vmf_map *map = vmf_init( argv[1], 1 );
+ // TODO: Make init/free codes
+ csr_target target =
+ {
+ .x = 1024, .y = 1024,
+ .fragments = (csr_frag *)csr_malloc( 1024*1024*sizeof(csr_frag) ),
+ .bounds = { -1000.f, -1000.f, 1000.f, 1000.f }
+ };
+ csr_rt_clear( &target );
+ draw_vmf_group( &target, map, map->root, 0, NULL, NULL );
+ float *rgba_test = (float *)csr_malloc( 1024*1024*sizeof(float)*3 );
+ for( int l = 0; l < 1024; l ++ )
+ {
+ for( int x = 0; x < 1024; x ++ )
+ {
+ float *dst = &rgba_test[ (l*1024+x)*3 ];
+ csr_frag *src = &target.fragments[ ((1023-l)*1024+x) ];
+ dst[0] = src->co[0];
+ dst[1] = src->co[1];
+ dst[2] = src->co[2];
+ }
+ }
+ csr_32f_write( "hello.pfm", 1024, 1024, rgba_test );
+ free( target.fragments );
+ free( rgba_test );
vmf_free( map );
typedef struct csr_frag csr_frag;
+typedef struct csr_target csr_target;
struct csr_frag
u32 id; // Triangle index
- float qa, qb; // Quantities
float depth; // 'depth testing'
+ v3f co;
+ v3f nrm;
+struct csr_target
+ csr_frag *fragments;
+ u32 x, y;
+ v4f bounds;
-void clear_depth( csr_frag fragments[], u32 x, u32 y )
+void csr_rt_clear( csr_target *rt )
- for( u32 i = 0; i < x*y; i ++ )
+ for( u32 i = 0; i < rt->x*rt->y; i ++ )
- fragments[ i ].depth = INFINITY;
+ rt->fragments[ i ].depth = 0.f;
-void simple_raster( csr_frag fragments[], u32 x, u32 y, v4f cam_bounds, vmf_vert tri[3], int id )
+void simple_raster( csr_target *rt, vmf_vert tri[3], int id )
// Very simplified tracing algorithm
+ float tqa = 0.f, tqb = 0.f;
v2f bmin = { 0.f, 0.f };
- v2f bmax = { x, y };
+ v2f bmax = { rt->x, rt->y };
v2_minv( tri[0].co, tri[1].co, bmin );
v2_minv( tri[2].co, bmin, bmin );
v2_maxv( tri[0].co, tri[1].co, bmax );
v2_maxv( tri[2].co, bmax, bmax );
- float range_x = (cam_bounds[2]-cam_bounds[0])/(float)x;
- float range_y = (cam_bounds[3]-cam_bounds[1])/(float)y;
- int start_x = csr_max( 0, floorf( (bmin[0]-cam_bounds[0])/range_x));
- int end_x = csr_min( x, floorf( (bmax[0]-cam_bounds[0])/range_x ));
- int start_y = csr_max( 0, ceilf( (bmin[1]-cam_bounds[1])/range_y ));
- int end_y = csr_min( y, ceilf( (bmax[1]-cam_bounds[1])/range_y ));
+ float range_x = (rt->bounds[2]-rt->bounds[0])/(float)rt->x;
+ float range_y = (rt->bounds[3]-rt->bounds[1])/(float)rt->y;
+ int start_x = csr_min( rt->x-1, csr_max( 0, floorf( (bmin[0]-rt->bounds[0])/range_x)));
+ int end_x = csr_max( 0, csr_min( rt->x-1, floorf( (bmax[0]-rt->bounds[0])/range_x )));
+ int start_y = csr_min( rt->y-1, csr_max( 0, ceilf( (bmin[1]-rt->bounds[1])/range_y )));
+ int end_y = csr_max( 0, csr_min( rt->y-1, ceilf( (bmax[1]-rt->bounds[1])/range_y )));
- v3f trace_dir = { 0.f, 0.f, -1.f };
- v3f trace_origin = { 0.f, 0.f, 16385.f };
+ v3f trace_dir = { 0.f, 0.f, 1.f };
+ v3f trace_origin = { 0.f, 0.f, -16385.f };
- for( u32 py = start_y; py < end_y; py ++ )
+ for( u32 py = start_y; py <= end_y; py ++ )
- trace_origin[1] = csr_lerpf( cam_bounds[1], cam_bounds[3], (float)py/(float)y );
+ trace_origin[1] = csr_lerpf( rt->bounds[1], rt->bounds[3], (float)py/(float)rt->y );
- for( u32 px = start_x; px < end_x; px ++ )
+ for( u32 px = start_x; px <= end_x; px ++ )
- trace_origin[0] = csr_lerpf( cam_bounds[0], cam_bounds[2], (float)px/(float)x );
