Texture tex_gradient = Texture("textures/gradients/gradientmap_6.png", true);
Texture tex_height_modulate = Texture("textures/modulate.png");
+ std::cout << "done!\n\n";
#pragma endregion
#pragma region map_load
- vmf::vmf vmf_main("sample_stuff/map_01.vmf");
+ std::cout << "Loading map file...\n";
+ vmf::vmf vmf_main(m_mapfile_path + ".vmf");
- std::cout << "Generating Meshes\n";
+ std::cout << "Generating Meshes...\n";
std::vector<vmf::Solid*> tavr_solids = vmf_main.getAllBrushesInVisGroup("tavr_layout");
+ std::vector<vmf::Solid*> tavr_solids_funcbrush = vmf_main.getAllBrushesByClassName("func_brush");
std::vector<vmf::Solid*> tavr_buyzones = vmf_main.getAllBrushesByClassName("func_buyzone");
std::vector<vmf::Solid*> tavr_bombtargets = vmf_main.getAllBrushesByClassName("func_bomb_target");
+ std::cout << "done!\n";
#pragma region bounds
std::cout << "Calculating bounds... ";
float render_ortho_scale = glm::round((mx_dist / 1024.0f) / 0.01f) * 0.01f * 1024.0f; // Take largest, scale up a tiny bit. Clamp to 1024 min. Do some rounding.
glm::vec2 view_origin = glm::vec2(x_bounds_min - justify_x, y_bounds_max + justify_y);
- std::cout << "done\n";
+ std::cout << "done\n\n";
#pragma endregion
#pragma endregion
#pragma region OpenGLRender
-#pragma region generate_radar_txt
- kv::DataBlock node_radar = kv::DataBlock();
- node_radar.name = "de_tavr_test";
- node_radar.Values.insert({ "material", "overviews/de_tavr_test" });
- node_radar.Values.insert({ "pos_x", std::to_string(view_origin.x) });
- node_radar.Values.insert({ "pos_y", std::to_string(view_origin.y) });
- node_radar.Values.insert({ "scale", std::to_string(render_ortho_scale / 1024.0f) });
- // Try resolve spawn positions
- glm::vec3* loc_spawnCT = vmf_main.calculateSpawnLocation(vmf::team::counter_terrorist);
- glm::vec3* loc_spawnT = vmf_main.calculateSpawnLocation(vmf::team::terrorist);
- if (loc_spawnCT != NULL) {
- node_radar.Values.insert({ "CTSpawn_x", std::to_string(glm::round(remap(loc_spawnCT->x, view_origin.x, view_origin.x + render_ortho_scale, 0.0f, 1.0f) / 0.01f) * 0.01f) });
- node_radar.Values.insert({ "CTSpawn_y", std::to_string(glm::round(remap(loc_spawnCT->y, view_origin.y, view_origin.y - render_ortho_scale, 0.0f, 1.0f) / 0.01f) * 0.01f) });
- }
- if (loc_spawnT != NULL) {
- node_radar.Values.insert({ "TSpawn_x", std::to_string(glm::round(remap(loc_spawnT->x, view_origin.x, view_origin.x + render_ortho_scale, 0.0f, 1.0f) / 0.01f) * 0.01f) });
- node_radar.Values.insert({ "TSpawn_y", std::to_string(glm::round(remap(loc_spawnT->y, view_origin.y, view_origin.y - render_ortho_scale, 0.0f, 1.0f) / 0.01f) * 0.01f) });
- }
- std::ofstream out("de_tavr_test.txt");
- out << "// TAVR - AUTO RADAR. v 2.0.0\n";
- node_radar.Serialize(out);
- out.close();
-#pragma endregion
+ std::cout << "Starting OpenGL Render\n";
#pragma region render_playable_space
- std::cout << "Rendering playable space...";
+ std::cout << "Rendering playable space... ";
fb_comp.Bind(); //Bind framebuffer
// Reverse rendering
- render_to_png(1024, 1024, "playable-space.png");
+ if(m_outputMasks)
+ render_to_png(1024, 1024, "playable-space.png");
std::cout << "done!\n";
#pragma endregion
#pragma region render_objectives
- std::cout << "Rendering bombsites & buyzones space...";
+ std::cout << "Rendering bombsites & buyzones space... ";
- render_to_png(1024, 1024, "buyzone-bombtargets.png");
+ if (m_outputMasks)
+ render_to_png(1024, 1024, "buyzone-bombtargets.png");
std::cout << "done!\n";
- render_to_png(1024, 1024, "1whammy.png");
- std::cout << "Done\n";
+ std::cout << "done!\n";
#pragma endregion
#pragma endregion
#pragma region auto_export_game
+ if (!m_onlyOutputMasks) {
+ save_to_dds(1024, 1024, std::string(m_overviews_folder + m_mapfile_name + "_radar.dds").c_str());
+ }
+#pragma region generate_radar_txt
+ std::cout << "Generating radar .TXT... ";
+ kv::DataBlock node_radar = kv::DataBlock();
+ node_radar.name = m_mapfile_name;
+ node_radar.Values.insert({ "material", "overviews/" + m_mapfile_name });
+ node_radar.Values.insert({ "pos_x", std::to_string(view_origin.x) });
+ node_radar.Values.insert({ "pos_y", std::to_string(view_origin.y) });
+ node_radar.Values.insert({ "scale", std::to_string(render_ortho_scale / 1024.0f) });
+ // Try resolve spawn positions
+ glm::vec3* loc_spawnCT = vmf_main.calculateSpawnLocation(vmf::team::counter_terrorist);
+ glm::vec3* loc_spawnT = vmf_main.calculateSpawnLocation(vmf::team::terrorist);
+ if (loc_spawnCT != NULL) {
+ node_radar.Values.insert({ "CTSpawn_x", std::to_string(glm::round(remap(loc_spawnCT->x, view_origin.x, view_origin.x + render_ortho_scale, 0.0f, 1.0f) / 0.01f) * 0.01f) });
+ node_radar.Values.insert({ "CTSpawn_y", std::to_string(glm::round(remap(loc_spawnCT->y, view_origin.y, view_origin.y - render_ortho_scale, 0.0f, 1.0f) / 0.01f) * 0.01f) });
+ }
+ if (loc_spawnT != NULL) {
+ node_radar.Values.insert({ "TSpawn_x", std::to_string(glm::round(remap(loc_spawnT->x, view_origin.x, view_origin.x + render_ortho_scale, 0.0f, 1.0f) / 0.01f) * 0.01f) });
+ node_radar.Values.insert({ "TSpawn_y", std::to_string(glm::round(remap(loc_spawnT->y, view_origin.y, view_origin.y - render_ortho_scale, 0.0f, 1.0f) / 0.01f) * 0.01f) });
+ }
+ std::ofstream out(std::string(m_overviews_folder + m_mapfile_name + ".txt").c_str());
+ out << "// TAVR - AUTO RADAR. v 2.0.0\n";
+ node_radar.Serialize(out);
+ out.close();
+ std::cout << "done!";
+#pragma endregion
#pragma endregion
+ std::cout << "\n- Radar generation successful... cleaning up. -\n";
//Exit safely
- system("PAUSE");
return 0;
+/* Entry point */
+int main(int argc, const char** argv) {
+ try {
+ return app(argc, argv);
+ }
+ catch (cxxopts::OptionException& e) {
+ std::cerr << "Parse error: " << e.what() << "\n";
+ }
