struct player_phys *phys = &player.phys;
- if( phys->in_air )
- return;
- phys->in_air = 1;
float pstep = VG_TIMESTEP_FIXED * 10.0f;
float best_velocity_delta = -9999.9f;
float k_bias = 0.96f;
+VG_STATIC void player_physics_control_passive(void)
+ struct player_phys *phys = &player.phys;
+ float grabt = player.input_grab->axis.value;
+ if( grabt > 0.5f )
+ {
+ v2_muladds( phys->grab_mouse_delta, vg.mouse_delta, 0.02f,
+ phys->grab_mouse_delta );
+ v2_normalize_clamp( phys->grab_mouse_delta );
+ }
+ else
+ v2_zero( phys->grab_mouse_delta );
+ phys->grab = vg_lerpf( phys->grab, grabt, 0.14f );
+ player.phys.pushing = 0.0f;
+ if( !phys->jump_charge || phys->in_air )
+ {
+ phys->jump -= k_jump_charge_speed * VG_TIMESTEP_FIXED;
+ }
+ phys->jump_charge = 0;
+ phys->jump = vg_clampf( phys->jump, 0.0f, 1.0f );
* Main friction interface model
steer_scaled = vg_signf(steer) * powf(steer,2.0f) * k_steer_ground;
phys->iY -= steer_scaled * VG_TIMESTEP_FIXED;
+ if( !phys->jump_charge && phys->jump > 0.2f )
+ {
+ v3f jumpdir;
+ /* Launch more up if alignment is up else improve velocity */
+ float aup = fabsf(v3_dot( (v3f){0.0f,1.0f,0.0f}, phys->rb.up )),
+ mod = 0.5f,
+ dir = mod + aup*(1.0f-mod);
+ v3_copy( phys->rb.v, jumpdir );
+ v3_normalize( jumpdir );
+ v3_muls( jumpdir, 1.0f-dir, jumpdir );
+ v3_muladds( jumpdir, phys->rb.up, dir, jumpdir );
+ v3_normalize( jumpdir );
+ float force = k_jump_force*phys->jump;
+ v3_muladds( phys->rb.v, jumpdir, force, phys->rb.v );
+ phys->jump = 0.0f;
+ player.jump_time = vg.time;
+ /* TODO: Move to audio file */
+ audio_lock();
+ audio_player_set_flags( &audio_player_extra, AUDIO_FLAG_SPACIAL_3D );
+ audio_player_set_position( &audio_player_extra, phys->rb.co );
+ audio_player_set_vol( &audio_player_extra, 20.0f );
+ audio_player_playclip( &audio_player_extra, &audio_jumps[rand()%2] );
+ audio_unlock();
+ }
+VG_STATIC void player_physics_control_grind(void)
+ struct player_phys *phys = &player.phys;
+ v2f steer = { player.input_js1h->axis.value,
+ player.input_js1v->axis.value };
+ float l2 = v2_length2( steer );
+ if( l2 > 1.0f )
+ v2_muls( steer, 1.0f/sqrtf(l2), steer );
+ phys->iY -= steer[0] * k_steer_air * VG_TIMESTEP_FIXED;
+ float iX = steer[1] * phys->reverse * k_steer_air * VG_TIMESTEP_FIXED;
+ static float siX = 0.0f;
+ siX = vg_lerpf( siX, iX, k_steer_air_lerp );
+ v4f rotate;
+ q_axis_angle( rotate, phys->rb.right, siX );
+ q_mul( rotate, phys->rb.q, phys->rb.q );
+ phys->slip = 0.0f;
limiter *= limiter;
limiter = 1.0f-limiter;
- if( angle < 0.99f )
+ if( fabsf(angle) < 0.99f )
v4f correction;
q_axis_angle( correction, axis,
vg_line_cross( closest, 0xff000000, 0.3f );
vg_line( edge->p0, edge->p1, 0xff000000 );
- return;
+ v3f grind_delta;
+ v3_sub( closest, phys->rb.co, grind_delta );
+ float p = v3_dot( phys->rb.forward, grind_delta );
+ v3_muladds( grind_delta, phys->rb.forward, -p, grind_delta );
+ float a = vg_maxf( 0.0f, 4.0f-v3_dist2( closest, phys->rb.co ) );
+ v3_muladds( phys->rb.v, grind_delta, a*0.2f, phys->rb.v );
+VG_STATIC int player_update_grind_collision( rb_ct *contact )
+ struct player_phys *phys = &player.phys;
- idx = bh_closest_point( world.geo_bh, phys->rb.co, closest, INFINITY );
- vg_line( phys->rb.co, closest, 0xff000000 );
- vg_line_cross( closest, 0xff000000, 0.3f );
+ bh_iter it;
+ bh_iter_init( 0, &it );
+ boxf region;
+ v3f p0, p1, c0, c1;
+ v3_muladds( phys->rb.co, phys->rb.forward, 0.5f, p0 );
+ v3_muladds( phys->rb.co, phys->rb.forward, -0.5f, p1 );