- csr_frag *frag = &fragments[ py*y + px ];
+ csr_frag *frag = &rt->fragments[ py * rt->y + px ];
- float tqa = 0.f, tqb = 0.f;
+ trace_origin[0] = csr_lerpf( rt->bounds[0], rt->bounds[2], (float)px/(float)rt->x );
float tdepth = csr_ray_tri( trace_origin, trace_dir, tri[0].co, tri[1].co, tri[2].co, &tqa, &tqb );
- if( tdepth < frag->depth )
+ if( tdepth > frag->depth )
frag->depth = tdepth;
- frag->id = id;
- frag->qa = tqa;
- frag->qb = tqb;
+ v3_muls( tri[1].co, tqa, frag->co );
+ v3_muladds( frag->co, tri[2].co, tqb, frag->co );
+ v3_muladds( frag->co, tri[0].co, 1.f - tqa - tqb, frag->co );
-// First pass 'fragmentize'
-void draw_buffers( csr_frag fragments[], u32 x, u32 y, v4f cam_bounds, vmf_vert *triangles, u32 triangle_count )
+void csr_draw( csr_target *rt, vmf_vert *triangles, u32 triangle_count, m4x3f transform )
+ m3x3f normal;
+ vmf_vert new_tri[3];
+ // Derive normal matrix
+ m4x3_to_3x3( transform, normal );
+ m3x3_inv_transpose( normal, normal );
for( u32 i = 0; i < triangle_count; i ++ )
vmf_vert *triangle = triangles + i*3;
- simple_raster( fragments, x, y, cam_bounds, triangle, i );
+ m4x3_mulv( transform, triangle[0].co, new_tri[0].co );
+ m4x3_mulv( transform, triangle[1].co, new_tri[1].co );
+ m4x3_mulv( transform, triangle[2].co, new_tri[2].co );
+ m3x3_mulv( normal, triangle[0].nrm, new_tri[0].nrm );
+ m3x3_mulv( normal, triangle[1].nrm, new_tri[1].nrm );
+ m3x3_mulv( normal, triangle[2].nrm, new_tri[2].nrm );
+ simple_raster( rt, new_tri, 0 );
+void draw_vmf_group( csr_target *rt, vmf_map *map, vdf_node *root, int const group, m4x3f prev, m4x3f inst )
+ m4x3f transform = M4X3_IDENTITY;
+ vmf_solid solid;
+ vmf_vert tri[3];
+ // Multiply previous transform with instance transform to create basis
+ if( prev )
+ {
+ m4x3_mul( prev, inst, transform );
+ }
+ // Draw brushes
+ solidgen_ctx_init( &solid );
+ vdf_node *world = vdf_next( root, "world", NULL );
+ vdf_foreach( world, "solid", brush )
+ {
+ solidgen_push( &solid, brush );
+ }
+ for( int i = 0; i < csr_sb_count( solid.indices )/3; i ++ )
+ {
+ u32 * base = solid.indices + i*3;
+ tri[0] = solid.verts[ base[0] ];
+ tri[1] = solid.verts[ base[1] ];
+ tri[2] = solid.verts[ base[2] ];
+ csr_draw( rt, tri, 1, transform );
+ }
+ solidgen_ctx_reset( &solid );
+ // Actual entity loop
+ m4x3f model;
+ vdf_foreach( root, "entity", ent )
+ {
+ if( ent->user & VMF_FLAG_IS_PROP )
+ {
+ // Create model transform
+ m4x3_identity( model );
+ vmf_entity_transform( ent, model );
+ m4x3_mul( transform, model, model );
+ // Draw model
+ mdl_mesh_t *mdl = &map->models[ ent->user1 ].mdl;
+ for( int i = 0; i < mdl->num_indices/3; i ++ )
+ {
+ for( int j = 0; j < 3; j ++ )
+ {
+ v3_copy( &mdl->vertices[ mdl->indices[ i*3+j ] *8 ], tri[j].co );
+ v3_copy( &mdl->vertices[ mdl->indices[ i*3+j ] *8+3 ], tri[j].nrm );
+ tri[j].xy[0] = 0.f;
+ tri[j].xy[1] = 0.f;
+ }
+ csr_draw( rt, tri, 1, model );
+ }
+ }
+ else if( ent->user & VMF_FLAG_IS_INSTANCE )
+ {
+ m4x3_identity( model );
+ vmf_entity_transform( ent, model );
+ draw_vmf_group( rt, map, map->cache[ ent->user1 ].root, group, transform, model );
+ }
+ else if( ent->user & VMF_FLAG_BRUSH_ENT )
+ {
+ // ...