+ return 1;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+4 0 4 (4096 3072 -128 ) (4096 3072 512 ) (3072 3072 512 ) (3072 3072 -128 )
+4 0 1 (3072 3072 -128 ) (3072 3072 512 ) (3072 4096 512 ) (3072 4096 -128 )
+4 1 10 (3072 3072 -128 ) (3072 3072 0 ) (2048 3072 0 ) (2048 3072 -128 )
+4 1 8 (2176 3072 512 ) (2048 3072 512 ) (2048 3072 0 ) (2176 3072 0 )
+4 1 7 (3072 3072 0 ) (3072 3072 512 ) (2176 3072 512 ) (2176 3072 0 )
+4 1 2 (2048 3072 -128 ) (2048 3072 512 ) (2048 4096 512 ) (2048 4096 -128 )
+4 2 13 (2048 3072 -128 ) (2048 3072 0 ) (1024 3072 0 ) (1024 3072 -128 )
+4 2 11 (2048 3072 0 ) (2048 3072 512 ) (1024 3072 512 ) (1024 3072 0 )
+4 2 3 (1024 3072 -128 ) (1024 3072 512 ) (1024 4096 512 ) (1024 4096 -128 )
+4 3 47 (0 3072 -128 ) (0 3072 512 ) (0 4096 512 ) (0 4096 -128 )
+4 3 18 (1024 3072 -128 ) (1024 3072 0 ) (0 3072 0 ) (0 3072 -128 )
+4 3 16 (256 3072 512 ) (0 3072 512 ) (0 3072 0 ) (256 3072 0 )
+4 3 14 (1024 3072 0 ) (1024 3072 512 ) (256 3072 512 ) (256 3072 0 )
+4 4 10 (3072 3072 0 ) (3072 3072 -128 ) (3072 2048 -128 ) (3072 2048 0 )
+4 4 7 (3072 3072 512 ) (3072 3072 0 ) (3072 2048 0 ) (3072 2048 512 )
+4 4 5 (4096 2048 -128 ) (4096 2048 512 ) (3072 2048 512 ) (3072 2048 -128 )
+4 5 22 (3072 1024 -128 ) (3072 1024 0 ) (3072 2048 0 ) (3072 2048 -128 )
+4 5 21 (3072 1024 0 ) (3072 1024 128 ) (3072 1664 128 ) (3072 1664 0 )
+4 5 20 (3072 1664 128 ) (3072 2048 128 ) (3072 2048 0 ) (3072 1664 0 )
+4 5 19 (3072 1024 128 ) (3072 1024 512 ) (3072 2048 512 ) (3072 2048 128 )
+4 5 6 (4096 1024 -128 ) (4096 1024 512 ) (3072 1024 512 ) (3072 1024 -128 )
+4 6 85 (4096 0 -128 ) (4096 0 512 ) (3072 0 512 ) (3072 0 -128 )
+4 6 27 (3072 0 -128 ) (3072 0 0 ) (3072 1024 0 ) (3072 1024 -128 )
+4 6 25 (3072 0 0 ) (3072 0 128 ) (3072 512 128 ) (3072 512 0 )
+4 6 24 (3072 512 128 ) (3072 1024 128 ) (3072 1024 0 ) (3072 512 0 )
+4 6 23 (3072 0 128 ) (3072 0 512 ) (3072 1024 512 ) (3072 1024 128 )
+4 7 20 (3072 2048 0 ) (3072 2048 128 ) (2176 2048 128 ) (2176 2048 0 )
+4 7 19 (3072 2048 128 ) (3072 2048 512 ) (2176 2048 512 ) (2176 2048 128 )
+4 7 10 (2176 3072 0 ) (3072 3072 0 ) (3072 2048 0 ) (2176 2048 0 )
+4 7 9 (2176 2048 128 ) (2176 2048 512 ) (2176 2560 512 ) (2176 2560 128 )
+4 7 8 (2176 3072 0 ) (2176 2560 0 ) (2176 2560 512 ) (2176 3072 512 )
+4 8 11 (2048 3072 512 ) (2048 3072 0 ) (2048 2560 0 ) (2048 2560 512 )
+4 8 10 (2048 2560 0 ) (2048 3072 0 ) (2176 3072 0 ) (2176 2560 0 )
+4 8 9 (2176 2560 128 ) (2176 2560 512 ) (2048 2560 512 ) (2048 2560 128 )
+4 9 19 (2176 2048 512 ) (2048 2048 512 ) (2048 2048 128 ) (2176 2048 128 )
+4 9 12 (2048 2048 128 ) (2048 2048 512 ) (2048 2560 512 ) (2048 2560 128 )
+4 10 22 (3072 2048 -128 ) (3072 2048 0 ) (2048 2048 0 ) (2048 2048 -128 )
+4 10 13 (2048 3072 0 ) (2048 3072 -128 ) (2048 2048 -128 ) (2048 2048 0 )
+4 11 14 (1024 2560 512 ) (1024 3072 512 ) (1024 3072 0 ) (1024 2560 0 )
+4 11 13 (1024 2560 0 ) (1024 3072 0 ) (2048 3072 0 ) (2048 2560 0 )
+4 11 12 (2048 2560 128 ) (2048 2560 512 ) (1024 2560 512 ) (1024 2560 128 )
+4 12 28 (2048 2048 128 ) (2048 2048 512 ) (1024 2048 512 ) (1024 2048 128 )
+4 12 15 (1024 2048 128 ) (1024 2048 512 ) (1024 2560 512 ) (1024 2560 128 )
+4 13 30 (2048 2048 -128 ) (2048 2048 0 ) (1024 2048 0 ) (1024 2048 -128 )
+4 13 18 (1024 2048 -128 ) (1024 2048 0 ) (1024 3072 0 ) (1024 3072 -128 )
+4 14 18 (256 3072 0 ) (1024 3072 0 ) (1024 2560 0 ) (256 2560 0 )
+4 14 16 (256 3072 0 ) (256 2560 0 ) (256 2560 512 ) (256 3072 512 )
+4 14 15 (1024 2560 512 ) (256 2560 512 ) (256 2560 128 ) (1024 2560 128 )
+4 15 31 (1024 2048 128 ) (1024 2048 512 ) (256 2048 512 ) (256 2048 128 )
+4 15 17 (256 2048 128 ) (256 2048 512 ) (256 2432 512 ) (256 2432 128 )
+4 15 16 (256 2432 512 ) (256 2560 512 ) (256 2560 128 ) (256 2432 128 )
+4 16 51 (0 2432 512 ) (0 3072 512 ) (0 3072 0 ) (0 2432 0 )
+4 16 18 (0 2432 0 ) (0 3072 0 ) (256 3072 0 ) (256 2432 0 )
+4 16 17 (256 2432 128 ) (256 2432 512 ) (0 2432 512 ) (0 2432 100 )
+4 17 52 (0 2048 100 ) (0 2048 512 ) (0 2432 512 ) (0 2432 100 )
+4 17 33 (0 2048 512 ) (0 2048 100 ) (256 2048 128 ) (256 2048 512 )
+4 18 55 (0 2048 -128 ) (0 2048 0 ) (0 3072 0 ) (0 3072 -128 )
+4 18 34 (1024 2048 -128 ) (1024 2048 0 ) (0 2048 0 ) (0 2048 -128 )
+4 19 28 (2048 2048 512 ) (2048 2048 128 ) (2048 1024 128 ) (2048 1024 512 )
+4 19 23 (3072 1024 128 ) (3072 1024 512 ) (2048 1024 512 ) (2048 1024 128 )
+4 19 21 (3072 1024 128 ) (2176 1024 128 ) (2176 1664 128 ) (3072 1664 128 )
+4 19 20 (2176 2048 128 ) (3072 2048 128 ) (3072 1664 128 ) (2176 1664 128 )
+4 20 22 (2176 2048 0 ) (3072 2048 0 ) (3072 1664 0 ) (2176 1664 0 )
+4 20 21 (2176 1664 0 ) (3072 1664 0 ) (3072 1664 128 ) (2176 1664 128 )
+4 21 24 (3072 1024 0 ) (3072 1024 128 ) (2176 1024 128 ) (2176 1024 0 )
+4 21 22 (2176 1664 0 ) (3072 1664 0 ) (3072 1024 0 ) (2176 1024 0 )
+4 22 30 (2048 2048 0 ) (2048 2048 -128 ) (2048 1024 -128 ) (2048 1024 0 )
+4 22 27 (3072 1024 -128 ) (3072 1024 0 ) (2048 1024 0 ) (2048 1024 -128 )
+4 23 88 (3072 0 128 ) (3072 0 512 ) (2048 0 512 ) (2048 0 128 )
+4 23 35 (2048 0 128 ) (2048 0 512 ) (2048 1024 512 ) (2048 1024 128 )
+4 23 26 (2432 0 128 ) (2048 0 128 ) (2048 128 128 ) (2432 128 128 )
+4 23 25 (3072 512 128 ) (3072 0 128 ) (2432 0 128 ) (2432 512 128 )
+4 23 24 (3072 1024 128 ) (3072 512 128 ) (2176 512 128 ) (2176 1024 128 )
+4 24 27 (2176 1024 0 ) (3072 1024 0 ) (3072 512 0 ) (2176 512 0 )
+4 24 25 (2432 512 0 ) (3072 512 0 ) (3072 512 128 ) (2432 512 128 )
+4 25 88 (3072 0 0 ) (3072 0 128 ) (2432 0 128 ) (2432 0 0 )
+4 25 27 (3072 0 0 ) (2432 0 0 ) (2432 512 0 ) (3072 512 0 )
+4 25 26 (2432 128 0 ) (2432 0 0 ) (2432 0 128 ) (2432 128 128 )
+4 26 88 (2432 0 128 ) (2048 0 128 ) (2048 0 0 ) (2432 0 0 )
+4 26 37 (2048 0 0 ) (2048 0 128 ) (2048 128 128 ) (2048 128 0 )
+4 26 27 (2432 0 0 ) (2048 0 0 ) (2048 128 0 ) (2432 128 0 )
+4 27 88 (3072 0 -128 ) (3072 0 0 ) (2048 0 0 ) (2048 0 -128 )
