struct aatree_node
- aatree_ptr left, right;
+ aatree_ptr left, right, parent;
u32 level, count;
aatree_recount( tree, t );
aatree_recount( tree, l );
+ /* B's parent is now T,
+ * T's parent is now L,
+ * L's parent is now T's old parent */
+ plnode->parent = ptnode->parent;
+ ptnode->parent = l;
+ if( ptnode->left != AATREE_PTR_NIL )
+ aatree_get_node( tree, ptnode->left )->parent = t;
return l;
aatree_recount( tree, t );
aatree_recount( tree, r );
+ /* B's parent is now T,
+ * T's parent is now R,
+ * R's parent is now T's old parent */
+ prnode->parent = ptnode->parent;
+ ptnode->parent = r;
+ if( ptnode->right != AATREE_PTR_NIL )
+ aatree_get_node( tree, ptnode->right )->parent = t;
return r;
return t;
+static int aatree_verify( aatree *tree, aatree_ptr t );
static aatree_ptr aatree_insert( aatree *tree, aatree_ptr t, aatree_ptr x )
aatree_node *pxnode = aatree_get_node( tree, x );
pxnode->left = AATREE_PTR_NIL;
pxnode->right = AATREE_PTR_NIL;
+ pxnode->parent = AATREE_PTR_NIL;
pxnode->level = 0;
pxnode->count = 1;
return x;
ptnode->count ++;
if( cmp_result <= 0 )
+ {
ptnode->left = aatree_insert( tree, ptnode->left, x );
+ aatree_node *plnode = aatree_get_node( tree, ptnode->left );
+ plnode->parent = t;
+ }
+ {
ptnode->right = aatree_insert( tree, ptnode->right, x );
+ aatree_node *prnode = aatree_get_node( tree, ptnode->right );
+ prnode->parent = t;
+ }
t = aatree_skew( tree, t );
t = aatree_split( tree, t );
return t;
-static aatree_ptr aatree_del( aatree *tree, aatree_ptr t, aatree_ptr x )
+static void aatree_link_down( aatree *tree, aatree_ptr p, aatree_ptr *pl,
+ aatree_ptr l )
- if( t == AATREE_PTR_NIL ) return t;
- return AATREE_PTR_NIL; /*TODO*/
+ *pl = l;
+ if( *pl != AATREE_PTR_NIL )
+ aatree_get_node( tree, *pl )->parent = p;
+static aatree_ptr aatree_del( aatree *tree, aatree_ptr x )
+ /* Simulate what we would have created on the tail,
+ * we work along the tail in order, doing the same as the regular
+ * implementation. This only works because we have parent pointers. */
+ aatree_ptr it = x,
+ up[32];
+ int count = 1, dir = 0;
+ aatree_node *search = aatree_get_node( tree, x );
+ while(1)
+ if( search->parent == AATREE_PTR_NIL ) break;
+ else
+ {
+ search = aatree_get_node( tree, search->parent );
+ count ++;
+ }
+ int top=0;
+ while(1)
+ {
+ int index = count - (++top);
+ up[ index ] = it;
+ aatree_node *itnode = aatree_get_node( tree, it );
+ if( itnode->parent == AATREE_PTR_NIL )
+ break;
+ else
+ it = itnode->parent;
+ }
+ aatree_ptr _ptrswap_src = AATREE_PTR_NIL,
+ _ptrswap_dst = AATREE_PTR_NIL;
+ aatree_node *pxnode = aatree_get_node( tree, x );
+ aatree_ptr root = up[ count-1 ];
+ if( pxnode->left == AATREE_PTR_NIL || pxnode->right == AATREE_PTR_NIL )
+ {
+ if( --top != 0 )
+ {
+ aatree_node *pnode = aatree_get_node( tree, up[top-1] ),
+ *parent = aatree_get_node( tree, pxnode->parent );
+ aatree_ptr next = pxnode->left == AATREE_PTR_NIL?