+ }
+ }
+ solidgen_ctx_free( &solid );
// Util
// ==================================================================================================================
+#define CSR_PIf 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288f
float csr_minf( float a, float b )
if( a < b )
b[2] = a[2];
+float csr_rad( float deg )
+ return deg * CSR_PIf / 180.0f;
// Vector 2
// ==================================================================================================================
b10 = b[1][0], b11 = b[1][1], b12 = b[1][2],
b20 = b[2][0], b21 = b[2][1], b22 = b[2][2],
b30 = b[3][0], b31 = b[3][1], b32 = b[3][2];
- d[0][0] = a00*b00 + a10*b01 + a20*b02 + a30;
- d[0][1] = a01*b00 + a11*b01 + a21*b02 + a31;
- d[0][2] = a02*b00 + a12*b01 + a22*b02 + a32;
- d[1][0] = a00*b10 + a10*b11 + a20*b12 + a30;
- d[1][1] = a01*b10 + a11*b11 + a21*b12 + a31;
- d[1][2] = a02*b10 + a12*b11 + a22*b12 + a32;
- d[2][0] = a00*b20 + a10*b21 + a20*b22 + a30;
- d[2][1] = a01*b20 + a11*b21 + a21*b22 + a31;
- d[2][2] = a02*b20 + a12*b21 + a22*b22 + a32;
+ d[0][0] = a00*b00 + a10*b01 + a20*b02;
+ d[0][1] = a01*b00 + a11*b01 + a21*b02;
+ d[0][2] = a02*b00 + a12*b01 + a22*b02;
+ d[1][0] = a00*b10 + a10*b11 + a20*b12;
+ d[1][1] = a01*b10 + a11*b11 + a21*b12;
+ d[1][2] = a02*b10 + a12*b11 + a22*b12;
+ d[2][0] = a00*b20 + a10*b21 + a20*b22;
+ d[2][1] = a01*b20 + a11*b21 + a21*b22;
+ d[2][2] = a02*b20 + a12*b21 + a22*b22;
d[3][0] = a00*b30 + a10*b31 + a20*b32 + a30;
d[3][1] = a01*b30 + a11*b31 + a21*b32 + a31;
d[3][2] = a02*b30 + a12*b31 + a22*b32 + a32;
det = v3_dot( v0v1, p );
- if( det < k_cullEpsilon ) return INFINITY;
+ if( det < k_cullEpsilon ) return -INFINITY;
inv = 1.f / det;
v3_sub( o, v0, tv );
*u = v3_dot( tv, p ) * inv;
- if( *u < 0.f || *u > 1.f ) return INFINITY;
+ if( *u < 0.f || *u > 1.f ) return -INFINITY;
v3_cross( tv, v0v1, qv );
*v = v3_dot( d, qv ) * inv;
- if( *v < 0.f || *u + *v > 1.f ) return INFINITY;
+ if( *v < 0.f || *u + *v > 1.f ) return -INFINITY;
return v3_dot( v0v2, qv ) * inv;
+void csr_sb_clear( void *arr )
+ if( arr )
+ {
+ ((u32 *)csr_sb_raw( arr ))[1] = 0;
+ }
// djb2 - Dan Bernstein
unsigned long djb2( unsigned char const *str )
#define vdf_foreach( NODE, STR, AS ) \
-int __vdf_it_##__LINE__ = 0; \
+int __vdf_it_##AS = 0; \
vdf_node * AS;\
-while( (AS = vdf_next( NODE, STR, &__vdf_it_##__LINE__ )) )
+while( (AS = vdf_next( NODE, STR, &__vdf_it_##AS )) )
#define kv_foreach( NODE, STR, AS ) \
-int __kv_it_##__LINE__ = 0; \
+int __kv_it_##AS = 0; \
const char * AS;\
-while( (AS = kv_iter( NODE, STR, &__kv_it_##__LINE__ )) )
+while( (AS = kv_iter( NODE, STR, &__kv_it_##AS )) )
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
vdf_kv *pairs;
u32 user;
+ u32 user1;
vdf_node *vdf_next( vdf_node *node, const char *name, int *it )
#define SOLID_MAX_SIDES 512
+#define VMF_FLAG_IS_PROP 0x1
+#define VMF_FLAG_BRUSH_ENT 0x4
typedef struct vmf_solid vmf_solid;
typedef struct vmf_vert vmf_vert;
u32 hash;
vdf_node *root;
+ m4x3f transform;
+void solidgen_ctx_reset( vmf_solid *ctx )
+ csr_sb_clear( ctx->verts );
+ csr_sb_clear( ctx->indices );
void solidgen_ctx_init( vmf_solid *ctx )
const u32 init_size = 128;
return 0;
+int vmf_class_is_prop( vdf_node *ent )