+4 27 40 (2048 0 -128 ) (2048 0 0 ) (2048 1024 0 ) (2048 1024 -128 )
+4 28 35 (2048 1024 128 ) (2048 1024 512 ) (1024 1024 512 ) (1024 1024 128 )
+4 28 31 (1024 2048 512 ) (1024 2048 128 ) (1024 1664 128 ) (1024 1664 512 )
+4 28 32 (1024 1664 128 ) (1024 1024 128 ) (1024 1024 512 ) (1024 1664 512 )
+4 28 29 (1024 1024 128 ) (1024 1664 128 ) (1792 1664 128 ) (1792 1024 128 )
+4 29 38 (1408 1024 128 ) (1024 1024 128 ) (1024 1024 0 ) (1408 1024 0 )
+4 29 36 (1792 1024 128 ) (1408 1024 128 ) (1408 1024 0 ) (1792 1024 0 )
+4 29 32 (1024 1664 0 ) (1024 1024 0 ) (1024 1024 128 ) (1024 1664 128 )
+4 29 30 (1792 1024 0 ) (1024 1024 0 ) (1024 1664 0 ) (1792 1664 0 )
+4 30 40 (2048 1024 -128 ) (2048 1024 0 ) (1024 1024 0 ) (1024 1024 -128 )
+4 30 34 (1024 2048 0 ) (1024 2048 -128 ) (1024 1024 -128 ) (1024 1024 0 )
+4 31 32 (256 1664 512 ) (256 1664 128 ) (1024 1664 128 ) (1024 1664 512 )
+4 31 33 (256 1664 128 ) (256 1664 512 ) (256 2048 512 ) (256 2048 128 )
+4 32 45 (1024 1024 0 ) (1024 1024 16 ) (256 1024 16 ) (256 1024 0 )
+4 32 42 (1024 1024 16 ) (1024 1024 64 ) (256 1024 64 ) (256 1024 16 )
+4 32 41 (1024 1024 64 ) (1024 1024 512 ) (256 1024 512 ) (256 1024 64 )
+4 32 34 (1024 1024 0 ) (256 1024 0 ) (256 1664 0 ) (1024 1664 0 )
+4 32 33 (256 1664 0 ) (256 1024 0 ) (256 1024 512 ) (256 1664 512 )
+4 33 61 (0 1024 0 ) (0 1024 512 ) (0 2048 512 ) (0 2048 0 )
+4 33 43 (0 1024 64 ) (0 1024 16 ) (96 1024 16 ) (96 1024 64 )
+4 33 42 (96 1024 16 ) (256 1024 16 ) (256 1024 64 ) (96 1024 64 )
+4 33 41 (256 1024 512 ) (0 1024 512 ) (0 1024 64 ) (256 1024 64 )
+4 33 34 (256 1024 0 ) (0 1024 0 ) (0 2048 0 ) (256 2048 0 )
+4 34 64 (0 1024 -128 ) (0 1024 0 ) (0 2048 0 ) (0 2048 -128 )
+4 34 46 (1024 1024 -128 ) (1024 1024 0 ) (0 1024 0 ) (0 1024 -128 )
+4 35 93 (1408 0 188.500000 ) (1024 0 188.500000 ) (1024 0 128 ) (1408 0 128 )
+4 35 92 (2048 0 128 ) (2048 0 188.500000 ) (1408 0 188.500000 ) (1408 0 128 )
+4 35 90 (1088 0 512 ) (1024 0 512 ) (1024 0 188.500000 ) (1088 0 188.500000 )
+4 35 89 (2048 0 188.500000 ) (2048 0 512 ) (1088 0 512 ) (1088 0 188.500000 )
+4 35 41 (1024 1024 512 ) (1024 1024 128 ) (1024 0 128 ) (1024 0 512 )
+4 35 39 (1408 0 128 ) (1024 0 128 ) (1024 640 128 ) (1408 640 128 )
+4 35 38 (1024 640 128 ) (1024 1024 128 ) (1408 1024 128 ) (1408 640 128 )
+4 35 37 (2048 0 128 ) (1408 0 128 ) (1408 128 128 ) (2048 128 128 )
+4 35 36 (1408 512 128 ) (1408 1024 128 ) (1792 1024 128 ) (1792 512 128 )
+4 36 40 (1408 1024 0 ) (1792 1024 0 ) (1792 512 0 ) (1408 512 0 )
+4 36 39 (1408 512 16 ) (1408 512 128 ) (1408 640 128 ) (1408 640 16 )
+4 36 38 (1408 1024 0 ) (1408 640 0 ) (1408 640 128 ) (1408 1024 128 )
+4 37 92 (2048 0 0 ) (2048 0 128 ) (1408 0 128 ) (1408 0 0 )
+4 37 40 (2048 128 0 ) (2048 0 0 ) (1408 0 0 ) (1408 128 0 )
+4 37 39 (1408 0 16 ) (1408 0 128 ) (1408 128 128 ) (1408 128 16 )
+4 38 45 (1024 1024 16 ) (1024 1024 0 ) (1024 640 0 ) (1024 640 16 )
+4 38 42 (1024 1024 64 ) (1024 1024 16 ) (1024 640 16 ) (1024 640 64 )
+4 38 41 (1024 1024 128 ) (1024 1024 64 ) (1024 640 64 ) (1024 640 128 )
+4 38 40 (1024 1024 0 ) (1408 1024 0 ) (1408 640 0 ) (1024 640 0 )
+4 38 39 (1408 640 16 ) (1408 640 128 ) (1024 640 128 ) (1024 640 16 )
+4 39 93 (1408 0 128 ) (1024 0 128 ) (1024 0 16 ) (1408 0 16 )
+4 39 42 (1024 0 16 ) (1024 0 64 ) (1024 640 64 ) (1024 640 16 )
+4 39 41 (1024 0 64 ) (1024 0 128 ) (1024 640 128 ) (1024 640 64 )
+4 40 95 (2048 0 -128 ) (2048 0 0 ) (1024 0 0 ) (1024 0 -128 )
+4 40 46 (1024 1024 0 ) (1024 1024 -128 ) (1024 0 -128 ) (1024 0 0 )
+4 41 101 (256 0 188.500000 ) (0 0 188.500000 ) (0 0 64 ) (256 0 64 )
+4 41 99 (1024 0 64 ) (1024 0 188.500000 ) (256 0 188.500000 ) (256 0 64 )
+4 41 98 (640 0 232 ) (0 0 232 ) (0 0 188.500000 ) (640 0 188.500000 )
+4 41 97 (1024 0 188.500000 ) (1024 0 232 ) (640 0 232 ) (640 0 188.500000 )
+4 41 96 (1024 0 232 ) (1024 0 512 ) (0 0 512 ) (0 0 232 )
+4 41 65 (0 0 64 ) (0 0 512 ) (0 1024 512 ) (0 1024 64 )
+4 41 43 (0 768 64 ) (0 1024 64 ) (96 1024 64 ) (96 768 64 )
+4 41 44 (96 0 64 ) (0 0 64 ) (0 352 64 ) (96 352 64 )
+4 41 42 (1024 0 64 ) (96 0 64 ) (96 1024 64 ) (1024 1024 64 )
+4 42 101 (256 0 64 ) (96 0 64 ) (96 0 16 ) (256 0 16 )
+4 42 99 (1024 0 16 ) (1024 0 64 ) (256 0 64 ) (256 0 16 )
+4 42 45 (1024 1024 16 ) (1024 640 16 ) (256 640 16 ) (256 1024 16 )
+4 42 43 (96 1024 16 ) (96 768 16 ) (96 768 64 ) (96 1024 64 )
+4 42 44 (96 352 16 ) (96 0 16 ) (96 0 64 ) (96 352 64 )
+4 43 66 (0 768 64 ) (0 1024 64 ) (0 1024 16 ) (0 768 16 )
+4 44 101 (96 0 64 ) (0 0 64 ) (0 0 16 ) (96 0 16 )
+4 44 67 (0 0 16 ) (0 0 64 ) (0 352 64 ) (0 352 16 )
+4 45 46 (256 640 0 ) (256 1024 0 ) (1024 1024 0 ) (1024 640 0 )
+4 46 103 (1024 0 -128 ) (1024 0 0 ) (0 0 0 ) (0 0 -128 )
+4 46 71 (0 0 -128 ) (0 0 0 ) (0 1024 0 ) (0 1024 -128 )
+4 47 55 (0 3072 -128 ) (0 3072 0 ) (-1024 3072 0 ) (-1024 3072 -128 )
+4 47 53 (-768 3072 512 ) (-1024 3072 512 ) (-1024 3072 0 ) (-768 3072 0 )
+4 47 51 (0 3072 0 ) (0 3072 512 ) (-768 3072 512 ) (-768 3072 0 )
+4 47 48 (-1024 3072 -128 ) (-1024 3072 512 ) (-1024 4096 512 ) (-1024 4096 -128 )
+4 48 59 (-1024 3072 -128 ) (-1024 3072 0 ) (-2048 3072 0 ) (-2048 3072 -128 )
+4 48 56 (-1024 3072 0 ) (-1024 3072 512 ) (-1408 3072 512 ) (-1408 3072 0 )
+4 48 58 (-1408 3072 512 ) (-2048 3072 512 ) (-2048 3072 0 ) (-1408 3072 0 )
+4 48 49 (-2048 3072 -128 ) (-2048 3072 512 ) (-2048 4096 512 ) (-2048 4096 -128 )
+4 49 60 (-2048 3072 -128 ) (-2048 3072 512 ) (-3072 3072 512 ) (-3072 3072 -128 )
+4 49 50 (-3072 3072 -128 ) (-3072 3072 512 ) (-3072 4096 512 ) (-3072 4096 -128 )
+4 50 82 (-3072 3072 -128 ) (-3072 3072 512 ) (-4096 3072 512 ) (-4096 3072 -128 )
+4 51 55 (-768 2432 0 ) (-768 3072 0 ) (0 3072 0 ) (0 2432 0 )
+4 51 54 (-768 2432 16 ) (-768 2432 512 ) (-768 2944 512 ) (-768 2944 16 )
+4 51 53 (-768 3072 512 ) (-768 3072 0 ) (-768 2944 0 ) (-768 2944 512 )