+ pxnode->right:
+ pxnode->left;
+ if( parent->left == x ) pnode->left = next;
+ else pnode->right = next;
+ if( next != AATREE_PTR_NIL )
+ {
+ aatree_node *pnext = aatree_get_node( tree, next );
+ pnext->parent = up[top-1];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( pxnode->right != AATREE_PTR_NIL ) root = pxnode->right;
+ else if( pxnode->left != AATREE_PTR_NIL ) root = pxnode->left;
+ else return AATREE_PTR_NIL;
+ aatree_node *newroot = aatree_get_node( tree, root );
+ newroot->parent = AATREE_PTR_NIL;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aatree_ptr heir = pxnode->right,
+ prev = x;
+ aatree_node *pheir = aatree_get_node( tree, heir );
+ while( pheir->left != AATREE_PTR_NIL )
+ {
+ up[top++] = prev = heir;
+ heir = pheir->left;
+ pheir = aatree_get_node( tree, heir );
+ }
+ _ptrswap_dst = heir;
+ _ptrswap_src = x;
+ aatree_node *pprev = aatree_get_node( tree, prev );
+ if( prev == x )
+ aatree_link_down( tree, prev, &pprev->right, pheir->right );
+ else
+ aatree_link_down( tree, prev, &pprev->left, pheir->right );
+ }
+ while( --top >= 0 )
+ {
+ if( top != 0 )
+ {
+ aatree_node *above = aatree_get_node( tree, up[top-1] );
+ dir = above->right == up[top];
+ }
+ aatree_recount( tree, up[top] );
+ aatree_node *pntop = aatree_get_node( tree, up[top] );
+ if( pntop->left == AATREE_PTR_NIL || pntop->right == AATREE_PTR_NIL ){}
+ else
+ {
+ aatree_node
+ *pnl = aatree_get_node( tree, pntop->left ),
+ *pnr = aatree_get_node( tree, pntop->right );
+ if( pnl->level < pntop->level-1 || pnr->level < pntop->level-1 )
+ {
+ if( pnr->level > --pntop->level )
+ pnr->level = pntop->level;
+ up[top] = aatree_skew( tree, up[top] );
+ aatree_node *ut = aatree_get_node( tree, up[top] );
+ ut->right = aatree_skew( tree, ut->right );
+ aatree_node *utr = aatree_get_node( tree, ut->right );
+ utr->right = aatree_skew( tree, utr->right );
+ up[top] = aatree_split( tree, up[top] );
+ ut = aatree_get_node( tree, up[top] );
+ ut->right = aatree_split( tree, ut->right );
+ }
+ }
+ if( top != 0 )
+ {
+ aatree_node *ut1 = aatree_get_node( tree, up[top-1] );
+ if( dir == 1 )
+ aatree_link_down( tree, up[top-1], &ut1->right, up[top] );
+ else
+ aatree_link_down( tree, up[top-1], &ut1->left, up[top] );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ root = up[top];
+ aatree_get_node( tree, root )->parent = AATREE_PTR_NIL;
+ }
+ }
+ if( _ptrswap_dst != AATREE_PTR_NIL )
+ {
+ /* Copy everything except data from _src to _dst, relink.
+ * This is a bit of a messy addon, since the algorithm is originally
+ * based around moving the actual data(key) around, but we have the
+ * requirement that data can't move, so everything is done normally but
+ * the pointers are just swapped afterwards.
+ */
+ aatree_node *pdst = aatree_get_node( tree, _ptrswap_dst ),
+ *psrc = aatree_get_node( tree, _ptrswap_src );
+ pdst->count = psrc->count;
+ pdst->level = psrc->level;
+ pdst->left = psrc->left;
+ pdst->right = psrc->right;
+ pdst->parent = psrc->parent;
+ if( pdst->parent != AATREE_PTR_NIL )
+ {
+ aatree_node *parent = aatree_get_node( tree, pdst->parent );
+ if( parent->left == _ptrswap_src )
+ parent->left = _ptrswap_dst;
+ else if( parent->right == _ptrswap_src )
+ parent->right = _ptrswap_dst;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ root = _ptrswap_dst;
+ }
+ if( pdst->left != AATREE_PTR_NIL )
+ aatree_get_node( tree, pdst->left )->parent = _ptrswap_dst;
+ if( pdst->right != AATREE_PTR_NIL )
+ aatree_get_node( tree, pdst->right )->parent = _ptrswap_dst;
+ }
+ return root;
- * Debugging stuff
+ * Debugging stuff, everything below is scaffholding and will be removed
* =============================================================================
+static int aatree_verify_split( aatree *tree, aatree_ptr t )
+ if( t == AATREE_PTR_NIL ) return 1;
+ aatree_node *ptnode = aatree_get_node( tree, t );
+ if( ptnode->right == AATREE_PTR_NIL ) return 1;
+ aatree_node *prnode = aatree_get_node( tree, ptnode->right );