+ return !strncmp( kv_get( ent, "classname", "" ), "prop_", 5 );
void vmf_populate_models( vdf_node *vmf, vmf_map *map )
vdf_foreach( vmf, "entity", ent )
// Use any class name with prop_
- if( !strncmp( kv_get( ent, "classname", "" ), "prop_", 5 ))
+ if( vmf_class_is_prop( ent ) )
// Check if it exists
const char *model_path = kv_get( ent, "model", "" );
// Assign prop-ID for later use
- ent->user = mdl_id;
+ ent->user = VMF_FLAG_IS_PROP;
+ ent->user1 = mdl_id;
vmf_populate_models( map->cache[i].root, map );
- printf( "Indexed (%u) models\n", csr_sb_count( map->models ) );
+ printf( "Indexed (%u) models\n", csr_sb_count( map->models )-1 );
u32 num_success = 0;
// TODO: Make nice loading bar
for( int i = 1; i < csr_sb_count( map->models ); i ++ )
- printf( "Load model (%d)\n", i );
struct vmf_model *mdl = &map->models[i];
if( mdl_from_find_files( mdl->str, &mdl->mdl ) )
num_success ++;
+ else
+ {
+ fprintf( stderr, "Failed to load model: %s\n", mdl->str );
+ }
- printf( "Done (%u of %u loaded)\n", num_success, csr_sb_count( map->models ) );
+ printf( "Done (%u of %u loaded)\n", num_success, csr_sb_count( map->models )-1 );
-void vmf_init_subvmf( vmf_map *map, const char *subvmf );
+u32 vmf_init_subvmf( vmf_map *map, const char *subvmf );
void vmf_load_all_instances( vmf_map *map, vdf_node *vmf )
const char *path = kv_get( ent, "file", "" );
if( strcmp( path, "" ) )
- vmf_init_subvmf( map, path );
+ if( (ent->user1 = vmf_init_subvmf( map, path )))
+ {
+ ent->user1 --;
+ ent->user = VMF_FLAG_IS_INSTANCE;
+ }
-void vmf_init_subvmf( vmf_map *map, const char *subvmf )
+// TODO: Merge this into above function.. doesnt need to be seperated
+u32 vmf_init_subvmf( vmf_map *map, const char *subvmf )
- printf( "Loading subvmf: %s\n", subvmf );
+ u32 id;
u32 hash = djb2( (const unsigned char *)subvmf );
// Check if present
- for( int i = 0; i < csr_sb_count( map->cache ); i ++ )
+ for( u32 i = 0; i < csr_sb_count( map->cache ); i ++ )
if( hash == map->cache[i].hash )
if( !strcmp( map->cache[i].name, subvmf ) )
- return;
+ return i+1;
+ printf( "Loading subvmf: %s\n", subvmf );
+ id = csr_sb_count( map->cache );
map->cache = csr_sb_reserve( map->cache, 1, sizeof( struct vmf_instance ));
- struct vmf_instance *inst = &map->cache[ csr_sb_count( map->cache ) ];
+ struct vmf_instance *inst = &map->cache[ id ];
if( (inst->root = vdf_open_file( subvmf )) )
// Recursive load other instances
vmf_load_all_instances( map, inst->root );
+ return id+1;
- // TODO: Don't die here?
fprintf( stderr, "Failed to load instance file\n" );
- exit(0);
+ return 0;
fprintf( stderr, "Could not open %s for writing\n", path );
+void vmf_entity_transform( vdf_node *ent, m4x3f mat )
+ v3f angles = {0.f,0.f,0.f};
+ v3f offset = {0.f,0.f,0.f};
+ float scale;
+ // Parse
+ scale = kv_get_float( ent, "uniformscale", 1.f );
+ kv_float_array( ent, "angles", 3, angles );
+ kv_float_array( ent, "origin", 3, offset );
+ // Translation
+ m4x3_translate( mat, offset );
+ // Make rotation ( Pitch yaw roll // YZX. Source->OpenGL ordering a lil messed up )
+ m4x3_rotate_z( mat, csr_rad( angles[1] ) );
+ m4x3_rotate_y( mat, csr_rad( angles[0] ) );
+ m4x3_rotate_x( mat, csr_rad( angles[2] ) );
+ // Scale
+ m4x3_scale( mat, scale );