+4 51 52 (0 2432 512 ) (-768 2432 512 ) (-768 2432 16 ) (0 2432 100 )
+4 52 61 (0 2048 100 ) (0 2048 512 ) (-768 2048 512 ) (-768 2048 16 )
+4 52 54 (-768 2048 16 ) (-768 2048 512 ) (-768 2432 512 ) (-768 2432 16 )
+4 53 56 (-1024 3072 512 ) (-1024 3072 0 ) (-1024 2944 0 ) (-1024 2944 512 )
+4 53 55 (-1024 2944 0 ) (-1024 3072 0 ) (-768 3072 0 ) (-768 2944 0 )
+4 53 54 (-768 2944 16 ) (-768 2944 512 ) (-1024 2944 512 ) (-1024 2944 16 )
+4 54 62 (-1024 2048 512 ) (-1024 2048 16 ) (-768 2048 16 ) (-768 2048 512 )
+4 54 57 (-1024 2048 16 ) (-1024 2048 512 ) (-1024 2944 512 ) (-1024 2944 16 )
+4 55 64 (0 2048 -128 ) (0 2048 0 ) (-1024 2048 0 ) (-1024 2048 -128 )
+4 55 59 (-1024 3072 0 ) (-1024 3072 -128 ) (-1024 2048 -128 ) (-1024 2048 0 )
+4 56 59 (-1408 3072 0 ) (-1024 3072 0 ) (-1024 2944 0 ) (-1408 2944 0 )
+4 56 57 (-1408 2944 512 ) (-1408 2944 16 ) (-1024 2944 16 ) (-1024 2944 512 )
+4 56 58 (-1408 3072 0 ) (-1408 2944 0 ) (-1408 2944 512 ) (-1408 3072 512 )
+4 57 72 (-1024 2048 16 ) (-1024 2048 512 ) (-1408 2048 512 ) (-1408 2048 16 )
+4 57 58 (-1408 2048 16 ) (-1408 2048 512 ) (-1408 2944 512 ) (-1408 2944 16 )
+4 58 74 (-1408 2048 512 ) (-2048 2048 512 ) (-2048 2048 0 ) (-1408 2048 0 )
+4 58 60 (-2048 2048 0 ) (-2048 2048 512 ) (-2048 3072 512 ) (-2048 3072 0 )
+4 58 59 (-2048 2048 0 ) (-2048 3072 0 ) (-1408 3072 0 ) (-1408 2048 0 )
+4 59 75 (-1024 2048 -128 ) (-1024 2048 0 ) (-2048 2048 0 ) (-2048 2048 -128 )
+4 59 60 (-2048 2048 -128 ) (-2048 2048 0 ) (-2048 3072 0 ) (-2048 3072 -128 )
+4 60 82 (-3072 3072 512 ) (-3072 3072 -128 ) (-3072 2048 -128 ) (-3072 2048 512 )
+4 60 76 (-2048 2048 -128 ) (-2048 2048 512 ) (-3072 2048 512 ) (-3072 2048 -128 )
+4 61 66 (0 1024 16 ) (0 1024 64 ) (-512 1024 64 ) (-512 1024 16 )
+4 61 68 (-512 1024 64 ) (-768 1024 64 ) (-768 1024 16 ) (-512 1024 16 )
+4 61 65 (0 1024 64 ) (0 1024 512 ) (-768 1024 512 ) (-768 1024 64 )
+4 61 64 (0 1024 0 ) (-768 1024 0 ) (-768 2048 0 ) (0 2048 0 )
+4 61 62 (-768 1920 16 ) (-768 1920 512 ) (-768 2048 512 ) (-768 2048 16 )
+4 61 63 (-768 1920 0 ) (-768 1024 0 ) (-768 1024 512 ) (-768 1920 512 )
+4 62 72 (-1024 2048 512 ) (-1024 2048 16 ) (-1024 1920 16 ) (-1024 1920 512 )
+4 62 63 (-768 1920 16 ) (-768 1920 512 ) (-1024 1920 512 ) (-1024 1920 16 )
+4 63 73 (-1024 1920 0 ) (-1024 1024 0 ) (-1024 1024 512 ) (-1024 1920 512 )
+4 63 69 (-1024 1024 16 ) (-1024 1024 0 ) (-768 1024 0 ) (-768 1024 16 )
+4 63 68 (-1024 1024 64 ) (-1024 1024 16 ) (-768 1024 16 ) (-768 1024 64 )
+4 63 65 (-768 1024 512 ) (-1024 1024 512 ) (-1024 1024 64 ) (-768 1024 64 )
+4 63 64 (-768 1024 0 ) (-1024 1024 0 ) (-1024 1920 0 ) (-768 1920 0 )
+4 64 75 (-1024 2048 0 ) (-1024 2048 -128 ) (-1024 1024 -128 ) (-1024 1024 0 )
+4 64 71 (0 1024 -128 ) (0 1024 0 ) (-1024 1024 0 ) (-1024 1024 -128 )
+4 65 120 (0 0 64 ) (0 0 512 ) (-1024 0 512 ) (-1024 0 64 )
+4 65 77 (-1024 0 64 ) (-1024 0 512 ) (-1024 1024 512 ) (-1024 1024 64 )
+4 65 66 (0 1024 64 ) (0 768 64 ) (-512 768 64 ) (-512 1024 64 )
+4 65 67 (0 352 64 ) (0 0 64 ) (-512 0 64 ) (-512 352 64 )
+4 65 68 (-512 0 64 ) (-1024 0 64 ) (-1024 1024 64 ) (-512 1024 64 )
+4 66 68 (-512 1024 16 ) (-512 768 16 ) (-512 768 64 ) (-512 1024 64 )
+4 67 120 (0 0 16 ) (0 0 64 ) (-512 0 64 ) (-512 0 16 )
+4 67 70 (-384 0 16 ) (-512 0 16 ) (-512 128 16 ) (-384 128 16 )
+4 67 68 (-512 352 16 ) (-512 0 16 ) (-512 0 64 ) (-512 352 64 )
+4 68 120 (-512 0 64 ) (-1024 0 64 ) (-1024 0 16 ) (-512 0 16 )
+4 68 77 (-1024 0 16 ) (-1024 0 64 ) (-1024 1024 64 ) (-1024 1024 16 )
+4 68 70 (-512 0 16 ) (-1024 0 16 ) (-1024 128 16 ) (-512 128 16 )
+4 68 69 (-1024 128 16 ) (-1024 1024 16 ) (-768 1024 16 ) (-768 128 16 )
+4 69 79 (-1024 128 16 ) (-1024 972.212952 16 ) (-1024 972.213013 0 ) (-1024 128 0 )
+4 69 78 (-1024 972.212952 16 ) (-1024 1024 16 ) (-1024 1024 0 ) (-1024 972.213013 0 )
+4 69 71 (-768 128 0 ) (-1024 128 0 ) (-1024 1024 0 ) (-768 1024 0 )
+4 69 70 (-1024 128 0 ) (-768 128 0 ) (-768 128 16 ) (-1024 128 16 )
+4 70 123 (-729.076416 0 16 ) (-1024 0 16 ) (-1024 0 0 ) (-729.076416 0 0 )
+4 70 122 (-384 0 16 ) (-729.076416 0 16 ) (-729.076416 0 0 ) (-384 0 0 )
+4 70 79 (-1024 0 0 ) (-1024 0 16 ) (-1024 128 16 ) (-1024 128 0 )
+4 70 71 (-384 0 0 ) (-1024 0 0 ) (-1024 128 0 ) (-384 128 0 )
+4 71 126 (0 0 -128 ) (0 0 0 ) (-1024 0 0 ) (-1024 0 -128 )
+4 71 80 (-1024 0 -128 ) (-1024 0 0 ) (-1024 1024 0 ) (-1024 1024 -128 )
+4 72 73 (-1408 1920 512 ) (-1408 1920 16 ) (-1024 1920 16 ) (-1024 1920 512 )
+4 72 74 (-1408 1920 16 ) (-1408 1920 512 ) (-1408 2048 512 ) (-1408 2048 16 )
+4 73 78 (-1024 1024 0 ) (-1024 1024 16 ) (-1408 1024 16 ) (-1408 1024 0 )
+4 73 77 (-1024 1024 16 ) (-1024 1024 512 ) (-1408 1024 512 ) (-1408 1024 16 )
+4 73 75 (-1024 1920 0 ) (-1024 1024 0 ) (-1408 1024 0 ) (-1408 1920 0 )
+4 73 74 (-1408 1920 0 ) (-1408 1024 0 ) (-1408 1024 512 ) (-1408 1920 512 )
+4 74 78 (-2048 1024 16 ) (-2048 1024 0 ) (-1408 1024 0 ) (-1408 1024 16 )
+4 74 77 (-1408 1024 512 ) (-2048 1024 512 ) (-2048 1024 16 ) (-1408 1024 16 )
+4 74 76 (-2048 2048 512 ) (-2048 2048 0 ) (-2048 1024 0 ) (-2048 1024 512 )
+4 74 75 (-2048 1024 0 ) (-2048 2048 0 ) (-1408 2048 0 ) (-1408 1024 0 )
+4 75 80 (-1024 1024 -128 ) (-1024 1024 0 ) (-2048 1024 0 ) (-2048 1024 -128 )
+4 75 76 (-2048 2048 0 ) (-2048 2048 -128 ) (-2048 1024 -128 ) (-2048 1024 0 )
+4 76 83 (-3072 1024 -128 ) (-3072 1024 512 ) (-3072 2048 512 ) (-3072 2048 -128 )
+4 76 81 (-2048 1024 -128 ) (-2048 1024 512 ) (-3072 1024 512 ) (-3072 1024 -128 )
+4 77 127 (-1024 0 16 ) (-1024 0 512 ) (-2048 0 512 ) (-2048 0 16 )
+4 77 81 (-2048 1024 512 ) (-2048 1024 16 ) (-2048 0 16 ) (-2048 0 512 )
+4 77 79 (-1024 972.213013 16 ) (-1024 0 16 ) (-1028.923584 0 16 ) (-1512.570068 483.644958 16 )
+5 77 78 (-2048 1024 16 ) (-1024 1024 16 ) (-1024 972.213013 16 ) (-1996.216919 0 16 ) (-2048 0 16 )