+ if( prnode->right == AATREE_PTR_NIL ) return 1;
+ aatree_node *prrnode = aatree_get_node( tree, prnode->right );
+ if( ptnode->level == prrnode->level )
+ return 0;
+ return 1;
+static int aatree_verify_skew( aatree *tree, aatree_ptr t )
+ if( t == AATREE_PTR_NIL ) return 1;
+ aatree_node *ptnode = aatree_get_node( tree, t );
+ if( ptnode->left == AATREE_PTR_NIL ) return 1;
+ aatree_node *plnode = aatree_get_node( tree, ptnode->left );
+ if( plnode->level == ptnode->level )
+ return 0;
+ return 1;
+static int aatree_verify( aatree *tree, aatree_ptr t )
+ aatree_node *ptnode = aatree_get_node( tree, t );
+ if( ptnode->parent != AATREE_PTR_NIL )
+ {
+ aatree_node *parent = aatree_get_node( tree, ptnode->parent );
+ if( !(parent->left == t || parent->right == t) )
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if( ptnode->left != AATREE_PTR_NIL )
+ if( aatree_get_node( tree, ptnode->left )->parent != t )
+ return 0;
+ if( ptnode->right != AATREE_PTR_NIL )
+ if( aatree_get_node( tree, ptnode->right )->parent != t )
+ return 0;
+ return aatree_verify_skew( tree, t ) &&
+ aatree_verify_split( tree, t );
static void aatree_show_r( aatree *tree, aatree_ptr t, int lvl,
void(*p_show)(void *data) )
static void aatree_show_counts( aatree *tree, aatree_ptr t, int lvl, int *ln,
- void(*p_show)(void *data) )
+ int *err,
+ void(*p_show)(void *data), int show )
+ if( lvl > 20 )
+ return;
if( t == AATREE_PTR_NIL ) return;
aatree_node *ptnode = aatree_get_node( tree, t );
void *data = aatree_get_data( tree, t );
- aatree_show_counts( tree, ptnode->left, lvl+1, ln, p_show );
+ aatree_show_counts( tree, ptnode->left, lvl+1, ln, err, p_show, show );
- printf( " %03d| ", *ln );
+ if( show ) printf( " %03d| ", *ln );
*ln = *ln +1;
- for( int i=0; i<lvl; i++ )
- {
- printf( " " );
- }
- p_show( data );
- printf( " (%d, %d) \n", t, ptnode->count );
- aatree_show_counts( tree, ptnode->right, lvl+1, ln, p_show );
-#endif /* VG_STORE_H */
-#if 0
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include "vg/vg_platform.h"
-#include "vg/vg_stdint.h"
-#include "vg/vg_store.h"
-#include "vg/vg_io.h"
-#include "vg/vg_m.h"
-typedef struct yoyo_t yoyo_t;
-struct yoyo_t
- int my_data;
- aatree_node anode;
-static void yoyo_t_show( void *_data )
- yoyo_t *data = _data;
- printf( "%d ", data->my_data );
-static int yoyo_t_cmpv( void *_a, void *_v )
- yoyo_t *a = _a;
- int *b = _v;
- return *b - a->my_data;
+ if( show )
+ for( int i=0; i<lvl; i++ )
+ printf( " " );
-static int yoyo_t_cmp( void *_a, void *_b )
- yoyo_t *a = _a, *b = _b;
- return b->my_data - a->my_data;
+ if( show )
+ {
+ p_show( data );
-int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
- yoyo_t *allsorts = malloc( sizeof(yoyo_t) * 10000 );
- aatree test;
- test.base = allsorts;
- test.offset = offsetof( yoyo_t, anode );
- test.stride = sizeof( yoyo_t );
- test.p_cmp = yoyo_t_cmp;
- test.p_cmpv = yoyo_t_cmpv;
- aatree_ptr root = AATREE_PTR_NIL;
+ if( ptnode->left != AATREE_PTR_NIL && ptnode->right != AATREE_PTR_NIL )
+ printf( "|" );
+ if( ptnode->left != AATREE_PTR_NIL && ptnode->right == AATREE_PTR_NIL )
+ printf( "/" );
+ if( ptnode->left == AATREE_PTR_NIL && ptnode->right != AATREE_PTR_NIL )
+ printf( "\\" );
- for( int i=0; i<20; i++ )
- {
- yoyo_t *rando = &allsorts[i];
- rando->my_data = vg_randf() * 10.0f;
- root = aatree_insert( &test, root, i );
+ printf( " (%d, %d, parent: %d. V: %d, level: %d) \n", t,
+ ptnode->count, ptnode->parent,
+ aatree_verify( tree, t ), ptnode->level);
- int ln=0;
- aatree_show_counts( &test, root, 0, &ln, yoyo_t_show );
- int value = 3;
- vg_info( "Ptr of %d: %u\n", value, aatree_ptrof( &test, root, &value ) );
- for( int i=0; i<20; i++ )
+ if( !aatree_verify( tree, t ) )
- yoyo_t *v = aatree_get_data(&test,aatree_kth( &test, root, i ));
- vg_info( "Value of [%d]: %d\n", i, v->my_data );
+ if( show )
+ printf( "error\n" );
+ *err = 1;
- free( allsorts );
- return 0;
+ aatree_show_counts( tree, ptnode->right, lvl+1, ln, err, p_show, show );
+#endif /* VG_STORE_H */