+ v3_muladds( p0, phys->rb.up, 0.125f, p0 );
+ v3_muladds( p1, phys->rb.up, 0.125f, p1 );
+ box_init_inf( region );
+ box_addpt( region, p0 );
+ box_addpt( region, p1 );
- idx = world.scene_geo->arrindices[ idx * 3 ];
- struct world_material *mat = world_tri_index_material( idx );
+ float const k_r = 0.25f;
+ v3_add( (v3f){ k_r, k_r, k_r}, region[1], region[1] );
+ v3_add( (v3f){-k_r,-k_r,-k_r}, region[0], region[0] );
+ vg_line( p0, p1, 0xff0000ff );
+ vg_line_boxf( region, 0xff0000ff );
- if( mat->info.flags & k_material_flag_grind_surface )
+ float closest = k_r*k_r;
+ struct grind_edge *closest_edge = NULL;
+ int idx;
+ while( bh_next( world.grind_bh, &it, region, &idx ) )
- v3f grind_delta;
- v3_sub( closest, phys->rb.co, grind_delta );
- float p = v3_dot( phys->rb.forward, grind_delta );
- v3_muladds( grind_delta, phys->rb.forward, -p, grind_delta );
- float a = vg_maxf( 0.0f, 4.0f-v3_dist2( closest, phys->rb.co ) );
- v3_muladds( phys->rb.v, grind_delta, a*0.2f, phys->rb.v );
+ struct grind_edge *edge = &world.grind_edges[ idx ];
+ float s,t;
+ v3f pa, pb;
+ float d2 =
+ closest_segment_segment( p0, p1, edge->p0, edge->p1, &s,&t, pa, pb );
+ if( d2 < closest )
+ {
+ closest = d2;
+ closest_edge = edge;
+ v3_copy( pa, c0 );
+ v3_copy( pb, c1 );
+ }
+ if( closest_edge )
+ {
+ vg_line_cross( c0, 0xff000000, 0.1f );
+ vg_line_cross( c1, 0xff000000, 0.1f );
+ vg_line( c0, c1, 0xff000000 );
+ v3f delta;
+ v3_sub( c1, c0, delta );
+ if( v3_dot( delta, phys->rb.up ) > 0.0f )
+ {
+ v3_copy( delta, contact->n );
+ float l = v3_length( contact->n );
+ v3_muls( contact->n, 1.0f/l, contact->n );
+ contact->p = l;
+ contact->type = k_contact_type_edge;
+ contact->element_id = 0;
+ v3_copy( c1, contact->co );
+ contact->rba = &player.phys.rb;
+ contact->rbb = &world.rb_geo;
+ v3f edge_dir, axis_dir;
+ v3_sub( closest_edge->p1, closest_edge->p0, edge_dir );
+ v3_normalize( edge_dir );
+ v3_cross( (v3f){0.0f,1.0f,0.0f}, edge_dir, axis_dir );
+ v3_cross( edge_dir, axis_dir, contact->n );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+#if 0
+ v3f closest;
+ int idx = bh_closest_point( world.grind_bh, phys->rb.co, closest, INFINITY );
+ if( idx != -1 )
+ {
+ struct grind_edge *edge = &world.grind_edges[ idx ];
+ vg_line( phys->rb.co, closest, 0xff000000 );
+ vg_line_cross( closest, 0xff000000, 0.3f );
+ vg_line( edge->p0, edge->p1, 0xff000000 );
+ v3f delta;
+ v3_sub( closest, phys->rb.co, delta );
+ if( v3_length2(delta) < 0.5f*0.5f )
+ {
+ v3_copy( closest, phys->rb.co );
+ v3f line_dir;
+ v3_sub( edge->p1, edge->p0, line_dir );
+ v3_normalize( line_dir );
+ float p = v3_dot( phys->rb.v, line_dir );
+ v3_muls( line_dir, p, phys->rb.v );
+ phys->grind = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ phys->grind = 0;
+ }
- * Physics collision detection, and control
- */
-VG_STATIC void player_physics(void)
+/* Manifold must be able to hold at least 64 elements */
+VG_STATIC int player_update_collision_manifold( rb_ct *manifold )
struct player_phys *phys = &player.phys;
- /*
- * Update collision fronts
- */
rigidbody *rbf = &player.collide_front,
*rbb = &player.collide_back;
rb_debug( rbf, 0xff00ffff );
rb_debug( rbb, 0xffffff00 );
- rb_ct manifold[64];
int len_f = 0,
len_b = 0;
len_b = rb_manifold_apply_filtered( man_b, len_b );
- int len = len_f+len_b;
- player_grind();
- boxf bax;
- v3_sub( phys->rb.co, (v3f){2.0f,2.0f,2.0f}, bax[0] );
- v3_add( phys->rb.co, (v3f){2.0f,2.0f,2.0f}, bax[1] );
+#if 0
* Preprocess collision points, and create a surface picture.