+4 78 129 (-1996.216919 0 16 ) (-2048 0 16 ) (-2048 0 0 ) (-1996.216919 0 0 )
+4 78 81 (-2048 1024 16 ) (-2048 1024 0 ) (-2048 0 0 ) (-2048 0 16 )
+5 78 80 (-2048 1024 0 ) (-1024 1024 0 ) (-1024 972.213013 0 ) (-1996.216919 0 0 ) (-2048 0 0 )
+4 78 79 (-1512.570801 483.645721 0 ) (-1024 972.214539 0 ) (-1024 972.215027 16 ) (-1512.570923 483.645905 16 )
+4 79 131 (-1024 0 0 ) (-1024 0 16 ) (-1028.923584 0 16 ) (-1028.923584 0 0 )
+4 79 80 (-1024 972.213013 0 ) (-1024 0 0 ) (-1028.923584 0 0 ) (-1512.570068 483.644958 0 )
+4 80 132 (-1024 0 -128 ) (-1024 0 0 ) (-2048 0 0 ) (-2048 0 -128 )
+4 80 81 (-2048 1024 0 ) (-2048 1024 -128 ) (-2048 0 -128 ) (-2048 0 0 )
+4 81 136 (-2048 0 -128 ) (-2048 0 0 ) (-3072 0 0 ) (-3072 0 -128 )
+4 81 134 (-2048 0 0 ) (-2048 0 16 ) (-3072 0 16 ) (-3072 0 0 )
+4 81 133 (-2048 0 16 ) (-2048 0 512 ) (-3072 0 512 ) (-3072 0 16 )
+4 81 84 (-3072 0 -128 ) (-3072 0 512 ) (-3072 1024 512 ) (-3072 1024 -128 )
+4 82 83 (-3072 2048 -128 ) (-3072 2048 512 ) (-4096 2048 512 ) (-4096 2048 -128 )
+4 83 84 (-3072 1024 -128 ) (-3072 1024 512 ) (-4096 1024 512 ) (-4096 1024 -128 )
+4 84 145 (-3072 0 -128 ) (-3072 0 512 ) (-4096 0 512 ) (-4096 0 -128 )
+4 85 88 (3072 0 512 ) (3072 0 -128 ) (3072 -1024 -128 ) (3072 -1024 512 )
+4 85 86 (4096 -1024 -128 ) (4096 -1024 512 ) (3072 -1024 512 ) (3072 -1024 -128 )
+4 86 104 (3072 -2048 -128 ) (3072 -2048 512 ) (3072 -1024 512 ) (3072 -1024 -128 )
+4 86 87 (4096 -2048 -128 ) (4096 -2048 512 ) (3072 -2048 512 ) (3072 -2048 -128 )
+4 87 116 (4096 -3072 -128 ) (4096 -3072 512 ) (3072 -3072 512 ) (3072 -3072 -128 )
+4 87 105 (3072 -3072 -128 ) (3072 -3072 512 ) (3072 -2048 512 ) (3072 -2048 -128 )
+4 88 104 (3072 -1024 -128 ) (3072 -1024 512 ) (2048 -1024 512 ) (2048 -1024 -128 )
+4 88 95 (2048 0 0 ) (2048 0 -128 ) (2048 -1024 -128 ) (2048 -1024 0 )
+4 88 92 (2048 0 188.500000 ) (2048 0 0 ) (2048 -1024 0 ) (2048 -1024 188.500000 )
+4 88 89 (2048 0 512 ) (2048 0 188.500000 ) (2048 -1024 188.500000 ) (2048 -1024 512 )
+4 89 106 (2048 -1024 188.500000 ) (2048 -1024 512 ) (1088 -1024 512 ) (1088 -1024 188.500000 )
+4 89 93 (1088 -128 188.500000 ) (1088 0 188.500000 ) (1408 0 188.500000 ) (1408 -128 188.500000 )
+4 89 94 (1408 -1024 188.500000 ) (1088 -1024 188.500000 ) (1088 -128 188.500000 ) (1408 -128 188.500000 )
+4 89 92 (2048 -1024 188.500000 ) (1408 -1024 188.500000 ) (1408 0 188.500000 ) (2048 0 188.500000 )
+4 89 91 (1088 -1024 232 ) (1088 -1024 512 ) (1088 -384 512 ) (1088 -384 232 )
+4 89 90 (1088 0 188.500000 ) (1088 -384 188.500000 ) (1088 -384 512 ) (1088 0 512 )
+4 90 97 (1024 0 232 ) (1024 0 188.500000 ) (1024 -384 188.500000 ) (1024 -384 232 )
+4 90 96 (1024 -384 512 ) (1024 0 512 ) (1024 0 232 ) (1024 -384 232 )
+4 90 93 (1024 -128 188.500000 ) (1024 0 188.500000 ) (1088 0 188.500000 ) (1088 -128 188.500000 )
+4 90 94 (1024 -384 188.500000 ) (1024 -128 188.500000 ) (1088 -128 188.500000 ) (1088 -384 188.500000 )
+4 90 91 (1088 -384 232 ) (1088 -384 512 ) (1024 -384 512 ) (1024 -384 232 )
+4 91 107 (1088 -1024 512 ) (1024 -1024 512 ) (1024 -1024 232 ) (1088 -1024 232 )
+4 91 96 (1024 -1024 232 ) (1024 -1024 512 ) (1024 -384 512 ) (1024 -384 232 )
+4 92 109 (2048 -1024 0 ) (2048 -1024 188.500000 ) (1408 -1024 188.500000 ) (1408 -1024 0 )
+4 92 95 (1408 0 0 ) (2048 0 0 ) (2048 -1024 0 ) (1408 -1024 0 )
+4 92 93 (1408 -128 16 ) (1408 -128 188.500000 ) (1408 0 188.500000 ) (1408 0 16 )
+4 92 94 (1408 -128 0 ) (1408 -1024 0 ) (1408 -1024 188.500000 ) (1408 -128 188.500000 )
+4 93 99 (1024 -128 188.500000 ) (1024 0 188.500000 ) (1024 0 16 ) (1024 -128 16 )
+4 93 94 (1408 -128 16 ) (1408 -128 188.500000 ) (1024 -128 188.500000 ) (1024 -128 16 )
+4 94 109 (1408 -1024 188.500000 ) (1024 -1024 188.500000 ) (1024 -1024 0 ) (1408 -1024 0 )
+4 94 100 (1024 -1024 0 ) (1024 -1024 188.500000 ) (1024 -128 188.500000 ) (1024 -128 0 )
+4 94 95 (1024 -1024 0 ) (1024 -128 0 ) (1408 -128 0 ) (1408 -1024 0 )
+4 95 109 (2048 -1024 -128 ) (2048 -1024 0 ) (1024 -1024 0 ) (1024 -1024 -128 )
+4 95 103 (1024 -1024 -128 ) (1024 -1024 0 ) (1024 0 0 ) (1024 0 -128 )
+4 96 125 (0 -896 232 ) (0 -1024 232 ) (0 -1024 512 ) (0 -896 512 )
+4 96 120 (0 0 512 ) (0 0 232 ) (0 -896 232 ) (0 -896 512 )
+4 96 110 (1024 -1024 232 ) (1024 -1024 512 ) (0 -1024 512 ) (0 -1024 232 )
+4 96 98 (0 -896 232 ) (0 0 232 ) (640 0 232 ) (640 -896 232 )
+4 96 97 (640 -384 232 ) (640 0 232 ) (1024 0 232 ) (1024 -384 232 )
+4 97 99 (640 0 188.500000 ) (1024 0 188.500000 ) (1024 -128 188.500000 ) (640 -128 188.500000 )
+4 97 100 (1024 -128 188.500000 ) (1024 -384 188.500000 ) (640 -384 188.500000 ) (640 -128 188.500000 )
+4 97 98 (640 0 188.500000 ) (640 -384 188.500000 ) (640 -384 232 ) (640 0 232 )
+4 98 120 (0 0 232 ) (0 0 188.500000 ) (0 -896 188.500000 ) (0 -896 232 )
+4 98 101 (0 -512 188.500000 ) (0 0 188.500000 ) (256 0 188.500000 ) (256 -512 188.500000 )
+4 98 102 (0 -896 188.500000 ) (0 -512 188.500000 ) (256 -512 188.500000 ) (256 -896 188.500000 )
+4 98 99 (256 0 188.500000 ) (640 0 188.500000 ) (640 -128 188.500000 ) (256 -128 188.500000 )
+4 98 100 (640 -128 188.500000 ) (640 -896 188.500000 ) (256 -896 188.500000 ) (256 -128 188.500000 )
+4 99 101 (256 -128 16 ) (256 -128 188.500000 ) (256 0 188.500000 ) (256 0 16 )
+4 99 100 (256 -128 188.500000 ) (256 -128 16 ) (1024 -128 16 ) (1024 -128 188.500000 )
+4 100 113 (1024 -1024 0 ) (1024 -1024 188.500000 ) (256 -1024 188.500000 ) (256 -1024 0 )
+4 100 103 (1024 -1024 0 ) (256 -1024 0 ) (256 -128 0 ) (1024 -128 0 )
+4 100 101 (256 -512 16 ) (256 -512 188.500000 ) (256 -128 188.500000 ) (256 -128 16 )
+4 100 102 (256 -512 0 ) (256 -1024 0 ) (256 -1024 188.500000 ) (256 -512 188.500000 )
+4 101 120 (0 0 188.500000 ) (0 0 16 ) (0 -512 16 ) (0 -512 188.500000 )
+4 101 102 (256 -512 16 ) (256 -512 188.500000 ) (0 -512 188.500000 ) (0 -512 16 )
