m4x3f mtx, rb_sphere *sphere,
rb_ct *man )
- debug_sphere( mtx, sphere->radius, VG__BLACK );
int len = 0;
len = rb_sphere__scene( mtx, sphere, NULL, &world.rb_geo.inf.scene, man );
return 0;
+VG_STATIC int skate_grind_scansq( player_instance *player, v3f ra )
+ v3f pos;
+ m4x3_mulv( player->rb.to_world, ra, pos );
+ v4f plane;
+ v3_copy( player->rb.to_world[2], plane );
+ v3_normalize( plane );
+ plane[3] = v3_dot( plane, pos );
+ boxf box;
+ float r = 0.3f;
+ v3_add( pos, (v3f){ r, r, r }, box[1] );
+ v3_sub( pos, (v3f){ r, r, r }, box[0] );
+#if 0
+ vg_line_boxf( box, VG__BLUE );
+ m4x3f mtx;
+ m3x3_copy( player->rb.to_world, mtx );
+ v3_copy( pos, mtx[3] );
+ debug_sphere( mtx, r, VG__CYAN );
+ bh_iter it;
+ bh_iter_init( 0, &it );
+ int idx;
+ struct grind_sample
+ {
+ v2f co;
+ v2f normal;
+ v3f normal3;
+ }
+ samples[48];
+ int sample_count = 0;
+ v2f support_min,
+ support_max;
+ v3f support_axis;
+ v3_cross( plane, (v3f){0.0f,1.0f,0.0f}, support_axis );
+ v3_normalize( support_axis );
+ while( bh_next( world.geo_bh, &it, box, &idx ) )
+ {
+ u32 *ptri = &world.scene_geo->arrindices[ idx*3 ];
+ v3f tri[3];
+ for( int j=0; j<3; j++ )
+ v3_copy( world.scene_geo->arrvertices[ptri[j]].co, tri[j] );
+ for( int j=0; j<3; j++ )
+ {
+ int i0 = j,
+ i1 = (j+1) % 3;
+ struct grind_sample *sample = &samples[ sample_count ];
+ v3f co;
+ if( plane_segment( plane, tri[i0], tri[i1], co ) )
+ {
+ v3f d;
+ v3_sub( co, pos, d );
+ if( v3_length2( d ) > r*r )
+ continue;
+ v3f va, vb, normal;
+ v3_sub( tri[1], tri[0], va );
+ v3_sub( tri[2], tri[0], vb );
+ v3_cross( va, vb, normal );
+ sample->normal[0] = v3_dot( support_axis, normal );
+ sample->normal[1] = normal[1];
+ sample->co[0] = v3_dot( support_axis, d );
+ sample->co[1] = d[1];
+ v3_copy( normal, sample->normal3 ); /* normalize later
+ if we want to us it */
+ v2_normalize( sample->normal );
+ sample_count ++;
+ if( sample_count == vg_list_size( samples ) )
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( sample_count < 2 )
+ return 0;
+ v3f average_position,
+ average_direction;
+ v3_zero( average_position );
+ v3_zero( average_direction );
+ int passed_samples = 0;
+ for( int i=0; i<sample_count-1; i++ )
+ {
+ struct grind_sample *si, *sj;
+ si = &samples[i];
+ for( int j=i+1; j<sample_count; j++ )
+ {
+ if( i == j )
+ continue;
+ sj = &samples[j];
+ if( v2_dist2( si->co, sj->co ) <= (0.01f*0.01f) &&
+ v2_dot( si->normal, sj->normal ) < 0.7f )
+ {
+ /* TODO: Filter concave */
+ v3f p0;
+ v3_muls( support_axis, sj->co[0], p0 );
+ p0[1] += sj->co[1];
+ v3_add( average_position, p0, average_position );
+ v3f n0, n1, dir;
+ v3_copy( si->normal3, n0 );
+ v3_copy( sj->normal3, n1 );
+ v3_cross( n0, n1, dir );
+ v3_normalize( dir );
+ /* make sure the directions all face a common hemisphere */
+ v3_muls( dir, vg_signf(v3_dot(dir,plane)), dir );
+ v3_add( average_direction, dir, average_direction );
+ passed_samples ++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( !passed_samples )
+ return 0;
+ float div = 1.0f/(float)passed_samples;
+ v3_muls( average_position, div, average_position );
+ v3_muls( average_direction, div, average_direction ); /* !! not normed */
+ v3_add( pos, average_position, average_position );
+ vg_line_pt3( average_position, 0.02f, VG__GREEN );
+ v3f p0, p1;
+ v3_muladds( average_position, average_direction, 0.35f, p0 );
+ v3_muladds( average_position, average_direction, -0.35f, p1 );
+ vg_line( p0, p1, VG__PINK );
+ if( passed_samples )
+ {
+ v3f displacement, dir;
+ v3_sub( pos, average_position, displacement );
+ v3_copy( displacement, dir );
+ v3_normalize( dir );
+ v3f rv, raW;
+ q_mulv( player->rb.q, ra, raW );
+ v3_cross( player->rb.w, raW, rv );
+ v3_add( player->rb.v, rv, rv );
+ v3_muladds( rv, player->rb.to_world[2],
+ -v3_dot( rv, player->rb.to_world[2] ), rv );
+ v3f Fd, Fs, F;
+ v3_muls( displacement, -k_grind_spring, Fs );
+ v3_muls( rv, -k_grind_dampener, Fd );
+ v3_add( Fd, Fs, F );
+ v3_muls( F, k_rb_delta, F );
+ v3_add( player->rb.v, F, player->rb.v );
+ v3f wa;
+ v3_cross( raW, F, wa );
+ v3_add( player->rb.w, wa, player->rb.w );
+ /* Constraint based */
+ }
* Prediction system
{ w, 0.0f, l },
+ int wheel_states[] =
+ {
+ 1, 1, 1, 1
+ };
+ if( skate_grind_scansq( player, (v3f){ 0.0f, 0.0f, -l } ) )
+ {
+ wheel_states[0] = 0;
+ wheel_states[1] = 0;
+ }
+ if( skate_grind_scansq( player, (v3f){ 0.0f, 0.0f, l } ) )
+ {
+ wheel_states[2] = 0;
+ wheel_states[3] = 0;
+ }
rb_sphere collider;
collider.radius = 0.07f;
s->substep = k_rb_delta;
+ for( int i=0; i<4; i++ )
+ {
+ m4x3f mtx;
+ m3x3_copy( player->rb.to_world, mtx );
+ m4x3_mulv( player->rb.to_world, wheel_positions[i], mtx[3] );
+ debug_sphere( mtx, collider.radius, wheel_states[i]? VG__WHITE:
+ VG__BLACK );
+ }
#ifdef SKATE_CCD
for( int i=0; i<4; i++ )
+ if( !wheel_states[i] )
+ continue;
v3f current, future;
q_mulv( future_q, wheel_positions[i], future );
v3_add( future, future_co, future );
for( int i=0; i<4; i++ )
+ if( !wheel_states[i] )
+ continue;
m4x3f mtx;
m3x3_identity( mtx );
rb_prepare_contact( &manifold[i] );
- rb_debug_contact( &manifold[i] );
skate_collision_response( player, manifold, manifold_len );