* we want contacts that are within our 'capsule's internal line to be
v3_normalize( manifold[i].n );
- rb_presolve_contacts( manifold, len );
- v3f surface_avg = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
+ return len_f + len_b;
+VG_STATIC void player_adhere_ground( rb_ct *manifold, int len )
+ struct player_phys *phys = &player.phys;
+ int was_in_air = phys->in_air;
- if( !len )
+ v3f surface_avg;
+ v3_zero( surface_avg );
+ if( len == 0 )
- player_start_air();
+ phys->lift_frames ++;
+ if( phys->lift_frames >= 8 )
+ phys->in_air = 1;
for( int i=0; i<len; i++ )
- {
- v3_add( manifold[i].n, surface_avg, surface_avg );
- }
+ v3_add( surface_avg, manifold[i].n, surface_avg );
v3_normalize( surface_avg );
- if( v3_dot( phys->rb.v, surface_avg ) > 0.5f )
+ if( v3_dot( phys->rb.v, surface_avg ) > 0.7f )
- player_start_air();
+ phys->lift_frames ++;
+ if( phys->lift_frames >= 8 )
+ phys->in_air = 1;
phys->in_air = 0;
+ phys->lift_frames = 0;
+ v3f projected, axis;
+ float const DOWNFORCE = -k_downforce*VG_TIMESTEP_FIXED;
+ v3_muladds( phys->rb.v, phys->rb.up, DOWNFORCE, phys->rb.v );
+ float d = v3_dot( phys->rb.forward, surface_avg );
+ v3_muladds( surface_avg, phys->rb.forward, -d, projected );
+ v3_normalize( projected );
+ float angle = v3_dot( phys->rb.up, projected );
+ v3_cross( phys->rb.up, projected, axis );
+ v3f p0, p1;
+ v3_add( phys->rb.co, projected, p0 );
+ v3_add( phys->rb.co, phys->rb.up, p1 );
+ vg_line( phys->rb.co, p0, 0xff00ff00 );
+ vg_line( phys->rb.co, p1, 0xff000fff );
+ if( fabsf(angle) < 0.999f )
+ {
+ v4f correction;
+ q_axis_angle( correction, axis,
+ acosf(angle)*4.0f*VG_TIMESTEP_FIXED );
+ q_mul( correction, phys->rb.q, phys->rb.q );
+ }
+ if( !was_in_air && phys->in_air )
+ player_start_air();
+VG_STATIC void player_collision_response( rb_ct *manifold, int len )
+ struct player_phys *phys = &player.phys;
for( int j=0; j<5; j++ )
for( int i=0; i<len; i++ )
float wy = v3_dot( phys->rb.up, impulse ),
- wx = v3_dot( phys->rb.right, impulse )*1.5f;
+ wx = v3_dot( phys->rb.right, impulse )*1.8f;
v3_muladds( phys->rb.w, phys->rb.up, wy, phys->rb.w );
v3_muladds( phys->rb.w, phys->rb.right, wx, phys->rb.w );
- float grabt = player.input_grab->axis.value;
- if( grabt > 0.5f )
- {
- v2_muladds( phys->grab_mouse_delta, vg.mouse_delta, 0.02f,
- phys->grab_mouse_delta );
- v2_normalize_clamp( phys->grab_mouse_delta );
- }
- else
- v2_zero( phys->grab_mouse_delta );
- phys->grab = vg_lerpf( phys->grab, grabt, 0.14f );
- player.phys.pushing = 0.0f;
- if( !phys->in_air )
- {
- v3f projected, axis;
- float d = v3_dot( phys->rb.forward, surface_avg );
- v3_muladds( surface_avg, phys->rb.forward, -d, projected );
- v3_normalize( projected );
- float angle = v3_dot( phys->rb.up, projected );
- v3_cross( phys->rb.up, projected, axis );
- v3f p0, p1;
- v3_add( phys->rb.co, projected, p0 );