+4 102 124 (0 -896 0 ) (0 -1024 0 ) (0 -1024 188.500000 ) (0 -896 188.500000 )
+4 102 121 (0 -512 0 ) (0 -896 0 ) (0 -896 16 ) (0 -512 16 )
+4 102 120 (0 -896 16 ) (0 -896 188.500000 ) (0 -512 188.500000 ) (0 -512 16 )
+4 102 113 (256 -1024 188.500000 ) (0 -1024 188.500000 ) (0 -1024 0 ) (256 -1024 0 )
+4 102 103 (256 -1024 0 ) (0 -1024 0 ) (0 -512 0 ) (256 -512 0 )
+4 103 126 (0 0 0 ) (0 0 -128 ) (0 -1024 -128 ) (0 -1024 0 )
+4 103 113 (1024 -1024 -128 ) (1024 -1024 0 ) (0 -1024 0 ) (0 -1024 -128 )
+4 104 109 (2048 -1024 188.500000 ) (2048 -1024 -128 ) (2048 -2048 -128 ) (2048 -2048 188.500000 )
+4 104 106 (2048 -1024 512 ) (2048 -1024 188.500000 ) (2048 -2048 188.500000 ) (2048 -2048 512 )
+4 104 105 (3072 -2048 -128 ) (3072 -2048 512 ) (2048 -2048 512 ) (2048 -2048 -128 )
+4 105 117 (3072 -3072 -128 ) (3072 -3072 512 ) (2048 -3072 512 ) (2048 -3072 -128 )
+4 105 114 (2048 -3072 -128 ) (2048 -3072 512 ) (2048 -2048 512 ) (2048 -2048 -128 )
+4 106 114 (2048 -2048 188.500000 ) (2048 -2048 512 ) (1088 -2048 512 ) (1088 -2048 188.500000 )
+4 106 109 (2048 -2048 188.500000 ) (1088 -2048 188.500000 ) (1088 -1024 188.500000 ) (2048 -1024 188.500000 )
+4 106 107 (1088 -1280 232 ) (1088 -1280 512 ) (1088 -1024 512 ) (1088 -1024 232 )
+4 106 108 (1088 -1280 188.500000 ) (1088 -2048 188.500000 ) (1088 -2048 512 ) (1088 -1280 512 )
+4 107 110 (1024 -1024 512 ) (1024 -1024 232 ) (1024 -1280 232 ) (1024 -1280 512 )
+4 107 108 (1088 -1280 232 ) (1088 -1280 512 ) (1024 -1280 512 ) (1024 -1280 232 )
+4 108 114 (1088 -2048 512 ) (1024 -2048 512 ) (1024 -2048 188.500000 ) (1088 -2048 188.500000 )
+4 108 111 (1024 -1280 188.500000 ) (1024 -2048 188.500000 ) (1024 -2048 232 ) (1024 -1280 232 )
+4 108 110 (1024 -2048 232 ) (1024 -2048 512 ) (1024 -1280 512 ) (1024 -1280 232 )
+4 108 109 (1088 -2048 188.500000 ) (1024 -2048 188.500000 ) (1024 -1280 188.500000 ) (1088 -1280 188.500000 )
+4 109 114 (2048 -2048 -128 ) (2048 -2048 188.500000 ) (1024 -2048 188.500000 ) (1024 -2048 -128 )
+4 109 113 (1024 -1024 188.500000 ) (1024 -1024 -128 ) (1024 -2048 -128 ) (1024 -2048 188.500000 )
+4 110 138 (0 -1280 512 ) (0 -1024 512 ) (0 -1024 232 ) (0 -1280 232 )
+4 110 139 (0 -2048 232 ) (0 -2048 512 ) (0 -1280 512 ) (0 -1280 232 )
+4 110 115 (1024 -2048 232 ) (1024 -2048 512 ) (0 -2048 512 ) (0 -2048 232 )
+4 110 112 (640 -2048 232 ) (0 -2048 232 ) (0 -1280 232 ) (640 -1280 232 )
+4 110 111 (1024 -2048 232 ) (640 -2048 232 ) (640 -1280 232 ) (1024 -1280 232 )
+4 111 115 (1024 -2048 188.500000 ) (1024 -2048 232 ) (640 -2048 232 ) (640 -2048 188.500000 )
+4 111 113 (1024 -1280 188.500000 ) (1024 -2048 188.500000 ) (640 -2048 188.500000 ) (640 -1280 188.500000 )
+4 111 112 (640 -1280 188.500000 ) (640 -2048 188.500000 ) (640 -2048 232 ) (640 -1280 232 )
+4 112 139 (0 -2048 188.500000 ) (0 -2048 232 ) (0 -1280 232 ) (0 -1280 188.500000 )
+4 112 115 (640 -2048 232 ) (0 -2048 232 ) (0 -2048 188.500000 ) (640 -2048 188.500000 )
+4 112 113 (640 -2048 188.500000 ) (0 -2048 188.500000 ) (0 -1280 188.500000 ) (640 -1280 188.500000 )
+4 113 137 (0 -1280 188.500000 ) (0 -1024 188.500000 ) (0 -1024 -128 ) (0 -1280 -128 )
+4 113 139 (0 -2048 -128 ) (0 -2048 188.500000 ) (0 -1280 188.500000 ) (0 -1280 -128 )
+4 113 115 (1024 -2048 -128 ) (1024 -2048 188.500000 ) (0 -2048 188.500000 ) (0 -2048 -128 )
+4 114 118 (2048 -3072 -128 ) (2048 -3072 512 ) (1024 -3072 512 ) (1024 -3072 -128 )
+4 114 115 (1024 -2048 512 ) (1024 -2048 -128 ) (1024 -3072 -128 ) (1024 -3072 512 )
+4 115 140 (0 -3072 -128 ) (0 -3072 512 ) (0 -2048 512 ) (0 -2048 -128 )
+4 115 119 (1024 -3072 -128 ) (1024 -3072 512 ) (0 -3072 512 ) (0 -3072 -128 )
+4 116 117 (3072 -3072 512 ) (3072 -3072 -128 ) (3072 -4096 -128 ) (3072 -4096 512 )
+4 117 118 (2048 -3072 512 ) (2048 -3072 -128 ) (2048 -4096 -128 ) (2048 -4096 512 )
+4 118 119 (1024 -4096 -128 ) (1024 -4096 512 ) (1024 -3072 512 ) (1024 -3072 -128 )
+4 119 148 (0 -4096 -128 ) (0 -4096 512 ) (0 -3072 512 ) (0 -3072 -128 )
+4 120 127 (-1024 0 512 ) (-1024 0 16 ) (-1024 -896 16 ) (-1024 -896 512 )
+4 120 125 (0 -896 232 ) (0 -896 512 ) (-1024 -896 512 ) (-1024 -896 29 )
+3 120 124 (0 -896 16 ) (0 -896 192 ) (-938.666687 -896 16 )
+4 120 123 (-1024 -4.923584 16 ) (-1024 0 16 ) (-729.076416 0 16 ) (-879 -149.923096 16 )
+5 120 122 (-384 -896 16 ) (-1024 -896 16 ) (-1024 -294.922424 16 ) (-729.076416 0 16 ) (-384 0 16 )
+4 120 121 (0 -896 16 ) (-384 -896 16 ) (-384 -512 16 ) (0 -512 16 )
+4 121 126 (0 -512 0 ) (0 -896 0 ) (-384 -896 0 ) (-384 -512 0 )
+4 121 124 (-384 -896 0 ) (0 -896 0 ) (0 -896 16 ) (-384 -896 16 )
+4 121 122 (-384 -512 0 ) (-384 -896 0 ) (-384 -896 16 ) (-384 -512 16 )
+4 122 128 (-1024 -294.922394 0 ) (-1024 -896 0 ) (-1024 -896 16 ) (-1024 -294.922424 16 )
+5 122 126 (-1024 -896 0 ) (-1024 -294.922424 0 ) (-729.076416 0 0 ) (-384 0 0 ) (-384 -896 0 )
+4 122 124 (-1024 -896 0 ) (-384 -896 0 ) (-384 -896 16 ) (-938.666687 -896 16 )
+4 122 123 (-729.074951 0 0 ) (-879 -149.923492 0 ) (-879 -149.923492 16 ) (-729.074951 0 16 )
+4 123 131 (-1024 0 16 ) (-1024 0 0 ) (-1024 -4.923586 0 ) (-1024 -4.923584 16 )
+4 123 126 (-1024 -4.923584 0 ) (-1024 0 0 ) (-729.076416 0 0 ) (-879 -149.923096 0 )
+3 124 137 (0 -1024 0 ) (0 -1024 192 ) (-1024 -1024 0 )
+4 124 126 (0 -1024 0 ) (-1024 -1024 0 ) (-1024 -896 0 ) (0 -896 0 )
+4 125 138 (0 -1024 232 ) (0 -1024 512 ) (-1024 -1024 512 ) (-1024 -1024 29 )
+4 125 127 (-1024 -1024 29 ) (-1024 -1024 512 ) (-1024 -896 512 ) (-1024 -896 29 )
+4 126 137 (0 -1024 -128 ) (0 -1024 0 ) (-1024 -1024 0 ) (-1024 -1024 -128 )
+4 126 132 (-1024 0 0 ) (-1024 0 -128 ) (-1024 -1024 -128 ) (-1024 -1024 0 )
+4 127 141 (-1024 -1024 16 ) (-1024 -1024 512 ) (-2048 -1024 512 ) (-2048 -1024 16 )
+4 127 133 (-2048 -1024 16 ) (-2048 -1024 512 ) (-2048 0 512 ) (-2048 0 16 )
+3 127 131 (-1028.923584 0 16 ) (-1024 0 16 ) (-1024 -4.923586 16 )
+4 127 130 (-1753.080566 -1024 16 ) (-2048 -1024 16 ) (-2048 -429.081421 16 ) (-1603.080078 -874 16 )
+3 127 129 (-2048 -51.782837 16 ) (-2048 0 16 ) (-1996.216919 0 16 )
+3 127 128 (-1024 -1024 16 ) (-1753.080566 -1024 16 ) (-1024 -294.922394 16 )
+4 128 141 (-1024 -1024 0 ) (-1024 -1024 16 ) (-1753.080566 -1024 16 ) (-1753.080566 -1024 0 )
+3 128 132 (-1024 -1024 0 ) (-1753.080566 -1024 0 ) (-1024 -294.922394 0 )
+4 128 130 (-1603.080322 -874 0 ) (-1753.080933 -1024 0 ) (-1753.080811 -1024 16 ) (-1603.080078 -874 16 )
+4 129 134 (-2048 -51.782837 16 ) (-2048 0 16 ) (-2048 0 0 ) (-2048 -51.782860 0 )
+3 129 132 (-2048 -51.782837 0 ) (-2048 0 0 ) (-1996.216919 0 0 )
+4 130 141 (-1753.080566 -1024 16 ) (-2048 -1024 16 ) (-2048 -1024 0 ) (-1753.080566 -1024 0 )
+4 130 135 (-2048 -1024 0 ) (-2048 -1024 16 ) (-2048 -429.081421 16 ) (-2048 -429.081421 0 )
+4 130 132 (-1753.080566 -1024 0 ) (-2048 -1024 0 ) (-2048 -429.081421 0 ) (-1603.080078 -874 0 )
+3 131 132 (-1028.923584 0 0 ) (-1024 0 0 ) (-1024 -4.923586 0 )
+4 132 141 (-1024 -1024 -128 ) (-1024 -1024 0 ) (-2048 -1024 0 ) (-2048 -1024 -128 )
+4 132 136 (-2048 -1024 -128 ) (-2048 -1024 0 ) (-2048 0 0 ) (-2048 0 -128 )
+4 133 145 (-3072 0 512 ) (-3072 0 16 ) (-3072 -1024 16 ) (-3072 -1024 512 )
+4 133 142 (-2048 -1024 16 ) (-2048 -1024 512 ) (-3072 -1024 512 ) (-3072 -1024 16 )
+4 133 135 (-2048 -429.081421 16 ) (-2048 -1024 16 ) (-3020.221191 -1024 16 ) (-2236.649902 -240.432007 16 )
+5 133 134 (-3072 -1024 16 ) (-3072 0 16 ) (-2048 0 16 ) (-2048 -51.782860 16 ) (-3020.221191 -1024 16 )
+4 134 145 (-3072 0 16 ) (-3072 0 0 ) (-3072 -1024 0 ) (-3072 -1024 16 )
+4 134 142 (-3020.221191 -1024 16 ) (-3072 -1024 16 ) (-3072 -1024 0 ) (-3020.221191 -1024 0 )
+5 134 136 (-3072 -1024 0 ) (-3072 0 0 ) (-2048 0 0 ) (-2048 -51.782860 0 ) (-3020.221191 -1024 0 )
+4 134 135 (-3020.222656 -1024 0 ) (-2236.650635 -240.431274 0 ) (-2236.652832 -240.429214 16 ) (-3020.226563 -1024 16 )
+4 135 142 (-2048 -1024 0 ) (-2048 -1024 16 ) (-3020.221191 -1024 16 ) (-3020.221191 -1024 0 )
+4 135 136 (-2048 -429.081421 0 ) (-2048 -1024 0 ) (-3020.221191 -1024 0 ) (-2236.649902 -240.432007 0 )
+4 136 145 (-3072 0 0 ) (-3072 0 -128 ) (-3072 -1024 -128 ) (-3072 -1024 0 )
+4 136 142 (-2048 -1024 -128 ) (-2048 -1024 0 ) (-3072 -1024 0 ) (-3072 -1024 -128 )
+4 137 141 (-1024 -1024 0 ) (-1024 -1024 -128 ) (-1024 -1280 -128 ) (-1024 -1280 0 )
+4 137 139 (-1024 -1280 -128 ) (0 -1280 -128 ) (0 -1280 192 ) (-1024 -1280 0 )
+4 138 141 (-1024 -1024 512 ) (-1024 -1024 29 ) (-1024 -1280 29 ) (-1024 -1280 512 )
+4 138 139 (0 -1280 232 ) (0 -1280 512 ) (-1024 -1280 512 ) (-1024 -1280 29 )
+4 139 141 (-1024 -1280 -128 ) (-1024 -2048 -128 ) (-1024 -2048 512 ) (-1024 -1280 512 )
+4 139 140 (0 -2048 -128 ) (0 -2048 512 ) (-1024 -2048 512 ) (-1024 -2048 -128 )
+4 140 148 (0 -3072 -128 ) (0 -3072 512 ) (-1024 -3072 512 ) (-1024 -3072 -128 )
+4 140 143 (-1024 -3072 -128 ) (-1024 -3072 512 ) (-1024 -2048 512 ) (-1024 -2048 -128 )
+4 141 143 (-1024 -2048 -128 ) (-1024 -2048 512 ) (-2048 -2048 512 ) (-2048 -2048 -128 )
+4 141 142 (-2048 -1024 512 ) (-2048 -1024 -128 ) (-2048 -2048 -128 ) (-2048 -2048 512 )
+4 142 146 (-3072 -2048 -128 ) (-3072 -2048 512 ) (-3072 -1024 512 ) (-3072 -1024 -128 )
+4 142 144 (-2048 -2048 -128 ) (-2048 -2048 512 ) (-3072 -2048 512 ) (-3072 -2048 -128 )
+4 143 149 (-1024 -3072 -128 ) (-1024 -3072 512 ) (-2048 -3072 512 ) (-2048 -3072 -128 )
+4 143 144 (-2048 -2048 512 ) (-2048 -2048 -128 ) (-2048 -3072 -128 ) (-2048 -3072 512 )
+4 144 150 (-2048 -3072 -128 ) (-2048 -3072 512 ) (-3072 -3072 512 ) (-3072 -3072 -128 )
+4 144 147 (-3072 -3072 -128 ) (-3072 -3072 512 ) (-3072 -2048 512 ) (-3072 -2048 -128 )
+4 145 146 (-3072 -1024 -128 ) (-3072 -1024 512 ) (-4096 -1024 512 ) (-4096 -1024 -128 )
+4 146 147 (-3072 -2048 -128 ) (-3072 -2048 512 ) (-4096 -2048 512 ) (-4096 -2048 -128 )
+4 147 151 (-3072 -3072 -128 ) (-3072 -3072 512 ) (-4096 -3072 512 ) (-4096 -3072 -128 )
+4 148 149 (-1024 -3072 512 ) (-1024 -3072 -128 ) (-1024 -4096 -128 ) (-1024 -4096 512 )
+4 149 150 (-2048 -4096 -128 ) (-2048 -4096 512 ) (-2048 -3072 512 ) (-2048 -3072 -128 )
+4 150 151 (-3072 -3072 512 ) (-3072 -3072 -128 ) (-3072 -4096 -128 ) (-3072 -4096 512 )
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"visgroupshown" "1"
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"visgroupshown" "1"
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"color" "0 180 0"
"visgroupshown" "1"
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"color" "0 180 0"
"visgroupshown" "1"
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"color" "0 180 0"
"visgroupshown" "1"
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"color" "0 180 0"
"visgroupshown" "1"
- "visgroupautoshown" "0"
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"color" "0 180 0"
"visgroupshown" "1"
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"color" "0 180 0"
"visgroupshown" "1"
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"color" "0 180 0"
"visgroupshown" "1"
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"color" "0 180 0"
"visgroupshown" "1"
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"color" "0 180 0"
"visgroupshown" "1"
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+ "visgroupautoshown" "1"
"color" "0 180 0"
"visgroupshown" "1"
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"color" "0 180 0"
"visgroupshown" "1"
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+ "visgroupautoshown" "1"
"color" "0 180 0"
"visgroupshown" "1"
- "visgroupautoshown" "0"
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"color" "0 180 0"
"visgroupshown" "1"
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--- /dev/null
+#version 330 core
+// Note:: All channels marked with an ** are currently not filled out by the engine.