- v3_add( phys->rb.co, phys->rb.up, p1 );
- vg_line( phys->rb.co, p0, 0xff00ff00 );
- vg_line( phys->rb.co, p1, 0xff000fff );
- if( fabsf(angle) < 0.999f )
- {
- v4f correction;
- q_axis_angle( correction, axis, acosf(angle)*4.0f*VG_TIMESTEP_FIXED );
- q_mul( correction, phys->rb.q, phys->rb.q );
- }
- float const DOWNFORCE = -k_downforce*VG_TIMESTEP_FIXED;
- v3_muladds( phys->rb.v, phys->rb.up, DOWNFORCE, phys->rb.v );
- player_physics_control();
- if( !phys->jump_charge && phys->jump > 0.2f )
- {
- v3f jumpdir;
- /* Launch more up if alignment is up else improve velocity */
- float aup = fabsf(v3_dot( (v3f){0.0f,1.0f,0.0f}, phys->rb.up )),
- mod = 0.5f,
- dir = mod + aup*(1.0f-mod);
- v3_copy( phys->rb.v, jumpdir );
- v3_normalize( jumpdir );
- v3_muls( jumpdir, 1.0f-dir, jumpdir );
- v3_muladds( jumpdir, phys->rb.up, dir, jumpdir );
- v3_normalize( jumpdir );
- float force = k_jump_force*phys->jump;
- v3_muladds( phys->rb.v, jumpdir, force, phys->rb.v );
- phys->jump = 0.0f;
- player.jump_time = vg.time;
- /* TODO: Move to audio file */
- audio_lock();
- audio_player_set_flags( &audio_player_extra, AUDIO_FLAG_SPACIAL_3D );
- audio_player_set_position( &audio_player_extra, phys->rb.co );
- audio_player_set_vol( &audio_player_extra, 20.0f );
- audio_player_playclip( &audio_player_extra, &audio_jumps[rand()%2] );
- audio_unlock();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- player_physics_control_air();
- }
- if( !phys->jump_charge )
- {
- phys->jump -= k_jump_charge_speed * VG_TIMESTEP_FIXED;
- }
- phys->jump_charge = 0;
- phys->jump = vg_clampf( phys->jump, 0.0f, 1.0f );
VG_STATIC void player_save_frame(void)
v3f prevco;
v3_copy( phys->rb.co, prevco );
if( phys->on_board )
- player_physics();
+ rb_ct manifold[72];
+ int len = player_update_collision_manifold( manifold );
+ int grind_col = player_update_grind_collision( &manifold[len] );
+ if( grind_col )
+ {
+ phys->grind = 1;
+ v3f up = { 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f };
+ float angle = v3_dot( phys->rb.up, up );
+ v3f axis;
+ v3_cross( phys->rb.up, up, axis );
+ if( fabsf(angle) < 0.99f )
+ {
+ v4f correction;
+ q_axis_angle( correction, axis,
+ VG_TIMESTEP_FIXED * 10.0f * acosf(angle) );
+ q_mul( correction, phys->rb.q, phys->rb.q );
+ }
+ float const DOWNFORCE = -k_downforce*2.0f*VG_TIMESTEP_FIXED;
+ v3_muladds( phys->rb.v, phys->rb.up, DOWNFORCE, phys->rb.v );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ phys->grind = 0;
+ player_adhere_ground( manifold, len );
+ }
+ rb_presolve_contacts( manifold, len+ VG_MAX(0,grind_col) );
+ player_collision_response( manifold, len+ VG_MAX(0,grind_col) );
+ player_physics_control_passive();
+ if( grind_col )
+ player_physics_control_grind();
+ else
+ {
+ if( phys->in_air )
+ player_physics_control_air();
+ else
+ player_physics_control();
+ }