+// ____________________________________________________________________________________________
+in vec2 TexCoords;
+out vec4 FragColor;
+// Vector Information _________________________________________________________________________
+// ( A bunch of vectors that give you the location of different entities )
+uniform vec3 bounds_NWU; // North-West-Upper coordinate of the playspace (worldspace)
+uniform vec3 bounds_SEL; // South-East-Lower coordinate of the playspace (worldspace)
+uniform vec2 bounds_NWU_SS; // North-West coordinate of the playspace (screen space)
+uniform vec2 bounds_SEL_SS; // South-East coordinate of the playspace (screen space)
+uniform vec2 pos_spawn_ct; // Location of the CT Spawn (0-1)
+uniform vec2 pos_spawn_t; // Location of the T Spawn (0-1)
+uniform vec2 bombsite_a; // Location of bomsite A (0-1)
+uniform vec2 bombsite_b; // Location of bombsite B (0-1)
+// Image Inputs _______________________________________________________________________________
+// ( Standard generated maps from the engine )
+uniform sampler2D tex_background; // Background texture
+uniform sampler2D tex_playspace; // Playspace
+ // R: Playable space (0 or 1),
+ // G: Height (0-1 normalized)
+ // B: AO map (mask 0-1)
+ // A: Outline (mask 0-1) (need to subtract the playable space from this)
+uniform sampler2D tex_objectives; // Objectives
+ // R: Buzones (0 or 1)
+ // G: Bombsites (0 or 1)
+ // **B: Glow map (mask 0-1)
+ // **A: Outline (mask 0-1)
+uniform sampler2D tex_props; // Props
+ // **R: Props (0 or 1)
+ // **G: Height (0-1 normalized)
+ // **B: Glow map (mask 0-1)
+ // **A: Outline (mask 0-1)
+uniform sampler2D tex_gradient; // Gradient input
+ // **RGBA: 256x1 image defining a gradient
+uniform sampler2D texture0; // Custom Image input 3 (**RGBA)
+uniform sampler2D texture1; // Custom Image input 4 (**RGBA)
+uniform sampler2D texture2; // Custom Image input 5 (**RGBA)
+// ____________________________________________________________________________________________
+// ( A collection of simple blend modes )
+vec3 lerp(vec3 a, vec3 b, float w)
+ return a + w*(b-a);
+vec4 blend_normal(vec4 a, vec4 b, float s)
+ return vec4(lerp(a.rgb, b.rgb, b.a * s), b.a + (a.a * s));
+vec4 blend_add(vec4 a, vec4 b, float s)
+ return vec4(a.rgb + (b.rgb * s), a.a);
+vec4 sample_gradient(float height)
+ return vec4(texture(tex_gradient, vec2(height, 0)));
+// ____________________________________________________________________________________________
+// ( Write all your shader code & functions here )
+vec4 outline_color = vec4(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.6);
+vec4 ao_color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
+vec4 buyzone_color = vec4(0.180, 0.828, 0.225, 0.667);
+vec4 objective_color = vec4(0.770, 0.295, 0.171, 1.000);
+void main()
+ vec4 sBackground = vec4(texture(tex_background, TexCoords));
+ vec4 sPlayspace = vec4(texture(tex_playspace, TexCoords));
+ vec4 sObjectives = vec4(texture(tex_objectives, TexCoords));
+ vec4 final = sBackground;
+ final = blend_normal(final, ao_color, sPlayspace.b); // Drop shadow
+ final = blend_normal(final, sample_gradient(sPlayspace.g), sPlayspace.r); // Playspace
+ final = blend_normal(final, outline_color, sPlayspace.a - sPlayspace.r); // Outline
+ final = blend_normal(final, objective_color, sObjectives.r * sObjectives.a); // Objectives
+ final = blend_normal(final, buyzone_color, sObjectives.g * sObjectives.a); // Buyzones
+ // Return the final output color
+ FragColor = final;
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-#version 330 core
-// Note:: All channels marked with an ** are currently not filled out by the engine.
-// ____________________________________________________________________________________________
-in vec2 TexCoords;
-out vec4 FragColor;
-// Vector Information _________________________________________________________________________
-// ( A bunch of vectors that give you the location of different entities )
-uniform vec3 bounds_NWU; // North-West-Upper coordinate of the playspace (worldspace)
-uniform vec3 bounds_SEL; // South-East-Lower coordinate of the playspace (worldspace)
-uniform vec2 bounds_NWU_SS; // North-West coordinate of the playspace (screen space)
-uniform vec2 bounds_SEL_SS; // South-East coordinate of the playspace (screen space)
-uniform vec2 pos_spawn_ct; // Location of the CT Spawn (0-1)
-uniform vec2 pos_spawn_t; // Location of the T Spawn (0-1)
-uniform vec2 bombsite_a; // Location of bomsite A (0-1)
-uniform vec2 bombsite_b; // Location of bombsite B (0-1)
-// Image Inputs _______________________________________________________________________________
-// ( Standard generated maps from the engine )
-uniform sampler2D tex_background; // Background texture
-uniform sampler2D tex_playspace; // Playspace
- // R: Playable space (0 or 1),
- // G: Height (0-1 normalized)
- // B: AO map (mask 0-1)
- // A: Outline (mask 0-1) (need to subtract the playable space from this)
-uniform sampler2D tex_objectives; // Objectives
- // R: Buzones (0 or 1)
- // G: Bombsites (0 or 1)
- // **B: Glow map (mask 0-1)
- // **A: Outline (mask 0-1)
-uniform sampler2D tex_props; // Props
- // **R: Props (0 or 1)
- // **G: Height (0-1 normalized)
- // **B: Glow map (mask 0-1)
- // **A: Outline (mask 0-1)
-uniform sampler2D tex_gradient; // Gradient input
- // **RGBA: 256x1 image defining a gradient
-uniform sampler2D texture0; // Custom Image input 3 (**RGBA)
-uniform sampler2D texture1; // Custom Image input 4 (**RGBA)
-uniform sampler2D texture2; // Custom Image input 5 (**RGBA)
-// ____________________________________________________________________________________________
-// ( A collection of simple blend modes )
-vec3 lerp(vec3 a, vec3 b, float w)
- return a + w*(b-a);
-vec4 blend_normal(vec4 a, vec4 b, float s)
- return vec4(lerp(a.rgb, b.rgb, b.a * s), b.a + (a.a * s));
-vec4 blend_add(vec4 a, vec4 b, float s)
- return vec4(a.rgb + (b.rgb * s), a.a);
-vec4 sample_gradient(float height)
- return vec4(texture(tex_gradient, vec2(height, 0)));
-// ____________________________________________________________________________________________
-// ( Write all your shader code & functions here )
-vec4 outline_color = vec4(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.6);
-vec4 ao_color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
-vec4 buyzone_color = vec4(0.180, 0.828, 0.225, 0.667);
-vec4 objective_color = vec4(0.770, 0.295, 0.171, 1.000);
-void main()
- vec4 sBackground = vec4(texture(tex_background, TexCoords));
- vec4 sPlayspace = vec4(texture(tex_playspace, TexCoords));
- vec4 sObjectives = vec4(texture(tex_objectives, TexCoords));
- vec4 final = sBackground;
- final = blend_normal(final, ao_color, sPlayspace.b); // Drop shadow
- final = blend_normal(final, sample_gradient(sPlayspace.g), sPlayspace.r); // Playspace
- final = blend_normal(final, outline_color, sPlayspace.a - sPlayspace.r); // Outline
- final = blend_normal(final, objective_color, sObjectives.r * sObjectives.a); // Objectives
- final = blend_normal(final, buyzone_color, sObjectives.g * sObjectives.a); // Buyzones
- // Return the final output color
- FragColor = final;
\ No newline at end of file
namespace sutil
+ std::string ReplaceAll(std::string str, const std::string& from, const std::string& to) {
+ size_t start_pos = 0;
+ while ((start_pos = str.find(from, start_pos)) != std::string::npos) {
+ str.replace(start_pos, from.length(), to);
+ start_pos += to.length(); // Handles case where 'to' is a substring of 'from'
+ }
+ return str;
+ }
std::string trimspace(std::string const& str)
if (str.empty())
--- /dev/null
+ECHO D | xcopy /y "MCDV/shaders" "Release/shaders" /E /D
+ECHO D | xcopy /y "MCDV/textures" "Release/textures" /E /D
\ No newline at end of file